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András P.

Jan 6, 2021, 11:44:16 AM1/6/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Hi Slovak OSM Community!

What do you suppose we should use in the name:hu where the Hungarian name is not completely obvious?

For example:
Štvrtok na Ostrove 
in Hungarian it was only Csütörtök  but on the street signs it is Csallóközcsütörtök.

So should we use the "official" Hungarian name or what is on the street sign? I put official in ""-s as you can see even this village uses the other name on their website.

Same situation with Čakany


Jozef Matejička

Jan 6, 2021, 1:22:43 PM1/6/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
I would put in name:hu official name and into the short name.

But since this might be a sensitive topic for some, I am looking for an another view. 


Dne st 6. 1. 2021 17:44 uživatel András P. <> napsal:
Túto správu ste dostali, pretože v Skupinách Google ste odberateľom skupiny "Openstreetmap Slovakia".
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A.In.The.K A.In.The.K

Jan 6, 2021, 6:01:11 PM1/6/21


shell work, anyone else with better "more correct" ideas.

Sent from my iPhone

On 6 Jan 2021, at 19:22, Jozef Matejička <> wrote:

András P.

Jan 7, 2021, 2:56:30 AM1/7/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Just to make obivous:
By official I meant Hungarian name giving between 1898 and 1912. This was the era when they gave all settlements an unique name. The Hungarian Wikipedia uses these names today.

Is there any Slovak site where the official Hungarian names listed? If not:
a/ we can use the Hungarian Wikipedia names
b/ we can use what is on the street sign below the Slovak name (usually the settlement uses this name on their webpage)

Sorry if I was confusing.

Slavomír Huštatý

Jan 7, 2021, 3:02:15 AM1/7/21
It was not confusing, it was polite way to tell you that Austro-Hungarian monarchy lost in WW1, that Hungary lost in WW2 and that there was a lot of repression done on Czechoslovak/Czech/Slovak citizens in times of hungarian occupation of these "territories". Hope this explains you our feelings about your initiative and pre-WW1 topics.

Have a nice life.

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András P.

Jan 7, 2021, 3:21:17 AM1/7/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Sorry I didn't mean to make this history topic. 

I had just one simple question.

" name:hu=official name in Hungarian " quote from OSM Multilingual wiki page at Slovak part
Where can I check the official name? That is the simple question and we can close this topic.

Jan 7, 2021, 3:42:02 AM1/7/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Štvrtok na Ostrove
official HU name Csallóközcsütörtök

official HU name Csákány

use government regulation 534/2011 on

Dátum: štvrtok 7. januára 2021, čas: 9:21:17 UTC+1, odosielateľ: András P.

Jan 7, 2021, 4:59:46 AM1/7/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Skontroloval som podľa toho obce v okrese Rožňava, tak niektoré mali chybné názvy a zdroj bol Multilingual settlement names - Slovakia, part 1-4 - Source: wikipedia.
Rudná chybne Rozsnyórudna správne Rudna
Silická Brezová chybne Szádvárborsa správne Borzova
Lúčka chybne Lúcska správne Lucska
Kružná chybne Berzétekörös správne Kőrös
Hrušov chybne Magasmajtény správne Körtvélyes

pri tom som zistil, že obec Kunova Teplica nemá bod place=village a existuje aj ako admin_level=9 aj admin_level=10 pritom je to samostatná obec.
Mohol by to niekto doplniť/opraviť? Do relácií si netrúfam babrať, nemám s tým skúsenosti.


Dátum: štvrtok 7. januára 2021, čas: 9:42:02 UTC+1, odosielateľ:

Tomas Kovacik

Jan 7, 2021, 5:14:21 AM1/7/21

tie slovenske nazvy v jazyku mensin by mali ist do samostatneho tagu , nemaju nic s tym ako sa danym obciam hovori v madarsku

Túto správu ste dostali, pretože v Skupinách Google ste odberateľom skupiny "Openstreetmap Slovakia".
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Tibor Jamečný

Jan 7, 2021, 5:24:50 AM1/7/21
On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 10:59 AM <> wrote:
pri tom som zistil, že obec Kunova Teplica nemá bod place=village a existuje aj ako admin_level=9 aj admin_level=10 pritom je to samostatná obec.
Mohol by to niekto doplniť/opraviť? Do relácií si netrúfam babrať, nemám s tým skúsenosti.

