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Bullworker X5 versus Bully Xtreme Home Gym

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Sep 7, 2006, 11:20:11 AM9/7/06
So which is the better Bullworker type device,
"Bully Xtreme" or "Bullworker X5"?

Well if you're like me and loved the old Bullworker, Tensolator model,
then you MUST read this review!

- Here Are The Facts:

At first glance, the Bullworker X5 - pictured to the right - was
considered to be the newest of the Bullworker models, but the reality
is that the Bullworker X5 is actually the oldest of the two designs

So let's compare the Bullworker X5 and the Bully Xtreme by the
following factors:

- Quality of design
- Amount of resistance
- Exercise Program
- Durability And Warranty
- Quality Of Design

The "Bullworker X5" - was patented back in the 1980's. The idea behind
it was to add a full range of motion, but according to the exercise
experts...full range is not needed to get the maximum results, in
Isometric/Static Contraction training.

The best feature of the Bullworker X5 design is that instead of 2
tubes, one sliding into the other... you now have 3 tubes, allowing you
to do more exercises than with the Bullworker.

You can grasp the tubes and perform at least 10 more exercises,
especially for the outer and inner muscles of the chest!

The Bullworker X5 also "looks" prettier than the Bullworker, because of
the shiny plastic used.

The Bullworker X5 is also lighter in weight, all thou that never
mattered since the Bullworker only weighted 4 lbs anyway.

In the Bullworker X5, the company switched from using a molded handle
to a flat plastic, which is no where near as comfortable as the older
Bullworker models.

The company also switched from a steel shaft to a cheap plastic one -
as mentioned earlier - but in my opinion, the Bullworker X5 will break
or become damaged from use, very easily.
The Bullworker X5, clearly is not even close to the quality of the old
Bullworker, for sure!

They did succeed in extending the range of motion, by switching to
straps instead of steel cables, but at a loss of comfort and

The straps in the Bullworker X5 are not as comfortable to workout with
as the cables were. The steel cables in the old Bullworker were covered
in a very comfortable, plastic sheath.
The cables are much more durable then the straps. I have seen many of
the Bullworker X5 models with the straps "fraying" from use.

The "Bully Xtreme" - What the Bully Xtreme people have done is taken
the best of the Tensolator, Macho Power, Bullworker 2, Bullworker 3,
Bullworker X5, and created this "hybrid" Bullworker, the Bully Xtreme.

As I see it, this is the natural evolution of a product. It's exactly
what's been going on in the Automotive industry, where they have taken
the best of SUV's and combined it with the best of passenger vehicles,
to create their own "hybrids."

The tube design of the Bully Xtreme is similar to the Bullworker X5, in
that it has the 3 tubes (allowing for more exercises), but that is
where the similarities end.

The tube part is made like the old Bullworkers...steel and aluminum.
The Bully Xtreme weights more than the Bullworker X5, because of it's
sturdy steel construction, so if lifting 5 lbs is a problem, this may
not be the product for you.

The Bully Xtreme company redesigned the handles, making them from a
durable and more comfortable "plastic polymer". I personally prefer
this handle to the old Bullworker model, it's more comfortable and also
"fits" better, in my hands.

They have also brought back the steel cables and made them stronger.
The cables are "sealed" with 25 tons of pressure and then are covered
with a thicker, more comfortable plastic sheath, then even what the old
Bullworker had.

Making it very easy to workout with, I don't even use workout gloves

- Amount Of Resistance

This is an easy one, the Bully Xtreme has in my estimation, at least
double the amount of resistance of the new Bullworker X5.

The only problem is that this may discourage some people that are just
starting out and have never exercised before. They may feel that the
Bully Xtreme has to move in order to get results!

This the farthest thing from the truth!

If you understand how Isometrics/Static Contraction works, then you
know that this is not a problem.

The Bully Xtreme system of training has resulted in strength gains of
over 4% per week, in "scientific tests"!

For more information regarding Isometrics, Static Contraction training,
follow this link for an article titled "THE REGULATION OF MUSCULAR
It's a worthwhile read and informative... Isometric Training

The Bully Xtreme Training Manual goes into more detail about this.

- Exercise Program

This is a sore subject with me. The Bullworker X5 is still using the
same obsolete, un-healthy Bullworker training program from the 60's. It
hasn't been modernized or kept up-to-date.

The Bully xtreme, on the other hand comes with a 50+ page training
manual, that incorporates all the latest info in "exercise science"

In addition, the Bully Xtreme also includes a 179 page, Fat Loss
Manual, chock full of nutrition and fat burning information. It allows
you to lose body fat, not muscle and still eat all your favorite foods.
They even include over 26 mouthwatering recipes in another e-book that
they include with the Bully Xtreme Home Gym.

In this category, the Bullworker X5, doesn't even compete with the
Bully Xtreme!

-Durability And Warranty

Well all the quality issues aside, the Bullworker X5 made in Europe
does offer a 2 year warranty, but the Bullworker X5 Gold sold in the
USA doesn't offer any warranty whatsoever!
Comparing that to the Bully Xtreme which comes with a full 5 year
warranty, makes this category a no-brainer as well!

