Wish list recap

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Davide Ardizzoia

Jun 23, 2014, 3:01:28 AM6/23/14



As I see several requests for same feature, I took 5 minutes to elaborate a recap.
To help Jonathan see what are the most wanted features, please quote this message, leaving only the features you are interested into, I will keep up-to-date the very first message of this thread.
I will take care to add the "+" on the first message.

+Spiral vase
++Bridges with large overlapping 1-2 mm
++Speed adjust for bridges 
++Speed setting style-related
++Horizontal surfaces thickness control
++Different speeds for the last 1-2 Solid layers
Set default direction of loops to be clockwise, counterclockwise, or alternating (would help a lot with protruding parts that otherwise need support)
Variable layer height
Clip-like wipe (turn off extrusion before end of movement)
+Honeycomb fill (waay sturdier than octo ... especially when using stacked sparse)
slow slopes automatically got lower layer heights of the perimeter only.
now with multi colored objects: a setting for each material to do an extra retraction and prime at extruder change (at the spot were the prime tower is located).
Stacked sparse also for solid infill
Precise control upon infill percentage

++Brim (beta)
+++Change height of support(editable number of interface layers)
+Control over wipe pillar size and placement
+Solid interface for support and grid (beta)
+Control over speed of support
Toggle support of each part in multipart print
Support range (to get support from Zmin to Zmax)
Support interface switch (make interface only with bed)
User defined size and spacing of grid
Interface layer with alternated fill (crossing)
++Control on skirt height (or automatically set it high like the object)
Control on grid/raft thickness
Single skirt for all objects
User defined placement of pillar
Better adhesion of priming pillar
User control on brim thickness (layers) (beta)

Speed setting for each material
+Lift Cool head
++retraction during wipe
+++user defined field for postprocessor
Pulse cooling fan

++Speed adjust for bridges 
+++user defined field for postprocessor
User defined overlap (or a way to do more than 100% overlap)

+Sequential printing
+True arc support
++++Filament usage in MM for each extruder (pronterface already does this, although maybe not per-extruder)
+Recap of all current settings (style, support, printer) on lower left screen (beta)
Make file open and file save dialogs independent
Offer to reload an object if it changes on disk.
Save a project
Ability to choose where on the print the seam will occur 
Specify areas for different fill percentages - so I could have 100% fill areas in a model that is otherwise 30%
No oversampling switch
Rotate model about X/Y axes (freeform and multiples of 90 degrees)
Make file open and file save dialogs independent
Cool down area (when not changing extruder)
Configurable default setup
1/1 alternance of extruder during prints (to avoid stripes at expense of longer print times)
Link style to material
Indipendent X/Y/Z scaling
Message has been deleted


May 14, 2014, 12:08:53 PM5/14/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
You can edit your first post if you want, as up to date summarise, with additional wishes found and the 'votes'  by others.

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 18:05:01 UTC+2, Davide Ardizzoia wrote:

Spiral vase
Speed adjust for bridges
+Speed setting style-related
Horizontal surfaces thickness control

Change height of support
Control over wipe pillar size or placement

+Solid interface for support and grid
Control over speed of support
Toggle support of each part in multipart print

Speed setting for each material
+Lift Cool head
retraction during wipe

Speed adjust for bridges

Sequential printing
True arc support

Rick Zehr

May 14, 2014, 12:27:21 PM5/14/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
+ Horizontal surfaces thickness control 
+ Sequential printing
+ Filament usage in MM for each extruder

Davide Ardizzoia

May 14, 2014, 12:30:23 PM5/14/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Ok, will do that.
Anybody can quote the first message, I will take the time to keep up-to-date the first message of this thread.
Best Regards
Davide Ardizzoia


May 14, 2014, 1:53:04 PM5/14/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
- As suggested by Peter : 
"Extra user fields for material and printer that get added as comments in generated GCode.
This will help machine specific post-processors handle special settings instead of hijacking existing fields."

- Have a different speed for the last 1-2 layers of Solid

Le mercredi 14 mai 2014 18:03:22 UTC+2, Davide Ardizzoia a écrit :
As I see several requests for same feature, I took 5 minutes to elaborate a recap.
I believe that quoting the BELOW TEXT and adding a "+" to desired feature will help Jonathan to decide about priorities.

Spiral vase
Speed adjust for bridges
+Speed setting style-related
+Horizontal surfaces thickness control

+Change height of support

Control over wipe pillar size or placement
+Solid interface for support and grid
+Control over speed of support

Toggle support of each part in multipart print

Speed setting for each material
+Lift Cool head
retraction during wipe

Speed adjust for bridges

+Sequential printing
True arc support
++Filament usage in MM for each extruder

Mrs. Lonesock

May 14, 2014, 5:50:52 PM5/14/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Someone has been doing a LOT of programming lately!
Someone else has been doing a LOT of reading! (trying not to interrupt said programmer!)  
Some KS users are going to be happy very soon. 
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Isaac Thompson

May 14, 2014, 8:05:35 PM5/14/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
what's a good address for sending cookies and mountain Dew?

here's my repost, with a few extras

Spiral vase
+Speed adjust for bridges 
+Speed setting style-related
++Horizontal surfaces thickness control

+Different speeds for the last 1-2 Solid layers
Set default direction of loops to be clockwise, counterclockwise, or alternating (would help a lot with protruding parts that otherwise need support)

+Change height of support
Control over wipe pillar size or placement
+Solid interface for support and grid
+Control over speed of support
Toggle support of each part in multipart print

Speed setting for each material
+Lift Cool head
+retraction during wipe
+user defined field for postprocessor

+Speed adjust for bridges 
+user defined field for postprocessor

+Sequential printing
True arc support

Rick Zehr

May 14, 2014, 9:42:05 PM5/14/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Oops - forgot one - a biggie - variable layer height, or using same when crowning, to present edges at "same" apparent width at the top of a crown as on the sides of the object. Slic3r does this, although setting the layer heights by hand is a real PIA. 

lonesock (Jonathan)

May 19, 2014, 1:50:35 PM5/19/14
Hi, everybody!

