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Kerre Woodham WAS here: Remember this?

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Jun 2, 2010, 8:02:18 AM6/2/10
Almost one year ago now, a savagely funny yet deeply unsettling
message by a new poster appeared on this forum. The poster was named,
absurdly and obviously, “NewstalkZB’s Kerre ohoWmad”....

nz.general July 8 2009
by NewstalkZB’s Kerre ohoWmad
I've written before about a high-profile knifing (Bruce Emery lashing
out at a piece of lowlife) and a celebrity spine-kicking (my brilliant
colleague Tony Veitch lashing out at a real pain who just would not
leave his condominium when he told her to). In both cases, I and my
colleagues at NewstalkZB weighed the evidence soberly and carefully,
and came out firmly on the side of the assailants. Our brave and
principled stance was criticised by the usual assortment of
malcontents and complainers---you know, the "P.C. brigade". So I have
no doubt that my following comments will come under criticism from the
BOTTOM. ...<SNIP>...
See the whole post HERE...

Clearly this was a parody. Horrifying and exploitative on one level,
but uncannily accurate in its mimickry of the real Kerre Woodham. As
anybody familiar with Woodham’s Herald on Sunday column could see,
Kerre ohoWmad’s post was modelled, phrase by phrase and even word by
word, on Woodham’s vicious, pecksniffian public berating of the mother
of murdered South Auckland teenager Pihema Cameron. According to
Woodham, Leanne Cameron had failed to show the requisite sangfroid and
dignity at the trial of her son’s killer. Woodham’s dressing down of
the grieving woman was perhaps the most degrading single contribution
to a sustained media campaign of belittlement and defamation of Pihema
Cameron and his family.

While several nz.general regulars---the legendary E. Scrooge in
particular---thought, quite reasonably, that the doppelganger (Kerre
ohoWmad) was the REAL Kerre Woodham, and expressed their anger at her
and her radio station, most people soon saw that it was a pisstake. A
pisstake of questionable taste, perhaps, but everybody could see the
very serious point of this satirical attack. Newsgroup heavy John
Cawston immediately spotted it, and so did another heavy, Kerry, who
commented with some perspicacity: “Not so much a troll as a cynical
and sarcastic post about the Auckland cohort of luvvies.”

One person who definitely could see the point was Kerre Woodham
herself. Woodham was almost immediately alerted (“by several concerned
people”) to the nz.general thread on the day it appeared. Evidently,
Ms. Woodham was severely shaken by the idea that people might think
she really was attacking the mother of Sophie Elliott in the same way
she had attacked the mother of Pihema Cameron. Kerre Woodham was
astute enough to see that Kerre ohoWmad’s satirical attack on Sophie
Elliott and her mother was an ironic counterpoint to her own actual
attack on Mrs Cameron.

So it was not without good reason that Ms. Woodham feared that people
might really believe that she WAS Kerre ohoWmad. It was time for
Kerre Woodham to make it clear that, in contrast to her stance five
months earlier towards one stabbing victim, this time (in July) she
supported the victim all the way. And it was time to show that Mrs
Lesley Elliott was one knifing victim’s mother that would NOT feel the
sting of a public lecture from Kerre Woodham.

And above all, it was time for Kerre Woodham to descend from the lofty
intellectual heights of talk radio and make an appearance on ---
shudder!--- an internet newsgroup. No doubt this would also be a good
opportunity to fling a few well-honed epithets at the craven nasty
slime that was imitating her so mercilessly in cyberspace. So it came
to pass that the 32nd message on the thread was the virgin post by a
brand new nz.general contributor....

July 9
The comments being attributed to me are not mine. [...] I am
disappointed that some coward feels the need to hide behind my name
and identity. [....] this sort of craven nastiness epitomises the very
worst of the internet. Sorry for crashing your group, but somebody
sent me the link and I had to respond.

Kerre Woodham

She goes on to engage in a brief discussion with nz.general regular
Agnes Lovejoy Prune, who does her best to counsel the distressed
newcomer. Woodham is clearly VERY worried that people will think she
is Kerre ohoWmad. She tells Agnes in message No. 34 that she “doesn’t
mind” having to defend her viewpoints---“but to have people think I
would be the author of something so offensive - and poorly written -
is inexcusable. Snide, nasty, cowardly people hide behind the
internet and pseudonyms.”

A few days later Ms Woodham is back on the nz.general forum again.
see the following message by the NewstalkZB hackette, which follows a
pointed suggestion by Radio Transcripts Ltd. that the vile poster
“Michelle Tokoroa” was actually Woodham...

Kerre July 14, 2009
This is the last time I shall post on this site but hopefully this
will show that the sad arse who continues this foaming frenzy against
me has heard or read exactly what they want to hear. If you're at all
interested, google Tony Veitch and Kerre Woodham. Up will come my
Herald on Sunday column for April 19th of this year and it reads as
follows ---I’m amazed at the number of women who rang talkback to say
that Kristen must have provoked him. Mainly older women, for some
reason. I know women can be lippy, bitchy, cruel and irrational cows.
In my bad old days, I was one of them. ....<snip several more reasons
given by Ms
Woodham as to why mouthy women like Kristin Dunne-Powell deserve a
beating, then a mild admonition of Veitch, and then she asserts Veitch
was unfairly picked on>....
How exactly does this condemn Ms Dunne Powell and beatify Veitch? God,
fanatics are tiresome. Thank god the internet exists for people to let
off steam, otherwise the hospitals would be full of nutters like Radio
Transcripts Ltd.


