Acanthaceae Fortnight: Ruellia nudiflora or Ruellia tuberosa, please help in ID-GSMAR25/26

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Gurcharan Singh

Mar 22, 2015, 5:49:56 AM3/22/15
to efloraofindia
Photographed from Vikas Puri, Delhi. Was growing outside a private house so could net dig out for possible tuberous roots. Bracts and bracteoles are definitely shorter than calyx lobes, flowers 5-6 cm long blue-mauve; plants hardly 50 cm tall, leaves 5-8 cm long, long hairy especially on petiole and young shoots, margin somewhat undulate with prominent veins. The plant resembles one depicted as Ruellia nudiflora at Flowers of India website. Please help in ID.

                    Ruellia-nudiflora-tuberosa-Vikas puri-IMG_0081-Delhi-1

                     Ruellia-nudiflora-tuberosa-Vikas puri-IMG_0087-Delhi-2

                     Ruellia-nudiflora-tuberosa-Vikas puri-IMG_0084-Delhi-3

                    Ruellia-nudiflora-tuberosa-Vikas puri-IMG_0091-Delhi-4

Gurcharan Singh

J.M. Garg

Mar 27, 2015, 1:46:58 AM3/27/15
to efloraofindia, Gurcharan Singh

Forwarding again for Id confirmation or otherwise please.

Some earlier relevant feedback:

efi pages on Ruellia nudiflora (Cultivated) &  Ruellia tuberosa (Cultivated)                                       

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Ushadi Micromini

Mar 27, 2015, 2:21:58 AM3/27/15
to Gurcharan Singh, efloraofindia
is that the only differentiating point?
usha di

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Usha di

surajit koley

Mar 27, 2015, 1:48:55 PM3/27/15
to J.M. Garg, efloraofindia, Gurcharan Singh
Assuming my post Ruellia tuberosa L., which grows wild and common in Hooghly, is correctly identified as per what I find the differences between the R. tuberosa L. and R. nudiflora (Engelm. & A. Gray)Urb. are - 

(i) the capsules of R. tuberosa are more linear, narrower, longer
(ii) the sepals extend significantly above the narrower portion of the corolla tube

For the above comparison I have checked my thread and several herbarium of R. nudiflora in KEW and

My account is that this species in this thread is not R. tuberosa L.

Thank you

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