The Vampire Vincent van Gogh - The Emotional and The Scientific Viewpoint - {HRI 20120728-2.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Aug 7, 2012, 4:01:57 PM8/7/12
to Koos Nolst Trenite
The Vampire Vincent van Gogh - The Emotional and The Scientific

28 July 2012
{HRI 20120728-V2.1}

(Version 2.1
on 7 Aug 2012)

(takes parts from
{HRI 20120415-V3.2}
abbr. [VVVG])

(view summary by
skipping - most -
indented text)

(suits foreign
language readers)


Truth is absolute - it is only the DEGREE
of Perception, that makes Truth SEEM "relative,"
"personal," or even "conflicting."

Koos Nolst Trenite
human rights philosopher and poet




The Emotional Viewpoint on the Vampire Vincent Van Gogh


It requires some modesty towards oneself, to penetrate commonly
held viewpoints that are maybe desirable and seemingly kind -

that are in fact doing great injustice to someone and forcing
great spiritual hardship on him,

onto Vincent van Gogh in this example,

by refusing (as I did initially too, refuse) to see him as
he really is (and as others now still are refusing to

refusing to see Van Gogh's true - and very NOT beautiful,
but repulsive and malicious nature.

And others are forcing great spiritual hardship on him BY
refusing to ACCEPT HIM AS HE IS,

and thus, refusing to assist him to LIVE WITH who and what he
really is, (and so, at some time - he himself refusing to accept
who and what he is)

he hardly had any other choice, than to commit suicide.





The Scientific Viewpoint on the Vampire Vincent van Gogh


Painting his pictures while dwelling in and using the Beauty
Feelings and the Connecting, Loving, Nature-Perceiving Energies,
that he, Van Gogh, had

Vampired off of (torn off from, wrenched away from, stolen from)
ACTUAL, great artists

(Life Energies he had wrenched - as the educated reader
may agree - from the souls of true artists like Monet
and Da Vinci, for instance),

and when he, Van Gogh, then tried to connect with that Energy
to seeing HIMSELF

- now NOT just for perceiving and painting nature -

but using the perception Energy to looking somewhat at himself
and seeing something of how vulgarly and debased he treated his
own life and how he destroyed his relation to people, with his
OWN Extremely Ugly Energies and with his OWN contempt for people
and society around him,

when he was pushed into actually somewhat realizing his
OWN nature consisting of Extreme Ugliness and of Hate and
Contempt for people around him and for life generally,

then 'he could not "get it together",'

how the FOREIGN, uncanny Energy of Beauty and of connecting to
seeing Nature,

could possibly match with his own, extremely repulsive nature
and appearance, to his own rudeness and malice towards people
around him and towards himself, too:


His refusal to see himself as he actually is and to let others
look at him as he himself actually is,

his refusal to let others simply perceive and sense and thus let
others accept and acknowledge his OWN nature

(his own Energies - being of general repulsiveness, of
contempt for people and of malice towards life in general
and towards himself in particular),

(he) was DENYING his own, actual nature and DENYING what he
actually was doing in life:

He was NOT 'living his own' Energy, NOT painting by his own

but 'walking next to himself' - that does very well
express it,

and that describes the condition of many similar
famous "artists," "performers," "singers," "actors"
and the like,

who are equally NOT 'walking what they preach,' but
who live the very contrary, like

in our example, Van Gogh was

'living the Life Energy,' that he had maliciously torn away FROM
OTHERS - smashed off of others and wrenched away from OTHERS,

AND then

(unable to accept his own nature:

unable to accept his OWN repulsiveness, and his OWN malice
towards life and towards people in general)

with nobody looking through him and seeing both sides of him,
and accepting what he actually IS:

a thief and murderer by his very own nature, a virus on the
Beauty and Love of OTHERS,

he first tried to take the life of his friend Gauguin, and
failing in that, he then, not long after, took his own life:


In the end not even his friend-painter Gauguin did anymore
believe the lies of Van Gogh about "his noble intentions
for life and for people and for art"

- in fact, Van Gogh was intending to live a degraded
life and to lie about everyone including about
himself, in order to hide that the degradation was
his very own nature and intention for life -

but in the end Gauguin did not fall for it anymore;

his friend Gauguin got fed up with Van Gogh's rudeness and
ugliness, with Van Gogh's boozing and whoring from the
the money his brother Theo sent,

paying for the intention of Van Gogh to degrade
others and himself too,

now seen by Gauguin for what it is:

Van Gogh's pretense only.


