Doc error about clone method

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Kent Lee

غير مقروءة،
01‏/08‏/2020، 9:58:10 ص1‏/8‏/2020
إلى mybatis-user
Cited from Source code Management

Anonymous Access

The source can be checked out anonymously from Git with this command (See

$ git clone --branch mybatis-3.5.5 ssh://
It's is not anonymous actually if you use ssh protocol. Besides, given you are not a developer or someone with higher rights, you will failed to clone by the method above. I tried to find the source doc code about this part, but I cannot grep any keywords in Mybatis's github repo ,so mysterious.The right way is below I think:
git clone --branch mybatis-3.5.5

Iwao AVE!

غير مقروءة،
02‏/08‏/2020، 3:25:36 م2‏/8‏/2020
إلى mybatis-user
Hello Kent,

That page is auto-generated by a maven plugin.
I am not familiar, but there seems to be a way to customize the URLs.

Please send us a PR if you find a fix.
You can generate the site HTMLs by executing `./mvnw site` command in a cloned repo.


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