CraftBot and Craftware stuff

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Jul 17, 2014, 11:25:45 AM7/17/14
This thread is made to discuss the new CraftBot and Craftware as on display at Indiegogo.
Yes I bought one....

and some initial settings I used with my Makerbot Rep1 dual with Craftware:



Jul 17, 2014, 11:49:56 AM7/17/14
I have sent some questions to CraftBot, EDIT: just got some answers from Attila Horvath, pasted below
Pasted below:

A long email, out of enthusiasm... (and yes I bought one, already hesitating to buy two)
Because of a nice post in the 3D printer tips group, I was pointed to the Indiegogo campaign of your Craftbot printer.
I'm very impressed by the level you are already with developing and production. I never saw this with other pitches at -for example-  
Kickstarter. It seems you will be the first one actually deliver, and about on time. That was the main discussion and concern at the post I mentioned above.

It seems you have really listened to the market and the complains of experienced users. The ARM based touch-LCD and Print controller are nice, the extruder seems well developed, the core XY is of course a base of uniform behaviour of XY movement.

As I was curious if Craftware was able to read Gcode from other slicers I downloaded the latest Beta, and I must say, I have never been impressed so much as by your slicer!
It's a real nice and fast slicer, and I got it running on my Rep1 dual in one hour. The UI is very intuitive, and I was able to print very smooth testprints, with unchanged ouputted Gcode from Craftware, loaded into ReplicatorG to generate the needed (Makerbot) x3g code to print.
I have encouraged others to try it as well with their Makerbots on the MB forum:!topic/makerbot/rGMSb36q_m0

I have some questions though, I hope you have some time to answer.

  • Much too early, but assuming you have a big success: are you dreaming about a next generation printer with dual or more extrusion yet?
A yes, if there is a demand then we can easily make this.

  • The contruction for the build platform looks stiff(er than a Makerbot), is it aluminium or Plastic? The lead screw is 12mm isn't it?
Aluminum permanent plate with a Kapton and Aluminum removanble plate.  The lead screw was originally 8mm on the prototype, but now every printer has 12mm screws.
  • How easy is it to reach pulleys, Timing Belts, the double flanged bearings to control / fasten.
Having an easily serviceable printer was always in mind during the design process.  You can get at everything very easily.
  • The extruder looks very nice! two Print coolers and one filament cooler. Did you try it with Ninjaflex allready? as there is some distance between the drive gear and the thermal tube to the nozzle.
we tried with Ninjaflex, and the results were very successful.  
  • I'm curious about the way you transmit the tension of the spring press the filament. I mostly see a "press spring"and you use a 'pull spring". Is the lever lockable while changing the filament?
The spring is a pull spring because the tension is distributed on a different side then with a press spring.  The lever is lockable for easier filiment replacement.

Electronics / Firmware
  • Will the firmware be open source later-on?
It is not currently a goal, but we will keep it in mind
  • Is there an ouput to attach an external stepper drive board / will that be supported by the FW?
Yes, we have an extension connector on the main PCB where we can attach something at a later time.  And yes, it will be supported.
  • Are the acceleration settings changeable by the user?
Yes, on every axis individually.
  • Are temperature / speed / maybe extrusion real time change-able, on the touchscreen or Host?
We support dual channel communication which are supportable on the fly from the host.
  • Is the Power supply build in, or extern? I saw it's dual voltage, is it 5V with 12V, or 24V? Is that done by the power supply or with a voltage regulator?
Built in.  12V only.
  • Is there some (LED) lighting in the printer?
Yes, there is a LED stripe above the build plate.

Some observations about Craftware...
  • Very fast able to understand the UI and to have my printer running!
  • Manual support placing!
  • The drop plane feature! The various ways to move / mirror / manipulate the object. Certainly when wanting to compensate for ABS shrink!
  • The different kind of 3D Gcode feedback
  • The option to tweak the extrusion of the contact layer of the softsupport structure is great!
  • Will it be supporting multi color in the future? (I understand that's not necessary for your own machine yet, but I'm just curious, 