In the end clearly seeing Van Gogh's desire to live an
ugly and degraded life - covered up with the PRETENSE of
"living for art,"

Gauguin rejected the lies of Van Gogh, in the strongest
way possible:

by packing his things and leaving Van Gogh for good.

The lie that his life was, "for the good of art,"
now completely destroyed, Van Gogh then tried

to crush the "source of his destruction," the
person who, by leaving, disagreed with the
intention of Van Gogh to find happiness in
a degraded, ugly life of lies, of betrayal,
of boozing and of vampiring on the Life Energy
of whores while pretending it to be "living
for art,"

Gauguin was in the end destroying those lies,
and refusing to live such a life, enforced it
by leaving him:

"destroying Van Gogh's happiness and joy of
life and living for art," Van Gogh then - as
madmen do - set out to "remedy that, to
destroy the source of destruction of his life"

and this was

for exactly that reason of in the end, looking
through him and leaving him, Van Gogh.

In the rage he, Van Gogh, worked up in himself, to
bash and pound and slash into life, his favorite
lies as "being true,"

Van Gogh then ran with an open razor blade after his
departing painter friend Gauguin, who - having no
appetite for being killed by the madman - hastened
his step. *(i)


As we know, Van Gogh failed to catch up with Gauguin
- while Gauguin ran for his life, and

then Van Gogh turned the knife onto himself instead,
to fulfill anyway the murderous intent of the Energy
he had created in his rage, to thus soothe himself:

When the intended victim of his rage, became

and with it, the intention to destroy life,
became unfulfilled,

thirsting also to feel his own Ugliness freed
up, flowing unhindered by Gauguin's presence,

he then vented his rage and appetite for Ugliness,
onto his own body, cutting off his own ear, *(i)

as we know, and somewhat proud of having expressed
himself unhindered by social conventions and
obligations, as his painting of the condition
shows him to be without shame, both for the act and
for hiding the motivation, the story behind his
cutting off his ear.



Nobody in his life, EXPLAINED to him what his nature actually
was, why he felt how he actually felt and how he could paint
the way he did

- and if so, he would probably have murdered the messenger
who would show and let him find out the truth about his
pretenses, his lies, his actual intentions, about his
pretended benevolence towards mankind, and about how
he acquired the ability to paint -

with indeed a very far from "honest brush stroke" (as he
liked to call it) in his paintings,

fiercely HIDING all about his true nature, also
from the friendly but inane doctor Gachet -

how he was making himself feel and work with Energies of Life
that were, not only 'not his own' but, VERY MUCH THE OPPOSITE


It took me many years, to penetrate - not only his
(Van Gogh's) denial,

but: to uncover and penetrate and study the bizarre
and FIERCE DENIAL of the nature of Life Energy
ITSELF to exist (!)

- DENIED by others and by "science," would
you believe it! - [RDFDS],[ANTIN],[iFPP]

let alone, to find out about the vampiring of Life
Energy from the soul and from body of OTHERS,

their (for them, for vampiring personalities,
for Criminal Minds and Sociopaths "normal")
activity in life, in others' life, that is,

their really despicable practice of Vampiring on
others' (and also your and my) Life Energy, [FALEV]

which - taking your Life Energy away - does
more or less destroy your life without that
you understand what's done to you and by whom
it is done

- done by Criminal Minds, Sociopaths -

performing, carrying out

their practice of TEARING AWAY your and anyone's
Life Energies (which are PARTICLES) and then USING
these Life Energies for themselves

- using someone else's Life Energies -

instead of using their own (admittedly ugly, and
bungling, and hateful) Energies:



But that is, WHY they will violently ridicule
the subject itself, of Life Energy,

and REFUSE its research, and instead go
chasing after Bosons, [SHEFP]

and it is WHY they will assert to anyone, that
what THEY themselves continuously do to you
and to anyone,

"is not even possible" ..."because Life Energy
does not exist." *(j) [RDFDS]