So, I'm posting a build here, and not on the main preview thread because this one is scary!  I had to make a bunch of changes for sequential build (and still not done yet...prime pillar doesn't work with sequential).  So, this is a "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND PLEASE DON'T REPOST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM" build.  [8^)

  • Added a [Misc.] tab, distinct from [PRO] so free users can set the following:
    • RAM Warning
    • Slicing Threads
    • Multiple Object Print Order (a.k.a. Sequential Print) (non-sticky, it will revert to regular every time the program is run)
  • sequential prints
    • MAY BE BUGGY!!  Check the paths first, babysit the printer, perform your special "Printer Dance", etc.
    • Under [Printer]->[Extruder Hardware] the "Extruder Clearance (Radius)" setting will space out the packing
    • no way to directly specify the model(s) placement exactly, yet.
    • It will print shortest to tallest
    • Note: you can lie about your bed size (change the Y size to 20mm, for example, to make the packer place everything in a line)
    • Can not sequentially print different sub-meshes in the same model...not sure how to explain this...using an external program for packing multiple objects into a single STL will result in the whole thing printing at once, just like usual.
    • There is a new token for G-code includes: <ZMAX> is the maximum Z the print has yet achieved...useful for moving around *above* already printed models.
    • Prime Pillar doesn't work in this mode.
    • I will keep working on this, just hoping for some testers.  [8^)
  • Solid Support-Object Interface
    • enabling this makes the support just underneath the object solid (instead of 50% as usual)
    • it's on the [Support] tab
    • untested, but looks OK in path view
    • this is probably a horrible idea if printing PLA objects on PLA supports! (which is why it's untested by me...single print head!)
  • Improved packer
    • bug fixes
    • improved packing for both rectangular and round beds
  • Fixed the "All loops (ISOs) print at solid speed" bug
  • In the Extruder Mapping window, the current material names are now set as the tooltip for the matching set [Extruder 1/2/3/4] buttons.
OK, that's it for now.  Hopefully I added more features than bugs!  Please let me know how it goes!


EDIT: removed this build...there is a newer one farther down this thread.

Davide Ardizzoia

May 15, 2014, 1:56:24 AM5/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hello Jonathan,
thank you for the solid interface, it's one step toward perfection !
BUT : could you put it also under faces sitting directly on the raft ?

Best Regards
Davide Ardizzoia

lonesock (Jonathan)

May 15, 2014, 2:04:27 AM5/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Interesting!  It would be trivial to make the whole top layer of the raft solid.  Is that what you meant?



May 15, 2014, 2:44:17 AM5/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
I don't know if just the top layer is enough, maybe the 3-4 top layers needs to be solid to have the last surface really flat and smooth.

Davide Ardizzoia

May 15, 2014, 2:55:00 AM5/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Yes, but the whole surface could be an overkill.... I am selling this


and printing the WHOLE GRID for very large objects would add hours and waste a lot of material !!!
Just the interface, please...

Best Regards
Davide Ardizzoia


May 15, 2014, 3:36:19 AM5/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
I tested now. I think some bug. At the end of seq#1 Extruder cool down to zero then print seq#2.


May 15, 2014, 7:17:13 AM5/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Very need 

+Brim or Raft with no added height to 3d model.

Peter Gregory

May 15, 2014, 9:45:44 AM5/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
+user defined fields (multiple) for post-processor

It would be really nice to have an extra tab or button for custom post-processing fields, one for style settings, one for material settings.
The language file can supply custom prompts for the fields, or a new INI file can hold custom field names for a grid of name/value pairs.
The post-processing name/value pairs will be added as comments in the generated G-Code.
There is a need for multiple post-processing fields.
CubeItMod hijacks several fields for post processing:

Style settings:

Style De-String hijacked for: Use M227
Printer | Firmware Fan can do PWM hijacked for: Use M228

Material settings:
Bed hijacked for : Solid%
Destring speed hijacked for: Infill%
Prime hijacked for: M227 Prime Value
Suck hijacked for: M227 Suck Value
Warm time hijacked for : M228 Prime Value
$/CM^3 hijacked for : M228 Suck Value

Rick Zehr

May 17, 2014, 1:17:12 AM5/17/14
I'd love to check out Sequential printing, but I'm not on windows.

Jonathan Lawrence

May 15, 2014, 1:59:13 PM5/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
I will put in my votes, with one additional
Selective support.  I am currently working on a print where there is one large overhang, and lots of internal passages.  Only generate support for the overhang section, and not add support INSIDE the passages.

On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 12:03:22 PM UTC-4, Davide Ardizzoia wrote:
As I see several requests for same feature, I took 5 minutes to elaborate a recap.
I believe that quoting the BELOW TEXT and adding a "+" to desired feature will help Jonathan to decide about priorities.

+Bridges with large overlapping 1-2 mm
+Speed adjust for bridges 
+Speed setting style-related
+Honeycomb fill (waay sturdier than octo ... especially when using stacked sparse)

+retraction during wipe

+Speed adjust for bridges 


Isaac Thompson

May 15, 2014, 7:33:24 PM5/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Perhaps an easy way to do limited support (at least for now) would be to make it similar to the z-height limit. except instead of a simple maximum z value, you could also have a minumum z value (only print support between two limits) and there could be x and y limits as well. this would (maybe?) be an easy way to take care of most selective support problems.


May 15, 2014, 7:49:00 PM5/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
toggle or roof for bottom support material interface layer. It's good for when support is on the bed but can be a beast to remove when support overlaps the model surface.

Davide Ardizzoia

May 16, 2014, 2:03:03 AM5/16/14
Please help me to understand: what is the difference with current z-roof support option ? What is the difference with the request from Isaac Thompson ?

Best Regards
Davide Ardizzoia


May 16, 2014, 3:36:46 AM5/16/14
Like the interface layer between the top of the support material and the model, there is also a interface layer beneath the base of the support structure, it works like a raft. Is fine when on the bed, but can be difficult to remove when the base of the support is on top of the model for higher layers, it is about as dense as a regular print layer. Jonathan added it between a beta release and the 1st Official release.



May 16, 2014, 9:12:45 AM5/16/14
After compiling 3 screen caps, would like sliders to view a layer range.

Davide Ardizzoia

May 16, 2014, 4:39:56 AM5/16/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Ok, got it. Recap updated-

Best Regards
Davide Ardizzoia


May 16, 2014, 7:27:44 PM5/16/14

On Thursday, 15 May 2014 07:41:32 UTC+2, lonesock (Jonathan) wrote:

So, I'm posting a build here, and not on the main preview thread because this one is scary!  I had to make a bunch of changes for sequential build (and still not done yet...prime pillar doesn't work with sequential).  So, this is a "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND PLEASE DON'T REPOST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM" build.  [8^)

Jonathan, I just tried sequential printing with two 'drilling jigs'. Seems to work as expected. Because I don't have much Z clearance, I don't expect to use it much, but for these low objects it worked. So thanks!

  • Fixed the "All loops (ISOs) print at solid speed" bug
Question: when I set the perimeter speed to 60 and the solid infill to 100: it's resulting in a perimeter speed of 60 and all loops at 66.7. Is ok for me, but It isn't as it was in earlier days (extrapolated)

I tried the x32 version in a x64 windows machine. The first time it sliced and saved ok with the default gcode name. The postprocessor work as well.
All the times after that it it says " can not  create file"  . It's not a permission thingy, as it's able to save on the same spot with a custom file name.
It's not calling the postprocessor anymore either.

last one: what is the <accel> token? 


