Tom Cruise, Mike Rinder ('Scientologists'), and Anne Rice, without a conscience: 'Wanting something, makes it right' - plus interviews - {HRI note 20130429-V2.0-t}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

May 12, 2013, 1:57:47 PM5/12/13
to Koos Nolst Trenite
Tom Cruise, Mike Rinder (top 'Scientologists'), and Anne Rice: without
a conscience, 'Wanting something, makes it right' - plus interviews

29 April 2013
{HRI note 20130429-V2.0-t}

(Version 2.0
on 30 April 2013)

(layout for mono-spaced font,
and including 'white space')


Tom Cruise - quoted verbatim:

"People don't, ah, do things to be, ah, evil,
they don't, you know!

"They, ah, they do things, because they think
they are right! And, ah, they think what they
are DOING is right, ah, and it just so happens,
that it can be evil to OTHERS."

- from 'Behind The Scenes Documentary:'
'In The Shadow Of The Vampire,' on the
DVD of 'Interview with the Vampire'
(1994 movie with Tom Cruise) *(b)



That is an exact quote from Tom Cruise on camera, where he, in a
patronizing voice, explains his OWN nature as "being that of all
people" (in the 1994 interview for the movie)

- in the same voice and intonation in which he, Tom Cruise, is
explaining the virtues of 'Scientology,' some decade later,
in a video that has become viral on YouTube -

he is explaining to the public, and convincing the public of
HIS OWN nature:

Tom Cruise states HIMSELF, on camera, his fundamentally Sociopathic
nature and his Satanic "morality" (already in the 1994 interview
quoted above, and quoted extensively in Textnote *(b)).


This very same statement was repeated recently by another
top 'Scientologist,' also on camera, by Mike Rinder, in
exactly the same wording,

I believe it was on New York's Village Voice's Tony
Ortega's camera - anyway, it was with these exact words:

"People [only] do things, because they think they are

by which also THAT fervent 'Scientologist' follower of
l. ron hubbard,

fundamentally and INTENTIONALLY denies the existence and
nature of ACTUAL Sociopaths [LEUMPM]

- denying the existence, to begin with; and not
surprisingly, denying the condition of the
well-proven Sociopath l. ron hubbard, [TCHDM]

whom they PERSISTENTLY and despite extensive
evidence, nevertheless continue to accept and
to promote as their Supreme Guru (l. ron hubbard),

which says much about the fervent 'Scientologists'
themselves, too.

Sociopaths, and so also followers of l. ron hubbard, HAVE
(and want to have) EVERYTHING IN REVERSE:

THEY "define Sociopath" as "someone who (exposes
and thus naturally and with ACTUAL care for Mankind)
OPPOSES l. ron hubbard and his Satanic world view of
'Total Domination.' [LEUMPM]



When Tom Cruise and Mike Rinder (as top 'Scientologists') are claiming

that "People always do, what they think at the moment is right,"
in other words, that "Wanting it, does makes it 'right'," and

that "nobody does anything just INTENTIONALLY to be mean and
nasty and lying and destructive of others," (which however is
the very action of those without a conscience)

they make themselves appear to be without a conscience

- as the extensive quotes from Tom Cruise and from
author Anne Rice, given for your enlightenment on
the matter in the 'Textnotes' *(a) and *(b), will


Their claim reeks of UK's beast Alistair Crowley's and UK's Peach
Geldof's Satanic sect 'O.T.O.'

with their 'Do what thou willst' ("Do whatever you want, unrestricted
by any concern for the happiness [the Life Energy] of others"),

and it reeks of l. ron hubbard's (and then also, of 'Scientology's):

"Life is a game of overwhelming others." *(4)


This is the red thread through the (current) life time of top
'Scientologists' Tom Cruise and Mike Rinder:

Their past and current activities have shown and do show an
appalling lack of conscience about their actions and statements
(which have been widely and abundantly published and were never
denied by them):

they ignore Evil that they actively support(ed), or that
they did carry out and hide,

to such an extent, that also there, one would conclude,
that their conscience is lacking.


