Hiding as 'Skeptics' and 'Atheists,' Sociopaths Destroy Society: Richard Dawkins Foundation for DESTROYING Reason and Science - "people have no legs" - {HRI 20120127-V4.3}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jul 19, 2012, 3:45:44 AM7/19/12
to Human Rights Issues
Hiding as 'Skeptics' and 'Atheists,' Sociopaths Destroy Society:
The Richard Dawkins Foundation for DESTROYING Reason and Science -
"people have no legs"

27 January 2012
{HRI 20120127-V4.3}

(Version 4.3
on 19 July 2012

(view summary
by skipping
indented text)

(suits foreign
language readers)


Truth is absolute: It is only the DEGREE
of Perception, that makes Truth SEEM
"personal," "relative," or "conflicting."

Koos Nolst Trenite
human rights philosopher
and poet



Summarizing Conclusion: [HRD-02]

Richard Dawkins is neither a skeptic, nor an atheist,
but a Sociopath who uses skepticism and atheism as
camouflage, as a cover - like many other Sociopaths do -

to HIDE his Sociopathy and to impregnate the society
with the views of Sociopaths. [ANTIN]




I used "people have no legs" - as an allegory or metaphor, for the
even more bizarre BELIEF spread by Richard Dawkins' Foundation and

The most inconceivable and utterly irrational BELIEF, that THOSE
Sociopaths want you to have and that they try to enforce on you,
who want you NOT to understand life at all, by enforcing the
most IRRATIONAL belief anyone can think of, which is, that

"Life Energy does not exist."

The very thing, that EVERYONE feels, and works with and
perceives with and thinks with and feels with,

the very thing that EVERYONE has a body with that is alive
and not dead,

the very thing that makes plants and animals grow, too,

"does not exist,"

according to the BELIEFS that Richard Dawkins and his cohorts
want to enforce on us, on the society, as a "normal," "rational"
and "scientific" belief.



He, Richard Dawkins, has potentially a hundred million followers to
spread his bizarre BELIEFS:

Those who in one way or another HATE truth to be known, and HATE
Life to be understood,

and who - understandably, when you know their nature, they
- HATE Perception, memory and awareness to actually be

wanting (like Richard Dawkins too, Sociopaths want) the actual
understanding of Life, and rationality and science,

REPLACED with their bizarre BELIEFS and "reality:"

Richard Dawkins recently wrote a book with lots of
pictures, as in an old Time-Life book, [iFPP] to convince

with all the (typical for Sociopaths) STANDARD
DENIALS of basic aspects of life,

explained away in very childish manner, by simply
throwing all available and scientific data out,
that he does not desire others to know about,

summarized as his BELIEF - that opposes ALL
rationality and science, his BELIEF that he and
other Sociopaths want enforced on the society,
on your children even - as a "rational statement:"

"Life Energy does not exist."



"People have no legs" - which only pretends and tells
people, that they can not walk upright - is a much LESS
bizarre and by far LESS irrational and LESS debilitating
BELIEF, than (enforcing onto the society)

the BELIEF that Richard Dawkins and his devotees want
to spread, that

"Life Energy does not exist."



But you know by now, that Criminal Minds or Sociopaths want to have
everything seen, felt and thought of by others, as THE REVERSE of
what actually is

- I think I told you that at one time or another -

and indeed, HE, Richard Dawkins, wants his utterly bizarre BELIEF
to be "understood" and accepted,

as "rationality," and as "the opposite of Belief!"



How Insane* can you get? Well, read the books of Richard Dawkins
and BELIEVE what he writes and says.

I can assure you, that it will increase your 'Insanity
Quotient' to a marked degree.

Quite apart from the fact, that you then become
unqualified for many positions of responsibility in
the society.



The Richard Dawkins Foundation is DESTROYING Reason and Science, and,
like The Skeptic Society (skeptic.com), is thus a Criminal Group.

They have as their goal - which any rational person will
consider Criminal - to force onto the society, as "scientific
and reasonable," the BELIEFS formulated by THOSE Sociopaths,

who forcefully DEMAND of you "scientifically" and "by
staying within the bounds of reason,"

to adhere to, and to spread - that, what to normal people
is very bizarre, namely - the BELIEF, that

"Life" (meaning Life Energy and the soul) "does not exist."