I repeat the above description of Van Gogh's end, now in the
style of scientific wording

- it says more or less the same, but in the sort of
mathematical style that you know from me to just
get the data across to whoever wants to know it:



With nobody (including Van Gogh himself, NOBODY) accepting him
his VAMPIRING on others' Life Energy, [HRD-01]

and with his friend painter Gauguin now not anymore
lending support to Van Gogh's lies about "Van Gogh's own"
ability and "Van Gogh's own" importance,

but seeing Van Gogh's actual intentions to lead a very
degraded, ugly life,

and his painter friend therefore leaving him,

now "life had turned against him" - "against Van Gogh,"

fiercely NOT WANTING to understand himself, and,

with even more ferocity, he wanted OTHERS to NOT
understand him either

- wanting NOT TO BE UNDERSTOOD by anyone -
with the predictable result, that then indeed

NOBODY (including himself) was simply accepting WHAT HE

(which opposed how he WANTED to be "seen" and felt
by himself AND wanted to be seen and felt by others:

the "great 'but currently misunderstood' painter
with noble intentions for life and art"), (!) then


when his painter friend Gauguin wanted nothing to
do anymore with Van Gogh's ideas, his lies about
himself, about painters living together in the South
of France, "living for art,"

which "living" consisted of nothing except
Van Gogh's lies about life and about himself,

prevented from fully living the lies about "himself" and
about "art" while painting in the Life Energy taken from

fiercely refusing to accept his own actual character
and his own, actual lack of abilities, [FALEV]

NOR being adequately perceived - his character not being
penetrated and exposed by anyone for what it IS:

(certainly not by his friendly doctor Gachet)

he, Vincent van Gogh, ACTUALLY being the entirely
repulsive, rude and violent Life Energy Vampire on
others, that he is, himself full of contempt for

then he Van Gogh, committed suicide in a rage of
"unsolvable" conflict (the conflict is stated again,
here below):


Van Gogh being unable to accept that his OWN nature IS repulsive
and IS of great malice towards life and actually filled with
contempt towards people in general,

WHILE he is living within and works with Beautiful Life
Energies he had wrenched from great artists,

and with NOBODY hearing and accepting and understanding the
terrible truth about himself, despite various efforts by those
where he lived, but

wanting to APPEAR "good and very able" by the very means
of his malice

(by his Vampiring on others' Life Energy),

in his rage about that conflict, and as part of that conflict,

wanting NOW to express his own Ugliness, and his own,
actual Hate for life,


he, Van Gogh, felt he had no other choice, than to commit





Looking at the soul of Van Gogh


Now I had to observe Van Gogh's ACTUAL, tremendous, searing Hate for
all people, (see Issue Note, below)

his ACTUAL, inconceivable CONTEMPT for people, for Mankind and
for Life,

as well as his activities of hiding that from any observer to
prevent the viewing of his true nature.


In terms, if you like, of Fine Particle Physics, he is
hiding his soul's intentions from view,

by means of Drugged and Drugging Unawareness. *(k)

So when you look at him now, at his soul, then you get hit
with THAT Energy of his, you get knocked out into Drugged

Meaning in practice, that you for instance
fall asleep when you start to look at (when
you set out to sense his soul, his actual

or that you otherwise get thrown off from
looking at him or at the subject.

But THE Sociopaths heavily deny this knowledge, and,
that this is actuality taking place. *(L) [IDCM]


And I look at Van Gogh's desire to make people ENJOY Ugliness
and lies, and to make them ENJOY betraying each other:

"If some activity is NOT laced with (hidden) Ugliness," or
"if it is NOT an activity that involves betraying others,"

"then it provides no real sensation, no strong and
desirable feeling."

That is, how the sick mind feels it.



