I'm putting the finishing touches on some data journalism stuff -
trying to describe something magical and graphical in the confines of
an eInk Kindle. ;-) But I could easily do a visualization talk on data
journalism if people are interested.
March 21 works for me - what about a venue? Thetus?
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"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." -- Paul Erdős
Which I have yet to experience ... sounds great!
Incidentally - have you wandered by the new Wolfram|Alpha site yet?
They've just put up a "Pro" option that looks like a data geek's
heaven. They have a 14-day free trial, which I signed up for, of
course. I think in the end I won't subscribe - their "CDF" format and
tools are proprietary and that's a deal-breaker for me even at only
$4.99 a month.
What did folks think of Collective Agency? I was at the last meeting there and thought it worked out quite well.
On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 11:10 AM, ryan miller <ninjas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> RSVP on plancast
> http://plancast.com/p/9u8e
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Justin Donaldson has been added to the line up. He'll be showing off some data viz work for machine learning
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