Sociopaths themselves though, do not necessarily
believe at all, what THEY DEMAND AND WANT OTHERS

They usually know VERY WELL, that they themselves
are lying, and that they know VERY WELL, that I
give the truth,

but they don't want YOU to know that, about them.

They play on your desire to DENY the existence of
Sociopaths: "It is so repulsive, to know."

Even though people read 'Detective Stories'
all the time, apparently that is merely to
keep their wits into those books, and have
their wits NOT applied to real life, to the
hundred million REAL Sociopaths in REAL life.

And they spend their intelligence and time not
unlike people who use up vast amounts of their
most valuable time on 'solving cross-word
puzzles' or on 'playing chess' and various
other sports, combating imaginary "opponents,"

AS A SUBSTITUTE for using their wits to detect
and oppose Sociopaths!

[Natural Human Rights Declaration ARTICLE 3
(next in line to be published) does state
your Natural Right - and also the duty - to
look at any Criminal Mind or Sociopath. see
[HRD-02] ]


It is - in all its forms and guises - the very typical demand
of any Sociopath or Criminal Mind,

that the very substance that you use to perceive, to be
aware with and to remember with, and to be alive and
remain healthy by - that that very substance,

Life Energy, "does not exist,"

a demand that - to succeed - Sociopaths have very
intelligently to graft onto the mind of people and into
the culture,

as it is attempted in this example also by the mentioned
Foundation of Richard Dawkins, and by its associated Society
of "Skeptics"

- which is THEIR DISGUISE, 'being a skeptic,'

they are not skeptic AT ALL, but that is their


YOU must think, that "they are skeptics;" but

in fact, they want to enforce (and maliciously
at that) ONTO OTHERS, the bizarre BELIEF, that

"Life Energy does not exist;"

it is exactly the same with their guise of
"being atheists:"

They could not care less about someone believing
in a god or God existing or not existing, [NDG]

they want (and maliciously so) to enforce ONTO
OTHERS, the BELIEF, that

(because Life Energy is used also to create and
maintain Life Forms and to create objects,
[iFPP], [NDG]

also THEREFOR THEY claim, that)

"Life Energy does not exist" -

in order to get their actual intention through:

'TO DENY LIFE and people to exist as life is and as people are,'
to try and cripple people's life, and to debilitate science,

summarized as their enforcement of the entirely malicious
and completely irrational and bizarre BELIEF, that

"Life Energy does not exist."



That's what they do demand your compliance with:

a bizarre and utterly irrational, wholly
ANTI-scientific BELIEF.

Many Sociopaths want to establish that

(if you like to start somewhere, starting with
Benjamin Franklin and Antoine Lavoisier in the
Paris Academy of Sciences - when

they, as "expert-witnesses" testified, to the French
government, that)

"Life Energy does not exist."

(Which in allegory or metaphor, can be stated, in
order to emphasize its bizarre nature, as:

"People have no legs.")






The example in allegory:

A Sociopath can of course adhere to the bizarre BELIEF, that

"people have no legs,"

and he may want to convince people of that,

because he - quite rightly - does not like people to walk all
over him.


Which, by the way, is a sort of mantra of
criminals to justify and motivate themselves:
"They do not like people to walk over them."

They grab onto any "reason," to release
and to then fuel their innate DESIRE
and their innate JOY to be Criminal.

They ARE however completely "walked over" and
dominated ENERGETICALLY, all the time...

but "science" (or Richard Dawkins and his
two hundred thousand Facebook followers) will
tell them, that

"Life Energy does not exist." ("People
have no legs.")


Most criminals will likely calm down however,
when you get them to study the fact, that
indeed THEY ARE - like anyone else is too -
Ugliness ENERGY, with Unawareness Energy, with
Drug Energy, etc., etc.,

which consists of Particles of Life
Energy, and

that you can and do feel, and that are
projected at them (and at you also), BY
Criminal Minds, BY Sociopaths, ALL THE TIME.

(see under References,
below, for abbreviations
- like [DPFI])


Their purpose is not merely to make you BELIEVE, that 'you can
not deal with them (with a Sociopath),' [UFPP]

"because you have no legs to kick him off of you,"

meaning to enforce on you (and to keep anchored in
your mind) the bizarre BELIEF

- but for THEM, for Sociopaths it is survival in the
extreme, that YOU believe that, and "know," and
act as if

"Life Energy does not exist:"

"You have NO Life Energy to recognize a Sociopath with, NO Life Energy
for perceiving his preparations to attack you, and you have no Life
Energy to push his attacks away from you," because

"Life Energy does not exist."




