Many thanks, Gurcharan ji.
I have attempted to make some notes from the internet.
Most of the sites have merged - ssp. aegyptiaca with
ssp. baccifera - thus was difficult to find separate descriptions.
Here below I have listed the differences briefly ...
Ammannia baccifera ssp. bacciferacymes peduncled
epicalyx minute
capsule exceeding calyx tube
Ammannia baccifera ssp. aegyptiacacymes sessile-subsessile
epicalyx horn-like
capsule included within the calyx
Here below are descriptions cited from two sites ...
Ammannia baccifera ssp. baccifera
Kerala Plants Erect annual herbs to 40 cm tall; stem 4-angled or more or less winged. Leaves simple, decussate, sessile, 2-6 x 0.5-0.8 cm, linear to elliptic, apex acute, base attenuate, chartaceous. Cymes dischasial, axillary. Flowers 4 or 5-merous, perigynous; pedicels c. 2 mm long. Calyx tube 1-2 mm long, campanulate; lobes 4, 1-1.5 mm long, triangular. Petals absent. Stamens 4; filaments c. 0.5 mm long. Ovary 1 mm in diam., globose, 4-5-locular; ovules many; stigma capitate. Capsule 1.5-2 mm across, globose, exceeding calyx tube; seeds brownish, concavo-convex.
The genus Ammannia L. (Lythraceae) in Egypt Erect or procumbent, branched herbs, up to 40 cm high; leaves narrow oblong-lorate, 3-4 cm length, 0.6-0.8 cm width; leaf base at lower leaves attenuate, at upper leaves obtuse or cuneate; cymes peduncled, lax; flowers pediceled; hypanthium 1-1.5 mm length and width, ribs obscure; epicalyx minute; petals absent; stamens 4, yellow; capsule reddish yellow, 1-1.5 mm diameter, exceeding hypanthium, style length up to 0.5 mm; seeds 0.5 mm, brownish.
Ammannia baccifera ssp. aegyptiaca
Kerala Plants Annual herbs, often red, erect or ascending, simple or branched, 2-80 cm tall; stems 4-angular or ± winged. Leaves opposite, 0.7-7 x 0.15-1(-1.6) cm, linear to elliptic, narrowed to the apex, narrowed to a cuneate base or obtuse or subcordate. Cymes (1-)3- many-flowered, ± lax to dense; peduncles 1 (-2) mm long; pedicels 1-2.5 mm long; bracteoles linear-lanceolate. Calyx-tube turbinate-campanulate, 1-2 mm long; lobes 4, broadly triangular, 1-1.5 mm long; intermediary appendages absent or very inconspicuous. Petals absent. Stamens 4, as long as the calyx-lobes or shorter. Ovary globose, 0.7-1.2 mm in diameter; style 0.1-0.3 mm long. Capsule globose, 1-2.5 mm in diameter, 1/2-3/4 included within the calyx; seeds brownish, concavo-convex, 0.4 mm in diameter.
The genus Ammannia L. (Lythraceae) in Egypt
Erect, branched herb, stem suffruticose at the base, up to 40 cm high; leaves lorate, 4-6 cm length, 0.6-0.8 mm width, with obtuse-cuneate bases; cymes sessile-subsessile with dense, glomurate flowers; hypanthium 1-1.5 mm length and width, ribs obscure, epicalyx horn-like; petals absent, stamens 4, yellow; capsule reddish yellow, 1.5-2.0 mm diameter included in the hypanthium.
and the leaf base as
attenuate-cuneate, compared to ssp. aegyptica which has a sub-cordate base.