Dear Robert,
yes, the time really flies. Thank you for your terminology dictionary, we highly appreciate your input.
For our next release, we will rename "Build-up Area Factor" to "Lot Coverage". As for the Building's Built-up Area, please let me know if this is correct:
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Hello Jernej
Appreciate your feedback!Plot (Lot) coverage is actually the pink area of your image, and the yellow area is the Built-up area.I agree with you about the details I supplied, they were just there to add some details. For planning work we typically would use percentages as you have noted. Built up area is a percentage of gross floor area, which in turn is a percentage of nett floor area.The coverage factor will dictate how much of the lot is allowed to be covered, while the floor space index (or floor area ratio) dictates how much building is allowed (GFA).You are doing such a good job with this project it seems a shame to get stuck with all these different definitions.Good luck.Regards----------------------------------------------------------------Dr Robert PlattSent from my iPad
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