long branch and unrealible results in the runing

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Cloud LI

Jul 10, 2018, 5:15:51 AM7/10/18
   I used the PF2 results into iqtree, and it runs successfully, but I got an unreliable result compared to the results from CIPRES(ML-tree), 
a clade has a very long branch, and contains ten species that belong to some different clades/taxon in real. The parematers as follows:
 iqtree -s XXXX.phy -spp  XXXX.nex -bb 1000 

      And I also tried another method——run every gene tree in iqtree used the command line: iqtree -s XXXX.phy -m MFP
after that, I got the best fit model for every gene used BIC, and I write a NEXUS format file manually like this:
begin sets;
charset part1 = 1 -1530;
charset part2 = 1531 -2112;
charset part3 = 2113 -3114;
charpartition mine = TVMe+R3:part1 , K3Pu+F+R2:part2 .......
At last, I used :
 iqtree -s XXXX.phy -spp  XXXX.nex -m MFP -bb 1000

There are warnning messages: 

 WARNING: Too high (saturated) partition rates for proportional partition model!
Current log-likelihood at step 1: -192589.529
But actually, I used plant mitochondrial genes, so generally, all of the genes have a relative lower evolutioan rate.

    I was very confused if I used a set of wrong parameters or if I had misunderstood these procedures.
I  look forward to your reply. 
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