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1.7 localization freeze at RC2

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L. David Baron

не прочитано,
22 апр. 2004 г., 18:11:4922.04.2004

Drivers plan to stop taking 1.7 branch changes requiring localization
after the second release candidate, which is expected to be in about two
weeks. Hopefully we will not need to take any such changes for the
lifetime of the 1.7 branch, so if there's anything you may want to get
on the 1.7 branch, even after the 1.7 release, please try to get the DTD
or properties file changes in before RC2.

Normally, we might stop taking localization fixes earlier, but we've
already taken a bunch since 1.7b (which should all have the late-l10n
keyword), and 1.7 release candidate 1 already shipped with the
localeVersion set to 1.7b. This means we'll bump the localeVersion from
1.7b to 1.7 on the branch sometime between now and RC2.


L. David Baron <URL: >

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