I'd like to help out ! :)
(Though it seems somepony intends to make
> brivla as well for some reason...?)
I'm of the opinion that they should be zi'evla of the type {x1 is a
[pokemon] of type x2, level x3, and trainer x4.} Maybe an x5, but I
don't know what for. I'm also not sure what's more important: level or
type. Perhaps the trainer place isn't a smart idea. What do we put
there if the pokemon is wild? ({noda} is nogood.)
I don't have the slightest idea what this game is that you are translating, but I just looked at http://www.lojban.org/tiki/lai+pokemon. and noticed some impossible me'evla, eg pezciblus, ledcinkis, and cibcautup. Cf. http://dag.github.com/cll/3/6/
I didn't want to clutter up the tiki page, so I write it here.
Sorry if this is sounds like not the most constructive criticism. :) Keep up whatever you're doing. :)
Some already know of http://www.lojban.org/tiki/selci%27a+sera%27a+lai+pokemon.It was designed with the intent of allowing communication about pokemon, including naming all the pokemon themselves. Of the first 150, 56 are left to me named by his cmene setup.
(Though it seems somepony intends to make brivla as well for some reason...?)
-- .i pau mi me ma .i pa mai ko mi jungau la'e di'u .i ba bo mi va'o lo nu nelci lo nu me ma kau cu barkla .i va'o lo nu na nelci cu denpa ti lo nu mi drata
However, there's no issue with having a brivla name.
I agree, though, it's not very useful, and should be removed.
Yes, selpa'i had mentioned it in #lojban (why don't you come hang out
there with us ? :) )
we're technically not allowed to make up rafsi at all
> pokrjutsi: x1 is a pokemon species of type(s) x2 with evolutions/family x3
> broda poi pokjutsi: x1 is a [broda] at level x2 trained by x3
Each pokemon brivla should probably encode the level. e.g. piktcu = x1
is a level x2 pikachu.
Pokemon brivla shouldn't include the trainer.
That makes {broda poi pokjutsi} unuseful, not to mention that it isn't
I suggest {pokrlei} for "pokemon type", in the sense of electric, ice,
water, fire, etc.
pokrlei = x1 is the type of pokemon x2.
Using this, we can say {lo piktcu cu se pokrlei lo dikca} "Pikachu is
an electric-type pokemon."
I suggest {pokrtro} for "pokemon trainer".
I suggest {pokrbi'o} for "evolve". pokrbi'o = x1 evolves into x2 under
conditions x3. (giving a specific item, or reaching a certain level.)
Except it is isn't a zi'evla (for the reasons mentioned above).
I like pure binxo. Evolving is so normal that nopony would call it
Pokemon evolution.
However, there is also farvi, which seems more precise.
It also let's you talk about about "families": lo ve farvi are all the
stages of a Pokemon.
On Saturday, July 14, 2012 12:41:33 PM UTC-5, selpa'i wrote:Except it is isn't a zi'evla (for the reasons mentioned above).
I really like your reasoning, but the words we're defining right now are primarily for ((lai pokemon.)), the words that we would want to use in the real world for discussing pokemon. ((selci'a sera'a lai pokemon.)), the terms used in the game, are another matter.
Most of the time, there, I'm thinking that {pok} isn't as necessary because of the same reason -- it's so commonplace that if I say a pokemon changed {ko'a binxo} I would first assume an evolution.
Also, you have to remember that even though we make up terms for the game, should it be played, the terms will probably leak out. For example, I really like the idea story-wise of inventing a gismu like pokme for pokemon and the writing dialogue and story where the characters use it. It would make it feel very real and such. However, a reprecussion would be that players/readers would be very inclined to use pokme in real conversation, even if a fu'ivla existed, as it's the term they would see more often and have to interpret. In short, save it for the fanfiction ;P
if they so choose to use those words outside of the game. It's notI say, let using "illegal" words be on the consciences of the players,
like making them into zi'evla is hard: stick an -r- hyphen right in
the rafsi border.
I just looked and noticed some impossible me'evla
"What? [ko'a] is evolving!" as {.ue .i ko'a ca te farvi} -- sound good?
"Pocket Monster" > "Poketto Monsutaa" > "Poketto Monsutaa" > "Pokemon"
Okay, so I add to my list:poketo.monsutapokimanpokymanpokeman
I'm still wondering how the "e" is supposedly the most important letter. Or why you would only take one letter from half the meaning. Or why you're stressing that the Japanese is important to base it on when they're just loan words from English anyway. But then "Pocket Monster" gives youpokt.manstyr
All right. A summary of things to work on:
- [...]
- Dialogue/Other: This is my focus. I've given up for now on posting dialogue to be translated, and instead plan on posting them as I translate them, maybe uploading the rom as I finish certain sections. I've properly edited the font and a few other programming tasks, and have moved on to almost finish the intro.
I would also very much like to translate the actual dialogue. There is a lot of it, and we'll finish faster when more ponies work on it at the same time. So could you please upload the English dialogue? Thanks.