  • Will Craftware be open source later on? And (if not) will it be always free and usable for other slicers to load Gcode, and to output (universal) Gcode?
We're thinking about it, but for now it is closed source and free.
  • Support scaling don't work with auto generate, is it supposed to work only with manually placing?
Support is a different object and you cannot scale it.
  • When is the option needed to straighten the bar vertically, as I wasn't able to put it under an angle
Try to press the Shift button during the placement process.
  • Single support bars are easily knocked over during print.
It is on the ToDo list.
  • At first, when placing manual support very close (so the bars are overlapping) the generated paths seemed as well overlapping (so double extrusions at some areas), but later on, I think I was wrong, and the paths of the support structures are merged somehow.  
  • It is merging if the bars are enought close to each other. 
  • The density of the auto support structure isn't tweakable. It seems not dense enough now to bridge adequate between support bars to prevent sagging of the extrusions of the object
We will do it adjustable.
  • Is Crafware detecting bridges?
Not yet.
  • Will there be a "vase' setting (Joris style) maybe later on?
Yes, the engine is ready, but no frontend made yet. It will be very good, you will be suprised. We have generated our vases by this engine on our videos.
  • Will there be maybe a variable layer height per model possible in the future?
What do you mean?
  • The option of a brim would be nice (to prevent warping of ABS prints)
Probably it will be in our next release in friday / monday.
  • I wasn't able to load Stored presets yet? They seem to be attached to a project file, and not stored seperately.
Bug, you have to run the CraftWare as admin to save. Will be fixed soon.
  • The option to multiply the layer height of infill / support structure related to the perimeter / loops (Stacked infill and support). (like 0.1mm layer height of the perimeter / 0.3mm infill)
It is also on our todo list.
  • The option to tweak the overlap of infill and Loops (allthough it didn't seem necesairy yet with my testprints)

  • The preview window is merely a concept viewer, as it doesn't preview the actual model, or do I miss something?
It is a concept viewer at the moment.
  • When having the 0,0 in the center of the build plate, it gives another visual in the generated 3d gcode field (on the corner). It keeps puzzling me how to adjust the settings so the generated Gcode is in the 3D view centre as well. (Makerbot assumes the 0,0 is in the centre).
Ok, we put this to the Todo.
  • Not really necessary, but a option to drag the 3D view would be nice (with scroll wheel click or so)
There is a PAN option by pressing Shift with the RMB.

Clinton Hoines

Jul 17, 2014, 12:02:42 PM7/17/14
Bart you can drag the 3D view by center click on the mouse and shift key, same as with Meshmixer and a few other programs I use pretty standard.
I don't see the need to have the model in the preview window since it is gone so fast, the slicer is crazy fast far faster than Cura even.
I contacted them as well they have a few things on the to do list and one I asked for that is now on the list. :)

1. Bed image and settings could be used for a round base as well, for a Deltabot
2. A brim feature

3. Stacked infill and support

On Thursday, 17 July 2014 09:49:56 UTC-6, funBart wrote:
I have sent some questions to CraftBot, maybe others have already answers
Pasted below:

A long email, out of enthusiasm... (and yes I bought one, already hesitating to buy two)
Because of a nice post in the 3D printer tips group, I was pointed to the Indiegogo campaign of your Craftbot printer.
I'm very impressed by the level you are already with developing and production. I never saw this with other pitches at -for example-  
Kickstarter. It seems you will be the first one actually deliver, and about on time. That was the main discussion and concern at the post I mentioned above.

It seems you have really listened to the market and the complains of experienced users. The ARM based touch-LCD and Print controller are nice, the extruder seems well developed, the core XY is of course a base of uniform behaviour of XY movement.

As I was curious if Craftware was able to read Gcode from other slicers I downloaded the latest Beta, and I must say, I have never been impressed so much as by your slicer!
It's a real nice and fast slicer, and I got it running on my Rep1 dual in one hour. The UI is very intuitive, and I was able to print very smooth testprints, with unchanged ouputted Gcode from Craftware, loaded into ReplicatorG to generate the needed (Makerbot) x3g code to print.
I have encouraged others to try it as well with their Makerbots on the MB forum:!topic/makerbot/rGMSb36q_m0

I have some questions though, I hope you have some time to answer.

  • Much too early, but assuming you have a big success: are you dreaming about a next generation printer with dual or more extrusion yet?

    • The contruction for the build platform looks stiff(er than a Makerbot), is it aluminium or Plastic? The lead screw is 12mm isn't it?
    • How easy is it to reach pulleys, Timing Belts, the double flanged bearings to control / fasten.
    • The extruder looks very nice! two Print coolers and one filament cooler. Did you try it with Ninjaflex allready? as there is some distance between the drive gear and the thermal tube to the nozzle.
    • I'm curious about the way you transmit the tension of the spring press the filament. I mostly see a "press spring"and you use a 'pull spring". Is the lever lockable while changing the filament?