Their actions and frame of mind are such, that 'they could drink
my blood' (not to mention yours), and 'want to see me "destroyed
utterly" - (not to mention their wanting to see you "destroyed
utterly" also),'

as their Satanic mind set and their American guru does
dictate to them what they want anyway,

and they have been supporting that hard and long - having done
so directly

Mike Rinder as long time head of 'Scientology's BLACK
OPERATIONS etc. branches, *(1)

Tom Cruise by being officially "the greatest of all the
'Scientologists'," [TCHDM]

supporting and promoting also l. ron hubbard and participating
in his "game to overwhelm others spiritually," [LEUMPM]

and they have done so indirectly if you like to see it that way
- on a level of vampiring Life Energy from others (from me also)

and having no conscience whatsoever about that,

according to their claims about "how life is," and "that
that is 'right' of them to vampire on others' Life Energy,

"because they want to take the Life Energy from
someone in order to look good and be respected and

They WANT that, and "therefore it is right."

And it is then also "right," with their Satanic guru

who "explains it" for them "in nice and convincing
words" - they are "right," with l. ron hubbard,

to try and "utterly destroy" someone who looks through
them and through l. ron hubbard,

to destroy someone who, by seeing or sensing or
feeling what is going on, or by having figured it
out, thus opposes their vampiring - indeed,

they try to "utterly destroy" someone who PROTECTS his
own Life Energy from being taken by them and by their
associates - and who warns and protects others of them.

(see also [YEI], etc., on their intentions "to utterly
destroy good people - me included")



They are constantly and compulsively lying about life and about normal
people (as also in the published video interviews with them): *(2)(3)

'All People always do whatever they think is right.' *(b)

You, the reader, can decipher that and hold it up to the light
of real life, and you can decode it, to understand that they
really mean:

"You do whatever you want - and your wanting it, PROVES to
you, that it is right for you to do - even though it might
well be evil to others."

That is the "logic" of a Sociopath, of the Life Energy Vampire -

as it is indeed claimed (not merely about the movie, but about
real life) by Tom Cruise in an interview at the occasion of the
LeStat vampire movie. *(b)

For visibility reasons, in such movies and books, Life
Energy is replaced with blood - but they do nevertheless
mean, that they are vampiring the Life Energy of others

they are vampiring on people,

on normal people like most of us,

who are NOT that mean and callous and sick in
their soul, and NOT filled with such hidden
Hate and Envy of others who are much better
than they,

normal people are NOT that mean as to want to
live very well and be talented themselves,

AT THE COST OF (Life Energy that they vampired, and
is that) what is now missing in their victims who
are thus weakened and lessened in their talent and
capacities and in 'being alive and aware,' or even
sickened and possibly dying.


In the soil of Egypt, you find millions of animals mummified and
buried in the prime of their life, of which the Sociopaths (in their
life times in ancient Egypt) have taken the Life Energy

by inflicting permanent, mummified death on animals' bodies'
"because they felt it is right to do FOR THEMSELVES," to thus
augment their own Life Energy with those of animals (who could
not defend themselves anyway). (not a joke)

And now these Life Energy vampires think of themselves,
that they 'evolved from animals!' (joke)


You (or children at school and students at universities) are made THAT
Ugly and THAT self-destructive and THAT destructive of others

- by accepting the lies of Sociopaths and their followers
teaching, that "only photons and molecules exist," and that
"your neo-cortex thinks FOR you," [RKUIS]

while medical Sociopaths will tell them, that "when they
cut some particular part of your brain away, you will then
lose all your memories" ( "scientific!")

the Sociopaths "teach" you -

that you deny or ignore the very thing (Life Energy) WITHOUT which
your body will instantly go limp and die - but also,

WITHOUT which (without Life Energy), NO perception and NO
thinking and NO memory and NO awareness and NO communication is

you ignore and destroy life, [Y3] because THE SOCIOPATHS "teach" and
these write books and how lectures that assert, that

Life Energy "does not exist."


Obviously wholly their opposite, and arguably, the most Beautiful,
Caring and Loving and Truthful spirit on Earth and well beyond, I do
remain yours faithfully etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'




Textnote (a) Anne Rice on Vampiring others' Life Energy away:

(my note of 6 July 2012 on Anne Rice)

20120706 14:23
[Criminal Minds]

Anne Rice (American author of 'Interview with the Vampire,' etc.)