To zas nejaky iniciativny "mapper" bezdovodne odmazal v CS 24840870 (t.j. pred cca siestimi rokmi). Povodne to bol tento bod:
Skusim revert daneho CS vecer (ak ma nikto nepredbehne). Potom by mal byt dany bod vrateny aj do povodnych admin relacii.


András P.

Jan 7, 2021, 12:37:49 PM1/7/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Thank you!

Miro Mirecnet

Jan 7, 2021, 1:55:32 PM1/7/21
To si mu dobre napisal.
Obcas aj nemcom treba pripomenut, ze geografia a historia uzsko suvisia :D

Netreba na to zabudat. Zomrelo preto uplne zbytocne 18 000 000 ludi a co prislo potom...

št 7. 1. 2021 o 9:02 Slavomír Huštatý <> napísal(a):


Jan 8, 2021, 8:07:23 AM1/8/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
> to si mu dobre napisal.

Ja si myslim opak. Nepatri to sem.

A.In.The.K A.In.The.K

Jan 8, 2021, 8:14:10 AM1/8/21
Suhlas, Nepatri to sem.

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Jan 8, 2021, 8:50:11 AM1/8/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Dostal svoju odpoved -

Viac mu netreba, snad pri svojom zaujme o SR ponahadzuje/skontroluje aj rusinske a ukrajinske nazvy. Tie romske su identicke so slovenskymi, tak tie moze preskocit.

Prekladat do madarciny ine nazvy miest a obci ako tie, o ktorych pojednava sucasna slovenska legislativa je zbytocne.

Madarsku okupaciu Kosic som nastastie vdaka svojmu veku nezazil, no tu nevrazivost voci okupantom tu bolo citit az do smrti ludi, ktori ju zazili... a to mam polovicu rodiny s madarskou narodnostou, aby ste si nemysleli, ze som nejaky obmedzeny nacionalisticky extremista :) .

Bratislava ma tablicku "Pozsony" na vstupe?
Slovensko tiez nenazyvame "Felvidek"

A tieto slovenske nazvy im zrejme tiez nepchame do HU mapy:
A na zaver na odlahcenie Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk raz povedal - "O hranice se nejedná, o hranice se střílí." ;)

Jan 8, 2021, 9:10:12 AM1/8/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Dátum: piatok 8. januára 2021, čas: 14:50:11 UTC+1, odosielateľ:
Dostal svoju odpoved -

Viac mu netreba, snad pri svojom zaujme o SR ponahadzuje/skontroluje aj rusinske a ukrajinske nazvy. Tie romske su identicke so slovenskymi, tak tie moze preskocit.

Ukrajinčinu aj nemčinu som pridal na rusínčinu som ešte nehľadal kód. 

Prekladat do madarciny ine nazvy miest a obci ako tie, o ktorych pojednava sucasna slovenska legislativa je zbytocne.

Už sú preložené, niekto bol aktívny už dávnejšie :)

Andrej Kačur

Jan 8, 2021, 11:32:27 AM1/8/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Hi András,

if interested, take a look into this (semi)official translation of the government decree 211/1999 -  (or the rest of already translated laws/regulations see here )

Anyway, I do not see your activity as offensive one towards history. When I looked up for birth/marriage records of my ancestors in our state archives, I had to use the Hungarian names of their villages and Hungarian pronunciation of their names and surnames, even if they were from purely Slovak or Ruthenian villages (ok, that is the dark side of our common history starting in the late 19. century :)). Therefore a correct Hungarian name of villages/towns located nowadays in Slovakia is welcomed in the tag "Name:hu" (in my opinion) :) The question is - what is correct, the current goverment decree or a list from 1910's.


Dátum: štvrtok 7. januára 2021, čas: 9:21:17 UTC+1, odosielateľ: András P.
Sorry I didn't mean to make this history topic. 

