From: John Weigel <>
Sent: Friday, 17 November 2017 11:04 AM
To: John Weigel
Subject: Fwd: EMF Updates


Ladies and Gentlemen,
 For two veteran academicians to challenge the European Commission is important. For more than two months, Prof. Rainer Nyberg and Oncologis Dr. Lennart Hardell have been lobbying for independent research into the effects of 5G technology. Their concern and their use of the term "URGENT" is cause for people to take notice.
 Meanwhile the increasing intrusion into our lives secretly while be exposure to the physical harm caused by microwave radiation combined should alert people and companies that convenience is no excuse to bath the planet in radiation. The LUX Live conference about the wonders of Li-Fi (essentially broadband internet services delivered through lighting) completely avoids privacy issues and physical dangers.  
 Perhaps the most sinister aspect of criticizing industry, however, is the censorship of a video concerning gang stalking and voice to skull technology by YouTube.
 On a human level, the tragedy of Caroline O'Flaherty's battle with cancer is undeniable. First denied to have her own chlld by cancer, now a mother with a six and a half year old daughter, she is again fight the disease and the child she fought so hard to have, faces the prospect of losing her mother. The story of Caroline and Baby Ava is riveting.
 Please circulate widely.
John Weigel


Germany forced to pay consumers to use more electricity

A stormy weekend led to free electricity in Germany, as Bloomberg reports wind generation reached a record, forcing power producers to pay customers the most since Christmas 2012 to use electricity.