Furthermore I look at his words (quotes from Van Gogh) - like
his paintings are made too - his phrases have been

formulated with the Life Energy stolen from OTHERS, the words
uses as quotes by him, are the very opposite of his own nature:

He takes the phrases from ACTUALLY caring and actually
sane artists and philosophers,

ACTUAL LIFE and how he actually treats people;

him spouting caring words "as his own," are just empty
statements, that he himself never lived by and had NO
DESIRE to live by, noble phrases that he liked to deceive
others with AND himself too, to make himself seem good in
his own eyes,

but not ever did he live by his phrases himself, in any
way whatsoever - it just created a nice illusion about


This does indeed make him, Vincent Van Gogh, stand in league
with other Sociopaths and Vampires (of Life Energy),

with whom he, Van Gogh, SHARES the same hidden but searing HATE
for Mankind, the same bottomless CONTEMPT for people and for

in league with others who also derive their Life Force
from treachery towards Mankind,

in league with those who equally (have to) hide their ACTUAL
nature and their TRUE intentions, and their hidden hideousness.

in the same manner, as described above,

he is in league, life time after life time, with his soul mates
in eternal Evil [HRO][FPL]

- such as l. ron hubbard, and various other Sociopaths
I have encountered, and

mentioned (as the faithful reader may know), in the
course of some forty years of research and publication,

far exceeding anyone else in care and in understanding
and in integrating knowledge -

to uncover his 'soul mates in Evil,'


souls in league forever, meaning far longer than you can readily
remember, [FPL][HRO]

they have been in league and they CONTINUE so TODAY AND
IN THE FUTURE, as souls in league to Evil,

they are working ONLY to destroy (also your) Beauty, and working
ONLY to prevent (also your) Love, and working to ONLY hide and
distort the Truth of what you knew,

(I might not have forgotten you, but)

they are working ONLY to destroy your fondest
memories of your truest friends, and

they are ONLY working to make friends fight friends,

to destroy that, what is so furiously detested by them:

They, like Russia's Putin and China's Hu, are dripping
and drooling with contempt

for Mankind itself.

That IS THEIR NATURE - it does NOT change, by "being
friendly to them," nor do their actions change, by hiding
their nature - quite the contrary!


My sole driving force for studying them thoroughly enough - which no
one else managed to do, nor set out to do, really, and it needed the
driving force that is innate as my care for you - my sole driving
force was and is, and remains

my intense Love for you, combined with my abilities and my Beauty.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'




(the numbering follows from the previous HRI it is part of)

(i) (I use the words 'this person,' below,
as this account crosses time periods of
one soul; and using 'this person,' does
avoid the gender-specific 'he or she'
- and a soul, as you know, may be
either, depending of course on the
gender of the baby born with the soul)



As I published elsewhere, this is data from a great amount of
confirmed past life regression therapy I gave this person in a
period of some twenty years,

complying as I was with what now appears to be the FALSE premise
given to me, that "man is basically good" [TOWCP] (see under

and complying with what now appeared to be a VERY FALSE premise,
that "this person is a valuable individual"

and "I have the ability and the training to turn even THIS
person to good,"

and "I have the social responsibility and personal ethics and
natural care, to help this person to end its compulsions to be
Evil and destroy (also its own) life," and "to answer the
request of this person for my help towards returning its Sanity"

by means of greatly understanding and intensely loving and
vastly caring, cognitive therapy, including regression therapy

- much of which I have published over the years:

the very best care possible, that anyone could receive, and over
twenty years at that,

but that this person then however requited ("thanked me for"),

at the most destructive opportunities, (this person was)

showing its true nature - or hiding its intentions and its
malicious activities well enough to prepare for the most
destructive moment and circumstances, then - making havoc

which - in turn - served "as obvious proof, that MORE of
my caring, deeper understanding, and stronger-loving
therapy, was still necessary:

That "even the best cognitive therapy, had not yet been
completed" to the extent of remedying, of reversing this
person's DESIRE to secretly and openly create Evil and
financial destruction and social havoc,

because "man is basically good" - and THEREFORE
therapy "had not been completed yet, obviously."

At times of serious havoc deliberately intended and
created by this person (or prevented by me but almost
created by this person), also then, "obviously"

therapy "was not yet complete,"

because: The vast care, and cognitive therapy
already given by me in the past to this person,

each time DID return this person to considerable
more Sanity and much less anti-social behavior, or
even seemingly very SOCIAL behavior,

in very many instances, over the years,

when IN FACT,

in conflict with "man is basically good,"

the datum that was the foundation of the
package of "perfect cognitive therapy:"

"man is basically good," and a person who
asks for that and cooperates,

"can be returned to Sanity by cognitive
therapy." [TOWCP]

when IN FACT

this person each time - when acting furiously anti-social
and boiling and dripping with CONTEMPT for Mankind - this
person WAS showing its true and BASIC nature, indeed!