But that was not to be the end of it. On the following Sunday it
becomes clear just how much Kerre ohoWmad’s original post has roiled
Ms Woodham. Despite twice visiting the nz.general forum, first to deal
with Kerre ohoWmad and then with Radio Transcripts Ltd, she obviously
fears that the snake has not been scotched. Kerre ohoWmad’s parody has
torn jagged holes in her peace of mind. She has to make it quite clear
that she is in Camp Sophie, not Camp Clayton. Not confident the matter
has been sorted, by the weekend she is on the verge of becoming
completely unhinged. Obsessed by her doppelganger, Kerre Woodham needs
to gear herself up quickly to move into attack mode. She devotes her
Herald on Sunday column to a shrieking denunciation of the
“contemptible impostor” and “craven piece of cyber slime” (i.e., Kerre
ohoWmad) that has ruined the last week for her. Even eleven months
later, one can still feel Woodham’s bilious hysteria bubbling and
frothing as she jabs angrily at her laptop keyboard....

By Kerre Woodham
4:00 AM Sunday Jul 19, 2009

Some craven piece of cyber slime has tried to pass off his or her
vicious opinion as mine, even going so far as to associate their user
name, a very close approximation of mine, with NewstalkZB.

A couple of people saw it for the troll it was; others genuinely
thought that the comments were mine.... <SNIP>

You can savour the full sulphurous tang of Ms Woodham’s hilariously
unhinged rant by clicking on this link....

bubba ray

Jun 2, 2010, 5:15:57 PM6/2/10
On Jun 3, 12:02 am, Mo <> wrote:
> Almost one year ago now, a savagely funny yet deeply unsettling
> message by a new poster appeared on this forum. The poster was named,
> absurdly and obviously, “NewstalkZB’s Kerre ohoWmad”....

Bu "new poster" you mean yourself.


Jun 2, 2010, 6:19:30 PM6/2/10

"bubba ray" <> wrote in message

And I suspect the other one was the same person too.


Jun 3, 2010, 12:17:13 AM6/3/10
On Jun 3, 9:15 am, bubba ray <> essays a reasonable
guess as to the identity of NewstalkZB's Kerre ohoWmad, but he gets it

No I do not. Kerre ohoWmad is a good friend of this writer (i.e., moi)
but she is under the tutelage of our good friends at Daisycutter
Sports Inc.---an organisation from which I have been expelled.

It has to do with the Christmas party of '06.


Jun 3, 2010, 12:22:34 AM6/3/10
On Jun 3, 10:19 am, "Fred" <> wrote:
> "bubba ray" <> wrote in message

No, Fred. Kerre ohoWmad is not the same as Kerre Woodham. Kerre
ohoWmad is a grisly doppelganger of Kerre Woodham. I'm sure that the
fact you have conflated the two of them will encourage Ms. ohoWmad no


Jun 3, 2010, 3:43:27 AM6/3/10

"Mo" <> wrote in message

But Kerre Woodham is the same as Kerre ohoWmad. Neither of them was the
broadcaster bird.


Jun 3, 2010, 6:50:24 AM6/3/10
On Jun 3, 7:43 pm, "Fred" <> wrote:
> "Mo" <> wrote in message

Actually, the "Kerre" who posted here last July WAS Kerre
Woodham---"the broadcaster bird", as you rightly call her. On the
graveyard of despondency that is her radio show she informed her
listeners, through clenched teeth, that she had been forced to sully
herself by posting on nz.general.

I still think, as does my pal Jack Napes from Radio Transcripts Ltd.,
that Woodham has also posted here as the racist "Michele Tokoroa".

Joe Orton

Jun 4, 2010, 9:16:42 PM6/4/10
On Jun 3, 4:22 pm, Mo <> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 10:19 am, "Fred" <> wrote:
> > "bubba ray" <> wrote in message
> >
> > On Jun 3, 12:02 am, Mo <> wrote:
> > > Almost one year ago now, a savagely funny yet deeply unsettling
> > > message by a new poster appeared on this forum. The poster was named,
> > > absurdly and obviously, “NewstalkZB’s Kerre ohoWmad”....
> > Bu "new poster" you mean yourself.
> > And I suspect the other one was the same person too.
> No, Fred. Kerre ohoWmad is not the same as Kerre Woodham. Kerre
> ohoWmad is a grisly doppelganger of Kerre Woodham.

Or is it more accurate to say that Kerre Woodham is the grisly
doppelganger, and the simulacrum (Kerre ohoWmad) is more Woodham than
Woodham herself? You know, in the same sense that the Sergio Leone
westerns shot in Italy are more authentically American in spirit and
in appearance than the American ones that were actually shot in

> I'm sure that the fact you have conflated the two of them will encourage Ms. ohoWmad no end.

In fact, she is busy working on a minor masterpiece right at this very

Joe Orton, posting from the Daisycutter Sports Inc. HQ...

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