WDYT about moving from Gitter to Zulip?

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Manuel Finelli

2022年4月27日 06:21:462022/4/27
收件人 narayana-users

Hi All,

I have been using Zulip for a while now and I have to admit that it is a great (open source) platform for developing open source projects. For example, it is possible to index threads and properly filter discussions.I really think that our Narayana community should consider moving from Gitter to Zulip. This is a particularly good moment to move to Zulip as we do not have a crowded audience in our Gitter channel and it would be easy to contact people individually to ask them to move to the new Zulip channel. It would be great to hear your opinion on my proposal. Many thanks


Michael Musgrove

2022年4月27日 09:16:112022/4/27
收件人 Manuel Finelli、narayana-users
Some of our stakeholders, such as WildFly and Quarkus, use Zulip for their discussions so it should be easier for them to monitor our activity if we move to Zulip chat.

Also, I know that we have a number of other groups who use the Narayana Transaction Manager so I hope they would be okay with such a switch.

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Michael Musgrove

JBoss, by Red Hat
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Mark Little

2022年4月28日 04:08:042022/4/28
收件人 Michael Musgrove、Manuel Finelli、narayana-users

Manuel Finelli

2022年5月4日 06:51:252022/5/4
收件人 narayana-users
As "moving from Gitter to Zulip" has been discussed in our Google group and on Gitter and nobody complained, I am happy to start working on this move! As soon as our new Zulip channel is ready, I will share details in our narayana-users group. Thanks to everyone for sharing your opinions in this discussion!

Manuel Finelli

2022年5月6日 10:06:512022/5/6
收件人 narayana-users
Great news! We have completed the configuration of our new Zulip organisation and I am happy to communicate that we are up and running at this address! Join us and start contributing to our open conversations :-)
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