Showing its BASIC NATURE 'with a vengeance,' again and
again; and not just that, BUT

each time showing its own true nature MORE insidiously

and each time MORE forcefully and each time MORE, much
more ingeniously,

this person - of HIDDEN, unparalleled and intense Ugliness and
inflicting Deadening vampirism - by now was using a whole range
of spiritual-Energetic tricks

that neither were known to me at the time, nor were those tricks
part of any spiritual study, nor part of any study of
criminology, at all,

or, even in the best of available studies they were
only scratching the surface,

so that I had to actually research and find out these things

- I had to develop these things, including the marvelous
tool of Fine Particle Physics {iFPP} -

as you now can study from various publications for you.



Obviously the therapy itself, the vast improvements
acquired by this person,

and the vast amount of my Energy, my very strong
and very beautiful and very caring and connecting
Life Energy,

that this person thus kept draining from me, on and
on, and more and more from me, over the years,

truly out of the goodness of my heart,

was used by this person to give a more and more convincing

"having greatly improved" BY THE THERAPY and by the
Love and Understanding and Beauty given it by me,

APPEARING each time, for days or weeks, or at one time
appearing even a whole month long,

"to have become a normal and productive member of the
family and of society,"

...which was each time giving rise to great hopes and the
highest expectations, BUT

expectations and activities based thereon, that this
person - seemingly "improved" and "stable" - then SECRETLY
ENJOYED to bring to ruin,

including newly developed activity and friends newly

WHILE this person most destructively upheld THE APPEARANCE

till it would be too late to predict and to remedy
the damage intended and then forcefully inflicted
by this person.


But "Man is basically good" (I was easily indoctrinated,
not to question that)

AND applying logic, and care for Mankind:

because it is those of a violently Sociopathic nature,

who DO inflict tremendous suffering and who DO cause
severe setbacks to the society, to Mankind, THEN

"THEY of all people - the most violent and the most
maliciously intelligent Sociopaths - when THEY ask
to be improved -"

"THESE definitely should be the first to be remedied and
made sane" - to remedy their malice and turn their force
and intelligence around towards"

"...Man being basically good..."

"their natural goodness" - "their malice deleted and
replaced by their basic goodness" -

that would then really be of tremendous benefit and would
repair the society, by deleting their intention to create
havoc and then changing it around, so that Evil turned to
good, by them now using their forces constructively

"...Man being basically good..."

"this then would lead to a resurgence of Mankind, towards
peace and prosperity for all,"

and "the therapy to do so, exists now, and proves, that
Man is basically good." [TOWCP]


The searing CONTEMPT FOR MANKIND, for people, and the burning,
uncanny HATE for life and for the society, that is innate in
this person, however,

and this person's bucking and bolting ANGER AT being expected
NOT to destroy the family nor the business, nor other people,
and at socially forced NOT to inflict that hate, its tremendous
HATE for society and for life

- the VIOLENT Hate this person showed openly at times and
acted out at times -

was supposed to be "understood"

(and thus "must be treated, remedied by means of more
cognitive therapy")

as obvious "aberrations of this person," "obviously needing
(more) therapy"

"...Man being basically good..."

as if keeping on polishing a blob of tar would finally show a
diamond appearing inside.


But there WAS NO diamond within,

and whatever appeared around this person at some times,
that appeared like diamonds,

were merely stolen Life Energy Particles of Beauty,
Vampired from others:

the Beauty and Care Energy (which by the way DOES look
like brightly lit diamonds or like brightly shining,
white LED light spots, to the trained eye)

Life Energy that this person had VAMPIRED FROM the very
beautiful, from the very caring, FROM the true artists.



When this person WAS at times acting out its VIOLENT HATE for
people, for society and for life, what WAS then showing up,

what however was MISINTERPRETED, was WRONGLY understood,

as being "this person's aberrations" "to be remedied,"

what WAS showing up,

WAS this individual's actual nature, its un-remediable, true

as we know it, of course, about any other true Sociopath.

