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TomTom MapRoulette challenge and map notes / TomTom výzva MapRoulette a poznámky k mapám

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Marjan Van de Kauter

May 23, 2023, 3:19:23 AM5/23/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

Hi everyone,

Below I’m including a Slovak translation of this message, which I’m able to provide thanks to a Slovak colleague of mine.

I’m Marjan from TomTom. You may remember that in 2021-2022, we created some MapRoulette challenges to help fix certain types of quality issues in OSM in Slovakia. Some of these issues were solved by your community—I’d like to thank you for that, we really appreciate your help!

We’ve now detected some other types of issues we think would be useful to solve. I’m starting a new conversation to talk about these, since the previous one (Southern Asia QCProject) was incorrectly named and thus a bit confusing 😊.

The first types of issues we identified are inconsistently tagged bridges and tunnels (for example a road which crosses another road and has a bridge tag but no layer tag). In total, we found 27 potential issues like this. To help fix them, we created a MapRoulette challenge: Fix inconsistent bridge and tunnel tagging. In each task in the challenge, you can click on the highlighted element to see a detailed description of the situation and possible ways to fix it if it is indeed incorrect.

Besides inconsistently tagged bridges and tunnels, we also spotted some inconsistent highway intersections, i.e. cases where highways intersect without a common node or bridge/tunnel. In total, we identified 5 highway intersections which may need to be fixed. We created notes to mark these cases on the map:

Feel free to try out the challenge or take a look at the notes. I hope you find them useful. Our editors may also solve some of the tasks or notes in a couple of weeks.

If you have any questions or comments, just let me know. If you’d like to learn more about our past activities in Slovakia, you can take a look at our GitHub page.

Thanks again for all your help on the map and have a great week!




Som Marjan a pracujem v spoločnosti TomTom. Možno si pamätáte, že v období 2021 - 2022 sme vytvorili niekoľko výziev MapRoulette na opravu chýb v OSM Slovensko. Niektoré z týchto chýb opravila i Vaša komunita a chceli by sme sa Vám za to poďakovať. Veľmi si Vašu pomoc vážime!

Pred nedávnom sme identifikovali v mape ďalšie chyby. A tak otváram novú diskusiu, keďže tá predchádzajúca (Southern Asia QCProject) bola nesprávne pomenovaná a trochu zavádzajúca 😊.

Prvý typ chýb je nesprávne označenie mostov a tunelov (napríklad cesta, ktorá križuje inú cestu a má označenie most tzv. bridge tag, ale nemá označenie vrstvy tzv. layer tag). Celkovo sme našli 27 takýchto potenciálnych chýb. Na ich opravu sme otvorili výzvu MapRoulette: Fix inconsistent bridge and tunnel tagging(opravte nesprávne označenie mostov a tunelov). V každej úlohe v rámci výzvy môžete kliknúť na zvýraznený prvok a zobraziť podrobný popis situácie s možnosťami opravy v prípade, že ide o chybu.

Okrem nesprávne označených mostov a tunelov sme si všimli aj nesprávne križovatky diaľnic, t. j. prípady, keď sa diaľnice pretínajú bez spoločného uzla alebo mosta/tunelu. Celkovo sme identifikovali 5 diaľničných križovatiek, ktoré možno bude potrebné opraviť. Všetky tieto prípady sú vyznačené v mape s poznámkou:

Neváhajte a zapojte sa do tejto výzvy alebo sa pozrite na poznámké, ktore dúfam, že budú užitočné. Niektoré z týchto úloh budú o niekoľko týždňov riešiť aj naši zamestnanci.

Ak máte nejaké otázky alebo pripomienky, dajte mi vedieť. Ak sa chcete dozvedieť viac o našich minulých aktivitách na Slovensku, pozrite si našu stránku GitHub page.

Ešte raz Vám ďakujem za pomoc a prajem Vám príjemný týždeň!


Marjan Van de Kauter

Jul 10, 2023, 3:04:06 AM7/10/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia


Môj tím v TomTom identifikoval na Slovensku situácie s potenciálnymi konfliktmi medzi budovami a cestami. Vytvorili sme výzvu MapRoulette pre tých z Vás, ktorí majú záujem identifikovať a opraviť tieto chyby. Nájdete ju tu: "Fix Building and Highway Intersections". Momentálne výzva obsahuje 500 úloh z približne 1900 potenciálnych chýb, ktoré sme identifikovali. O niekoľko týždňov sa na opravách môžu pracovať naši editori.

