Gewässerrouting mit Brouter-Web: Problem

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Andreas Borutta

May 13, 2021, 4:40:27 AM5/13/21
to OSM Android bikerouting

Ich bin nicht sicher, ob meine Frage hier ontopic ist, bitte teilt mir einfach mit, wenn ein passenderes Forum gibt.

Ich hatte nach einem Forum zu Brouter-Web gesucht, jedoch ohne Erfolg.

Ich leite Kanutouren mit Jugendlichen. Es geht um Gewässerrouting.

Wenn ich in Brouter-Web das Profil "Fluss" wähle, funktioniert auf den ersten Blick das Routing wie erwartet.
Siehe URL.,51.843506;14.085985,51.835705;14.085953,51.835784;14.085964,51.83554;14.086221,51.835112;14.086044,51.834635;14.086012,51.834211;14.086071,51.833797&profile=river&alternativeidx=1

Sobald ich jedoch "abbiege" auf das Fließ "Untere Stradower Kahnfahrt" bricht das Routing ab und es werden nur noch "Punkte" gezeichnet.

Auf Seen kann man das Gewässerrouting gar nicht verwenden:,53.203205;12.909279,53.208912&profile=river

Dort wird nur angezeigt "Die Zielmarkierung ist zu weit von der Route entfernt." Es werden auch keine Streckenlängen angezeigt.

Gibt es einen Weg OSM/Brouter-Web für Gewässerrouting zu verwenden?

Ich würde mich über euren Rat freuen : ) Danke.

Gruß, Andreas


May 17, 2021, 11:25:33 AM5/17/21
to OSM Android bikerouting
the "Untere Stradower Kahnfahrt" is tagged as "waterway=stream" and that's not even part of the "lookup.dat" lookup-table, so it's not contained in the datafiles

Wiki says "commonly accepted rule for OpenStreetMap is that a stream can be jumped across by an active, able-bodied person" ( )

But today there was an edit-war on exactly that section where user "streckenkundler" (probably a very good jumper...) came up with the "never tag for the router" argument.

The other part of that edit-war was another Andreas, who seems to be very active in that subject ( see )

Reason that "waterway=stream" is not contained in the lookup.dat is historic where non-routable ways created a memory-impact in BRouter. However, these days there is no more such impact so we should extend the lookup.dat and the river profile, using the lessons learned from  that other Andreas...

Andreas Borutta

May 17, 2021, 2:12:26 PM5/17/21
to OSM Android bikerouting
Hey. Thanks for the background info.

From my perspective as an information architect, environmental engineer, canoe instructor and tour guide for canoe tours, it is enormously important for an ecologically sensitive region like the Spreewald that navigation rules ("here you are allowed to pass as a canoeist, here you are not") are well visualized on a digital map. Ideally, this should be updated on a daily basis. With each closure of a lock etc.

And of course it would be nice, if the apparently arguing groups ("OSM mappers" and "OSM routers") find a great way to satisfy all interests.

I'm trying myself through an acquaintance who works in the Spreewald in tourism, a contact to the State Navigation Office Brandenburg to get out there, what information is available digitally usable.
I am curious.

By the way, the other "Andreas" is an Axel : ) With him I am in intensive contact via mail.

Brouter is great, I am very enthusiastic about the beautiful tool. Hopefully it can soon be used for routing in the Spreewald and for routing in the Mecklenburg Lake District.

Volker Schmidt

May 17, 2021, 5:12:09 PM5/17/21
to Andreas Borutta, OSM Android bikerouting
As we are at that: a waterway=canal can be
  1. a navigable canal
  2. a drinking water canal (no boats);
  3. a feeder for a hydro-electric pump (normalluy no boats);
  4. a larger drainage canal;
  5. a larger irrigation canal
  6. a mapping error
  7. crossing another waterway in an inverted syphon (no boats)
(6) is very frequent in my area as here in Veneto any artificial waterway is called canal XYZ, which led many local mapper to tagging them as waterway=canal, often forgetting to add boat=no

(7) is frequent here, and so are errors (in imported data) showing crossing canals as connected when in reality they are passing each other without being water-wise connected.

Also our waterways are often shown continuous, when in reality they are passing through pipelines and pumping stations.

Most of the minor obstacles on waterways, like weirs, sluice gates, and short stretches in culverts are missing

I guess in Veneto we have more waterway kilometers than road kilometers, but the quality of the waterway data is much worse.


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