Davide Ardizzoia

May 19, 2014, 1:56:16 AM5/19/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Given the vast unused screen area on the lower left ( it could be nice (and easy to code) to put current style, support and printer setups (just the names used to save them).
Sometimes I end up using the wrong setup and I realize after slicing (or worse, printing)... and nowadays large screen are quite cheap and ubiquitous.

Best Regards
Davide Ardizzoia

Chris V

May 19, 2014, 4:46:05 AM5/19/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
I fully support ++user defined field for postprocessor !! :)

Fat Freddie

May 19, 2014, 7:35:36 AM5/19/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jonathan.

Improvements I've been thinking about - some not necessarily easy to implement now but for future consideration.

  Rotate model about X/Y axes (freeform and multiples of 90 degrees)
    Sometimes I end up with a model that would be better printed at a different orientation - it would be easier to change this in kisslicer than to rotate the object.

  Make file open and file save dialogs independent
    I open from a network share and save to an SD card so having the save dialog default to where I opened the model is inconvenient

  Offer to reload an object if it changes on disk.
    Not a big deal but it would make the workflow smoother where a model needs changing in response to problems seen while slicing.

  Save a project
    Save a file that contains the print settings and references to objects so it could be reloaded - this would mean I don't have to remember what settings I used for a print and would make it easier to take an old project, change the material and print. To avoid the problem of having a reloaded setting clashing with an existing one, the reloaded setting could have a reserved name.

  Ability to choose where on the print the seam will occur 
    This would be very useful for me as there is often a place on the model where the seam artifacts would go unnoticed.

  Specify areas for different fill percentages - so I could have 100% fill areas in a model that is otherwise 30%
    Not sure how this could be done - maybe an editor in the GUI (would need save a project above) or load objects that define the non default fill areas - this would probably be easiest as it puts the responsibility back with the CAD program.

Thanks for producing a great program (one of my best value software purchases) and I'm glad to see it back under development.


lonesock (Jonathan)

May 19, 2014, 1:50:00 PM5/19/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hi, again.

I'm posting another build for testing...still not finished with sequential prints, but KISSlicer now:
  • handles non-changing extruders when moving to a new sequential object.
  • updates the <X> <Y> <Z> <MAXZ> locations to the *next* position before the [Select Extruder] G-code is inserted, so you could insert some code to move (for example to perform a heat-up over the prime pillar)
  • handles removing extra un-necessary wipes on sequential objects.
  • interprets "Solid Support-Object Interface" to make the top layer of the raft solid, and only below the object's lower surfaces.  
  • Prime Pillar still does not work for sequential build, though I am close to having one per object.  [8^)
Again, the paths look good, but this has not been extensively tested.  I hope all'y'all could test it out, and let me know what I managed to break!


Isaac Thompson

May 19, 2014, 2:05:06 PM5/19/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
slicing and printing with this latest version within the next 20 minutes. just downloaded it

Alan Timm

May 19, 2014, 6:23:01 PM5/19/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Right on Jonathan!

I was just about to post a +1 for solid interface layer when I saw your update.  

I am almost done updating my machine with dual extruders, and using HIPS as the breakaway/dissolvable support material.
In that scenario, a solid interface layer is perfect.

I can't wait to try this out!


Joseph Chiu

May 19, 2014, 6:28:59 PM5/19/14
to Davide Ardizzoia, kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com

Yes. This. Please!

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May 19, 2014, 8:05:10 PM5/19/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Is there a possibility to spec infill percentage from 1-100%? it jumps from 50 to 100%.

On Monday, May 19, 2014 10:50:00 AM UTC-7, lonesock (Jonathan) wrote:


May 20, 2014, 1:47:12 AM5/20/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hi !

About height of part with using GRID/RAFT.

I need to print a part with the exact size of the height.
With Skirt mode, height my part is 12.6 mm, is good, but i can't print because does not stick to bed without raft. (stick, but poor and warping corners =( )
With Raft/Grid mode, height increases and becomes 13.1 mm, it's bad because i can not use the part with the wrong size design. =(

Need option to Kisslicer, when using a RAFT/GRID made the correct part height! ( start building part on zero height and leave the GRID only at the edges of the part )

Thank's for support and BEST slicing software ! ;)

понедельник, 19 мая 2014 г., 21:50:00 UTC+4 пользователь lonesock (Jonathan) написал:

Isaac Thompson

May 20, 2014, 6:16:40 PM5/20/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
To start the print at zero height, turn off raft, turn on support, set support clearance to zero, expand support 5mm (I'm guessing on this one but seems about right), set support overhang to 90 degrees, and set support z-roof to something fairly low, like 5mm (or just high enough to catch the stuff to want rafted)

This will create a raft under the support material (and everything it's supporting) but not under the bottom of the part.


May 20, 2014, 6:28:59 PM5/20/14
Additional I I would opt for a setting in Kisslicer that there is no oversampling applied and the exact geometry of the stl is used to slice.
slow slopes automatically got lower layer heights of the perimeter only.

now with multi colored objects: a setting for each material to do an extra retraction and prime at extruder change (at the spot were the prime tower is located).
Spiral vase

+Bridges with large overlapping 1-2 mm
+Speed adjust for bridges 
Speed setting style-related
+Horizontal surfaces thickness control
+Different speeds for the last 1-2 Solid layers
Set default direction of loops to be clockwise, counterclockwise, or alternating (would help a lot with protruding parts that otherwise need support)
Variable layer height
Clip-like wipe (turn off extrusion before end of movement)

Honeycomb fill (waay sturdier than octo ... especially when using stacked sparse)

+Change height of support (editable number of interface layers)
+Control over wipe pillar size or placement
+Solid interface for support and grid
+Control over speed of support
+Toggle support of each part in multipart print
Support range (to get support from Zmin to Zmax)
Support interface switch (make interface only with bed)

Speed setting for each material
Lift Cool head
retraction during wipe
user defined field for postprocessor

+Speed adjust for bridges 
user defined field for postprocessor

Sequential printing
True arc support
Filament usage in MM for each extruder (pronterface already does this, although maybe not per-extruder)
Recap of all current settings (style, support, printer) on lower left screen
+Rotate model about X/Y axes (freeform and multiples of 90 degrees)

Make file open and file save dialogs independent
Offer to reload an object if it changes on disk.
Save a project

Ability to choose where on the print the seam will occur 


May 21, 2014, 3:30:13 AM5/21/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hi !