Dúfam, že je to užitočné. Prosím dajte mi vedieť, ak máte nejaké otázky.

Prajem vám skvelý týždeň!



My team at TomTom identified some potentially incorrect intersections between buildings and highways in Slovakia. We created a MapRoulette challenge for those of you who may be interested in identifying and fixing building/highway conflicts. You can find it here: "Fix Building and Highway Intersections". Right now it contains 500 tasks of the approximately 1,900 potential issues we found in total. Our editors may work on these tasks in a couple of weeks.

I hope this is useful. Let me know if you have any feedback.

Have a great week!


Op dinsdag 23 mei 2023 om 09:19:23 UTC+2 schreef Marjan Van de Kauter:

Jul 13, 2023, 4:59:39 AM7/13/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
I started this MapRoulette challenge, and I have a question about how to solve some cases of overlapping buildings and roads that I couldn't find any help in the instructions. I have found cases where it is sidewalks or parking on roofs and upper levels of buildings. Is adding a layer=0 attribute for the building and layer=1 for the road the right way to handle these cases?

Thanks for the advice
Dátum: pondelok 10. júla 2023, čas: 9:04:06 UTC+2, odosielateľ: Marjan Van de Kauter

Syed N

Jul 28, 2023, 3:57:40 AM7/28/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Hello, and thanks for expressing interest in the Fix Building and Highway Intersections challenge. I came across your query addressed to my colleague Marjan who is on vacation and after some research, here is the response:
  • if the road is below or above the building, add the appropriate layer value (for example: -1, 1, etc.).
  • if the road is an entrance to the building roof, the bridge=yes tag is mostly used to indicate it is a road above the building with an appropriate layer value ( for example: -1, 1, etc.)

Hope this information helps.

Jul 28, 2023, 7:33:17 AM7/28/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Thank you for the additional information. According to your recommendation, I will also add the bridge=yes attribute.

Dátum: piatok 28. júla 2023, čas: 9:57:40 UTC+2, odosielateľ: Syed N

Marjan Van de Kauter

Aug 3, 2023, 9:07:27 AM8/3/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

Hi everyone,

(I’m including a Slovak translation of this message below, created using DeepL.)

First of all a big thank you to those of you, including Marian, who have been making edits in our “Fix Building and Highway Intersections” challenge. Thanks to you, almost 70% of the challenge has been completed already. We really appreciate these contributions!

My team now identified 20 potential issues of a different type, namely highways disconnected from the rest of the road network. We created a MapRoulette challenge to assess these situations and fix the ones that are incorrect, in other words to connect the highways where needed. You can find the challenge here: “Connect Isolated Highways”.

We will work on these tasks in a couple of weeks.

I’m happy to hear your comments or questions. And anyone who’s interested, is of course very welcome to try out the challenge.

Thanks again!



V prvom rade veľké ďakujem tým z vás, vrátane Mariána, ktorí robili úpravy v našej výzve Fix Building and Highway Intersections. Vďaka vám už bolo splnených takmer 70 % tejto výzvy. Veľmi si tieto príspevky ceníme!

Môj tím teraz identifikoval 20 potenciálnych problémov iného typu, a to diaľnice odpojené od zvyšku cestnej siete. Vytvorili sme výzvu MapRoulette, ktorej cieľom je posúdiť tieto situácie a opraviť tie, ktoré sú nesprávne, inými slovami, prepojiť diaľnice tam, kde je to potrebné. Výzvu nájdete tu: Connect Isolated Highways.

Na týchto úlohách budeme pracovať v priebehu niekoľkých týždňov.

Rád si vypočujem vaše pripomienky alebo otázky. A každý, kto má záujem, je samozrejme veľmi vítaný, aby si túto výzvu vyskúšal.

Ešte raz ďakujem!


Op vrijdag 28 juli 2023 om 13:33:17 UTC+2 schreef

Aug 3, 2023, 10:19:34 AM8/3/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
I checked all the issues, it should be all fixed now.

Dátum: štvrtok 3. augusta 2023, čas: 15:07:27 UTC+2, odosielateľ: Marjan Van de Kauter

Marjan Van de Kauter

Aug 3, 2023, 4:22:24 PM8/3/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
That was fast! Thanks Marian, we appreciate your help.

