I am atrocious, capital sad! Cheafly, because in the tutorial and todo-list written, that the minix-group has as the mainly goal the ARM developing, not the X86-64!
I have a Lenovo ThinkPad T530, with 16 GB RAM, & Intel videocard. I am ready for very lot of compromise, during I use the Minix, but NOT that I use an operating system, which cannot use realtime, native my 64 bit processors& RAM. The 64 bit emulation is for me unacceptable, because then I cannot have the advantages of my fast computer. Emulation is always much slowest, than the native usage.
In which time to be expected the x86_64 release of the Minix?! Please tell me, if it is available!
Another topic: I have an own forum, at the link: http://parancssor.info/forum
The name "parancssor" mean in the hungarian language: "commandline". If the Minix community would like a forum, I am ready to create a full subsection in this forum for the Minix, and the peoples who like the Minix, can talking in that place, on the forum. Of course, this possibility is absolute free. And, my domain is full commercial/advertising free. No stupid flashes, etc.
I see huge compelling reasons to go to X86-64 (my AV projects/programs simply cannot run in 31.5 bits - think CD-->DVD-->BD/HD). [...] It is very disappointing not to be able to use Minix because it would cripple my machines.
I am looking at considering a student project to produce an X86-64 microkernel...
Is anyone else out there interested in 64-bit?
I see huge compelling reasons to go to X86-64 (my AV projects/programs simply cannot run in 31.5 bits - think CD-->DVD-->BD/HD). [...] It is very disappointing not to be able to use Minix because it would cripple my machines.
Besides the address space issue, not having SMP, SSE, 3D acceleration or a 64-bit capable file-system would also be issues for that kind of work.
I'm currently porting MINIX 3 with two fellow students to the Raspberry Pi 2/3 as a student project. We're one week in and we have the micro-kernel (barely) working for now. That's with an already-supported architecture as a basis and me being well-versed in arcane low-level stuff and the MINIX source code.
Porting MINIX 3 to the x86_64 will be much harder than what I'm doing right now. The cross-toolchain, arch-specific code (kernel, VM, libraries...), virtual memory, syscalls and 64 bit cleanliness issues (mostly in minix/ipc.h) are things amongst others I don't have to deal with compared to a full-blown port to a new, 64-bit processor.
It is very disappointing not to be able to use Minix because it would cripple my machines.
I am looking at considering a student project to produce an X86-64 microkernel...
Is anyone else out there interested in 64-bit?
TBH, it sounds to me like we do not need 64 bit because the other components are not 64 bit aware. I think, every OS starts from supporting 64 bit at kernel level. Personally, I can also live with a 64bit kernel (long mode) and 32 bit userland. A amd64 port of minix is also from my POV crucial to really use minix in day by day manner on bare metal.
Do not get me wrong, I really encourage community effort a lot, but even Raspberry Pi is already a 64bit CPU and has more than one core. So doing the SMP right for example would also allow us push x86 AND arm forward the same time.
Well, there's no real compelling technical reasons to port Minix to x86_64 for the moment.
Minix was ported to ARM because the characteristics of Minix (micro-kernel, self-healing, small size) makes it a good candidate for the embedded market, which uses ARM processors most of the time.
Let's take real-world examples with what is inside my house to get a scale of what's needed.
The Synology DS-216 NAS has a dual-core 32-bit ARM processor clocked at 1.3 GHz and 512 MiB of RAM, which is more than enough for transcoding videos on-the-fly and I suppose a reasonably light usage of ZFS if it actually supported it.
The Synology DS-109j NAS has a single-core 32-bit PowerPC clocked at 266 MHz and 32 MiB of RAM. It's nowhere near as powerful as its distant cousin, but it still gets the job done streaming Full HD movies to my TV even after all these years.
Conclusion : we do not need SMP, 64 bit support or ZFS to make MINIX 3 suitable as a light NAS operating system. However, MINIX 3 won't scale towards more heavyweight solutions or ZFS unless some significant work is done first.
The Netgear WGT624 WiFi router has a really slow 32-bit MIPS processor from 2003 and 16 MiB or RAM. Even if I should probably give it to a museum at this point, it can still route packets faster than my ADSL line can download them or the DS-109j can stream data.
Conclusion : we do not need SMP or 64 bit support to saturate a consumer-grade ADSL line with plenty of bandwidth to spare. If you have fiber or an extensive network infrastructure then it's another story.
We're not going to beat feature-packed, crazy-optimized FreeBSD or Linux images at their own game. There's simply not enough manpower to do that. However, MINIX 3 can win on reliability and security against the big guys.
I purposely do not attempt to compare with established ridiculously reliable systems like QNX, VxWorks and others since MINIX 3 has always been more of an academical endeavor by researchers, students and volunteers rather than a commercial project with backing by big companies.
with that kind of argumentation we can also say an electric car makes no sense because my existing car is still driving. From my POV, multiple cores wont go away as the internet wont go away, too. And if it really matters what we have at home:My NAS is a QNAP TS-451+, which has a Quad-core Intel Celeron 2.0GHz, 64 bit and 512 MB RAM, so PAE and long mode (from my POV long mode already helps) seem to be not necessary, but SMP will really make a difference, four cores means at least twice of the workload, even with a worse SMP enabled scheduling.
The Netgear WGT624 WiFi router has a really slow 32-bit MIPS processor from 2003 and 16 MiB or RAM. Even if I should probably give it to a museum at this point, it can still route packets faster than my ADSL line can download them or the DS-109j can stream data.
Conclusion : we do not need SMP or 64 bit support to saturate a consumer-grade ADSL line with plenty of bandwidth to spare. If you have fiber or an extensive network infrastructure then it's another story.Lucky guy, my line is a fibre to the home, having 150mbit, no chance to even run it with a PC engines alix. The box has 100 MBit only. The successor (PC engines APU2) has GBit Lan, 1 GHz Jaguar quad core 64bit CPU with 4 GB RAM. Now, we need at least SMP and PAE, long mode would be still an advantage for sure. Funny side note: ATM, you would not be able to use minix at all for your router because AFAIK minix does not even allow two nics the same time and if im wrong (hopefully) theres no IP routing there at all.
We're not going to beat feature-packed, crazy-optimized FreeBSD or Linux images at their own game. There's simply not enough manpower to do that. However, MINIX 3 can win on reliability and security against the big guys.Its no competition, its a matter of having an OS being useful at all or not. We do not need a full blown user land, we need a broad base to install it at all. IIRC you proposed the PR for the RPi, right? So, if you do not want to attend in the game of linux/bsd, why did you port it? having a network stack would help you more to install it on a low end machine in your house to run your router? *scnr*
I purposely do not attempt to compare with established ridiculously reliable systems like QNX, VxWorks and others since MINIX 3 has always been more of an academical endeavor by researchers, students and volunteers rather than a commercial project with backing by big companies.From my POV thats exactly why no one (no one in terms of lacking community, a couple of guys doing still commits) contributes to minix and why so many think, you do not have to consider it, its made by crazy rocket scientists, who still believe in having a better approach with the micro kernel. And if someone would really try out, he's getting frustrated fast. An OS should run on bare metal as well, not only in the emulators. Furthermore, IIUC beginning with minix3 the main purpose was not longer the academia and research and the focus shifted towards making minix mature and ready to use for real world use cases?
I do not think, we will go back to 32 bit single core systems with less than 4 gb ram and we should accept it and make minix run on 64bit multicore environments, too. All the strengths you mentioned will be there in a 64bit multicore environment, too and its simply time to accept the progress from my POV.
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