KFASF2: Lets make it happen

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no leída,
13 mar 2012, 5:47:31 p.m.13/3/12
para kinkf...@googlegroups.com
Hi folks,

I mentioned a while back that I’m interested in seeing KinkForAll return to San Francisco.  A handful of you seemed excited so I decided to go for it.  (Clearly I haven’t learned my lesson about volunteering yet!)

KFASF2 is a chance not just for KinkForAll to return to San Francisco, but also a chance for us to return to KinkForAll’s roots in free software, and ad-hoc movements such as BarCamp from which the structure of KinkForAll was taken.  This is a space for participants to explore ideas of self-empowerment, try out new presentation styles, and engage in community organizing as well as an opportunity for cross-pollination with hacker, maker, and open-source communities.  That's why it's beyond exciting for KinkForAllSanFrancisco2 to be hosted at Noisebridge, a groovy, all-ages, member and donation supported hacker space in San Francisco’s Mission district.

After a couple of weeks of tinkering, and a few last minute chats, KFASF2 has a place, a time, and the bones of a wiki page.  Now it needs you!  Your energy, your passion, your knowledge and your address books :-)

Interested in getting involved?  Getting your communities involved?  Let me know (and/or sign up on the wiki)!


"'You know zat another term for an icongrapher would be 'photographer?'  From the old word Photus in Latation, vhich means--' 'To prance around like an idiot ordering everyone about as if you owened the place.'" ~ Pratchett; the Truth


no leída,
23 mar 2012, 12:29:41 a.m.23/3/12
para kinkf...@googlegroups.com
On Mar 13, 2012, at 2:47 PM, RagingAmazon wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I mentioned a while back that I’m interested in seeing KinkForAll return to San Francisco. A handful of you seemed excited so I decided to go for it. (Clearly I haven’t learned my lesson about volunteering yet!)

This is exciting. :)

> KFASF2 is a chance not just for KinkForAll to return to San Francisco, but also a chance for us to return to KinkForAll’s roots in free software, and ad-hoc movements such as BarCamp from which the structure of KinkForAll was taken. This is a space for participants to explore ideas of self-empowerment, try out new presentation styles, and engage in community organizing as well as an opportunity for cross-pollination with hacker, maker, and open-source communities. That's why it's beyond exciting for KinkForAllSanFrancisco2 to be hosted at Noisebridge, a groovy, all-ages, member and donation supported hacker space in San Francisco’s Mission district.

w00t! Noisebridge is an awesome space and I hope having KFASF2 there will involve many of the Maker/hacker/DIY peeps.

> After a couple of weeks of tinkering, and a few last minute chats, KFASF2 has a place, a time, and the bones of a wiki page. Now it needs you! Your energy, your passion, your knowledge and your address books :-)
> Interested in getting involved? Getting your communities involved? Let me know (and/or sign up on the wiki)!
> ~Alisa

Thanks for doing the legwork on this.[0] Please extend my thanks to any and all Noisebridge members who helped make that happen.[1] :)

I've added a few topic ideas to my row in the sign-up table:[2]

> "Defying Dunbar: Engaging Humans as a Social Cyborg," OR "The Cake Is Not A Lie; The Closet Is," OR "Threads of Attraction: Valuating Relationships," OR "Tools for Technomads: Using Cyberspace to Subvert Meatspace"

I'm looking forward to seeing others' ideas, too. :)

Blog: http://maybemaimed.com
Talk show: http://KinkOnTap.com
Community: http://KinkForAll.org


[0] https://groups.google.com/group/kinkforall/browse_thread/thread/eef6eaf4a8bfd438#msg_7ffa97c421833d22
[1] https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Consensus_Process
[2] http://wiki.KinkForAll.org/KinkForAllSanFrancisco2

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