Andrej Shadura

Jan 9, 2021, 4:59:24 AM1/9/21

On Fri, 8 Jan 2021, at 14:50, wrote:
Bratislava ma tablicku "Pozsony" na vstupe?
Slovensko tiez nenazyvame "Felvidek"

Dresden má „tabličku“ Drážďany? München má Mníchov? Ak nie, čo to je za argument?

A ináč ja si tiež myslím, že tvoja odpoveď bola absolútne nevhodná a antagonizujúca. Navyše ide o názov v oblasti, kde maďarská menšina je väčšinou, tak potom otázka o správnom názve je úplne na mieste.

S pozdravom

Tomas Kovacik

Jan 9, 2021, 5:02:32 AM1/9/21
to osm_sk
Tiez sa zastavam nazor, ze name:hu by tam mali riesit madari medzi sebou, otazka je, ci slovensky nazov v madarcine je to spravne. Nemozeme diktovat ostatnym statom ake maju pouzivat nazvy v svojom jazyku

Túto správu ste dostali, pretože v Skupinách Google ste odberateľom skupiny "Openstreetmap Slovakia".
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A.In.The.K A.In.The.K

Jan 9, 2021, 5:03:49 AM1/9/21
pokial mame uzakonene nazvy obci v madarcine na nasom uzemi tak IMHO ano, mozeme im povedat ze toto su oficialne nazvy

Tomas Kovacik

Jan 9, 2021, 5:09:18 AM1/9/21
to osm_sk
Myslis zakonom co konci na hraniciach? Uvedomte si ze name:hu je meno pouzivane v madarsku. Aj my mame ako nejake dokumenty, ktore hovoria o tom ake nazvy statov mame/musime pouzivat a nikto nam nekeca do toho co si rendrujeme na nasej mape!

Ak chcete zobraziť túto diskusiu na webe, prejdite na adresu

Andrej Shadura

Jan 9, 2021, 5:18:54 AM1/9/21

On Sat, 9 Jan 2021, at 11:09, Tomas Kovacik wrote:
Myslis zakonom co konci na hraniciach? Uvedomte si ze name:hu je meno pouzivane v madarsku. Aj my mame ako nejake dokumenty, ktore hovoria o tom ake nazvy statov mame/musime pouzivat a nikto nam nekeca do toho co si rendrujeme na nasej mape!

Pozor: name:hu je meno, používané v *maďarčine*, nie v *Maďarsku*!

S pozdravom

Tomas Kovacik

Jan 9, 2021, 5:28:20 AM1/9/21
to osm_sk
A o tom rozhoduju madari 

Túto správu ste dostali, pretože v Skupinách Google ste odberateľom skupiny "Openstreetmap Slovakia".
V prípade, že chcete zrušiť odber tejto skupiny a prestať od nej prijímať e-maily, zašlite e-mail na adresu
Ak chcete zobraziť túto diskusiu na webe, prejdite na adresu

Andrej Shadura

Jan 9, 2021, 5:44:27 AM1/9/21

On Sat, 9 Jan 2021, at 11:28, Tomas Kovacik wrote:
A o tom rozhoduju madari 

Samozrejme, ale Maďari nie sú len v Maďarsku, sú predsa aj v tej obci, tak v prvom rade mali by jej obyvatelia rozhodovať.


Andrej Shadura

Jan 9, 2021, 5:46:41 AM1/9/21

On Thu, 7 Jan 2021, at 11:14, Tomas Kovacik wrote:

tie slovenske nazvy v jazyku mensin by mali ist do samostatneho tagu , nemaju nic s tym ako sa danym obciam hovori v madarsku

Ten tag je name:hu.


Andrej Shadura

Jan 9, 2021, 5:49:14 AM1/9/21

On Thu, 7 Jan 2021, at 10:59, wrote:
Skontroloval som podľa toho obce v okrese Rožňava, tak niektoré mali chybné názvy a zdroj bol Multilingual settlement names - Slovakia, part 1-4 - Source: wikipedia.
Rudná chybne Rozsnyórudna správne Rudna
Silická Brezová chybne Szádvárborsa správne Borzova
Lúčka chybne Lúcska správne Lucska
Kružná chybne Berzétekörös správne Kőrös
Hrušov chybne Magasmajtény správne Körtvélyes 

Povedal by som že terajšie názvy (z vyššie uvedeného zdroja) by mali ísť do name:Hu, pôvodné (za čias Uhorska) do old_name:hu, prípadne alt_name:hu.