Op donderdag 3 augustus 2023 om 16:19:34 UTC+2 schreef

Marjan Van de Kauter

Aug 25, 2023, 3:31:11 AM8/25/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you know that we have added new tasks to the challenge Fix Building and Highway Intersections.

Additionally, we have created a new challenge to help add highways that we identified in our TomTom data and are not yet present in OSM. After manually verifying the presence of these ways on the available imagery sources, we added them to a challenge called Add Highways. It contains 180 tasks. Our editing team may take up this challenge in a couple of weeks or so, and of course other community members are also very welcome to try it out. If a way shouldn’t be added to the map, you can mark the task as “Not an issue”.

Finally, we are also launching a new project in Slovakia. Since it’s a bit different from these challenges, I created a separate topic for it.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to let me know. And thank you again for all your help!

Have a great weekend,



Chcela som Vás informovať, že sme do výzvy na opravu "Fix Building and Highway Intersections" pridali ďalšie úlohy.

A vytvorili sme novú úlohu na pridanie diaľnic, ktoré sú v našich TomTom mapách, no v OSM sa nenachádzajú. Po overení existencie týchto ciest na dostupných satelitných, leteckých snímkoch, sme ich pridali do úlohy s názvom "Add Highways". Jedná sa o 180 úloh. Náš tím sa môže tejto výzvy ujať o niekoľko týždňov, a samozrejme aj ostatní členovia komunity sú veľmi vítaní. Ak cesta nemá byť pridaná do mapy, označte úlohu "Not an issue".

Na záver ešte pripomenieme, že na Slovensku spúšťame nový projekt. Keďže je trochu odlišný od týchto úloh, vytvoril som preň samostatnú tému.

Ako vždy, ak máte nejaké otázky alebo pripomienky, neváhajte ma kontaktovať. Ešte raz Vám ďakujem za všetku pomoc!

Prajem vám pekný víkend,

Op donderdag 3 augustus 2023 om 22:22:24 UTC+2 schreef Marjan Van de Kauter:

Marjan Van de Kauter

Sep 4, 2023, 3:25:21 AM9/4/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

Hi everyone,

(Below is a Slovak translation of this message created using DeepL.)

Thank you for the contributions you’ve been making to our challenges Add Highways and Fix Building and Highway Intersections. The former has now been fully resolved (though we may be adding new tasks later this week), and the latter has been completed for 76%.

I appreciate your enormous support and wish you all a lovely week,


Ahoj všetci,

Ďakujeme vám za príspevky, ktoré ste poskytli v rámci našich výziev "Add Highways" a "Fix Building and Highway Intersections". Prvá z nich je už úplne vyriešená (hoci možno ešte tento týždeň pridáme nové úlohy) a druhá bola splnená na 76 %.

Vážim si vašu obrovskú podporu a prajem vám všetkým krásny týždeň,
Op vrijdag 25 augustus 2023 om 09:31:11 UTC+2 schreef Marjan Van de Kauter:

Marjan Van de Kauter

Sep 12, 2023, 6:35:56 AM9/12/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Hi everyone,

(Below is a Slovak translation of this message created using DeepL.)

I just wanted to let you know that we added 270 new tasks to our challenge "Slovakia - Add Highways".

Thanks again for all your help and have a great day!



Ahoj všetci,

chcel som vás len informovať, že sme pridali 270 nových úloh do našej výzvy "Slovakia - Add Highways".

Ešte raz ďakujeme za vašu pomoc a prajeme vám príjemný deň!


Op maandag 4 september 2023 om 09:25:21 UTC+2 schreef Marjan Van de Kauter:

Alexander Zatko

Sep 12, 2023, 1:32:03 PM9/12/23
It baffles me why any volunteer would even contemplate participating in an initiative like this one, considering TomTom is a for-profit org. Yes, TomTom sponsors the OSM foundation, but IMHO that fact needs to be seen as a (form of) compensation for using the OSM data, and not as a forward payment towards services to be furnished to the company by the volunteers.

I find it also fascinating that the company has the nerve to ask for pro-bono work from volunteers, especially considering it also (seems to) have paid staff tasked with similar work.

