(Studying Sociopaths) The ("Well-Adjusted") Sociopaths only PRETEND to care about people - example Health-"care" - {HRI 20131015-V2.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 21, 2013, 7:59:29 PM10/21/13
to koos-nols...@googlegroups.com
("Well-Adjusted") Sociopaths (can only) PRETEND to care about people
 - with example Health-"care"

                                                     15 October 2013
                                                  {HRI 20131015-V2.1}

                                                        (Version 2.1
                                                      on 22 Oct 2013)

                                               (layout for mono-font,
                                               including white space)



        They fight suffering or Evil... as a method of
        establishing or enforcing their OWN Evil INSTEAD.

        Expanded Summary:

        They educate people, or they fight and cure some
        suffering or other Evil, IN ORDER to replace it
        with their OWN Evil or to introduce their OWN Evil

        - which they however call "caring for people," or
          "curing people," or "freeing people" - but it IS
          to introduce their own Evil, it IS to strengthen
          their own 'agenda' of (hidden) Evil.

        ("Well-Adjusted" and "Well-Educated") Sociopaths
        only PRETEND to care about people, about you, about
        your or others' suffering.



            The most terrifying and all-pervasive example
            today, is found in the "caring" profession and
            "health-care" industry itself:

            Medical Research as done, and Medical "science"
            as taught

                - in current universities and research

                - and also as taught in all primary and
                  secondary education,

                - and as promoted by most publishers, in
                  "science" and "medical" journals, by
                  newspapers and TV media,

                - and as financed exorbitantly also by
                  governments and drug companies, (they)

            introduce and enforce a complete DENIAL
            of Life (of all things ...denying LIFE!)

                - DENYING the simple and observable and
                  wholly PROVEN fact, that any living
                  organism consists of a Life Energy
                  Structure moving molecules around -

            and they replace it - to your TREMENDOUS detriment
            and suffering, they replace Life with - (as if
            Life consists of) 'molecules and photons only.'


            And they introduce and enforce a DENIAL of
            Science itself, too: The Sociopaths do - and
            that entirely out of malice, they do - LIMIT
            scientific data equally, to 'interactions of
            matter, only.'

                And so they have a VAST amount of subjects
                or phenomena, of which they claim "it can
                not be understood by science" and thus "can
                not be remedied."

                They throw AWAY ninety percent of the very
                applicable data and the most vital, KNOWN
                data. (The Sociopaths are denying, in
                medical "science" and in medical "research,"
                that such KNOWN and most vital data even
                exist! - such is the nature of the Sociopath.)

                Yet they want exactly THAT, to be called
                and accepted as "science!"

            So powerful is the SICKENING hold, that the
            Sociopaths currently strangle you with, or
            if not you, then your children or your friends...



We look now more generally, if you like, at Sociopaths who are
 activists and the causes "they fight for"

        - which follows the pattern of arousing others, and
          pushing these then into the direction of general Evil,
          but under the very solid PRETENSE of "caring for people"
          or "exposing Evil."

            And again, that PRETENSE, is the only "fighting" and
            "caring," the ("Well-Adjusted")("Well-Educated")
            Sociopaths are capable of.

        It is also a warning to all activists, not to employ the
        - often very active and sometimes manic or fanatical -
        Sociopath "activists." (MUCH LESS to allow them to enter
        a political career.)




("Well-Adjusted") Sociopaths can not have true emotions of care about
 others - but they can PRETEND to have emotions, complete with tears
 if necessary. They DO heavily PRETEND to "care about people,"

    as a way of involving you or others (non-Sociopaths), and also
    other (other Sociopaths),

    to mobilize you or others and to drive others' Energy in the
    direction of THEIR goal, towards THEIR target,

    and - Sociopaths being Sociopaths, no matter HOW "Well-Adjusted"
    or ("Well-Educated") they are - they often create a mood or even
    a frenzy of Hate, of Ugliness, and of undetected Lies,

 to point AWAY from (pointing at the Sociopaths) themselves.


    The "very civilized" equivalent of pretending to "care," you
    know as what is called 'hypocrisy,' or as 'double standards.'

    The mob equivalent however, of pretending to "care," is rioting
    or lynching or similar outbursts of Hate,

    which are of course thoroughly ENJOYED by the ("Well-Adjusted")


This then makes their pathetic "choice" of people that they PRETEND to
 care for, their choice of victims whom they "fight to protect" or
 else whom they "deeply mourn" or "feel sad for"

    - a "choice" of people, whose fate in life they pretend to "feel
      compassion for" -

    like their "compassion for cancer patients" or even worse,
    their easily-accepted PRETENSE of "compassion for children
    with cancer," (is)

 solely guided - as they loathe honesty and true care and real
 understanding of life - their "compassion" is instead, solely guided
 by their Sociopathic 'agenda.'

    Their Sociopathic 'agenda' determines, which "choice" of victims
    "they feel compassion for" and use, to arouse the Energy of
    others (of you, but also of themselves, of anyone) towards their
    Sociopathic goals for life.