I try this but nothing happened. May be i don't undestand you ? Can you show me screenshot for how to ?
And i think that use support for RAFT is no good idea =(

среда, 21 мая 2014 г., 2:16:40 UTC+4 пользователь Isaac Thompson написал:


May 22, 2014, 5:33:18 AM5/22/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hi ! 

This is about wish for "Bridging with large overlapping on perimeters"
See pictures where i show to how to need:

A. Elias

May 22, 2014, 10:02:16 AM5/22/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
I think you also want the bridge overlap to be supported at all end terminations?  So if you have a cantilever protruding out of a part, it would be supported by the part on one side, and then a U shape support would have to be generated upward to support the end terminations?  Does that make sense?

Isaac Thompson

May 22, 2014, 4:33:38 PM5/22/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
One thing I'd really like to see, is an ability to do more than 100% overlap between infill and innermost loop. Would be nice if the overhang was over the outermost loop, or if the setting could go to 200% or even 300%
(Would result in an ugly print if the user set 300% and only a single loop, but it would be awesome to have the ability)

André Vivian Farias

May 22, 2014, 7:29:24 PM5/22/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com

Em quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2014 13h03min22s UTC-3, Davide Ardizzoia escreveu:
As I see several requests for same feature, I took 5 minutes to elaborate a recap.
I believe that quoting the BELOW TEXT and adding a "+" to desired feature will help Jonathan to decide about priorities.

+Spiral vase
++Bridges with large overlapping 1-2 mm
++Speed adjust for bridges 
++Speed setting style-related
++Horizontal surfaces thickness control
++Different speeds for the last 1-2 Solid layers
Set default direction of loops to be clockwise, counterclockwise, or alternating (would help a lot with protruding parts that otherwise need support)
Variable layer height
Clip-like wipe (turn off extrusion before end of movement)
+Honeycomb fill (waay sturdier than octo ... especially when using stacked sparse)

slow slopes automatically got lower layer heights of the perimeter only.
now with multi colored objects: a setting for each material to do an extra retraction and prime at extruder change (at the spot were the prime tower is located).

++Change height of support(editable number of interface layers)

Control over wipe pillar size or placement
+Solid interface for support and grid
+Control over speed of support
Toggle support of each part in multipart print
Support range (to get support from Zmin to Zmax)
Support interface switch (make interface only with bed)
 Enable cooling for supported layers

Speed setting for each material
+Lift Cool head
++retraction during wipe
+++user defined field for postprocessor

++Speed adjust for bridges 
+++user defined field for postprocessor

+Sequential printing
+True arc support
++++Filament usage in MM for each extruder (pronterface already does this, although maybe not per-extruder)
+Recap of all current settings (style, support, printer) on lower left screen

Rotate model about X/Y axes (freeform and multiples of 90 degrees)
Make file open and file save dialogs independent
Offer to reload an object if it changes on disk.
Save a project
Ability to choose where on the print the seam will occur 
Specify areas for different fill percentages - so I could have 100% fill areas in a model that is otherwise 30%
No oversampling switch


May 23, 2014, 6:27:51 AM5/23/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jonathan,
I've sliced one part with solid support, the last support layer is at 20mm high but from 16mm to 20mm all the supports layers are solid, that's too much.
There's another problem all the solid support layers are extruded into the same direction instead of having crossed directions like in solid path.
It would be also better to have the firsts layers of the support to have the same extruder as the main support and only the interface between the part and the support made with another extruder, this will save a lot of time while printing and will allow to put just a few of layers of dissoluble material on top the support.

Thanks for your great job.


Le jeudi 15 mai 2014 08:04:27 UTC+2, lonesock (Jonathan) a écrit :
Interesting!  It would be trivial to make the whole top layer of the raft solid.  Is that what you meant?


On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 10:56:24 PM UTC-7, Davide Ardizzoia wrote:
Hello Jonathan,
thank you for the solid interface, it's one step toward perfection !
BUT : could you put it also under faces sitting directly on the raft ?

Davide Ardizzoia

May 23, 2014, 7:53:24 AM5/23/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hi Giovanni,
Can you better explain ?

Interface can be already associated to desired extruder, as well as support.
You mean that you want just last layer of interface being done with selected extruder ? Would be not trivial to implement, I think.. given also the added complexity to the UI.

Best Regards
Davide Ardizzoia

Davide Ardizzoia

May 23, 2014, 7:54:50 AM5/23/14
++Change height of support(editable number of interface layers)
Control over wipe pillar size or placement
+Solid interface for support and grid
+Control over speed of support
Toggle support of each part in multipart print
Support range (to get support from Zmin to Zmax)
Support interface switch (make interface only with bed)
User defined size and spacing of grid

I miss this feature: you could use it to fine tune it for specific polymers...

Best Regards
Davide Ardizzoia

Robert Eaton

May 23, 2014, 9:35:43 AM5/23/14
Pulse cooling fan to 100% before setting speed.

S3D has this feature. If you're using a low cooling fan speed, often the fan won't start unless you first spin it up to a higher speed.


May 23, 2014, 12:08:20 PM5/23/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hi Davide,
I've PVA on extruder 1 and PLA on extruder 2, and I've set interface with 1 and support with 2.
look the attached file, you'll see that that into layers 0.2mm and 0.4mm the support interface is extruded with extruder1 with solid path but all the paths are with the same direction instead of crossing them like into the solid paths of the object, then from layer 0.6mm to layer 2mm the support is extruded with extruder 2 ( like the object ) and then from layer 2.2mm to 6mm the support interface is extruded with extruder 1 again with solid path and again with all the paths with the same direction .

My opinion is that it would be better to have the interface between the the bed and the support with the same extruder than the support.
It would be better also if the solid like paths of the support are crossed like the solid paths of the object and there are too many layers of solid path into the interface ( from 2.2 to 6 mm they are all solid paths !!!). I think it would be good if we can choose a number from 1 to 4 to say how many layers we want to be printed with solid like path on the interface between the support and the object.


May 23, 2014, 12:25:49 PM5/23/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
* Multi-extruder: Allow setting the Skirt height: If there is a skirt at each layer, this helps to keep ooze coming from the currently unused extruder from the part.
* Allow setting of number of loops in the Prime Pillar. Especially with large parts, it takes a while for the extrusion to make up for all the lost material due to oozing. Plus wiping off the nozzle would work more efficient. Pillar can be still small, etc.
* Keep the same order of extruder use at each layer (or at least optimize pillar visits). Currently (beta, the slicer switches to the other extruder within the layer, so an extruder basically prints two layers before switching to the  other extruder (assuming two extruders). Moreover the pillar is visited before the new layer is started even though the extruder did not change. Of course, there are several ways of building the pillar:
    1. Have one pillar per extruder, like it is now, and visit the pillar before and after use of the extruder. The visit after is just good to have the right number of layers in the pillar. But doing it this way avoids unnecessary moving back and forth across the print.
    2. Use one pillar for both extruders (if there are only two) and print the pillar with alternating extruders (that is, e.g., even layers with extruder 1, odd layers with extruder 2).
    3. Always use the same order of extruders at each layer, have two pillars, which are visited by the extruder that is going to be used next.