Yet this Sociopath had influenced (used forceful hypnotism on)
people, to make them see

"NOT a Sociopath," but

"a nice person, who simply had some difficulties in facing life
and in dealing with 'people who did not like him'."


This person usually "rewarded" me

for the tremendous amounts of help and care and
Energy given,

by trying to ruin anything I had built up in life, and

by destroying my Life Energy for connecting to people and my
Life Energy for people to connect to me

- my Energy for connecting to myself, was equally
destroyed and kept on being destroyed by this person -

in the end this person was "rewarding" me

- for giving twenty years of my life "to its recovery,"
my responsibility devoted to 'returning this person
to being a valuable member of society' -

(my care and love and intelligence given very, very far
above and beyond the call of duty and responsibility -
this person "rewarded" this then)

by then going into all-out hiding as a missing person, which was
not an unusual quirk from this person,

but now trying for keeps, and FROM A POSITION OF HIDING to then
be able to arrange the means and to set up the people and do the

inflicting various forms of this person's typical
hypnotism on many people, to enlist secret "cooperation
and support,"

with the all-out aim "to utterly destroy me"

(from hiding, to better make me an unsuspecting victim of
things this person organized in secret during three years
in hiding - "to destroy me utterly")

with the assistance of its 'true and eternal soul mates' in Evil
[HRO] (which I had largely uncovered in - published - therapy

and seeking out and getting assistance from other
Sociopaths and their organizations,

all done in 'dense' hiding and with intense hypnotic and
physical deception, of me also,

so that it would escape my notice and not invite any adequate
defensive measures on my part, against the intention of such

their possibly succeeding "to destroy me utterly," had by
now become quite inconceivable to me,

after twenty years of handling exactly that Sociopath and
such Sociopaths,

with my having detected and uncovered and understood - and
also published and remedied and repaired - already SO MUCH
of and about the Evil of this person and of the soul mates
in past and present Evil of this person,

discovered each time and remedied each time, in
twenty long years of hard work in the matter,

including repeatedly remedying various times that this
person equally went into hiding

to be Evil without abandon, and enjoying to be Evil,

to do exactly the same, but failing each time after my
concentrated efforts to uncover it and then to repair it,

"...Man being basically good..."

to by any and all means spiritual and material and hypnotic, to
try and prevent me from defending against a threat,

that was inconceivable already by the fact of living in an
area that claimed to be 'civilized' and 'protecting life
exactly against attacks by Sociopaths.'

BUT after many years of the most caring and attentive therapy,

while I remained hooked on the idea, that "Man is
basically good" and had made a lot of progress to return
also this person to that "basic goodness,"

I was IN REALITY "arming" (proving sophisticated armament
to) the very person who had always with great success
"explained" its malice as "very remediable" and as "very
much and very clearly responding very positively and very
constructively to my detecting it and my caring," BUT
in reality,

this person's intention to secretly destroy life, showed more
and more stubbornness, hardness in intending Evil, and more and
more intelligence and stronger hypnotism inflicted on me, to
hide its Evil intended,

and we NOW understand that to be the ACTUAL nature of this

as opposed to this person's intelligent PRETENSE, to me,
to anyone, of "having become normal again, and having
become much better each time, through the care and the
cognitive therapy given by me."



So this time this person, determined to follow its OWN nature,
used all the help and all the Energy I gave it

INCAPACITATED and never ever get up again."

Now (in 1997) this person FINALLY wanted to have Evil "win" for
good, and so started

from a HIDDEN position to seek and connect to OTHER Sociopaths,
hidden where I would neither suspect nor face the vast confusion
they were spinning between each other, year after year,

cooperating as a collection of various Sociopaths and
their lackeys, whom this person had been locating, and had
then enlisted

to satisfy also THEIR driven joy of inflicting Evil and
destroying the very Caring, the very Loving, the very
Beautiful and the very Truthful,

OF TRUTH to understand Sociopaths in general,

- TRUTH of understanding these, was copiously being
published by me, about these, in great depth and
detail -

Sociopaths HATE Truth,

so the Sociopaths, gathered or activated by this person,
connived in secret

to try - and this time be so well organized as to "win" - to try
and "destroy me utterly" and [Bamberg]