        Generally speaking, they want to make people UNAWARE or
        falsely "aware," of what Life is, of how Life actually

            and instead, people should submit to Sociopaths;
            and people should take drugs (medical or other
            drugs) INSTEAD of understanding how Life functions.


The only thing in which the Sociopaths DO exert 'care,' is in their
 picking and choosing the victims "they feel compassionate about and
 fight for:"

    Their choice of WHO should be heralded as a victims, with photos
    held up in the air at public demonstrations, or placed at the
    top of their web pages,

        carefully avoiding the risk, that honesty and true care
        and real understanding will come about.

    In other words, this requires that those victims (or maybe a
    dead hero or martyr) "whom the Sociopath feels great compassion
    about," (these) are carefully chosen.

        And so you find their choices hypocritical and that they
        use double standards in whom they DON'T fight for.

        Which victims they DON'T fight for,' does not quite fit
        somehow with their STATED "care" and "compassion," nor
        with their ADVERTISED "goals."

    In general, "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths are easily detected by
    finding out, what they DON"T do, that would however be very
    much expected in line with what kind of person he or she CLAIMS
    to be.



Exposing "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths as such, is then most easily done
 by seeing, which people who suffered in life, are very carefully NOT
 included in such fake drives of "passion for suffering people."

    "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths CANNOT feel compassion, but the
    harder they pretend - and HAVE to pretend, that "they ARE
    compassionate" - in order to mobilize people and to fulfill
    their HIDDEN agenda!

        Examples do abound...

        Arguably the most flagrant political example on Earth
        today is probably, to NOT free the people of North Korea
        from the yoke of their Sociopathic regime

        - which however the Sociopaths manage to JUSTIFY with all
          kind of legal and economic, and political, "well-worded"
          phrases, to PREVENT, that also the people of North Korea
          can enjoy being life.



The Sociopaths ALL are very similar:

    They are HATING Life, they are PRETENDING "to care about people"
    and they are continuously LYING,

        like with their lie "Truth does not exist," etc., etc..

    And it is about time, that you learn about these individuals and
    teach others how to recognize these:

        It is only THEY, that ruin your or your friends' personal
        life, and

        it is only THEY, who create and maintain Hell on Earth.


Wholly their opposite

    - me being arguably the most Beautiful, most Loving and Caring,
      and the most Truthful and Intelligent spirit on Earth and well
      beyond -

 I do remain yours faithfully, etc., etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

                                            'Men of all nations came
                                       to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
                                  sent by all the kings of the world,
                                         who had heard of his wisdom.'

                                                        1 Kings 4:34


References: (just a few)

[TTU]    'The Three Types of Unawareness Inflicted on you - and the
     Definition of Awareness (actual, working, and proven)'
     {FPP 20130911-V1.2}  [TTU]
      (11 September 2013 - Version 1.2 on 16 Sept 2013)

[LTAS]    '(Studying Sociopaths): Lying THAT atrociously about
     themselves - as example 'Scientology' and l. ron hubbard -
     How could anyone...
     {HRI 20130916-V2.3}  [LTAS]
      (16 September 2013 - Version 2.4 on 27 Sep 2013)

[SFTF] 'On sociopaths who want to feel themselves and each other as
    "fighting for truth and freedom" '
     (the Final FAQ about alt.religion.scientology)
    {HRI 20100402-V2.0}  [SFTF]
     (2 April 2010 - Version 2.0 on 7 Jan 2011)

[CSTC]    'Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths
     by easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' '
     {HRI 20120815-1-V4.2}  [CSTC]
      (15 August 2012 - Version 4.2 on 6 Sept 2012)

[DSKEY]' 'Purpose of Life' (Meaning of Life) Definition Complete Now
      - plus -
      'Do Sociopaths KNOW they are Sociopaths, and do Sociopaths
       ENJOY being so... Yes, Yes' '
     {HRI 20120819-V3.4}  [DSKEY]
      (19 August 2012 - Version 3.4 on 11 Sep 2012)

[ODE]    'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
    {HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}  [ODE]
     (10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

[PLDHD]    'Are 'Past Life Deniers' similar to 'Holocaust Deniers'?
     Yes, they are extremely mean and malicious to people'
     {HRI 20131006-V1.1}  [PLDHD]
     (6 Oct 2013 - Version V1.1 on 19 Oct 2013)

[YEI]    'Your Educational Intelligence: "How come, neurons are
     mis-firing in your brain?" and "Why was Einstein immune
     to it?" plus "The After-shocks of the Big Bang" '
     {HRI 20130112-V1.0}  [YEI] (Version 1.0 is a draft version)
      (12 January 2013 - published on 17 Jan 2013)
https://docs.google.com/file/ ...
... d/0Bz-dkWr5HR36LXI5VW1qYmMxVkk/edit?usp=sharing&pli=1


Issue Note:

    Versions 1.0 to 1.0.2 of this HRI were posted by me under my
    pseudonym 'Leonardo Been,' as {HRI draft note 20131006} resp.
    as {HRI draft note 20131006-V1.0.2}.



Copyright 2013 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
 and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
 anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
 who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
 to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
 specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
 of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
 or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
 and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
 about any organizations or individuals.
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