what is the difference between .contree and .treefile? which one should I choose?

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Guoqing Li

Apr 21, 2019, 10:38:29 PM4/21/19
what is the difference between .contree and .treefile? which one should I choose? when i draw ml tree.

Heiko Schmidt

Apr 22, 2019, 4:47:52 PM4/22/19
to IQ-TREE Forum
Dear Guoqing,

Thank you for your interest in IQ-Tree.

> what is the difference between .contree and .treefile? which one should I choose? when i draw ml tree.

If you do an ML-search including ultrafast-bootstrapping, than both files are created.

The treefile contains the best tree found by ML with the UFboot support values added.
The contree-file contains the consensus tree constructed from all UFboot trees (with the respective UFboot support values).

Thus, you get both files. (You find more details also in the documentation.)

Best regards,
Heiko Schmidt

Heiko Schmidt
Center for Integrative Bioinformatics Vienna (CIBIV)
University of Vienna / Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL)
Campus Vienna Biocenter 5 (VBC5)
A-1030 Vienna, Austria
Email: heiko.schmidt(AT)univie.ac.at
Tel. : ++43 +1 / 4277 - 74321

Jonathan Goodson

Jul 1, 2019, 11:59:51 AM7/1/19
I wanted to ask a followup question to this. In an analysis using only ultrafast bootstrap in addition to standard tree search, the .contree file includes a single integer support number that is apparently the percentage support from UFBoot. The .treefile file on the other hand includes more than a single number. It instead appears to have two different numbers, one of which is a 0-1.0 decimal value while the other, separated by a forward-slash, is an integer value. From comparison it appears that the second, integer, value corresponds to the values in the consensus tree file. What are the additional decimal values present in the ML tree file? It is not mentioned in the narrative description in the .iqtree output file or in the documentation as far as I can tell.

Minh Bui

Jul 1, 2019, 6:30:05 PM7/1/19
to iqt...@googlegroups.com, Jonathan Goodson
Hi Jonathan, Can you please paste the command line used? Then we may be able to answer your question.


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Jonathan Goodson

Jul 2, 2019, 3:01:11 PM7/2/19
I used the following, with different names for the input alignment, tree, and output prefix. Perhaps this is related to the use of an input tree?

iqtree -m LG+R10 -s input.faln -t input.nwk -nt 2 -bb 1000 -nm 25000 -pre output

In the .iqtree output the first (ML) tree notes:

Numbers in parentheses are  ultrafast bootstrap support (%)

but the support values look like 


On the second tree output (consensus) it describes them the same way, but the support values look like


The Newick output for the first tree contains support values like )0.999/98: while in the second, consensus tree they look like )98:

Thank you for your help,


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Minh Bui

Jul 2, 2019, 7:30:21 PM7/2/19
to IQ-TREE, Jonathan Goodson
Hi Jonathan,

Yes, these values were taken from the tree file input.nwk. IQ-TREE was trying to preserve those values for nodes that occur in both input tree and the final ML tree. So that’s a feature.


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Wannes Dermauw

May 3, 2020, 2:38:54 PM5/3/20

I have a similar question re .contree and .treefile (created using the following command: iqtree -s infile.txt -bb 1000 -bnni -alrt 1000 -bcor 0.99 -st AA -m LG+I+G4+F -pre output -nt AUTO)

Only the .treefile contains both the SH-aLRT values and UF bootstrap values, while .contree contains UF bootstrap values only.

Is it possible to transfer the SH-aLRT values to the . contree file, for those splits that are identical?

If not, which tree should I use for further analyis/consider as the final tree: the best ML tree (.treefile) or the consensus tree?

Thank you very much in advance!


Op woensdag 3 juli 2019 01:30:21 UTC+2 schreef Minh Bui:

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Minh Bui

May 5, 2020, 9:26:48 PM5/5/20
to IQ-TREE, Wannes Dermauw
Hi Wannes,

The point why IQ-TREE doesn’t compute SH-aLRT on the contree (consensus tree) is because this tree might be multifurcating, and this test only works on strictly bifurcating trees. 

However if the contree is indeed bifurcating, then you can do a 2nd run to compute SH-aLRT values on this tree with -te option, e.g.:

iqtree -s infile.txt -te CONTREE_FILE -alrt 1000 -m LG+I+G4+F -pre alrt_output -nt AUTO

Note here that these support values are now appended after the UFBoot values.


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Wannes Dermauw

May 29, 2020, 2:51:01 AM5/29/20
Hi Minh Bui

Thank you for the clarification. THat worked!

Op woensdag 6 mei 2020 03:26:48 UTC+2 schreef Minh Bui:
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