RFC: Recommending alternatives to master

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Aaron Crickenberger

Nov 4, 2020, 4:16:12 PM11/4/20
to K8s API Machinery SIG, kubernetes-sig-architecture, Kubernetes WG Naming
Hi all,

I opened https://github.com/kubernetes/community/pull/5243 attempting to follow WG Naming's process and template for suggesting changes to code that uses the term `master`.

I would like to see comments from others on how we could make this a useful guide for authors and reviewers of PRs that are trying to use alternatives to this specific term.

SIG Cluster Lifecycle would like to know whether they are OK to move forward with their proposed alternative (which is covered in the guide): https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/95382

Links to previous mail threads for context are included in that PR, but for posterity:

- aaron

Daniel Smith

Nov 4, 2020, 4:25:44 PM11/4/20
to Aaron Crickenberger, K8s API Machinery SIG, kubernetes-sig-architecture, Kubernetes WG Naming
We've already changed a number of references, using the words "control plane" and "instance".

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Stephen Augustus

Nov 4, 2020, 5:06:09 PM11/4/20
to Daniel Smith, Aaron Crickenberger, K8s API Machinery SIG, kubernetes-sig-architecture, Kubernetes WG Naming
Daniel -- We've noticed all of the PRs flying! Thanks for helping to lead the charge!

Aaron --
The leads met today briefly to quickly prioritize the backlog.
With the process docs buttoned up, your ADR is next in the queue.

Celeste will handle doc review, I'll take care of technical review, and we should be able to turn that around for you before EOW.

A cursory look says your ADR is pretty solid, so SIG CL should be fine to proceed for 1.20.
I've added myself as a reviewer to the k/k PR as well.

-- Stephen

Celeste Horgan

Dec 1, 2020, 1:33:28 PM12/1/20
to Kubernetes WG Naming
Hi all,

Now that the ADR on this has been merged, we're good to go with unblocking the related PRs:

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