AtoM 2.7.2 release

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Sarah Romkey

May 26, 2023, 2:54:37 PM5/26/23
Hello AtoM Community members:

I'm pleased to let you know that Artefactual has prepared a 2.7.2 release of AtoM. You can find a list of the fixes and changes in this release on Github or see the release page on the wiki. There are some minor security issues included.

The AtoM Maintainers are now tracking issues using Github. If you experience any issues or bugs with this release that you'd like to bring to our attention, you now have the option of doing so on Github using the bug report form here:

We'd also like to take this opportunity to remind you of our plans for the Bootstrap 5 upgrade, as per our release plan announcement last month. Bootstrap 2.x will be deprecated (not tested) in the 2.8 release of AtoM this fall, and removed from AtoM in version 2.9 this winter. If you do not have a custom theme, you can try out Bootstrap 5 very easily by changing your theme to use arDominionB5Plugin . We'd be most appreciative for feedback/bug reports regarding the Bootstrap upgrade especially.


Sarah Romkey, MAS,MLIS
Archivematica Program Manager
@archivematica / @accesstomemory

Darryl Friesen

Jun 1, 2023, 4:56:36 PM6/1/23
to AtoM Users
I've seen a few posts from Dan over the years that indicate an easy way to upgrade(for those that used the Git clone method to install AtoM, which I did) is to just run `git pull --rebase`.

Is it necessary to run any of the other upgrade steps mentioned in the docs, such as the tools:upgrade-sql task, regenerating derivatives, or rebuilding the search indexes?  I assume this will of course vary depending on starting and ending version, but if we're talking about these point updates in the 2.7.x version, is the git pull enough (and perhaps clearing the cache)?


- Darryl

Jim Adamson

Jun 2, 2023, 8:02:59 AM6/2/23
Hi Darryl,

This came up for me this week when I upgraded from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2. I referred back to this post by Dan. From what Dan said, the tools:upgrade-sql task probably isn't required, but just in case do it anyway.

Based on Dan's guidance, I added the following notes to our internal wiki on how to upgrade to a minor release when using a Github deployment:

cd /usr/share/nginx/atom
git stash # stash any uncommitted changes
git pull --rebase
php symfony tools:upgrade # likely not necessary, but just to be sure
php symfony cc
systemctl restart nginx elasticsearch php7.4-fpm memcached atom-worker
sleep 10; php -d memory_limit=-1 symfony search:populate

From reading the docs about regenerating derivatives I don't think this is required after a minor upgrade, but I'm sure Dan will say if this is incorrect. As per the last step above, the search indexes should be repopulated.

Since Github deployments are a supported option in the installation instructions, I think it would be helpful to include a section in the upgrades page, with the steps involved.

Thanks, Jim

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Jim Adamson
Systems Administrator/Developer
Facilities Management Systems
IT Services
LFA/023 | Harry Fairhurst building | University of York | Heslington | York | YO10 5DD

Dan Gillean

Jun 2, 2023, 10:31:28 AM6/2/23
Hi all, 

Thanks for sharing this, Jim! 

For anyone finding this thread without prior context: 
  • We include 2 installation methods in the AtoM documentation
    • Option 1 is to install from the downloadable tarball that we package and include on the Downloads page of the AtoM website
    • Option 2 is to install directly from the GitHub repository where we develop and maintain AtoM's code
  • As Darryl notes, I have previously pointed out to users asking for in-place upgrade options that if you originally followed Option 2 when installing AtoM, there is a path to upgrade in place - but for minor releases only (i.e. 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 would be minor releases; 2.6 and 2.7 would be major releases)
  • Currently, beyond previous user forum posts, this second method of minor release upgrading is not officially documented
In light of this: 

Jim: per your suggestion, I have filed the following issue ticket for the documentation, so we can consider including in-place upgrade instructions for minor versions in the official docs, when users have previously installed from the code repository: 
At present as Artefactual restructures a bit and tries to make new software development possible, I'm actually not working on the AtoM project very much right now (our wonderful Maintainers are taking on the bulk of the work), but I will try to find some time to add something like this soon if I'm able. 