Túto správu ste dostali, pretože v Skupinách Google ste odberateľom skupiny "Openstreetmap Slovakia".
V prípade, že chcete zrušiť odber tejto skupiny a prestať od nej prijímať e-maily, zašlite e-mail na adresu
Ak chcete zobraziť túto diskusiu na webe, prejdite na adresu

Marjan Van de Kauter

Sep 13, 2023, 3:06:08 AM9/13/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for expressing your thoughts. I’m sharing this information with the community because I know some mappers like to use these challenges to improve the map, and find it helpful if we identify potential map issues and missing features, validate these leads, and turn them into microtasks. (In some cases, people even prefer community members to make these types of edits because they strongly favor local over remote mapping.) As your message demonstrates, certainly not everyone feels this way, and that’s fair. We have no expectations of the community, and indeed we also have an organized editing team.

We try to give back to the community in as many ways as we can, including but certainly not limited to sponsoring the OSM Foundation. I’m happy to share more information about the ways in which we support OSM if you’re interested.

Just let me know if you have any questions and have a great day,


Op dinsdag 12 september 2023 om 19:32:03 UTC+2 schreef Alexander Zatko:

Alexander Zatko

Sep 13, 2023, 1:56:11 PM9/13/23
Dakujem Marjan za odpoved, tu je jej moja interpretacia:

Sme radi, ze existuje taky fenomen ako OSM, kde ludia - sledujuc svoju tuzbu po zmysle a sebarealizacii - su ochotni darovat vysledky svojej prace bezplatne komukolvek, vcitane firiem ako je nasa, ktore nasledne svoj produkt predava, a to kazdemu, vcitane takto "postihnutich" dobrovolnikov. My sme sa rozhodli platit OSM 20 000 USD/rok, co z nas robi "platinoveho partnera" a teda si myslime, ze mozme oslovit dobrovolnikov a poziadat ich o mapovanie v oblastiach, o ktore ma zaujem nasa firma. Ten sponzorsky dar je sice len 44 promile z cisteho rocneho prijmu nasej firmy a mohli by sme najat aj viac maperov do nasho firemneho teamu, ale naco by sme to robili, ked nam tu pracu niekto urobi bezplatne.

Takze kolegovia, ktori zvazujete neplatenu pracu pre TomTom, je to na vas. Ak naozaj neviete co mapovat, pokojne sa tu na fore opytajte co mate robit. Niekto vam urcite poradi. Prace je kopec, a to nie len v rozvinutych krajinach sveta ako je Holandsko (sidlo firmy TomTom) alebo Slovensko, ale hlavne v relativne ovela horsie zmapovanych oblastiach "tretieho sveta".

Ak chcete zobraziť túto diskusiu na webe, prejdite na adresu


Sep 14, 2023, 1:41:50 AM9/14/23
No ale chyby v cestnej sieti keď opravíme ocením aj ja, keď použijem OsmAnd.

Dňa 13.9.2023 o 19:55 Alexander Zatko napísal(a):

Alexander Zatko

Sep 14, 2023, 2:27:02 AM9/14/23
Pointa je v tom, ze firma sa snazi nasmerovat (obmedzene) "dobrovolnicke zdroje" do oblasti, ktora vyhovuje jej ekonomickym zaujmom, aj ked by pracu dobrovolnikov bolo mozne vyuzit potencialne efektivnejsie v inych oblastiach. Pod "oblastou" mam na mysli nie len miesto na planete, ale aj typy objektov - v tomto konkretnom pripade cesnu siet.

Samozrejme nechcem tym naznacit, ze mapovanie cestnej siete na SK by nemal nikto robit. Navrhujem len ignorovat potrieb firiem ako je TomTom a riadit sa bud vlastnym instinktom (mapujem to, co ma bavi), alebo racionalnym rozhodnutim smerovat svoju dobrovolnicku pracu co najefektivnejsie. V druhom pripade mozno zaujmu iniciativy ako HotOSM alebo aj vyzvy na mapovanie napriklad landuse, alebo vodnych tokov na SK, ktore sa na tomto fore objavili v nedavnej minulosti.

Ak chcete zobraziť túto diskusiu na webe, prejdite na adresu


Sep 14, 2023, 2:52:45 AM9/14/23
Je mi jasné, že ich primárnym cieľom je cestná sieť. Len tak trocha predpokladám, že opravujú chyby ľudia, ktorých to tiež zaujíma/baví = nejaký prekryv záujmu tam bude (pravda, len môj pocit)
Inak v podstate súhlasím.

