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Error saving and uploading files on the new ibex

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Maayan Keshev

Sep 1, 2021, 10:05:54 AM9/1/21
to ibexexperiments
I suddenly can't save any changes to any of my experiments on the new ibexfarm (it just says "error saving file")
I also tried downloading the files, editing offline and re-uploading the new version, but the upload failed ("error uploading file").
I tried on both chrome and firefox and got the same errors.

Alex Drummond

Sep 1, 2021, 10:42:06 AM9/1/21
to ibexexperiments
Oops, thanks for the report Maayan. Should be fixed now.
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Dustin Alfonso Chacón

Sep 1, 2021, 10:46:47 AM9/1/21
Hi all,

I had a similar issue to Maayan. I ran some participants with the unsaved data, and it looks like the data may have been lost. The ping state on my experiments updated, but the results files haven't. Any chance that that's recoverable? (If not, then I guess it's on me for not having moved to PCIbex yet!)

On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 6:42 PM Alex Drummond <> wrote:
Oops, thanks for the report Maayan. Should be fixed now.

On Wed, 1 Sept 2021 at 15:05, Maayan Keshev <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I suddenly can't save any changes to any of my experiments on the new ibexfarm (it just says "error saving file")
> I also tried downloading the files, editing offline and re-uploading the new version, but the upload failed ("error uploading file").
> I tried on both chrome and firefox and got the same errors.
> Thanks,
> Maayan
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "ibexexperiments" group.
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Dustin Chacón
Research Scientist
Neuroscience of Language Laboratory (NeLLab)
NYU Abu Dhabi
UAE M: +971 55 6405019

Maayan Keshev

Sep 1, 2021, 11:09:10 AM9/1/21
to ibexexperiments
Thanks so much Alex! It works now 

ב-יום רביעי, 1 בספטמבר 2021 בשעה 10:42:06 UTC-4, Alex Drummond כתב/ה:
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