Jaime García Villena

May 27, 2014, 7:29:31 AM5/27/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Lately I've been testing solid HIPS rafts on thin layer prints (0.15), and it happens to be so thin you can't get it out.

It would be convenient that we could adjust the amount of layers of the raft. :)

With 0.24 layers, the lower layer of the print has an astounding professional finish

El miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014 18:03:22 UTC+2, Davide Ardizzoia escribió:
As I see several requests for same feature, I took 5 minutes to elaborate a recap.
To help Jonathan see what are the most wanted features, please quote this message, leaving only the features you are interested into, I will keep up-to-date the very first message of this thread.
I will take care to add the "+" on the first message.

+Spiral vase
++Bridges with large overlapping 1-2 mm
++Speed adjust for bridges 
++Speed setting style-related
++Horizontal surfaces thickness control
++Different speeds for the last 1-2 Solid layers
Set default direction of loops to be clockwise, counterclockwise, or alternating (would help a lot with protruding parts that otherwise need support)
Variable layer height
Clip-like wipe (turn off extrusion before end of movement)
+Honeycomb fill (waay sturdier than octo ... especially when using stacked sparse)
slow slopes automatically got lower layer heights of the perimeter only.
now with multi colored objects: a setting for each material to do an extra retraction and prime at extruder change (at the spot were the prime tower is located).

+++Change height of support(editable number of interface layers)
+Control over wipe pillar size and placement

+Solid interface for support and grid
+Control over speed of support
Toggle support of each part in multipart print
Support range (to get support from Zmin to Zmax)
Support interface switch (make interface only with bed)
User defined size and spacing of grid
Interface layer with alternated fill (crossing)
Control on skirt height

Speed setting for each material
+Lift Cool head
++retraction during wipe
+++user defined field for postprocessor
Pulse cooling fan

++Speed adjust for bridges 
+++user defined field for postprocessor
User defined overlap (or a way to do more than 100% overlap)


Jun 4, 2014, 1:47:17 PM6/4/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
I'd like to see Stacked Sparse Infill also apply to solid infill, or have a toggle.

Lothar Merl

Jun 6, 2014, 5:06:09 AM6/6/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
I have another suggestion:

Would it be possible to displace the nozzle away from the printed object during cool down time between layer 1 and 2?

I run a delta printer and use a bowden mechanism to feed the filament. This leads to huge prime and retract values of ablout 5mm.
This is ok during print process, but during cool down time after the first layer there is still some ooze on the fresh printed layer, because
the nozzle stops at the last print position.

So moving the nozzle away from the working area before cooldown process would prevent spoilage of the fresh print.

Thank you!


Jonathan Lawrence

Jun 6, 2014, 4:37:20 PM6/6/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
I would like to add one to the list.  Smarter Skirt with grouped objects.  

I use skirt to get material flowing nice and steady and to confirm the nozzle height before printing the object.  When I add multiple small objects, or increase the count of a single object, KISSlicer prints individual skirts around each object.  This alone wouldn't be a big deal, except that it does not print ALL the skirts first, then print the objects.  It prints one skirt, starts to print object 1, skirt 2, object 2, skirt 3, object 3, etc. If the same group of objects is saved out as a packed STL then brought back in, the skirt goes around ALL the items first.

Can we get a single skirt path for all objects, instead of individual?


Jun 10, 2014, 6:17:13 PM6/10/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Can we have an option to select infill percentage from 1-100 and not pre defined fill amounts.


Jun 11, 2014, 4:57:32 AM6/11/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Hi Lothar,

You can do that already with custom extruder select/deselect gcode.

I could post my gcode, but it is a mess.

Thank you,

Andrew Diehl

Jun 11, 2014, 2:28:56 PM6/11/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
My current wishlist:

1) A customizable  "Default" settings file. I am a manufacturer, and if the end user screws up the settings, they tend to use the restore defaults buttons which mess up my specific printer's settings even worse. This is an extremely important feature, which I forgot to mention before. 

2) The prime pillar needs location control. For my dual head printers, it needs to be along the back side of the print bed at all times. I'm sure this varies for different printer types. 

3) The prime pillar needs better attachment to the bed ie: a prime pillar specific raft. It's just too easy to knock over without it's own raft. 

4) Currently the extruders do a Extruder A layer 1, Extruder B layer 1, Extruder B layer 2, Extruder A layer 2. While this makes prints faster it tends to make striations in the print walls due to inconsistent cooling. Being able to go  A,B, for each layer would make the final parts more consistent at the minor cost of print speed. 


Jun 11, 2014, 4:02:20 PM6/11/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Will it be possible to associate a style to a material ?
It could be useful for different layers heights if you cut the model or different nozzles sizes on dual printing.


Jun 12, 2014, 11:10:08 AM6/12/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Would still like separate speed and flow control for support material. Currently using a funBart trick of having a 'false' second extruder material that is speed controlled by min flow with a slightly higher flow tweak to compensate for the print speed for my support material. 'False' second extruder is mapped to my single extruder.

With a 0.25mm nozzle and 0.1mm layers, when my flow tweak is correct for printing, support material is a little on the thin side when running single material settings.

david williams

Jun 13, 2014, 11:45:17 AM6/13/14
my thoughts are towards diversifying the purge function, to help with nozzle readiness and nozzle deactivation.
I see similar requests, but here is my take on them.  I like PLA running hot, so drool, purge and nozzle readiness is an issue.

-- Begin Cooldown Xseconds before deselect

Before the deselect, with some printing still left, a variable (travel mm or time or ?) to turn off the active extruders heat and start up the upcoming extruders heat.  Time might work well, as it's easy to know the cool and warm periods.
Even though drool is eliminated by cooling unused nozzles, this might speed up the change over.  I like to finish on the infill area to plug/contain drool during cooldown and warmup over the purge pillar center. 
Might need a retract here to relieve pressures, then a z-drop to get nozzle over to pillar center.

-- Z Drop Xmm before moving to Pillar

That is the next wish:   purge an variable amount into the center of the purge pillar, turning it into a purge bucket, then the building of the bucket is improved because the nozzle is ready/primed for pillar walls and is kind of a wipe function.
Not sure how layer 1 would work with purging into the bucket center, since the gap would be one layer, which is not a lot of space to send a hot ball of goo.  the z-drop might keep the first 1 or 2 layers deeper, creating goo space.
Maybe the first layer for each extruder could be a tight outward spiral, fully creating a floor and providing the purge.  