That bizarre BELIEF serves the Sociopaths or Criminal Minds in
another way ALSO, namely,

to maintain FOR THEMSELVES the Criminal Freedom (without being
caught or punished) to

"kick people in the head" (by means of Harmful Life Energy
to kick people in the head and into other body parts) and
to hit at and smash into a person's soul:


Sociopaths freely "kicking people," without that you
and I or other normal people are able to understand,
what is done to us,

not understanding what is inflicted on us and
how it is inflicted on us and by whom it is
inflicted on us

- how things are inflicted into our body or
into our soul - [DPFI]

Richard Dawkins does NOT want you to
know that, you see...

...much less does he want you to know, how to repair
the damage inflicted on you. [HOB] [MDFS]


With all due respect for rationality and

the fact emerges, that

he, Riochard Dawkins, is NOT a skeptic and
NOT an atheist at all, but, that

THAT is what he wants you to BELIEVE about


In fact and in real life, he wants you to be UNABLE
to defend yourself from Sociopaths:

"Life Energy does not exist."

He wants that you do NOT know, how to repair
the damage inflicted constantly on you and on

That then has nothing to do with "being skeptical"
of data, at all, nor with "being atheist" to any
religious ideas:

He wants, that Sociopaths can FREELY
kick you in the head and in any other
body parts - kicking you freely, and
unnoticed by you as such,

and not understood by you, because

"Life Energy does not exist."


The Sociopaths have now made up in
Wikipedia, a WHOLE SECTION with
many topics "on memory"

(remember, Sociopaths DO NOT WANT
MEMORY IS and how it functions).

They made a special 'Wikipedia
Category: 'Memory Disorders,' and
not surprisingly,

they 'scream at you' in every
article of theirs, that "Life
Energy does not exist."


And yesterday or today (20120716),
some biologist in a (for Dawkins)
far away country, after examining
small fishes all his life

in order not to have to be
looked at by people, as an
educated guess about that
"real scientist,"

he claims that Richard Dawkins did
show him (by enforcing on him the
BELIEF that "Life Energy does
not exist," that this made for
him) the universe to be "more
beautiful and awe-inspiring"
...would you believe it.

I mean, you NEED Life Energy
in the first place in order
to Perceive and to be able
to enjoy what you Perceive!


But the memory-"scientists" in
Wikipedia and the fish-"biologist"
in Sri Lanka, are examples of the
fact, that

Sociopaths strongly support each
other in their goal to DESTROY
knowledge and to REPLACE knowledge
with their lies,

inevitably towards the destruction
science and reason, and with it,
towards the destruction and the
enslavement of the society,

and INEVITABLY leading to war.


For us that is now quite understandable:

We now know their GOALS for us, to be free to
harm our life - and with it, THEIR goal TO

Sociopaths want to have everything seen

to better hide, that it is THEY, who do
DESTROY science,

they instead accuse us of it,

that "NOT they but 'we' are irrational."


We DO become sick at times, or permanently, and most
visibly our body DOES deteriorate under the constant
onslaught of the "non-existent" Harmful Life Energy
inflicted by the Sociopaths - more and more so as we
grow older.



Once again, words of ridicule towards the
licensed medical profession - or rather, some
legal threats towards their "Institutes of
Learning and Licensing" - are indeed highly

...and actually far, far overdue. [MDSF]

(If you like, study legal terms, like
MALFEASANCE, for instance. It means:

'Severe betrayal of professional trust'
in this case with dire economic damage
and emotional suffering and pain,
inflicted or not averted, and that,
on a vast, organized, on-going basis.)

When the charlatans are confronted with the
relevant hard facts - then they will try to

in their wide-eyed and fully licensed,
peer-reviewed innocence and in their
"professional care for people,"

they will try to maintain the bizarre
and medieval BELIEF, as from Dawkins'
Foundation too, that *(n)

"Life Energy does not exist," and so

WORKS," *(n)

even though they must - and those not being
Sociopaths, those - also DO admit, that any
healing of a body, that took place

after THEY had given it up as incurable,
and assured you of imminent death, *(n)

(they have to admit it, when healing the

did nevertheless occur and occurred WITHOUT
them plying their highly deficient and often
plainly harmful and always arrogant trade.


