I a new to OrientDB then not very comfortable with SQL for graph. How can i get all ancestor from a vertex ? Considering following definitions :
Class Vertex "Folder" extends V,ORestricted
Class Vertex "Document" extends V,ORestricted
Class Edge "HasFolder" extends E
Class E "HasDocument" extends E
I have following graph :
Folder 01 --- [HasFolder]--> Folder 01.01 -- [HasDocument] --> My Doc 01
Folder 01 --- [HasFolder]--> Folder 01.02 -- [HasDocument] --> My Doc 02
Folder 01 --- [HasFolder]--> Folder 02.01 -- [HasDocument] --> My Doc 03
Starting from "My Doc 01", how can i get all ancestors (Folder 01.01, Folder 01.02) using SQL "traverse" function ?
SQL : "select from (traverse out() from #<ID Folder>) where @class='Document'"
Works fine if i want to have all documents referenced into descending tree but do not work if i use "in()" it do not work : "select from (traverse in() from (select from Document where name='My Doc 01'))
I tried with "V.out , E.in" and it do not work also. What is the correct syntax ? I think i miss something :)