xargs can be used to run iqtree bootsraps, each bootstrap as individual process in a cluster environment

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Vigneshwaran Renganathan

Sep 14, 2018, 8:48:39 AM9/14/18
I have installed a non MPI version of iqtree in KNL environment, I couldn't able to install a MPI version since my compiler was not recognized by cmake , I used the below command to replicate the bootstrap process 64 times using xargs system command which helped me out change the output filename and input filename stored as a list in a file.

#PBS -l select=1
#PBS -l accelerator_type=Intel
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -l place=scatter
#PBS -S /bin/sh@sdb -V
. /opt/modules/default/init/sh
cd /XXX/iqtree/bin
aprun -j 1 -n 64 -N 64 xargs --arg-file=list.txt -P 64 -I AA iqtree -s protein_AA.msa -m JTT+G4 -bo 2 -pre boots_AA

Note ( list.txt: contains the number list from 1..64 separated by new line)
input file was copied 64 times using the same xargs and seq command (seq 64 | xargs -I AA  file.msa file_AA.msa )


Minh Bui

Sep 16, 2018, 7:50:11 PM9/16/18
to iqt...@googlegroups.com
Cool, thanks for the information!

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