"Evil is a point of view." - ANNE RICE, Interview with the Vampire

"Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we.
For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as
ourselves." - Anne Rice, Interview with a Vampire

"Suffering of sentient beings is like decay; it fertilizes the growth
of their souls." - Anne Rice, Memnoch the Devil'

"Evil is a point of view. We are immortal. And what we have before us
are the rich feasts that conscience cannot appreciate and mortal men
cannot know without regret. God kills, and so shall we;
indiscriminately He takes the richest and the poorest, and so shall
we; for no creatures under God are as we are, none so like Him as
ourselves, dark angels not confined to the limits of hell but
wandering His earth and all its kingdoms." ― Anne Rice


Profile: Anne Rice - January Magazine (interview - 1998)
by Linda L. Richards

'Rice was vocal in her shock, telling anyone who would listen that she
felt that Cruise had been badly miscast. It was an error in judgment
Rice would come to regret: for several reasons. But she learned a

"I will never come out in the press again as strongly against anybody
as I did against Tom Cruise - because I felt, that in the long run,
what I had to say, was very distorted. I like Tom Cruise. I always
thought he was a wonderful actor. I still do. I never disliked him.

"I [only] didn't think he was the type [to play Lestat]. [But] that
got so lost in the press, that I learned a lesson, and the lesson
was: best to have said nothing.
Best to have waited and just let it take its course. Cried in quiet
and just let it go. Not lied, though: Not come out and say, 'this is
wonderful.' But just don't say anything."

It's a lesson she intends to remember should the occasion arise. "I
think that's what I might do in the future. I think that if I do like
what they do, then I'm going to say so and I'm going to say so very
loudly. [But] if I don't like what they do, then I'm likely not going
to say anything."

One of the reasons Rice recanted publicly about Cruise being miscast,
was [her] actually seeing the finished film.

"If I'd have been asked, I probably would have advised Tom Cruise
himself, not to do it - because I didn't think he was the type for
the part. And I still think that's true.

[She still thinks, that Tom Cruise 'is not a Life Energy
vampire on others.']

"But I think, what happened, was, that Tom Cruise overcame the
impediments he had, with regard to the role of the vampire Lestat.

"He did a fabulous job in the film. Absolutely fabulous..."

It was an opinion, many of her fans would share when [the movie]
'Interview with the Vampire' went on, to be one of the more memorable
films of the year.

"And when I saw the finished film, I thought -- and still think --
that Tom Cruise made the film work. That he understood the role of
the vampire Lestat and he understood something very dark and very
central to the film ...and he brought that out.

"That was the mixture of good and evil in each character. He really
got that and, in a sense, [he] became the driving force behind the
film. So I came out in favor of the film. [Though] I never apologized
to him or said I was sorry or anything. [And] he never asked me to.
He just called me, and said how glad he was that I liked the film;
and -- you know -- we went from there."

As much as Rice may have made her peace with Cruise as Lestat in the
first Vampire movie, she has her sights fully set on who should play
the Lestat role, in a much whispered about SEQUEL: Leonardo DiCaprio.

"I do think the kid is absolutely terrific. I think, that in 'The
Titanic' he didn't get the chance to show the full range of his
incredible talent.
You really have to see 'The Basketball Diaries,' you have to see
'Romeo and Juliet,' and you have to see 'What's Eating Gilbert

"He is terrific and I want him badly to be Lestat. Badly, badly,
badly. I fell in love with this idea: that he [Leonardo di Caprio]
could be the vampire Lestat. [BUT Leonardo di Caprio is not a
Life Energy vampire - see also [FALEV] ]

"And I began a sort of one-woman-campaign to see that that would
happen [but it didn't]."'


Linda L. Richards is the editor of January Magazine, and the
author of several books. (Interview 1998. See a more recent
profile of Anne Rice (2005), further below)

file: Profile: Anne Rice - januarymagazine.com__rice.html.html



Interview | Anne Rice - January Magazine (Interview in 2005)
by Tony Buchsbaum

'She satisfies your thirst for adventure, for sensuality, for
painstakingly authentic period details, for equally painstaking
authentic emotional beats that survive the various degrees of the
daring she brings to her plots.

Not long ago, Rice announced she was giving up vampires and witches,
her two most prolific series. In her last book she wove both dark
families into one story, one blended denouement.