-- Center Purge in Pillar X mm of Filament

Purge loop number could help with the strength.

-- Purge wall thickness, X loops

I can't say how happy I am to see Team Lonesock back in action.  I was sure FakerBot had put a hit out and dug a hole somewhere.  
I'm happily wrong in this case.


On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 10:03:22 AM UTC-6, Davide Ardizzoia wrote:
As I see several requests for same feature, I took 5 minutes to elaborate a recap.
To help Jonathan see what are the most wanted features, please quote this message, leaving only the features you are interested into, I will keep up-to-date the very first message of this thread.
I will take care to add the "+" on the first message.

+Spiral vase
++Bridges with large overlapping 1-2 mm
++Speed adjust for bridges 
++Speed setting style-related
++Horizontal surfaces thickness control
++Different speeds for the last 1-2 Solid layers
Set default direction of loops to be clockwise, counterclockwise, or alternating (would help a lot with protruding parts that otherwise need support)
Variable layer height
Clip-like wipe (turn off extrusion before end of movement)
+Honeycomb fill (waay sturdier than octo ... especially when using stacked sparse)
slow slopes automatically got lower layer heights of the perimeter only.
now with multi colored objects: a setting for each material to do an extra retraction and prime at extruder change (at the spot were the prime tower is located).
Stacked sparse also for solid infill
Precise control upon infill percentage

++Brim (beta)

+++Change height of support(editable number of interface layers)
+Control over wipe pillar size and placement
+Solid interface for support and grid (beta)

+Control over speed of support
Toggle support of each part in multipart print
Support range (to get support from Zmin to Zmax)
Support interface switch (make interface only with bed)
User defined size and spacing of grid
Interface layer with alternated fill (crossing)
Control on skirt height
Control on grid/raft thickness
Single skirt for all objects
User defined placement of pillar
Better adhesion of priming pillar

Speed setting for each material
+Lift Cool head
++retraction during wipe
+++user defined field for postprocessor
Pulse cooling fan

++Speed adjust for bridges 
+++user defined field for postprocessor
User defined overlap (or a way to do more than 100% overlap)

+Sequential printing
+True arc support
++++Filament usage in MM for each extruder (pronterface already does this, although maybe not per-extruder)
+Recap of all current settings (style, support, printer) on lower left screen (beta)

Rotate model about X/Y axes (freeform and multiples of 90 degrees)
Make file open and file save dialogs independent
Offer to reload an object if it changes on disk.
Save a project
Ability to choose where on the print the seam will occur 
Specify areas for different fill percentages - so I could have 100% fill areas in a model that is otherwise 30%
No oversampling switch
Rotate model about X/Y axes (freeform and multiples of 90 degrees)
Make file open and file save dialogs independent
Cool down area (when not changing extruder)
Configurable default setup
1/1 alternance of extruder during prints (to avoid stripes at expense of longer print times)
Link style to material

Lothar Merl

Jun 14, 2014, 2:13:56 AM6/14/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com

thank you for that hint!
I'll try.


Davide Ardizzoia

Jun 14, 2014, 4:57:30 PM6/14/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Please give me an "abstract"  version of your wish (one line text for each feature)

Thank you!

Il giorno venerdì 13 giugno 2014 17:45:17 UTC+2, SuperDave ha scritto:
my thoughts are towards diversifying the purge function, to help with nozzle readiness and nozzle deactivation.

I see similar requests, but here is my take on them.  I like PLA running hot, so drool, purge and nozzle readiness is an issue.

Before the deselect, with some printing still left, a variable (travel mm or time or ?) to turn off the active extruders heat and start up the upcoming extruders heat.  Time might work well, as it's easy to know the cool and warm periods.
Even though drool is eliminated by cooling unused nozzles, this might speed up the change over.  I like to finish on the infill area to plug/contain drool during cooldown and warmup over the purge pillar center. 
Might need a retract here to relieve pressures, then a z-drop to get nozzle over to pillar center.

That is the next wish:   purge an variable amount into the center of the purge pillar, turning it into a purge bucket, then the building of the bucket is improved because the nozzle is ready/primed for pillar walls and is kind of a wipe function.
Not sure how layer 1 would work with purging into the bucket center, since the gap would be one layer, which is not a lot of space to send a hot ball of goo.  the z-drop might keep the first 1 or 2 layers deeper, creating goo space.
Maybe the first layer for each extruder could be a tight outward spiral, fully creating a floor and providing the purge.  

Purge loop number could help with the strength.

Errol Terblanche

Jun 15, 2014, 3:12:02 AM6/15/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com

How about this:
+Purge pillar with solid 1st layer.
+Add <PillarX> and <PillarY> to the gcode variables. If pillar disabled then they are both 0.
+Start cooling heads X minutes before required, finish printing with cooling head. (If not set exactly right then this might cause more problems than it solves, like stripping. And my printer prevents cold extrusion under 170C)

I don't understand the "z drop" though.

Thank you,

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Chris Keller

Jun 16, 2014, 10:49:33 AM6/16/14
Any chance to add XY-only scaling?   Whenever I print ABS the parts have about a 2% dimensional shrink.  I have to compensate in CAD before printing.  Which with parts that will eventually be molded, I can't just change the dimensions - I need to actually add a feature to the tree that scales non-uniformly XY but not Z.  Since it SEEMS like a trivial thing to ad (seems hhahah) ... oh I would be so greatful if it could be. :D 

Whenever I print with ABS I have to pre-scale the print in x/y but not Z in order to account for the 2% shrink rate of ABS.  The model is perfect.  PLA prints perfectly to dimensions (much closer) ABS with any thickness has to have this anti-shrink applied

I almost always use the same scaling factor - I've always found the same % for the same material.  However - since for uber precision people might want to adjust per-part? maybe it's not a material setting, but rather a manipulation option?

Category: Material Setting OR Part Adjustment/Manipulation
Abstract: XY-only scaling to compensate for material shrink  (ABS ~2%, PLA <0.5%, PP >3% etc)


Jun 16, 2014, 11:26:54 AM6/16/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Didn't you describe the 'inset'  setting on the style tab,  that does expand / reduce in XY only.,  with exactly the purpose to compensate for shrink. 

Joseph Chiu

Jun 16, 2014, 1:19:15 PM6/16/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Another wishlist item, please: primeter/skirt (not brim) that stays with the object all the way to the top of the object -- in theory, this allows creating a wall that can help to contain the heat of the printed object so that it cools down a little more gradually.

