IQ-TREE release 1.3.11

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Bui Quang Minh

Dec 11, 2015, 4:25:10 AM12/11/15
Dear all,

IQ-TREE version 1.3.11 is just released with following changes (

New features:

* For long alignments (>100,000 sites) the minimal branch length is now reduced to 0.1/alignment_length to accommodate analysis of very closely related sequences (thanks to David Wyllie for testing).
* New `-blmin` and `-blmax` option for min and max branch length (requested by Hang Phan).
* New `-wslm` and `-wslmr` options to print site log-likelihood per mixture class and per mixture+rate category, respectively (requested by Huaichun Wang).
* New `--link-alpha` option to link Gamma shape parameter (alpha) across partitions (requested by Huaichun Wang).

Bug fixes:

* Numerical problems with `+ASC` model for protein data: disabled now by default (reported by several web server users and Lars Jermiin).
* Fix a rare crash for option combination `-z` and `-sp` when changing to old kernel.
* Fix a crash with multicore version with own parsimony kernel (reported by Joan).
* Fix a minor issue when outputting mixture model name in model testing (reported by Sophie Abby).
* Fix a numerical problem with model testing (reported by Jana).
* For `-t RANDOM` initial model parameters will now be estimated on a parsimony tree (thanks to Jesse Breinholt for the report and suggestion).

Other changes:

* Windows AVX version (reported by Aaron Dickey) crashed due to a stack unalignment issue of TDM-GCC compiler (thanks to Agner Fog for suggestion). As a solution, all Windows binaries are now built with Clang.
* Updated the latest vectorclass library of Agner Fog.
* Print error instead of abort when applying branch tests for multifurcating trees.
* Implement EM algorithm for mixture+FreeRate model.
* Accept `~` as an unknown character in the alignment.
* Code optimization resulting in 5%-10% reduction in running time.


IQ-TREE development team

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