NW.js v0.22.1 Released with Chromium 58 Update and MP3 Decoder

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Kevin Fan (Gnor Tech)

2017年5月3日 08:15:342017/5/3
收件人 nwjs-g...@googlegroups.com

NW.js 0.22.1 is here with Chromium 58 update. Since the patents on MP3 decoding are expired in the last month, NW.js enables the mp3 decoding support in this version.

Chromium 58 contains under-the-hood performance and stability tweaks, and some cool new features to explore like IndexedDB 2.0 and an improvement to iframe navigation. See the upstream announcement for more information. We've made the 0.22 branch ready soon after Chromium beta bumps to 58. And we've been working on 3 branches simultaneously: a released branch on current Chromium stable, a beta branch on Chromium beta and a 0.14 branch for legacy OS support.

For more information on the new milestone 0.13 and later versions, please see our blog "What's New in 0.13" for a better introduction.


  • Update Chromium to 58.0.3029.96
  • Include MP3 decoder in the official build (#4149)
  • Fix: [OSX] nothing rendered using --force-cpu-redraw on OSX (#5866)
  • Fix: [OSX] crash after resuming from breakpoint in Node (#5882)
  • Fix: crash when calling setAlwaysOnTop in created window with remote url (#5738)
  • [docs] package.nw -> app.nw for macOS (#5883)
  • [docs] not recommending nw-builder since it's not in active maintained state

Full ChangeLog: https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/blob/nw22/CHANGELOG.md


SDK build:

Binary for other platforms: https://dl.nwjs.io/v0.22.1/

There are 2 builds for each platform - normal build, and SDK build. Normal build doesn't have devtools, only SDK build does. lt can be opened by pressing F12 (Cmd-Alt-I on OSX). SDK packages also have more development tools to be exposed in the following releases, as well as the NaCl support.

Our build infrastructure enables live binary build from git tip so you can access to the latest binary from https://dl.nwjs.io/live-build/

Known issues


NW.js maintainer
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