"Vampires, castrati, free people of color, Jesus," she told me
recently. "They are all outsiders who are in the very midst of life,
creatures set apart who are nevertheless part of the society around
them. I've always selected outsiders, outcasts, people who are
perceived as larger than life, or even monstrous. My work has led to
Christ the Lord."'

'Her new novel, Christ The Lord: Out of Egypt, is a startling
departure. The novel is filled with Rice's eye for detail, her
exacting use of our abilities to perceive. What would any Rice novel
be without these things? But if you're expecting her signature style,
her distinctive voice, then prepare yourself for something new. Rice
has written in the first person before, creating unique voices for
Louis, Lestat and so many others. She does that again here, but her
new work is written entirely from the perspective of a seven-year-old
boy named Jesus.' 2005

Tony Buchsbaum is the author of Total Eclipse. He and his family
live in Lawrenceville, NJ, and he is Creative Director/Copy
Writer for a pharmaceutical ad agency in Philadelphia.

file: Interview | Anne Rice - 2005


[END Textnote (a)]


Textnote (b) Tom Cruise on Vampiring the Life Energy of others away:
(my note of 6 July 2012 on Tom Cruise)

20120706 15:38
[Tom Cruise]

Subject: His OWN Proof of why 'Scientologist' Tom Cruise fit the role
of vampire Lestat perfectly (interview exerpt)

Interview with Tom Cruise, on camera explaining HIMSELF, his
fundamentally Sociopathic nature and his Satanic "morality" (1994)


'Behind The Scenes Documentary: 'In The Shadow Of The Vampire'
from DVD 'Interview with the Vampire' (1994 movie) with Tom Cruise

(exact quote of Tom Cruise on camera, emphatically - in the same voice
and intonation as he is explaining the virtues of 'Scientology,' some
decade later, (as became viral on YouTube, Tom Cruise) - in a
patronizing voice explaining now (in the 1994 interview for the
movie, he is convincing the public and explaining to the public):

Tom Cruise states HIMSELF, on camera, his fundamentally Sociopathic
nature and his Satanic "morality" (already in 1994)

This was repeated recently by another top 'Scientologist,'
also on camera, by Mike Rinder, in exactly the same words,

I believe it was on New York's Village Voice's Tony
Ortega's camera, anyway, with these exact words:

"People [only] do things, because they think they are

by which also THAT fervent 'Scientologist' follower of
l. ron hubbard,

fundamentally and INTENTIONALLY denies the existence and
nature of ACTUAL Sociopaths

- denying the existence, to begin with, and not
surprisingly, denying the condition of the
well-proven Sociopath l. ron hubbard,

whom they PERSISTENTLY and despite extensive
evidence, nevertheless continue to accept and
to promote as their Supreme Guru (l. ron hubbard),

which says much about the fervent 'Scientologists'
themselves, too.


The interview with Tom Cruise (with exact - verbatim - quoting)
at 00:22:35 hh:mm:ss (in the interview, part of the documentary)

Tom Cruise:

"People don't, ah, do things to be, ah, evil, they don't, you

They, ah, they do things, because they think they are right!
And, ah, they think what they are DOING is right, ah, and it
just so happens, that it can be evil to OTHERS."

"So it was really important to understand that, and have, ah,
[to] understand Lestat's loneliness, and, ah, yeah, because he
really does love Lou... [Louis, the male character, played by
Brad Pitt - he started to say - but then Tom Cruise goes on to
correct his Freudian slip of the tongue] ...he really does love
Claudia [the young girl in the movie, played by Kirsten Dunst],
and he [the vampire Lestat] does feel, that what he is giving
them, is this wonderful gift [to be compelled to Vampire on
others and thus to have unlimited Life Energy]!

"[The gift] Of eternal life and, to join him in what HE
perceives to be, ah, the greatest adventure of, ah, ever!"

(video time counter end: 00:23:12)


This also says something about Anne Rice, the author of the Vampire
books, and tells her very confused mind about Sociopaths, [ODE]

even though she now has turned away from portraying these as "poor
and lonely people who are 'just different'," she has now turned her
attention to trying to understand Jesus Christ (in 2005) - which she
ALSO did NOT get right (in her book about it), but at least she is
trying hard to get away from vampires,

but she - Anne Rice - is still far removed from loosening herself
from the very Evil (from individuals who are very Evil).

I don't think she has yet recognized l. ron hubbard, at all,
or even detected him, he,

l. ron hubbard, being the Life Energy Vampire Supremo.