To apply any logic and scientific

to the data that is carried to
their very medical doorstep,

DOES NOT OCCUR to them, as it conflicts
- since thousands of years - with their
professional arrogance,

arrogance having through the ages
been proven to be an important if
not vital tool,

to obtain compliance (and remuneration)
from their clients (whom they thus call
patients). *(n)

This can be considered to be HIGHLY
- if not criminally - DEFICIENT in care
for their clients, for the patients that
are entrusted to them, and for the
society and its economy, too. [DESMS]

The Sociopaths designate the very
working itself, of the body,

steered as it is BY LIFE ENERGY,

they designate that "AS BELIEF,"
as "FAITH" even,

(I never told you that, but
Criminal Minds do want to have
everything seen IN REVERSE)

and so the Sociopaths want
you to talk about "FAITH
healing," in order to

that "Life Energy does not

Now they even want you to
BELIEVE, that "THEY are
rational and scientific."


It certainly has led ME to formulate and
adopt and maintain, the very NECESSARY
survival policy for myself: to

never, ever trust a licensed medical

and to regard much if not most of what
they say, as (often very harmful [MDSF])


EVEN when said in a friendly spirit of
care. [LMD-3]

You can not possibly trust anyone
who maintains - AMD guides his
actions towards you, by - the
bizarre and wholly malicious
BELIEF, that

"Life Energy does not exist!"


People, meaning the victims (including you and I), have
been taught in school, and have been convinced by the
Sociopaths who dictate "science" and "rationality,"

we have been taught by them, that "Life Energy does not

And then, which "logically" follows, they teach also:

"Nobody can (have) hit another with Harmful
Life Energy."

"Only sticks and stones, will hurt your bones."


No sticks and stones having been applied, people
get sick anyway,

but the medical profession keeps you ALSO in the
dark as to the cause of your suffering,

because "Life Energy does not exist" in the
licensed and peer-reviewed medical profession,

since Hippocrates "Life Energy does not exist"
- which results in medical charlatanery that
they claim is "ethical" -

they keep you also in the dark about how people ARE

- by themselves, just as people who stay
healthy anyway, naturally and even without
knowing the mechanism of how it works, they
simply stay healthy

because they are indeed -

remedying the damage that is continuously inflicted
by Sociopaths ENERGETICALLY - with the infliction of
Harmful Life Energy PARTICLES - onto them and onto

Instead, the licensed professionals 'howl with'
the Sociopaths:

"The body gets sick by itself."


When a Sociopath (a Criminal Mind) (with Harmful Life
Energy) kicks people, (kicks you and me, for instance)

then the victims (you and I) "must reason" as follows

- and, that "reasoning" we must BELIEVE to be
"scientific" and "rational" -

according to the Sociopaths or Criminal Minds, we must

what is in effect the very superstition that they
(the Sociopaths) accuse OTHERS of,

but they do themselves enforce the bizarre AND very
harmful BELIEF:

"It is not possible, that someone kicks you in the head"
(because "Life Energy does not exist"):

"It must be 'something ELSE... something bad you ate'..."


Or if you were unfortunate enough to land in a hospital,
merely after suffering the effect of having been severely
hit by some Sociopath's Harmful ENERGY,

then they - the medical charlatans - will spend weeks and
run up a large bill, to try and FIND SOMETHING mechanical,

and of course you can always find something in any
body, that is not exactly conforming to the average,

they will try and find SOMETHING mechanical,
something on a molecular level,

that they will manage to convince each other of as "being
the cause" and

that will thus satisfy their very harmful BELIEF, that
"Life Energy does not exist" (no kidding!) - WHILE THE
WHOLE body itself, IS run by Life Energy pushing molecules
around to combine or split or move!

Or, we comply - as we still do - with the famous
ancient-Greek Criminal Mind Hippocrates,

the founder, if you like, of the "Guild to
Grant and Protect the Income License of
Medical Doctors," [HOB]

the famous Medical Doctor Hippocrates, who advises
you in his ancient Greek textbooks,*(n) to tell
yourself and "understand," that

"The cold wind, is what made you sick." [MDFS]

And we still comply with that, today, isn't it: We say,
that 'We are suffering from a cold, today,'

in order to DENY, that some Sociopath has hit us

with Harmful Life Energy which consists of
Particles, having hit us [DPFI]

into some part of our body, into the body part that
now "suffers a cold." (Like into our forehead, or
into our throat, or into our bladder area.)