Dňa 14.9.2023 o 8:26 Alexander Zatko napísal(a):

T. -

Sep 14, 2023, 3:28:32 AM9/14/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Zdravím Alexander,
zaujímavé zamyslenie. Akých je tvojich osobných top 5 priorít pre mapovanie do 
svetovej a top 5 priorít pre mapovanie do slovenskej osm a prečo? Pýtam sa preto, že tiež občas riešim pre seba otázku efektivity práce pre osm. Ďakujem za inšpiráciu.

"Projekty" pre SK na ktorých s roznou intenzitou pracujem:
house numbers adding
cyclo routes adding
tracks adding (based on strava heatmap)
new bildings adding based on ortophoto
wikidata and wikipedia tags adding
waterways adding
railways tracks (re-)numbering
cry me a river - river precising
run forest run - forests’ precising 


Alexander Zatko

Sep 14, 2023, 1:05:07 PM9/14/23
Mapujem vtedy, ked ma "kopne muza" a tradicne som si s efektivnostou tejto cinnosti hlavu velmi nelamal. V minulosti som preto mapoval viac, ale teraz sa uz zamyslam nad efektivnostou a aj preto mapujem ovela menej (laznik). Dobrovolnicke projekty totiz vseobecne, a zvlast komunitne projekty ako OSM, Wikipedia alebo FOSS, maju podla mna ekonomiku nastavenu proti ekonomickym zaujmom jej tvorcov a v konecnom dosledku aj spolocnosti ako takej*. Radsej sa preto venujem svojim projektom, o ktorych si myslim, ze maju potenciale vacsi dopad ako OSM mapovanie.

* uvedomujem si, ze toto je kontroverzne tvrdenie a som ochotny o tom diskutovat, ale nie v tomto vlakne

Ak chcete zobraziť túto diskusiu na webe, prejdite na adresu

Marjan Van de Kauter

Sep 15, 2023, 10:24:30 AM9/15/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia


One additional message from my end, which I'm able to send in Slovak thanks to a local colleague of mine:

Snažíme sa vytvárať projekty, ktoré sú prospešné i pre komunitu, a uvítame pre ne i Vaše návrhy. Pre niektorých lokálnych editorov je spoločným záujmom zlepšenie cestnej siete na Slovensku, no máme i mapovacie aktivity v iných krajinách (vrátane tých menej zmapovaných) a týkajúce sa iných prvkov. Pre tých, ktorí majú záujem, na našej stránke OSM wiki je zoznam krajín, v ktorých pôsobíme, a pri každej krajine je odkaz na stránku s prehľadom projektov, kde sme riešili napr. aj vodné toky, parky, nemocnice atď.

Ak má niekto záujem o špecifickú mapovanie, rada zistím, či máme dáta, ktoré môžeme spracovať, overiť a zdieľať s Vami, ak je to užitočné.
Ak to ľudí nezaujíma, môžu túto správu samozrejme ignorovať.

Prajem Vám pekný víkend,


Op donderdag 14 september 2023 om 19:05:07 UTC+2 schreef Alexander Zatko:

Marjan Van de Kauter

Nov 6, 2023, 3:30:43 AM11/6/23
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

Good morning everyone,

(Below I’m including a Slovak translation of this message created with the help of a Slovak colleague of mine.)

First of all, thank you for continuing to lend a helping hand to our TomTom editing team as they work on our MapRoulette challenges for adding highways and fixing incorrect intersections between buildings and highways.

To enable our team to further improve the quality of the road network in Slovakia, we have now created two new challenges:

  • Fix Incorrect Highway Junctions”: this challenge contains 40 cases of highway junctions that may require fixing because they’re incorrectly or imprecisely mapped.
  • Fix Incorrect Junctions on Roundabouts”: the goal of this challenge is to assess and if needed correct 59 situations in which two or more highways are connected to the same node on a roundabout.

More details can be found in the challenge descriptions.

These challenges may be taken up by our editors in a couple of weeks or so, and are open to anyone who is interested.

If you have any comments or questions, don’t hesitate to let me know.

Have a great week!




Dobré ráno,

V prvom rade ďakujeme, že aj naďalej pomáhate nášmu tímu, ktorý pracuje na výzvach MapRoulette ako pridávanie diaľnic a opravakrižovatiek medzi budovami a diaľnicami.

