Ads.txt Central Repository

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Jason Bickham

Sep 11, 2017, 2:15:18 PM9/11/17
to openrtb-dev
If there are any publishers or DSPs/buy-side platforms interested in discussing or testing a common repository, please feel free to contact me directly,

Jason Bickham

Dec 13, 2017, 12:09:43 PM12/13/17
to openrtb-dev
Ads.txt Offering: Soft Launch

Thanks to all who reached out.  We've moved an Ads.txt API into production and are seeking feedback on the initial offering leading up to a more formal announcement
.  Presently we have ads.txt files for over 8,000 sites, many with multiple versions, with the overall volume growing daily.  Access to the API is gained through a simple registration for a key which can be completed here:

Documentation for the API is attached, please feel free to register for a key to begin accessing data.

On Monday, September 11, 2017 at 2:15:18 PM UTC-4, Jason Bickham wrote:
If there are any publishers or DSPs/buy-side platforms interested in discussing or testing a common repository, please feel free to contact me directly,

Jason Bickham

Jan 23, 2018, 1:21:07 PM1/23/18
to openrtb-dev
Ads.txt Finder & Manager

Once again, great thanks to all of you who engaged on the previous post, we're looking forward to continued collaboration to improve this offering.  We've created two offerings:

  Ads.txt Manager: Versioned API with planned developments, initial feature set includes:
  • Query real-time ads.txt file data for any publisher with output in JSON or raw format
  • Ads.txt file data archive access
  • SSP lookup
  • "Follow" publishers' Ads.txt files for change notifications
  Access will be offered free (with some requirements) through June 30th.  

  Ads.txt Finder: Basic API access to query by domain; this is a free offering for the time being.


vladimir venediktov

Feb 25, 2018, 3:29:18 PM2/25/18
to openrtb-dev
Hi Jason, 

Thank you so much for giving ad-tech community access to Ads.txt administered by
Have you considered  decentralized not governed by anyone specific "immutable ledger technologies" for Ads.txt ? 
Our team of dedicated and savvy ad-tech developers  made great  progress with numerous reference implementations 
of  decentralized ledger technologies ( DLT ) for both private/permission-ed  and public access ledgers.
We see a great potential in DLT for ad-tech and in particular for something like Ads.txt.
If you are interested to explore opportunities in this technology please reach out to us at .

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