You may remember, that Sociopaths have no conscience
- it is then indeed so, that they will inflict
anything, that they can get away with, on anyone.

To illustrate this:

Sociopaths were allowed to create and
govern by dictatorship during World War
Two, and their atrocities are among the
most widely known.

The consequence is, that "Internal
Affairs" as a political phrase to
block investigation of crimes by any
government onto its own citizens,
will be abolished. [FILSF] *(n)(n)(n)

They have no moral regards whatsoever:

Begging them to stop, or 'showing them what they do
to others,' does not make them stop. They could not
care less. And many actually ENJOY the suffering of

Back to our example:


When the BELIEF is presented by the Sociopath to the more
reasonable part of the society - when they present the bizarre
belief, that "people have no legs" -

then REASON - the scientifically trained mind of REASON,
certainly - will reject that bizarre BELIEF,

even when it is presented, argued and defended by the
Richard Dawkins Foundation "for Reason and Science,"

or by its annex, The Skeptic Society, or by its neighbor,
the Proud Atheist Association,

REASON - the free and scientifically trained mind of REASON -
will certainly reject that bizarre BELIEF,

even when Sociopaths or Criminal Minds present such a
- clearly evil-intended BELIEF - as "real science" and
as "the very essence of rationality."





(why they label themselves falsely)

Indeed, for them to have any audience at all, they do have to ATTACH
to their activity and to their intentions,

the very noble adjectives and honorable description of purpose, that
are precisely the OPPOSITE of what they actually DO want and are
indeed very busy, to work at and achieve.


We know that of Criminal Minds, and of organizations of any
such kind that are actually Criminal in their real intent:

They claim their activity and their intention to be the
very OPPOSITE, of what they in fact accomplish.


The easiest way to detect them, I find always, is, to look for


what they DON'T do, that would however be very much
along their STATED purpose and that WOULD further
the goal they CLAIM their activities to have.

Most annoying examples lie in the field of
medicine, in caring for the environment, in
striving for peace, and in providing the basic
standards of living to anyone anywhere. [RCM]



You may then want to gather knowledge and formulate questions,
for instance in this vein:

What highly cost-saving and very civilization-restoring
measures, remedies, information and education,

and which innovative, cheap, abundant and clean
energy sources, for instance,

are they "dutifully" NOT FINANCING or otherwise ignoring,
or hiding, or even ridiculing and banning the existence
of? [SFTF]


You may like to study the Human Rights Issues, with a view of
examining such extraordinarily vital subjects, as will yield
questions to the effect of:

Which Sociopaths (Criminal Minds) are carefully kept or
put in place or nurtured by whom, and

which Sociopaths are wholly hidden - kept undetected - by





Here, as given above, it's a whole CLASS of Sociopaths


Which is, why I write about it. I'd rather you write
about it, so that I can go and do more enjoyable
things than constantly baby-sitting you (you, meaning
the journalists, primarily). [IJC]


LOGICALLY adding facts together, it can be concluded, that their
(Dawkins etc.) pretense of "Science and Reason," is entirely based
on (their)


(which includes their Hate of themselves)

already described well, in as simple a piece of writing as

'On sociopaths who want to feel themselves and each other as
"fighting for truth and freedom" ' [SFTF]

Are Sociopaths people? They better answer that themselves,
by 'coming out of the closet.' [SFTF] [RCM]

Which is a different subject.


You can't have science - nor reason - that is based on Hate:

Such "Science" and such "Reason" does omit - it intentionally
OMITS - the basic and most vital facts of any science, that are
however required and that are, of course,

NECESSARY for reason and science to enhance life and aid people.

Simply put: Hating truth to come out, is the intention of
Sociopaths, and, is OPPOSING science.