Truth will indeed set you free, as the saying goes, but that saying
does not define Truth!


I not only objectively define Evil, but ALSO objectively define Truth
- for the first time anyone did, as far as I know - plus a host of
other definitions that also the sleepy Village of New York yet has
to wake up to. [ODE],[CSTC]

This - the refusal to know this - makes arrogance the biggest cause
of death.

Wholly their opposite, I remain, etc.

KNT (on 20120706)




(another quote from Anne Rice)

Anne Rice:

"The vampire is an incredible (a great) metaphor for the
outsider in all of us, and for the outcast in all of us."

(same documentary, at 00:21:45)


[Textnote (b) END]



(1) 'Facts:
1. Mike Rinder was in the church of Scientology until 2007.

2. Mike Rinder was the head of the Office of Special Affairs
in those years. '

Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
From: Steve Layton <>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 09:02:08 -0800 (PST)
If I'm OSA, how come Mike Rinder has never come
forward to say that I was?

(2) Video Interview with Tom Cruise at the occasion of the
'Conversation with a Vampire' (Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt) movie.
(see Textnote (b), above)
Interview with Ann Rice (book author)
(see Textnote (a), above)

(3) Recent video Interview with 'Scientologist' Mike Rinder (shown
possibly on Youtube, I believe).

(4) l. ron hubbard's "Life is a game of overwhelming others" - see
[LEUMPM] under References, below.



[TCHDM] 'Tom Cruise (and all 'Scientologists') highly destructive
of Mankind, by supporting l. ron hubbard and hiding his
excruciating evil'
{note 20130425} [TCHDM]
(25 April 2013)

[ODE]'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2} [ODE]
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

[FLOE] 'The First Law Of Education: connecting FEELINGS'
{HRI 20130316-V1.0}' [FLOE]
(16 March 2013 - published 24 Apr 2013)

[RKUIS] 'The mammal Ray Kurzweil's University Singularly for
the Intelligent Sociopath'
('Ray Kurzweil's University for Intelliegent Sociopaths
"to build our future"')
{HRI 20130411-V2.1-t-q1} [RKUIS]
(11 April 2013 - quote 1 on 19 Apr 2013)

[LEUMPM]'l. ron hubbard IS Extreme Ugliness and Hate - but
hidden with a MASK, of pretending 'to be me' '
{HRI 20130411-V2.1-t} [LEUMPM]
(11 April 2013 - Version 2.1-t on 16 Apr 2013)

[YEI]'Your Educational Intelligence: "How come, neurons are mis-firing
in your brain?" and "Why was Einstein immune to it?" plus "The
After-shocks of the Big Bang"
{HRI 20130112-V1.0} [YEI] (Version 1.0 is a draft version)
(12 January 2013 - published on 17 Jan 2013) ...
... d/0Bz-dkWr5HR36LXI5VW1qYmMxVkk/edit?usp=sharing&pli=1

[FLE] 'The First Law Of Economics'
{HRI-20031201-V3.7.3.1} (HRI first issue 18 July 2008) [FLE]
(1 December 2003 - Version on 2 May 2009)

[FLE-RU] 'Первый Закон Экономики (The First Law of Economics)
{HRI-20031201-V3.7.3-ru-V1.1} [FLE-RU]
(1 December 2003 - Version 3.7.3 on 8 Apr 2009,
ru-V1.0 published on 18 Dec 2009 - ru-V1.1 on 26 Dec 2009)

[FALEV]'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of
Destroying Your Emotional Integrity'
{HRI 20031110-V4.2} [FALEV]
(10 November 2003 - Version 4.2 on 22 May 2012)

[CSTC]'Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths by
easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' '
{HRI 20120815-1-V4.2} [CSTC]
(15 August 2012 - Version 4.2 on 6 Sept 2012)

[Y3] Derived from 'YIII'
which abbreviates 'You are Indeed Inconceivably Insane.'
see:'Natural Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.5.1} [DOI]
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.5 on 8 Jul 2008, V2.5.1 p. 13 Mar 2012)


Issue Note:

Version 1.0 was published on 20130429,
posted from my pseudonym Leonardo Been, and
signed with my name and job abbreviation 'KNT hrp&p'


Copyright 2013 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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