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Uninstall Dot Net Framework v1.0.2914

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May 23, 2002, 10:30:10 AM5/23/02
Hi All,
I have installed Dot Net Beta, and recently updated to version v1.0.2914
from the net. Now I want to Install Dot Net Enterprice Architect Version
2002, but unable to do so, the setup is asking to uninstall the older
version. In which I am unable to uninstall the Dot net framework v1.0.2914
the error is :
The path "c:\Document~1\srini~1\Locals~1\Temp\IXP000.TMP\netfx.msi"
cannot be found.
netfx.msi file is not found in my system.
can anyone help me..


Tim Macaulay[MS]

Aug 28, 2002, 5:01:05 PM8/28/02
Here are the steps to manually uninstall the Microsoft.Net Framework.

1. Clean out the Temp Directory - The easiest way to get there is by
selecting Start > Run and typing %Temp%. Once there do a select all and
then delete.
2. Rename the mscoree.dll file
a. Start > Run and type System32 and then click Ok
b. Locate the file mscoree.dll
c. Right click and on the file and select rename. Rename it to something
other than the original name (e.g. Mscoree.dll to mscoree.old)
3. Rename the urttemp folder located in the \Winnt\System32 directory to
something other than the original name
a. Start > Run and type System32 and then click Ok
b. Locate the folder urttemp
c. Right click and on the folder and select rename. Rename it to something
other than the original name
4. Rename the following directories to something other than the original
a. Start > Run and type %windir% and then click Ok. This will take you to
the Windows or Winnt directory
b. Locate the folder Microsoft.Net and rename it
c. Locate the folder assembly and rename it
5. Locate the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft.Net and rename it
6. Zap the product code using msizap
7. Save and extract the attached zip file - to the root of C. (
Drive C )
8. Start > Run and type CMD and then click Ok
9. Type CD\ and then press Enter
10. Type msizap T {B43357AA-3A6D-4D94-B56E-43C44D09E548} which is the
product code for the Microsoft.Net Framework to remove entries in the
registry for the Microsoft.Net Framework
11. Remove the following regkeys
a. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NET Framework Setup
b. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft Integration
i. There are class-ids under the Microsoft integration key. Highlight them
one at a time. On the right hand side, you will notice the property
SuiteName. If the SuiteName = Microsoft.Net Framework.
12. Reboot the system
13. It is very important to be sure to close any Anti-Virus / Firewall
Software that may be running and shutdown as many services as possible.
14. Reinstall the Microsoft.Net Framework

Tim Macaulay, Microsoft Visual Studio Setup & Install


Sep 1, 2002, 3:23:40 PM9/1/02
I am now about to reboot for the zillionth time after plowing through
all the articles on exorcizing the Visual studio suite. I have
followed all of MS's misleading attempts at fixing this as well as
everybody else trying their best to make good of a bad senario.
Everything . NET is gone from the reg and still the ADD/Remove
programs are flaunting ghost indicators intimating that the .NET
cancer has not been fully removed. MS should put out warnings that
they have written badly flawed code that will almost definitely result
in your have to rebuild from scratch. I will be informing our IT head
of this and that will be that as far as their ideas of embracing this
huge .NET accident.Anyway - enough waffling...still about another 10
reboots and then on with the rebuild.

ps Thanks Tim but your fix didnt work either (Tim Macaulay[MS]) wrote in message news:<NB48mXtTCHA.2244@cpmsftngxa10>...

Tim Macaulay[MS]

Sep 5, 2002, 1:04:39 PM9/5/02
I am sorry to hear that the steps did not resolve the issue.
Please review this article, as this article, has helped with several issues
in manually uninstalling the .Net Framework.

Q320112 PRB: .NET Framework Install Fails and Requires Manual Removal;EN-US;Q320112

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