PageSpeed Not Optimizing WordPress Srcset/Responsive Images

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غير مقروءة،
25‏/07‏/2016، 8:44:00 ص25‏/7‏/2016
إلى mod-pagespeed-discuss

We are running mod_pagespeed ( and WordPress (4.5.3). 

WordPress has been serving responsive images since version 4.4. Here is a blog post about it from their official blog:

We are running into an issue where pagespeed isn't optimizing or lazyloading the srcset/responsive images coming from WordPress. That also means the images aren't coming from our CDN like they should, since pagespeed pushes optimized images to the CDN.

Here is an example: 

<img style="margin-bottom: 1px;" src="" alt="image alt text" width="100" height="104" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10203" srcset=" 100w, 87w" sizes="(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px">

Is there a good solution to this problem? I know you can disable srcset/responsive images in WordPress, but that doesn't seem like the ideal solution.

Here are our pagespeed filters for reference:

mod_pagespeed on
ah Add Head
cw Collapse Whitespace
cc Combine Css
gp Convert Gif to Png
jp Convert Jpeg to Progressive
mc Convert Meta Tags
pj Convert Png to Jpeg
db Debug
ec Cache Extend Css
ei Cache Extend Images
es Cache Extend Scripts
fc Fallback Rewrite Css 
if Flatten CSS Imports
hw Flushes html
ci Inline Css
ii Inline Images
il Inline @import to Link
ji Inline Javascript
io In-place optimize for browser
idp Insert DNS Prefetch
js Jpeg Subsampling
ll Lazyload Images
pr Prioritize Critical Css
rj Recompress Jpeg
rp Recompress Png
rw Recompress Webp
rc Remove Comments
ri Resize Images
ir Resize to Rendered Image Dimensions
cf Rewrite Css
rd Rewrite Domains
jm Rewrite External Javascript
jj Rewrite Inline Javascript
cu Rewrite Style Attributes With Url
cp Strip Image Color Profiles
md Strip Image Meta Data

AvoidRenamingIntrospectiveJavascript (aris) True
EnableCachePurge (euci) True
EnableRewriting (e) 1
FileCacheInodeLimit (afcl) 500000
ImageRecompressionQuality (irq) 95
InPlaceResourceOptimization (ipro) True
InPlaceRewriteDeadlineMs (iprdm) 10000
JpegRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens (iqss) 90
RewriteLevel (l) Core Filters
RewriteRandomDropPercentage (rrdp) 0
Statistics (ase) True
StatisticsLogging (asle) True
SupportNoScriptEnabled (snse) False

#NumFlushes            0
#EndDocument after     4860us
#Total Parse duration  4730us
#Total Render duration 22785us
#Total Idle duration   130us
No critical images detected.
The following filters were disabled for this request:
CriticalSelectorFilter: No critical selector info in cache
Lazyload Images



Joshua Marantz

غير مقروءة،
25‏/07‏/2016، 8:55:06 ص25‏/7‏/2016
إلى mod-pagespeed-discuss
As it happens, we are just checking in code to fix this problem in our trunk:

There's an in-flight change to add support for cache-extending images referenced in srcset as well.  Stay tuned!


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غير مقروءة،
25‏/07‏/2016، 9:10:28 ص25‏/7‏/2016
إلى mod-pagespeed-discuss
Thanks for the fast response. That's great news!
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