      Electronics / Firmware
        • Will the firmware be open source later-on?
        • Is there an ouput to attach an external stepper drive board / will that be supported by the FW?
        • Are the acceleration settings changeable by the user?
        • Are temperature / speed / maybe extrusion real time change-able, on the touchscreen or Host?
        • Is the Power supply build in, or extern? I saw it's dual voltage, is it 5V with 12V, or 24V? Is that done by the power supply or with a voltage regulator?
        • Is there some (LED) lighting in the printer?
        Some observations about Craftware...
        • Very fast able to understand the UI and to have my printer running!
        • Manual support placing!
        • The drop plane feature! The various ways to move / mirror / manipulate the object. Certainly when wanting to compensate for ABS shrink!
        • The different kind of 3D Gcode feedback
        • The option to tweak the extrusion of the contact layer of the softsupport structure is great!
        • Will it be supporting multi color in the future? (I understand that's not necessary for your own machine yet, but I'm just curious, 

        • Will Craftware be open source later on? And (if not) will it be always free and usable for other slicers to load Gcode, and to output (universal) Gcode?
        • Support scaling don't work with auto generate, is it supposed to work only with manually placing?
        • When is the option needed to straighten the bar vertically, as I wasn't able to put it under an angle
        • Single support bars are easily knocked over during print.
        • At first, when placing manual support very close (so the bars are overlapping) the generated paths seemed as well overlapping (so double extrusions at some areas), but later on, I think I was wrong, and the paths of the support structures are merged somehow.  
        • The density of the auto support structure isn't tweakable. It seems not dense enough now to bridge adequate between support bars to prevent sagging of the extrusions of the object
        • Is Crafware detecting bridges?
        • Will there be a "vase' setting (Joris style) maybe later on?
        • Will there be maybe a variable layer height per model possible in the future?
        • The option of a brim would be nice (to prevent warping of ABS prints)
        • I wasn't able to load Stored presets yet? They seem to be attached to a project file, and not stored seperately.
        • The option to multiply the layer height of infill / support structure related to the perimeter / loops (Stacked infill and support). (like 0.1mm layer height of the perimeter / 0.3mm infill)
        • The option to tweak the overlap of infill and Loops (allthough it didn't seem necesairy yet with my testprints)

            • The preview window is merely a concept viewer, as it doesn't preview the actual model, or do I miss something?
            • When having the 0,0 in the center of the build plate, it gives another visual in the generated 3d gcode field (on the corner). It keeps puzzling me how to adjust the settings so the generated Gcode is in the 3D view centre as well. (Makerbot assumes the 0,0 is in the centre).
            • Not really necessary, but a option to drag the 3D view would be nice (with scroll wheel click or so)

              Franz Scherz

              Jul 17, 2014, 6:16:34 PM7/17/14
              I used that slicer as well, but the quality of the print (and adjustment possibilities) were not satisfactory.
              The interface I like very much, that's why I use it as G-Code viewer now :)

              Anyhow, the circular infill for top/bottom layers are also nice and I would like Kiss to offer them.

              So my conclusion: Having Kiss as slicer and this as UI would be the greatest combination outperforming others like Cura and Slic3r (which offers also circular infill). 


              Jul 17, 2014, 7:02:27 PM7/17/14

              Kisslicer which all it's possibilities, quality and being to print multi-color, combined with the UI of Craftware would indeed result in a premium slicer! 

              That said, there are some features in Craftware I wouldn't mind to get into Kisslicer. (like manual placeable support, the various flow and speed settings, the forgiveness towards non-manifold stl's)



              Jul 17, 2014, 9:26:53 PM7/17/14
              to funBart,
              +1 for manual support placement.  Every slicer should offer some variant of this idea.  

              Alternatively, if the user could provide an STL to KISSlicer that represented where support should be generated, that would be nice as well.  

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              Lawrence LaRocque

              Jul 26, 2014, 2:56:56 PM7/26/14
              Would like to look at this software but alas there is not a linux version.  I am currently dling it and am going to try it in wine and see what happens.  will report back.


              Aug 2, 2014, 10:15:38 AM8/2/14
              I'm really impressed how Craftbot is communicating and giving attention to detail. 
              Maybe everybody is Kickstarter tired, but I'm surprised that this printer hasn't been backed more often than the 350 now. It's dirt cheap -$500-, it seems very well constructed, they seem to know what they are doing according the details they show, the Craftware slicer is to the point, very fast developed, and the delivery is within two months (seen the progress they make, it seems they can keep their promise). The only thing it's only one extruder, but I don't care for an extra no-nonsense printer. Maybe Jonathan can steal their interface of the Craftware slicer ;-)

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