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Abstract submission deadline extension and hybrid conference format

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PhysioNet Challenge

Apr 19, 2021, 12:23:48 PM4/19/21
to physionet-challenges
Dear Challengers,

Computing in Cardiology has extended its abstract submission deadline to April 24, 2021 in recognition of the current conditions in most of the world. If you were unable to submit an abstract by the original deadline, then we encourage you to submit one before the extended deadline.

CinC will again be a hybrid conference with both in-person and remote attendees. Both in-person and remote attendees will be eligible for Challenge prizes. While we usually require in-person attendance because of its importance to the Challenges, we are making an exception because of the pandemic.

Unfortunately, we will not have time to provide feedback on additional entries before the extended abstract deadline, but you can still submit an abstract even if you don't yet have a successful entry. The strongest abstracts don't necessarily have the highest scores — clear writing about your interesting approach is much more compelling to the reviewers. However, you can (and should) include cross-validation results from the training data in your abstract whether or not you have scores on the validation data. Please see the advice in our previous announcement:

We wish you the best of luck and hope to see your abstract soon!


(On behalf of the Challenge team.)

Please post questions and comments in the forum. However, if your question reveals information about your entry, then please email challenge at We may post parts of our reply publicly if we feel that all Challengers should benefit from it. We will not answer emails about the Challenge to any other address. This email is maintained by a group. Please do not email us individually.
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