- all Sociopaths are Life Energy Vampires, too -

thus to freely use MY Life Energy and being unhindered by me in
their claiming it to be "their own" abilities, and "their own"
achievements and it being "their own nature,"

what in fact are My Life Energies,

with their wider goal thereby:

"to dominate Mankind into having Sociopaths be in charge of
everyone, everywhere," or "else, to try and destroy Mankind,"

as is the habit, the desire and the JOY of these soul
mates in Evil, since ever. [HRO]


And that is so, REGARDLESS entirely of whatever BELIEFS you may
hold, or BELIEFS may have been given and tell to others,

about these matters,

about the past and the present, and about the future:

Truth is absolute - it is only the DEGREE of Perception, that
makes Truth SEEM "personal," "relative," or even "conflicting."




(j) Of course, practically the first thing, that any child HAS
to be educated about, and HAS to be able to recognize, [DPFI]

in order to defend itself against such very common attacks
harming the soul and the body - attacks on its new life -
what a child has to know about this immediately,

is, that this is what is going on continuously on Earth, what IS
inflicted on anyone all the time, by a hundred million
Sociopaths living on Earth,

BUT, that Sociopaths forcefully or cleverly do prevent or forbid
talking about it, and forbid examining and researching, and that
Sociopaths UNDERMINE any defense against;

you are that cruel to children, to NOT talk about that - which
IS complying with the Sociopaths,

it is not merely being cruel to yourself, but cruel to your own
children, ruining their life really, TO NOT EDUCATE them, who
also make up your own future, really - WHY?


Because the Sociopaths DEMAND it of you, to be THAT CRUEL to
everyone and to yourself:

"Life Energy does not exist"

a denial, a belief as bizarre, as wanting others to agree, that
"air does not exist," or that "people have no legs," [RDFDS]

a detestable denial that casts the basis, the foundation, for
inconceivably destructive Insanity by assigning the wrong cause
to anything, *(n)

by demanding, that "Life Energy does not exist."

And with such a hideous, very common practice it is, that these
individuals, the Sociopaths, do take away your Life Energy,

and they claim it to be their own, in order themselves to be
able and to be successful.


It is then not surprising, that Sociopaths say (or at least feel
and act out), that "Life is a competition," that

"life is just a game of overwhelming others."

Because they are without any qualms at all, without any
conscience, taking anyone's Life Energy away,

and 'it is about time,' that you start to recognize these

who are also

setting it up so, that you blame the wrong cause (which is
MAKING you - by correct definition of the term - Insane or
'Assigning the wrong cause to things that happen to you or
others'). [DOI]


Your Life Energy - such as your abilities and your feeling life
and the ability to enjoy life and perceive and be aware - (your
Life Energy) they take some or much of it away from you, and
they do so

without any conscience whatsoever about harming you, they are
smashing, tearing and sucking Life Energy out of anyone,

which is deadening, and sickening, and upsetting, and it is
destroying abilities and awareness and feeling for life, in you,
in others,

and the American writer Anne Rice says - she tries to sell
to us - that,

what the characters in her books do to each other,
sucking, Vampiring the Life Energy out of others - she
says, that

that "is a metaphor" for "what we all do"

a kind of 'pluralis vampiricus' if you like, as if
"we all are Sociopaths..."

where it is however only a hundred million people of those
living on Earth, or some one percent. *(n)


(k) In terms of Fine Particle Physics if you like, he is
hiding his soul's intentions from view, by means of
Drugged Unawareness

(that is, he is covering it with the Black Energy
that makes you unaware of something existing,

that blacks out your awareness of something;

and within the Black or Unawareness Energy,

physically seen by the trained eye, it is the
speckles of Dirty White that is Drug Energy,

in a Black environment of "nothing else there
to feel or make comparison with and to
reality-check with,"

"as one's own Universe," some Sociopath
guru wants you to name and experience
such a Blacked-out space [HRO]

he maintains Drug Energy, which is

proving the pleasantness of pretending, by filtering
and distortion of what is ACTUALLY there:

Unawareness, Hate and Ugliness,
in vast amounts, but

the filtering distortion provided by the Drug Energy
does provides the pretense, that the Hate, the
Ugliness and the Unawareness, "is not there" or
"is something else"). [DPFI]


