Get all ancestors from vector ?

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Sebastien Berthezene

Oct 2, 2015, 11:38:10 AM10/2/15
to OrientDB

I a new to OrientDB then not very comfortable with SQL for graph. How can i get all ancestor from a vertex ? Considering following definitions :

Class Vertex "Folder" extends V,ORestricted
Class Vertex "Document" extends V,ORestricted
Class Edge "HasFolder" extends E
Class E "HasDocument" extends E

I have following graph :
Folder 01 --- [HasFolder]--> Folder 01.01 -- [HasDocument] --> My Doc 01
Folder 01 --- [HasFolder]--> Folder 01.02 -- [HasDocument] --> My Doc 02
Folder 01 --- [HasFolder]--> Folder 02.01 -- [HasDocument] --> My Doc 03
Starting from "My Doc 01", how can i get all ancestors (Folder 01.01, Folder 01.02) using SQL "traverse" function ? 

SQL : "select from (traverse out() from #<ID Folder>) where @class='Document'" 
Works fine if i want to have all documents referenced into descending tree but do not work if i use "in()" it do not work : "select from (traverse in() from (select from Document where name='My Doc 01'))

I tried with "V.out ," and it do not work also. What is the correct syntax ? I think i miss something :)

Luigi Dell'Aquila

Oct 5, 2015, 3:37:56 AM10/5/15
Hi Sebastien,

it is very strange, your query is correct, so it's supposed to return the right results.
Could you please check if the select subquery returns the right document?




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Sebastien Berthezene

Oct 5, 2015, 4:47:39 AM10/5/15
I tried using direct ID but not working also :  "select from (traverse in() from #12:14)"

To be clear, i used the studio editor or console to test my query. The result always return the vertex itself and additional column "IN HasDocument" that is the edge i want to traverse back. Basically i can replace the "in()" clause by anything, it always return the same result (ex : select from (traverse dummy from #12:14)).

In general case, what is the query you can use the traverse in reverse way ? In my case, what is the query i can use to at least get all vertex referencing my other vertex from any edge ? And from named edges ? I think i missed  something in the syntax or i do not understand correctly for now.

Oct 5, 2015, 4:56:53 AM10/5/15
to OrientDB
Hi Sebastien,

Can you send me your database (even privately) so I can do more tests?


Luigi Dell'Aquila

Oct 5, 2015, 4:57:45 AM10/5/15
Hi Sebastien,

the syntax is correct, in() operator is the right one.
I think you have some problems in your data. Could you please post result of the following queries?

select from #12:14
select inE() from #12:14
select expand(inE()) from #12:14
select in from #12:14




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Sebastien Berthezene

Oct 5, 2015, 6:33:04 AM10/5/15
I think you are right, it seems to come from my data. When i dump the document #12:14, i have an embedded object "In_HasDocument" pointing to the edge. It is strange and not the case for Folder objects where i can see in and out edges. Here is the way i create this  HasDocument edge (Java) :

Object result = db.command(new OCommandSQL("create EDGE HasDocument from "+folderParent.getIdentity()+" to (select from Document where "+NAME+">='"+fromName+"' and "+NAME+"<='"+toName+"')")).execute();

It must result is a SQL like that :
create EDGE HasDocument from #24:30133 to (select from Document where name >='DOC 000001' and  name <='DOC 000010')

When i create bridges for folders i use :
resultSql = db.command(new OCommandSQL("create EDGE HasFolder from (select from Folder where "+FOLDERPATH+"='"+parentPath+"') to "+result.getIdentity())).execute();

It must result in a SQL like that :
create EDGE HasFolder from (select from Folder where folderpath='/level1/level2') to #24:30133

In this case it works correctly, edges are correctly created for in and out.

I will test again using another way to create edges.

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