Aby náš tím mohol i ďalej zlepšovať kvalitu cestnej siete na Slovensku, vytvorili sme dve nové výzvy:

  • "Fix Incorrect Highway Junctions": táto výzva obsahuje 40 prípadov križovatiek diaľnic, ktoré môžu byť na opravu, pretože sú nesprávne alebo nepresne zmapované.
  • "Fix Incorrect Junctions on Roundabouts": cieľom tejto výzvy je posúdiť a v prípade potreby opraviť 59 situácií, v ktorých sú dve alebo viac diaľnic napojených na rovnaký uzol na kruhovom objazde.

Viac informácií nájdete v popise výzvy.

Tieto výzvy začneme o pár týždňov alebo tak, a môže sa ich zúčastniť každý, kto má záujem.

Ak máte nejaké pripomienky alebo otázky, neváhajte a dajte mi vedieť.


Prajem Vám pekný týždeň!


Op vrijdag 15 september 2023 om 16:24:30 UTC+2 schreef Marjan Van de Kauter:

Marjan Van de Kauter

Jan 15, 2024, 4:43:44 AM1/15/24
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Hello everyone,

(Below I’m including a Slovak translation of this message.)

First of all, I’d like to wish you all a happy 2024, and thank you for the support you’ve given us in improving OSM in 2023.

To kick off the new year, we have created a new MapRoulette challenge to help our editing team improve the road network in Slovakia: "Add and Complete Crossings between Railways and Roads". Each of the 61 tasks in this challenge points to a location where a crossing between a road and a railway may be missing or incomplete. A railway=crossing or railway=level_crossing tag may have to be added, and possibly part of the ways making up the crossing.

Our editors may look into these tasks in a couple of weeks or so. The challenge is public, so other mappers who are interested can also contribute to it.

If you have any questions or comments, let me know.

Enjoy the rest of your week!




V prvom rade by som Vám všetkým chcela popriať šťastný rok 2024 a poďakovať sa za podporu, ktorú ste nám poskytli pri zlepšovaní OSM v roku 2023.

Na úvod nového roka sme vytvorili MapRoulette výzvu, ktorá má zlepšiť cestnú sieť na Slovensku:  "Add and Complete Crossings between Railways and Roads". Každá zo 61 úloh v tejto výzve poukazuje na miesto, kde môže chýbať alebo byť nedokončené križovanie ciest so železnicou. Môžno treba doplniť značku  railway=crossing alebo railway=level_crossing, prípadne časť ciest tvoriacich križovatku.

Náš tím môže tieto úlohy riešiť o niekoľko týždňov. Výzva je verejná, takže k nej môžu prispieť tí, ktorí majú záujem.

Ak máte nejaké otázky alebo pripomienky, dajte mi vedieť.

Užite si zvyšok týždňa!


Op maandag 6 november 2023 om 09:30:43 UTC+1 schreef Marjan Van de Kauter:

Marjan Van de Kauter

Feb 8, 2024, 4:50:27 AM2/8/24
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

Hi everyone,

(Below I’m including a Slovak translation of this message.)

We have created a new MapRoulette challenge: "Fix Intersecting Buildings". Each of the tasks points to a location where multiple buildings overlap on the same level and an error may need to be fixed, for example:

- the building outlines should be corrected,

- a tag such as building=part should be added,

- one of the buildings should be removed because they are duplicates,

- the tagging on one of the objects should be corrected because it is not a building,

- …

More detailed guidelines are in the description of each task.

The challenge currently contains 500 tasks, but we identified over 6000 potential issues in total, so we will be adding more over time.

Our editing team may work on this challenge in a couple of weeks or so. It is also open to other interested mappers.

If you have any questions or comments, let me know. Enjoy the rest of your day!


Kind regards,





Vytvorili sme novú výzvu MapRoulette: "Fix Intersecting Buildings". Každá z úloh poukazuje na miesto, kde sa na rovnakej úrovni prekrýva viacero budov a môže byť potrebné opraviť napríklad chybu:

- opraviť obrysy budov,

- mala by sa pridať značka, napríklad building=part,

- jedna z budov by sa mala odstrániť, pretože sa duplikuje,

- označenie jedného z objektov by sa malo opraviť, pretože to nie je budova,

- ...

Podrobnejšie pokyny sú uvedené v popise každej úlohy.

