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Smt. Alka Khare: 1st Runner up Star Expert of Oct.’22

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J.M. Garg

Nov 1, 2022, 1:45:25 AM11/1/22
to efloraofindia, Alka
Dear members,
Smt. Alka Khare ji is the 1st Runner up Star Expert of the last month with 226 messages. What is most important is that she tries to identify her posts herself from eFI, FOI etc., before posting them. That says a lot about her confidence and she is now as good as an Expert.
She is also one of the Pillars of efloraofindia.
Last month, she had mainly focussed on her postings from Ladakh- mesmerising each one of us. 
Thanks a lot, Alka ji, for your valuable contributions.
With regards,

Alka Khare

Nov 1, 2022, 3:15:28 AM11/1/22
to eFloraofIndia
Thank you Garg ji and Sir ji
And thanks to Saroj ji and Mahadeswara ji and all other experts for helping out with the IDs.
This is the greatest motivation to keep going.

Alka Khare


Nov 1, 2022, 7:46:10 AM11/1/22
to eFloraofIndia
Hearty congratulations Alka ji for your excellent contribution.  You have taken us a virtual walk around  Ladak.  Your taxonomic knowledge is laudable. 

Bala Subramaniam

Nov 1, 2022, 8:53:13 PM11/1/22
to indiantreepix
Congratulations, Alka ji.
Warm regards,
Dr. B. Subramaniam

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Gurcharan Singh

Nov 2, 2022, 10:33:42 AM11/2/22
to eFloraofIndia
Congratulations Alka ji, it was especially useful month for me, taking me back more than 50 years when we travelled this area hitchhiking in 1971 and and our own University Jeep in 1972.

Alka Khare

Nov 3, 2022, 4:28:17 AM11/3/22
to eFloraofIndia
Thank you Mahadeswara ji, Balasubramaniam ji and Sir ji for the appreciating words.

Alka Khare

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