BUG (?): IQTREE crashing when running MF

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Michele Leocádio

Oct 21, 2018, 12:14:14 PM10/21/18
I've attempted this run in three different PCs (Windows 8 and 10) and on two IQTREE versions (1.6.4 and and get the same issue everytime.
Command line is: iqtree -s data.nex -spp partitions.nex -bb 1000 --runs 10
The moment it starts running MF, it crashes and IQTREE is forced to close.

Seed number: 127001

The last log files are (there is no ERROR message):

Create initial parsimony tree by phylogenetic likelihood library (PLL)... 0.024 seconds
NOTE: ModelFinder requires 13 MB RAM!
Testing GTR+F+G on supermatrix...
GTR+F+G4 / LnL: -17971.561 / df: 142 / AIC: 36227.122 / AICc: 36290.381 / BIC: 36889.649
Selecting individual models for 2 charsets using BIC...
 No. Model        Score       Charset

Thanks for the help!

Minh Bui

Oct 22, 2018, 5:01:44 AM10/22/18
to IQ-TREE, Michele Leocádio
Hi Michele, 

Can you please send here the screenshot of the crash message/window? 


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