Jan 9, 2021, 2:25:07 PM1/9/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Hi, I'd say use name:hu for the official names from the street (city_limit) signs or the official govt document as given to you here.
For the pre 1912 names use old_name:hu .

Dátum: štvrtok 7. januára 2021, čas: 8:56:30 UTC+1, odosielateľ: András P.

András P.

Jan 12, 2021, 10:01:34 AM1/12/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Thank you for your answers. I tried to google translate all of the posts but it's obvious that almost all of you agrees that 1999 regulation should go to name:hu and pre 1912 names to old_name:hu.

I also agree on this and I will write to the Hungarian Community to make this unified and avoid the edit wars.

Andrej Shadura

Jan 13, 2021, 5:16:17 AM1/13/21

On Tue, 12 Jan 2021, at 16:01, András P. wrote:
Thank you for your answers. I tried to google translate all of the posts but it's obvious that almost all of you agrees that 1999 regulation should go to name:hu and pre 1912 names to old_name:hu.

I also agree on this and I will write to the Hungarian Community to make this unified and avoid the edit wars.

Nagyon szépen köszönöm :)

Feel free to ask again should there be something else to discuss.

I hope you didn’t get much offended by some reactions you received. Unfortunately, there are still some tensions and bitter memories, and some people are more sensitive about those things, and unfortunately the politicians are not helping to bring them to an end.


András P.

Jan 16, 2021, 6:04:17 AM1/16/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

I have a few questions:

1) Am I right to in Slovakia you never put 'ulica' into the street name? But others, like námestie yes?
2) I have a lot of concers with settlement parts. I don't see the whole thing unified. Let me show you some examples:
 Novy Zivot is the village. (place=village) Technically Eliásovce and Svaty Peter belongs to it. Still those are also place=village. Shouldn't they be place=hamlet?

b/ main settlements names are doubled in name tag? -
Lehnice has a settlement part, Sása. Now the feature is correct, place=hamlet, but the name is Lehnice-Sása. Is it necessary to put the main settlement name again in the name tag? 

A different way again to show the connections. Also again I am not sure because Nové Osady belongs to Velké Ulany and those are again place=village.


Jan 16, 2021, 8:39:12 AM1/16/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Dátum: sobota 16. januára 2021, čas: 12:04:17 UTC+1, odosielateľ: András P.

I have a few questions:

1) Am I right to in Slovakia you never put 'ulica' into the street name? But others, like námestie yes?

2) I have a lot of concers with settlement parts. I don't see the whole thing unified. Let me show you some examples:
 Novy Zivot is the village. (place=village) Technically Eliásovce and Svaty Peter belongs to it. Still those are also place=village. Shouldn't they be place=hamlet?

Use official register municipality/village name, suburb name, address
Nový Život place=village in county okres Dunajská Streda has 3 place=suburb

Svätý Peter place=village in county okres Komárno


b/ main settlements names are doubled in name tag? -
Lehnice has a settlement part, Sása. Now the feature is correct, place=hamlet, but the name is Lehnice-Sása. Is it necessary to put the main settlement name again in the name tag? 

Lehnice  place=village in county okres Dunajská Streda has 5 place=suburb
Malý Lég
Veľký Lég


Jan 31, 2021, 6:34:14 PM1/31/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Dátum: sobota 16. januára 2021, čas: 14:39:12 UTC+1, odosielateľ: ircd
2) I have a lot of concers with settlement parts. I don't see the whole thing unified. Let me show you some examples:
 Novy Zivot is the village. (place=village) Technically Eliásovce and Svaty Peter belongs to it. Still those are also place=village. Shouldn't they be place=hamlet?