In the meantime, some notes: 
  • ALWAYS make a backup of your data before proceeding with an upgrade like this - or really with most things I suggest in the forum, since I am not actually a system administrator or a developer and have been wrong before! 
  • As noted, the upgrade task should not be required for minor release upgrades. We have traditionally avoided including database schema migrations (which is what the upgrade task handles) or dependency upgrades in point releases, and so far it seems that the Maintainers intend to continue with this pattern. That said, running the upgrade task should not harm anything if you are already on the correct schema version - and might actually catch issues if you forgot that step last upgrade and hadn't yet discovered the issues it may be causing behind the scene
  • Afterwards, you will at minimum want to clear the application cache, restart PHP-FPM and memcached, and repopulate the search index. Links to all of these commands can be found from the Troubleshooting page in the docs
  • Nginx should not need a restart in this case, but tip for Jim: if you use reload instead of restart with Nginx then I believe there is no downtime for end users
  • For the job scheduler restart, just remember that the atom-worker now has a fail count limit to prevent it from getting caught in an endless loop of failing and trying to restart. After 3 restarts, the fail-counter must be manually reset with the following command, as noted in the documentation here
    • sudo systemctl reset-failed atom-worker
    • Then you can restart
    • You can always run sudo systemctl status atom-worker to see if the restart was successful or not
    • Resetting the fail counter shouldn't hurt anything, so if scripting minor upgrade processes, this might be a good thing to include, to avoid unexpected failures
  • Regenerating derivatives should not be required in a minor release. As far as I can recall, this should not actually be required for any release UNLESS we do something like replace or upgrade some of the media players (as we did with the MediaElements player), or we change the default size of one of the derivatives (as was done in the move from ICA-AtoM to AtoM 2.0). If such a change does occur, then my hope is that a) the Maintainers would put such a change in a point release, and b) we would make it clear in the release notes that such a change is included. Finally, if this were needed but not initially run, it would not require the upgrade to be restarted - you'd just notice your derivatives look weird, run the command, and be done (hopefully!)
  • In some cases, you may need to recompile your theme - if any of the bug fixes or minor enhancements change UI elements, for example. If you followed the Option 2 installation instructions then the dependencies to recompile the themes should already be in place, so you will just need to run the commands: 
    • sudo make -C /usr/share/nginx/atom/plugins/arDominionPlugin
    • sudo make -C /usr/share/nginx/atom/plugins/arArchivesCanadaPlugin
    • [repeat again if you have a custom theme, using your own custom theme plugin path and name]
    • Keep in mind that these commands are for Bootstrap 2 themes, and may change in version 2.9 and beyond, when Bootstrap 2 is fully removed. The replacement Bootstrap 5 themes use different dependencies - the installation docs for 2.8 (where BS2 will still be included, but deprecated) should reflect this. 
  • As a general reminder, it shouldn't matter for minor releases, but don't forget that we have started trying to include suggestions and reminders for users with custom themes in the upgrade docs (here). Always good to double-check this for any upgrade involving a custom theme! 
That's all I can think of for now... hope this helps!

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

Darryl Friesen

Jun 8, 2023, 11:43:36 AM6/8/23
to AtoM Users
Thanks Dan and Jim for your excellent feedback and detailed responses!  There's a lot of great info there, and I do hope it makes it into the docs.

FYI, I was able to update our test and prod servers to 2.7.2 and no one even knew it happened!

Thanks again!

- Darryl

Jan 10, 2024, 12:35:44 PMJan 10
to AtoM Users

Thank you for releasing a new version of AtoM!
Since 2.8 is meant to be a bug fix release, should we upgrade from 2.7.3 to 2.8 using these "minor upgrade instructions" or just like we do with any other major upgrade?

Thank you for your support.

Dan Gillean

Jan 10, 2024, 2:08:42 PMJan 10
Hi Gomes, 

Since you've replied on an older thread about Release 2.7.2, I will add context for any future forum readers that this question is in response to a recent announcement of the AtoM 2.8 release. For more information, see: 
Regarding your question:

Please treat this as a major upgrade, despite how the Maintainers announcement may have described it. It does include a number of new features, which in turn means database schema changes - and there are also some minor dependency upgrades included as well. For 2.8, please be sure to follow the official 2.8 Upgrading and Installation documentation. 

For now, the Maintainers are still following the same release numbering conventions: 
  • Releases with new features that involve schema migrations, and/or major dependency changes, are considered major releases and increment the main point number - i.e. 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, etc.
  • Releases that are only comprised of security patches, bug fixes, and/or translation updates are considered minor releases, and increment the secondary point number - i.e. 2.7.1, 2.7.2, 2.7.3, etc. 
The release notes on the wiki do not separate all the various changes into categories, but if you follow the link to the release notes in our code repository, they are at least separated by feature vs fix, so you can see what is new. Documentation for some of the new features is still a work in progress. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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