Hi "
sealp...@gmail.com" ,
Welcome to the group! Would you be able to provide a link or links to the lines in question from the
repository? I tried doing a quick search for the types.h file in question but couldn't find it. Also what version of Minix where you checking? Anywho, unfortunately getting Minix to compile on a 64-bit platform is not a straightforward endeavor. The line in question may be one that only defines what u64_t does and how to break it into two pieces. Some structs need to remain a certain size (for example Minix IPC messages) otherwise other code breaks.
To go more in-depth into what is required, some of the details are covered here:
I appreciate your enthusiasm in the project and we need people willing to dive into the code and figure things out! I hope the information above helps. Also, a lot of the code is taken from NetBSD, so it's possible there's similar code to the FreeBSD portion below just placed somewhere else.
P.S. Sorry but Groups now only shows a partial address via the interface.