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Protect the public from electromagnetic radiation emissions from cell phones and other wireless devices

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Nov 22, 2017, 4:20:02 PM11/22/17

With teen mental health deteriorating over five years, there’s a likely culprit

Cell Phone Headaches – New Study Reveals Cell Phone Radiation Headache Link

On November 11, 2017, Medical Associations in Cyprus and Austria issued a new position paper calling for new policy to protect the public from electromagnetic radiation emissions from cell phones and other wireless devices

Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Exposure Guidelines (from Scientists for Wired Technology)

The Invisible Rainbow. A History of Electricity and Life 

EMR and Health Reports Dec. 2017 issue

Internet of Things : IEEE Spectrum: Tech Insiders Webinar Series commented :
Hi! As Alice in Wonderland's Red Queen said, you need to run faster to
keep abreast of "progress" see below! Regards, Cyril.

From: Cecelia Doucette <>
Object: TR : Massachusetts EMF Bills Update: Timely Action
Date: Nov 22 2017 à 07:48:44 UTC−5

Quick Update: The agenda for next week's Massachusetts hearing has been set and S. 2080 to train the medical community on EMF illnesses and provide insurance coverage is set to be heard on Tuesday, November 28. After legislators and dignitaries testify on their bills, we've requested that S. 2080 be heard next so those with EHS can leave sooner rather than later.

We will be very grateful to those who can testify in person. Thank you to those who have sent in written testimony, please keep them coming! See attached templates. Just swap your info in for the items in red. Thanks!

Cece Doucette
Technology Safety Educator
Ashland, MA 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cecelia Doucette <>
Date: Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 5:33 AM
Subject: Massachusetts EMF Bills Update: Timely Action
To: Cecelia Doucette <>

Good Morning,

The upshot: Your testimony is needed for the medical training and insurance coverage bill -- please fill out the attached and send in today -- thanks!

The backstory:

I realize we are heading into the holiday season but I'd like to ask for your help. A very determined high school teacher who became electrically sensitive from EMF exposures at school and is now unable to continue with her profession, brought the EMF issue to her state senator. 

He, like most of our legislators, wasn't aware wireless technology brings risks. Since the teacher had become an expert he deferred to her to write a bill to train the medical community on EMFs and have treatment covered by insurance. 

That bill is expected to be up for public hearing on November 28. Could you please take a few minutes to send in testimony? This bill is before a new committee which has not been involved in the other Massachusetts EMF bills so it is important they hear directly from each of us who can take five minutes to fill in the attached template.

Even if you only have time to say this is important and ask for the committee's leadership, it will go a long way toward raising awareness of this critical issue. I've been told that our legislators know for every person who sends in testimony there are many others out there who feel the same way. But if all of us are too busy with our other priorities to send in testimony, this bill will languish undistinguished from the thousands of other bills the Massachusetts legislature must process this session.

The attached template will make submission easy. You can also find it on the MA EMF Bills page, along with templates for the other bills.

Thanks, as ever, for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Cece Doucette
Technology Safety Educator
Ashland, MA 

S. 2080 Medical Awareness & Insurance Coverage.docx
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