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Open-source system for videos

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Sophia Duiker

Aug 28, 2023, 8:29:28 AM8/28/23
to AtoM Users
Hi All,

I hope this message finds you well. Do you know any open-source digital preservation system we can use for videos? We are currently using Archivematica and it is a challenge to ingest audio-visual materials as it takes a long time to process. Please assist.

Thank you

Dan Gillean

Aug 28, 2023, 9:06:02 AM8/28/23
Hi there, 

My best suggestion would be to take a look at the COPTR digital registry to see if you can find alternatives that will meet your needs. See for example: 
As for full digital preservation systems, there are not a lot of open source alternatives to Archivematica at present. There is RODA, a European alternative that is probably the closest equivalent that I can currently think of: 
There are also digital repository applications that have some preservation functionality, like Islandora, DSpace, Fedora, etc. 

Otherwise, Archivematica's speed of processing will depend a great deal on a number of variable factors, including how many system resources (vCPUs, memory, etc) you make available, the speed of your network, the tools inside Archivematica you use for identification and characterization, the preservation policies you enact via configuration, and of course the size of the audiovisual files you are preserving. You might also try asking for suggestions on how to improve processing times in the Archivematica user forum: 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
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Guedj Romain

Aug 29, 2023, 2:18:06 AM8/29/23


For video preservation, we use Archivematica. It is relatively efficient as long as you manage conversion processing before transferring package to Archivematica.

We used to convert video files to mkv (ffv1) and mp4 (x264) outside and package everything as a packet for manual normalization (
Manual normalization | Documentation (Archivematica 1.14.1) | Archivematica: open-source digital preservation system). Then it is moved in one of our pipeline with automation tools GitHub - artefactual/automation-tools: Tools to aid automation of Archivematica and AtoM. .

Phraseanet (
Open source Digital Asset Management software: Phraseanet ) could be a solution to backup (not to preserve) or to process automatically your video to a specific file format. But it is more a DAM, based on drupal.

I would suggest a lighter solution to create automatic script to convert previously your video and arrange them to a packet for manual normalization If you already have Archivematica.

Meilleures salutations


Romain Guedj, e-Archiviste, T +41 26 305 13 74

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Envoyé : lundi 28 août 2023 14:29
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Objet : [atom-users] Open-source system for videos


Hi All,


I hope this message finds you well. Do you know any open-source digital preservation system we can use for videos? We are currently using Archivematica and it is a challenge to ingest audio-visual materials as it takes a long time to process. Please assist.


Thank you


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