Výzva v súčasnosti obsahuje 500 úloh, ale celkovo sme identifikovali viac ako 6000 potenciálnych problémov, takže časom budeme pridávať ďalšie.

Náš tím môže na tejto úlohe pracovať približne o niekoľko týždňov. Je otvorená aj pre ďalších záujemcov.

Ak máte nejaké otázky alebo pripomienky, dajte mi vedieť. Užite si zvyšok dňa!


S láskavým pozdravom,


Op maandag 15 januari 2024 om 10:43:44 UTC+1 schreef Marjan Van de Kauter:


Feb 12, 2024, 7:07:24 PM2/12/24
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Hi. Thanks for the effort.

However I have seen bad results from Maproulette, because there are wrong instructions to the mappers and often beginners try to fix these tasks and don't know what they are doing.

The task at hand "fixing of overlapping buildings" seems quite complicated to me and needs experienced mappers to handle it. We also reference buildings in OSM Slovakia to Slovak cadastre map and try to create 1 on 1 mapping to OSM where possible. If a beginner comes and splits 1 building (according to cadastre) into 10 buildings just to satisfy a Maproulette task, that is not a benefit for Slovak OSM.
So, the instructions you give into the task must be very precise and correct (like there is no building=part tag that you mentioned).

Dátum: štvrtok 8. februára 2024, čas: 10:50:27 UTC+1, odosielateľ: Marjan Van de Kauter

Hi everyone,

(Below I’m including a Slovak translation of this message.)


Feb 13, 2024, 9:06:31 AM2/13/24
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Thanks for the latest task,
I had so much fun with it, please make more!
As for Acerman4444's comment - Most of the mistakes that existed were caused by bad automated imports and were mostly simple fixes by moving node to way etc. - nothing for complete begginers, but is easy enough with a reasonable editor.

Biggest problem I saw was that it was not always completely clear what exactly was I supposed to fix as the marker on Maproulette could be quite off, or missing for 9/10 errors around a building.

Dátum: utorok 13. februára 2024, čas: 1:07:24 UTC+1, odosielateľ: Aceman444

Marjan Van de Kauter

Feb 16, 2024, 3:33:19 AM2/16/24
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

Thanks for your feedback everyone!

I agree that good instructions are important. Aceman444, you’re right about the building=part tag, this should be building:part=*. I corrected this in the task description and made some further improvements to make the instructions more clear.

Like arik123max said, the challenge should mostly lead to simple fixes of actual errors, but of course we’re happy to help users take into account the cadastre. What is the recommended approach for this—how can mappers consult the cadastre map while editing? We can mention this in the challenge description.

And if you do see any issues resulting from our challenge, don’t hesitate to point those out so we can work on improving the challenge content or description if needed.

arik123max, tasks might be missing for certain errors because we didn’t add all tasks to the challenge in one go. Ideally, tasks located in the same vicinity would be added to the challenge at the same time though. We’ll investigate how we can improve on this in the future.

Thanks again everyone for your contributions and feedback. Have a great weekend!


Op dinsdag 13 februari 2024 om 15:06:31 UTC+1 schreef arik123max:


Mar 18, 2024, 6:43:06 PM3/18/24
to Openstreetmap Slovakia

Even if you think the fixes should be simple, sadly the reality is often different.
I have recently encountered task which seems to be related to Tom Tom.
It is unclear which kind of issues that task has displayed to the users to fix. But it seems there are users that did not understand the task.
I have found this user Grintovec, that just blindly converts layer=1 tags to level=1 :

This kind of change does not actually fix any intersection problems and actually creates new ones, as the layer tags are the way to solve intersection problems and specify which object is above which so that they do not actually intersect.
I don't know what errors there were in the changed objects, but the "fix" is definitely worse than the original. He didn't even follow the solutions described in the task itself, but invents his own changes, that do not fix anything.
(Incidentally, the same problems in this same area were already fixed in , again with often wrong solutions).

It seems this user is related to TomTom itself (maybe an employee) and has damaged parts of our city like this and continues his quest into other countries.


Dátum: piatok 16. februára 2024, čas: 9:33:19 UTC+1, odosielateľ: Marjan Van de Kauter


Mar 18, 2024, 6:44:50 PM3/18/24
to Openstreetmap Slovakia
Sorry, one of the duplicate links should have been .

Dátum: pondelok 18. marca 2024, čas: 23:43:06 UTC+1, odosielateľ: Aceman444
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