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Fwd: NST Election NOTICE: Remaining Timeline of ELection

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NST Admin

Dec 23, 2021, 6:04:40 PM12/23/21

Respected Community Members,

As we are approaching the election date of December 26, Election committee would like to announce the TIME LINE for the remaining process of election to elect the new Executive Committee for 2022-2023.

Timeline for the Election of NST Executive Committee


Quiet period

Starts at midnight 12/23/2021, (Dec 23rd, 2021, 23:59) US Central Standard time. After midnight Dec 23rd2021, all election campaign activities from candidates and voters shall be suspended.

Election Day & Certify the Results:   

     December 26 [8.30Am-7Pm]

Venue for the Election:  

1800 Valley view Lane, Suite  #104, Irving, TX 75061

                                 [Curry leaf Restaurant]

As always, Election committee of NST requests its members, candidates, affiliated organizations, all profit and non-for profit organizations active in DFW metropolis and in Texas, and well-wishers to help for the success of election process to elect the new Executive committee 2022-2023.

NOTE;  Election committee reserves the right to suspend candidacy, request removal of candidates from polling place, if it finds the violation of NST bylaws or this code of conduct by any candidate. [Candidates & Voters Code of conduct is attached]


Thank You Very Much


Election Committee 2021, Nepalese Society of Texas

1.       Dr. Prem Adhikari –Chair []

2.       Mr. Basu Bhandary

3.       Mr. Bhim Karki (CPA)

4.       Dr. Nanda Regmi

5.       Mr. Suman Thapa

6.       Mr. Mahesh Nepal

7.       Mrs. Srijana Sharma

Thank You Very Much and Have a Blessed Day !!!

Code of conduct_.pdf
FinalTimeline for the Election of NST Executive Committee.docx
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