Summer Internship Opportunities @ NEC Labs America, Princeton

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Dongjin Song

2017年1月19日 13:26:562017/1/19
收件人 Machine Learning News
The Data Science Department at NEC Labs America conducts research in the area of data mining and machine learning to manage large-scale complex systems. We are creating innovative analytics from big data to simplify and automate the management of physical systems (e.g., automobiles, power plants, smart city, etc.), as well as large-scale IT systems and services. Our group has several ongoing projects on big data analytics including massive time series modeling, heterogeneous data analysis, and large graph mining, etc. Our researchers have expertise in statistics, data mining, signal processing, pattern recognition and distributed systems. We strongly believe in publishing our research results as well as building technologies that can solve real world problems and ultimately support our business needs. Many of our research results have been transferred into award-winning NEC products.

Currently, the group has multiple summer intern positions available for graduate students. We are seeking self-motivated graduate students in the area of data mining and statistical learning.

Candidates are expected to analyze massive amount of monitoring data from complex physical and IT systems to model and analyze their complex behaviors. Candidates must be enrolled in the PhD program in CS/CE with strong publication records on the following topics.

· data mining and statistical learning
· time series analysis and prediction
· graph data management and mining
· big data analytics and algorithms
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