This is demonstrated in detail with the 'Trinity Of Science.' [TOS]



Actual science and actual reason - in order to include all of the most
basic and the most vitally required data and observations -

which (NOT in the viewpoint and sense of Sociopaths, of course,
including Sociopaths who are famous "scientists," but for normal

the basic data that HAS to be included, in order for something
to be called science and comply with reason (such being actual

while we saw the opposite in the "science" leading up to
and practiced in the Third Reich, where "science" WAS
based on Hate, but

real science

can not be based in Hate. And thus

(though Darwin*(1) vehemently opposed it, and Sociopaths
generally HATE this to be proven true, but nevertheless)

Reason and Science HAS TO BE BASED IN LOVE. [TOS]


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


[ANTIN] 'Earth Condition in a Nutshell: REVERSAL of what is Normal -
the 'Anti-Normal' DEMANDS'
{HRI 20071208-V2.3} [ANTIN]
(8 December 2007 - Version 2.3 on 11 Apr 2012)
(former Title):
'The Anti-Normal: 'The Abnormal Must REPLACE the Normal'

[TOS] 'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty' (TOS)
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

[SFTF] 'On sociopaths who want to feel themselves and each other as
"fighting for truth and freedom" '
{HRI 20100402-V2.0} [SFTF]
(2 April 2010 - Version 2.0 on 7 Jan 2011)

[RCM] 'The Rights of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20040108-V2.1} [RCM]
(8 January 2004 - Version 2.1 on 13 Jul 2009)

[MDSS] 'How with a Meter to Detect 'Satan's Soul,' and any Criminal
Minds - 'How To,' for the Common Man'
{HRI 20120109-V1.3-t} [MDSS]
(9 January 2012 - Version 1.3 on 18 Jan 2012)

[MDSF] 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health,
The Economy, and The United Nations' (MDSF)
(incl. definitions of 'Living Organism' (your body),
of 'Molecular Medicine,' 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V4.3.1}
(4 March 2010 - Version SL-V4.3.1 on 1 Oct 2011)

[DPFI] 'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' (DPFI)
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

[HOB] 'Can a person heal his own body? How Flat Is The Earth...'
{HRI note 20120105} [HOB]
(5 January 2012)

[UFPP] 'Unawareness, you know what that is? (Fine Particle Physics)'
{FPP note 20110624-V1.0.2} (UFPP)
(24 June 2011 - Version 1.0.2 on 24 Jun 2011)

[IJC] 'Introduction to Journalism Course' by the author

[LMD-3] 'How to read the License of Medical Doctors, Part III -
Stay Away From Medical Doctors ...UNLESS You Know About Them'
{HRI 20021209-V3.1-q3} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)
(9 February 2006) (LMD-3)

[IDCM] ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' ' (IDCM)
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

[DOI] 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.4}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.4 on 1 July 2008)

[DESMS] 'The 'Dead End Street' of Medical "Science" -
A Bottomless Money Drain: The Licensed Medical Trade - Medical
Research, Charities, Foundations, Universities And Hospitals
CONTEMPT Of Your Suffering And Of Mankind' (DESMS)
{HRI 20021209-V3.1-q5-V1.0.1} (Quote from HRI 20021209-V3.1)
(13 February 2006 - Version 1.0.1 on 20 Feb 2006)

[IPA] 'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'
{FPP 20110422-V4.0} (IPA)
(22 April 2011 - Version 4.0 on 8 July 2011)
{FPP 20110422-V4.0-t} (with tabbed layout)

[NDG]'Natural Definition of God - the poem of poems - Monotheism,
and Examining Heaven and Hell' [NDG]
{HRI 20080406-V5.0}
(6 April 2008 - Version 5.0 on 17 May 2011)

[iFPP] 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics' (abbr. [iFPP])

[HRD-02] 'Natural Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE TWO and Preamble'
{HRD-02 20100102-V1.5} [HRD-02]
(2 January 2010 - Version 1.5 on 8 Jul 2010)

[DOP] 'Natural Definition of Peace'
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.9-t} [DOP]
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.9-t on 24 Dec 2011)

[NOW] 'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1} [NOW]
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

[FILSF]'The natural First International Law [FIL], in very short form'
{HRI 20091004-V1.2} [FILSF]
(4 October 2009 - Version 1.2 on 24 Aug 2011)


and further References as called for by the text.




(1) 'FALSE 'Past Lives' and NO 'Past Lives' - Vitality from
Studying History' - ('Was Darwin a monkey, in his past life?')
{HRI 20110909-V2.0-P1-V3.0-t} [FPL]
(9 September 2011 - Part 1 Version 3.0 on 22 Nov 2011)

(*) 'Natural Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.5.1} [DOI]
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.5 on 8 Jul 2008, V2.5.1 p. 13 Mar 2012)

(n) (to be added as indicated)

Issue note:

Initial draft versions were published under my pseudonyms
'Leonardo Been' and 'Leonardo Been (Plato),' to sci.skeptic



Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com
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