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:53 AM, giovanni...@gmail.com <giovanni...@gmail.com> wrote:
- As suggested by Peter : 
"Extra user fields for material and printer that get added as comments in generated GCode.
This will help machine specific post-processors handle special settings instead of hijacking existing fields."

- Have a different speed for the last 1-2 layers of Solid

Le mercredi 14 mai 2014 18:03:22 UTC+2, Davide Ardizzoia a écrit :
As I see several requests for same feature, I took 5 minutes to elaborate a recap.
I believe that quoting the BELOW TEXT and adding a "+" to desired feature will help Jonathan to decide about priorities.

Spiral vase
Speed adjust for bridges
+Speed setting style-related
+Horizontal surfaces thickness control

+Change height of support

Control over wipe pillar size or placement
+Solid interface for support and grid
+Control over speed of support

Toggle support of each part in multipart print

Speed setting for each material
+Lift Cool head

retraction during wipe

Speed adjust for bridges

+Sequential printing
True arc support

++Filament usage in MM for each extruder

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Joseph Chiu

Jun 16, 2014, 1:20:59 PM6/16/14
to Andrew Diehl, kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
+1 on this, especially #4.  I'd rather trade off some speed to get even better quality!

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Jun 16, 2014, 1:33:43 PM6/16/14

+1 to the skirt as Joseph wants! 

(last part of the post) 


On Monday, 16 June 2014 19:19:15 UTC+2, Joseph Chiu wrote:
Another wishlist item, please: primeter/skirt (not brim) that stays with the object all the way to the top of the object -- in theory, this allows creating a wall that can help to contain the heat of the printed object so that it cools down a little more gradually.

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:53 AMments in generated GCode.

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Jun 17, 2014, 4:52:49 AM6/17/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Request a brim option for outer perimeter only ie. not putting brim on internal holes. This would save a lot of time on cleanup of larger parts with holes on the lower surface.

+1 for selecting number of layers for the brim. Previous tests manually adding a brim to the model gave me less ABS warp when I made it 2 layers thick.

Touch3D and Mendel90

Message has been deleted

Colen Casey

Jun 17, 2014, 12:58:33 PM6/17/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Infill settings in increments of 5 with a box to manually enter as desire

ability to rotate on Z axis as right now you can change the height and just rotate around

On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 12:03:22 PM UTC-4, Davide Ardizzoia wrote:
As I see several requests for same feature, I took 5 minutes to elaborate a recap.
To help Jonathan see what are the most wanted features, please quote this message, leaving only the features you are interested into, I will keep up-to-date the very first message of this thread.
I will take care to add the "+" on the first message.

+Spiral vase
++Bridges with large overlapping 1-2 mm
++Speed adjust for bridges 
++Speed setting style-related
++Horizontal surfaces thickness control
++Different speeds for the last 1-2 Solid layers
Set default direction of loops to be clockwise, counterclockwise, or alternating (would help a lot with protruding parts that otherwise need support)
Variable layer height
Clip-like wipe (turn off extrusion before end of movement)
+Honeycomb fill (waay sturdier than octo ... especially when using stacked sparse)
slow slopes automatically got lower layer heights of the perimeter only.
now with multi colored objects: a setting for each material to do an extra retraction and prime at extruder change (at the spot were the prime tower is located).
Stacked sparse also for solid infill
Precise control upon infill percentage

++Brim (beta)
+++Change height of support(editable number of interface layers)
+Control over wipe pillar size and placement
+Solid interface for support and grid (beta)

+Control over speed of support
Toggle support of each part in multipart print
Support range (to get support from Zmin to Zmax)
Support interface switch (make interface only with bed)
User defined size and spacing of grid
Interface layer with alternated fill (crossing)
++Control on skirt height (or automatically set it high like the object)

Control on grid/raft thickness
Single skirt for all objects
User defined placement of pillar
Better adhesion of priming pillar
User control on brim thickness (layers)

Speed setting for each material
+Lift Cool head

Matej Rozman

Jun 18, 2014, 6:22:02 AM6/18/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Probably mentioned before, but here goes again:

Prime pillar:
-Diameter of prime pillar configurable, option to enter diameter>nozlle distance between T0&T1
-Position of prime pillar

-Select and deselect extruder should only aplly when change of extruders is called, but not for when selecting the same extruder for temparature change from first layer onto the rest for example.

First layer separate extrusion width-model only; I found I get many times more consistent bed adhesion with printing 1st layer extrusion width 0,8 or 1mm. I love slic3r for this feature in particular.
This is also very important if you want to print really detailed models with small detailes. I often set my layer height to 0.1mm and extrusion width to 0.2mm, and you can probably imagine how tough it is to get good first layer with parameters like that.

Possibilitie to set horizontal gap between model and support top~one layer height, or if possible user configurable; usefull when printing with "solid support-objet interface" and single extruder.

This more or less recaps my personal wish list, I dont care about birm and Im printing mostly ABS, ABS-PC ect. Birm is not real solution, its more of a short-cut, if you have poor adhesion with bed no birm is goona help, it will only disguise the real problem. Rather than printig with birm invest in a good bed, belive me, its worth every penny ;).

Regards from one happy Kiss user :-)

Dne torek, 17. junij 2014 10:52:49 UTC+2 je oseba NickC napisala:

Matej Rozman

Jun 18, 2014, 7:13:40 AM6/18/14
I knew I forgot something,

-if possible, separate speeds for suck and prime. This would be really awesome, as it is way better to suck as fast as you can to avoid stringing&blobing and prime as slow as possible, so you get the right ammount of material where it belongs and no blobs and zits and other s**t.

-If printing with 2 or more heads, all heads go to keep-warm temparature, except for 1st working head witch goes to work temp.

Probably forgot something more, but if everything here listed comes true, next round is on me! 8-$

Dne sreda, 18. junij 2014 12:22:02 UTC+2 je oseba Matej Rozman napisala:

Errol Terblanche

Jun 18, 2014, 8:06:48 AM6/18/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com

-Select and deselect extruder should only aplly when change of extruders is called, but not for when selecting the same extruder for temparature change from first layer onto the rest for example.

I disagree. I use the select gcode to move the extruder to X=0,Y=0 for the temperature change, else the head sits ON the print cooling down after a hot first layer which makes a mess of the print.


Thank you,


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Matej Rozman

Jun 18, 2014, 9:15:36 AM6/18/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
2014-06-18 14:06 GMT+02:00 Errol Terblanche <er...@errolsworld.com>:
-Select and deselect extruder should only aplly when change of extruders is called, but not for when selecting the same extruder for temparature change from first layer onto the rest for example.
I disagree. I use the select gcode to move the extruder to X=0,Y=0 for the temperature change, else the head sits ON the print cooling down after a hot first layer which makes a mess of the print.