(L) But THE Sociopaths heavily deny this knowledge, and, that this
is actuality taking place. [IDCM]

And as we know, the "peer-reviewed" and "peer-enforced" quackery
of the licensed medical trade,

does SUPPORT the HIDING of Sociopaths and their atrocities
inflicted upon life and their lies about life - swearing an oath
as they do, to their mentor, the Sociopath Hippocrates. [FPL]


(m) When he was trying to fit it together - BUT being unable, and
more so, NOT WANTING to see or sense - his OWN nature of Extreme
Ugliness and Hate and Contempt for the people around him,

he was unable or unwilling to admit, that he was 'living
the Life Energy' of Beauty and Perception, that was TAKEN
FROM great artist souls, Life Energy forced away from
them by those who are the Extremely Ugly (such as Van Gogh
himself is)

and he was unable or unwilling to admit, that he was using
that and pretending it to "be his own" - in his "honest
brush stroke" -

using the Life Energy wrenched from OTHERS - as Vampire
personalities do wrench the Life Energy away of others -

whom they regard really as 'food' (of Life Energy)
to please and pleasure them,

they regard you as 'food' - which they 'hunt' indeed
and 'slaughter,' ravage, rape really, for your Life
Energy to provide and increase THEIR joy of life and
THEIR abilities,

your Energies to connect to and feel life and
to handle life,

in this case using those Energies that you know actually
to belong to Claude Monet and to Leonardo Da Vinci.




[VVVG]'The Life Energy Vampiring Vincent Van Gogh, and Causes of World
War One and Two'
{HRI 20120415-V3.1} [VVVG]
(15 April 2012 - Version 3.1 on 25 Jul 2012)

[TOWCP]'"The ONLY way to control people" - 'Yet Another Scientology
Lie' that the "critics mafia" does not want to look through'
{HRI Note 20120611-V3.0-t} [TOWCP]
(11 June 2012 - Version 3.0 on 12 Jun 2012)

[FPL] 'FALSE 'Past Lives' and NO 'Past Lives' - Vitality from
Studying History' - ('Was Darwin a monkey, in his past life?')
{HRI 20110909-V2.0-P1-V3.0-t} [FPL]
(9 September 2011 - Part 1 Version 3.0 on 22 Nov 2011)

[HRPK]'Human Rights Philosopher Knowledge Extends Very, Very Far Above
Any Person And Institution - the Human Rights Issues And You'
{HRI 20100728-V3.3} [HRPK]
(28 July 2010 - Version 3.3 on 27 Mar 2012)

[WEV] 'What is 'Energetic Violence' inflicted by Sociopaths?'
{HRI 20120606-V4.1-t} {FPP Note 20120606-V4.1-t} [WEV]
(6 June 2012 - Version 4.1 on 20 June 2012)


For further References and Footnotes, etc., see the HRI [VVVG] - which
is the main and earlier Human Rights Issue on the matter, from which
parts were taken for this present HRI.


(n) To be added as indicated.

For further Footnotes, see the HRI [VVVG] which is the main
and earlier Human Rights Issue on the matter:

'The Life Energy Vampiring Vincent Van Gogh, and Causes of World
War One and Two' - {HRI 20120415-V3.1} or a later Version of it
(see under References, above)

Issue note:

It may be obvious to the student of Fine Particle Physics {iFPP}

writing and publishing the absolute truth, DOES take a great

And with you - the reader and anyone with a desire to protect
and further life - at my side, the spiritual battle rages

against those, who want truth NOT known and NOT understood, and
who want Life distorted,

the spiritual battle rages against those who are the Sociopaths
and the Cowardly Supporters of Sociopaths.

Truth is absolute, you know: It is only the DEGREE of
Perception, that makes it SEEM "relative" etc..

All of life, basically is a spiritual-Energetic activity, but
the Sociopaths want you NOT to know that anymore.

A spiritual battle is a Life Energetic battle, which has then
immediate physical effects, as well as those effects, in the
future, that are the consequences or results of such a battle.

I am thus - in a for you very unspectacular way - shaping our
future towards peace and sanity and health. [HRPK]



Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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