Use official register municipality/village name, suburb name, address

No nejak to teraz nefunguje.
Nový Život place=village in county okres Dunajská Streda has 3 place=suburb

V OSM mame este 4 cast (a ma aj admin_boundary) s nazvom Maly Mager ... Co s tym?
Mozete pozriet aj tie susedne Zlate Klasy, a ten Velky Mager (Rastice) ?
Svätý Peter place=village in county okres Komárno

Asi ano, bolo to neighbourhood a niekto to upgradol :) 


Jan 31, 2021, 6:45:31 PM1/31/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Dátum: sobota 16. januára 2021, čas: 12:04:17 UTC+1, odosielateľ: András P.

I have a few questions:

1) Am I right to in Slovakia you never put 'ulica' into the street name? But others, like námestie yes?

2) I have a lot of concers with settlement parts. I don't see the whole thing unified. Let me show you some examples:
 Novy Zivot is the village. (place=village) Technically Eliásovce and Svaty Peter belongs to it. Still those are also place=village. Shouldn't they be place=hamlet?

Yes, only places with city_id tag represent the a whole standalone municipality. They are also members of administrative boundary relations of admin_level 9.. with role admin_centre.
The 'place' should then be 'village', 'town', 'city'.
Parts of villages should be 'hamlet', 'suburb', 'neighbourhood', etc.

There may be some errors yet, but what are you trying to fix? How does it relate to the hungarian names?
b/ main settlements names are doubled in name tag? -
Lehnice has a settlement part, Sása. Now the feature is correct, place=hamlet, but the name is Lehnice-Sása. Is it necessary to put the main settlement name again in the name tag? 


A different way again to show the connections. Also again I am not sure because Nové Osady belongs to Velké Ulany and those are again place=village.

Yes, those parentheses look wrong, but the nodes are place=suburb (I'd guess hamlet would be better, is it was in the past). But there is no node for Nove Osady and the admin_level=10 relation for Nove Osady has no admin_centre.


Feb 1, 2021, 5:59:02 AM2/1/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

Dátum: pondelok 1. februára 2021, čas: 0:34:14 UTC+1, odosielateľ: Aceman444
Dátum: sobota 16. januára 2021, čas: 14:39:12 UTC+1, odosielateľ: ircd
2) I have a lot of concers with settlement parts. I don't see the whole thing unified. Let me show you some examples:
 Novy Zivot is the village. (place=village) Technically Eliásovce and Svaty Peter belongs to it. Still those are also place=village. Shouldn't they be place=hamlet?

Use official register municipality/village name, suburb name, address

No nejak to teraz nefunguje.
 Momentálne funguje.

Nový Život place=village in county okres Dunajská Streda has 3 place=suburb

V OSM mame este 4 cast (a ma aj admin_boundary) s nazvom Maly Mager ... Co s tym?
Malý Ma­ger  V roku 1940 zanikla pripojením k obci Tonkovce. 

Mozete pozriet aj tie susedne Zlate Klasy, a ten Velky Mager (Rastice) ?
Obec Zlaté Klasy okres Dunajská streda nemá ďalšie časti obce
Obec ani časť obce s názvom Rastice neexistuje.
Obec ani časť obce ktorá by obsahovala slovo Mager neexistuje (teda ani Veľký ani malý Mager)

Zlaté Klasy (historicky slov. Veľký Mager,


Feb 8, 2021, 3:13:29 AM2/8/21
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Dátum: pondelok 1. februára 2021, čas: 11:59:02 UTC+1, odosielateľ: Dodko

Nový Život place=village in county okres Dunajská Streda has 3 place=suburb

V OSM mame este 4 cast (a ma aj admin_boundary) s nazvom Maly Mager ... Co s tym?
Malý Ma­ger  V roku 1940 zanikla pripojením k obci Tonkovce. 

Zistil som, ze je to dodnes katastralne uzemie (cislo 842966), tak mozno odtial je to naimportovane. 

Tak isto tie Rastice. Velky Mager som nenasiel, ale ako pisete, vyzera to byt stary nazov pre Zlate Klasy (alebo mozno pre tie Rastice, ako je v OSM).

Nazov Velky Mager tam dal nas uz znamy Ivor Svihran, ktory dodnes neuviedol odkial to opisuje, ale mam take naznaky, ze z nejakych 100-rocnych knih.

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