Exactly my point, this behaviour is useless, instead it should trigger M104 and keep on printing. This way you only loose time and give one more opurtunity for something to screw things up. For example, for one headed machine I use M104 for transition to second layer but for double headed action it is not possible to do so if you cool the heads down.

Hope now is more understandable what I was trying to say.

Have a nice day, Matej

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Chris Keller

Jun 18, 2014, 6:51:34 PM6/18/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com

Take the case of a donut:  Thickening the donut in X/Y would make holes smaller and the object would be larger, but by an offset.  That doesn't account for shrink.
What is needed to account for shrink is to grow the entire object by 2% in X and Y (not Z because Z is precise, layer by layer) - As it shrinks together and holes shrink down to the correct dimensions, and so does the outside dimensions.  

The inset does not do that at all...look at it this way, the longer the extrusion the more problematic the shrink will be... so a 100mm long extrusion that is 1mm wide will shrink to 98mm long and 0.98mm wide.  increasing the width by 2% (100.04 long, and 1.04 wide) will only make it 98.0392 mm by 1mm.

By scaling my objects by 2% for ABS, I get accurate lengths.  and holes... it's not perfect because it's not doing FEA or anything - but it works well enough that it's how molds for injection molding are done - pretty much simply scaled to account for the shrink.

non-uniform PART scaling so I can scale X/Y and not Z, so that I can compensate for part shrink... it would save me the extra work of having a second CAD model just used as an intermediate for this scaling.  Also the act of "stretching" the CAD model has the unpleasant side effect in Creo of making the surfaces a little less perfectly tesselatable.  which means I have to go through even more back and forth to get a model that KS doesn't find "issues" with the triangles.

So nope - didn't describe inset... non-uniform scaling.  Repetier host just allows you to scale X Y and Z separately... I really would appreciate this feature.

Matej Rozman

Jun 18, 2014, 7:10:43 PM6/18/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com

Hi Chris,

sorry to question your desires, but I do not understand what material are you using? ABS is more in the area of 0.5-0.6% and not two like you are describing. I mostly use ABS and ABS-PC and ì scale whole model uniform by 1.006 and print dimensionally comes out perfect, in Z also. This is becaose when print is cooling down its not oly cooling in XY but its cooling in XYZ, with proper setup (heated bed/chamber) so its also contracting uniformly in XYZ when cooling.

Maybe good time to chexk your calibration?

Dne 19. jun. 2014 00:51 je oseba "Chris Keller" <cakel...@gmail.com> napisala:
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Jun 18, 2014, 7:13:15 PM6/18/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com

Why not change your XY steps/mm to compensate for your shrinkage? When I first got my printer going in late 2012, I was mechanically calibrated with a dial indicator, and first started with pen plots which would come out dimensionally correct, but as soon as I actually started running material, the dial indicator became useless as none of my prints measured correctly.

I now calibrate steps/mm to a 20x20 printed cube that has fully cooled measured with calipers. I was at first scaling the models to correct for shrinkage, but this quickly proved to be a pain and impractical.

Chris Keller

Jun 18, 2014, 8:11:55 PM6/18/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
no I'm not going to do that.  because 1) my printer is a DELTA and 2) that's just another work-around.  I have a perfectly fine work-around in CAD.  I wanted to NOT have to have a workaround and just have the ability to scale in XY... 

Chris Keller

Jun 18, 2014, 8:17:17 PM6/18/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
I'm using ABS, it's not actively cooled at time of extrusion.  Dimensions are perfectly accurate for ABS when I scale my parts up by 2%.  inside holes and outside holes that are at least 10 layers above the print bed, are perfect.  PLA on the other hand requires NO scaling to achieve the same perfection.

FDM parts dont shrink linearly in XY and Z... it has everything to do with the way the plastic is stretched as it's being laid down.

I don't understand why this is worth so much debate.  It's either a worthy feature - or it's not.

I want it... if you don't - no need to try and talk me out of it.  My process makes parts I can use - period.  If I could have a simple non-proportional scale instead of uniform scale, it would make it adjustable without re-exporting etc.


Davide Ardizzoia

Jun 19, 2014, 2:38:56 AM6/19/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com

Il giorno giovedì 19 giugno 2014 02:17:17 UTC+2, Chris Keller ha scritto:
FDM parts dont shrink linearly in XY and Z... it has everything to do with the way the plastic is stretched as it's being laid down.

I don't understand why this is worth so much debate.  It's either a worthy feature - or it's not.

Guys, request has been added to the list... relax!

Best Regards
Davide Ardizzoia


Jun 19, 2014, 7:06:20 AM6/19/14
to kisslicer-refugee-camp@googlegroups com

LOL!  Somehow this shrinkage subject is always causing a lot of discussion :-)

Chris Keller

Jun 19, 2014, 10:37:27 AM6/19/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
Thanks :)

Chris Keller

Jun 19, 2014, 11:38:32 AM6/19/14
I think it's not a linear issue and though, in my experience, I can account for a general amount expansion/shrink - the exact case is that it's not really easily predictable?

A heated build chamber just below, or at, the glass transition temp with active cooling should eliminate a lot of the odd shrink issues.
Ideally bringing the part temp down to the glass transition temp as quickly as possible after extrusion but not lower since that would reduce layer adhesion...  then I would expect to see matej's correct 0.5-0.7% shrink be true. *edit - because the shrink from 225 down to 108 would be done DURING extrusion, not to the part as a whole)

Without going too far into it:

  ABS Coefficient of Linear Expansion (α): 7.38 x 10^-5 mm/mm/°c (0.00738% / °c)
  note: I used the linear expansion coef from the website below, however it can range from 6.4×10^-5 mm/mm/℃ to as high as 11.0×10^-5 mm/mm/℃
  ABS Glass Transition Temp (Tg): 108°c
  ABS Extruding temp (Te): 225° c
  Room Temp (Tr): 25° c

  From Te down to Tg:  225°c-108°c * 0.00738%/°c = 0.86346%
  From Te down to Tr:  225°c-25°c * 0.00738%/°c = 1.476%

There are other smaller factors at play here as well.  But as a general case the above holds up for me within very small margins, 
And because the layers are getting re-flattened with every layer, there's virtually no shrink vertically... 

Hope this helps clarify and add to the discussion.

resources used:

Chris Keller

Jun 22, 2014, 4:28:10 PM6/22/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
OMG - how did I only JUST now realize what you meant. ROFL

On Thursday, June 19, 2014 4:06:20 AM UTC-7, funBart wrote:


Jun 28, 2014, 12:05:45 PM6/28/14
to kisslicer-r...@googlegroups.com
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