Bully Xtreme, hands down is more durable and offers a longer warranty
then any of it's competitors!

No wonder, the product is tested 4 times by the manufacturer, before
they ship it out and it's made of high quality chrome and steel.

As we all know, plastic is still cheaper than metal, that's why so many
parts in today's automobiles are plastic instead of keep the
cost of manufacturing down!

It seems, the people that put the Bully Xtreme together had one thing
on their mind, build a quality product that works-- and it does!

So is Bully Xtreme Home Gym Better than Bullworker X5 and worth trying?

Yes, it is - it's widely well known and popular. Having been spoken of
highly by John Peterson, author and owner of the Bronze Bow Publishing,
as well as having been endorsed on many websites, groups and forums
across the internet.

Frank Sherrill has clearly poured everything he knows about burning fat
and building muscle into the Training Manual and Fat Loss Guide, that
he includes, for FREE with the purchase of the Bully Xtreme Home Gym.

The Fat Loss Guide, comes as an eBook and first helps you identify your
body type; then gives you a lesson in fats, proteins and carbohydrates
and how they pertain to burning fat.
Finally, you're shown how to take these two pieces of information and
develop a plan to get in shape that is personalized for you.

This eBook isn't solely about developing large muscles as I may have
suggested. It's also focused on burning fat and getting in the best
shape of your life.

"Bully Xtreme Fat Loss Guide" is based around the theory that there is
no "perfect diet" for anyone. You have to develop your fat burning
goals based on your specific body type - which is correct.

Specifically, Frank Sherrill claims "Bully Xtreme Home Gym" will help

- Build muscle faster than with any other method.
- Develop a leaner, healthier body.
- Double or even triple your strength-- in no time!
- Lose fat permanently.
- Lose fat without drugs.
- Lose fat without supplements.

And best of all he includes it for free, these e-Book's alone are worth
the price of the Bully Xtreme Home Gym-- in my opinion!

In Summary

The Bully Xtreme Home Gym, is well built and clearly backed by one of
the finest warranties on the market today, a full 5 years!

The Training Manual and Fat loss Guide are "state of the art" in
exercise and nutritional science.

After reading it, you'll have a clear game plan in your head of what
you need to do to reach your muscle building and/or fat loss goals
based on YOUR body type, and with the Bully Xtreme Home Gym you will
have one of the finest pieces of exercise equipment, in that price
range, that I have seen to date.

---> Click Here For More Information About .....

Frank Sherrill's Bully Xtreme Home Gym

Please Note: "Bully Xtreme Home Gym" contains a large amount of good
fitness advice. As a result, if you click on the above link for more
information, you'll notice the website is long. If you know for sure
you want to purchase the Bully Xtreme Home Gym and get the ton of FREE
bonuses they are giving away, just scroll to the bottom of the page for
the order button.

For a limited time only, you can get it at a 20% discount.



Sep 7, 2006, 5:34:09 PM9/7/06

<> wrote in message
<<snipped spam chock full of crap>>

Go away u F'ing spammer.

Maybe everyone should call 908-418-3153 and let you know what they think of
your spamming?

Sep 12, 2006, 11:05:58 AM9/12/06
Maybe your'e an idiot!

That was a cut and paste of a review site that I thought would answer
peoples questions regarding the Bullworker Home Gym and the Bully

I saw a lot of people asking questions here regarding these type of

Get a life dude.

I just ordered the Bully Xtreme and will post my opinion of it soon!



Sep 12, 2006, 3:29:32 PM9/12/06

<> wrote in message

> Maybe your'e an idiot!
> That was a cut and paste of a review site that I thought would answer
> peoples questions regarding the Bullworker Home Gym and the Bully
> Xtreme.
> I saw a lot of people asking questions here regarding these type of
> exercisers.
> Get a life dude.
> I just ordered the Bully Xtreme and will post my opinion of it soon!
> Mark

You just ordered it from YOURSELF? Don't be a dipshit, it's pretty easy to
see that the site is yours.

How's those sales of your "Isometric Combat Conditioning Matt Furey Total
Home Gym" (i.e. piece of bully crap) doing?

Maybe everyone who's interested should call your apartment up
(908-418-3153). That is s24 hour number right?

Now please kindly take your spamming elsewhere.....
Just FOAD!


Sep 12, 2006, 4:20:32 PM9/12/06

"Spammers_Should_Be_Shot" <> wrote in message
I'm hanging out to see the opinion that he will have of it. Am wondering if
he will like his own gadget

Sep 30, 2006, 9:35:26 PM9/30/06
Youre an ass!!

Get a life outside of this board dude!!!

This a free board and I can postr what I want!

If I like the product, greta for me!!

You probably could use it. Youre probably fat and out of shape!!

David Cohen

Sep 30, 2006, 10:13:19 PM9/30/06

<> wrote

> Youre an ass!!
> Get a life outside of this board dude!!!
> This a free board and I can postr what I want!
> If I like the product, greta for me!!
> You probably could use it. Youre probably fat and out of shape!!

You're funny :)

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