(Studying Sociopaths): Lying THAT atrociously - for example about 'Scientology' and l. ron hubbard - How could anyone... - {HRI 20130916-V2.3.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Oct 19, 2013, 11:35:58 AM10/19/13
to human-rig...@googlegroups.com
Lying THAT atrociously - for example about 'Scientology' and about
 l. ron hubbard - How could anyone... but the Sociopath himself
 (Studying "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths)

                                                   16 September 2013
                                                {HRI 20130916-V2.3.1}

                                                      (Version 2.3.1
                                                      on 26 Sep 2013)

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        "The more atrociously they - the 'Well-Adjusted'
         Sociopaths - lie, the better they survive."


            We take the following as an example,

            but it applies equally well, to ANY 'Well-Adjusted'
            Sociopath, and to the group, organization or country
            that may be dominated by a 'Well-Adjusted' Sociopath

            or to any philosophy or religion or social movement,
            and to any "science," and to an "artistic" movement,

            that is built on or around the ideas and actions of
            a 'Well-Adjusted' Sociopath.

            Examples are not lacking

                - but remember, that the Sociopaths themselves
                  want you to see everyone IN REVERSE,

                  with themselves and other Sociopaths as
                  "the very good guys."

        In short:

        This applies to ANY 'Well-Adjusted' Sociopath, so that you
        may start to recognize these,

            and in case you still don't know it,

        it is THEY who are the only ones, who did create hell on
        Earth and who do create hell on Earth, and who will create
        and maintain hell on Earth,

            doing so for you and for themselves equally, putting
            all their ingenuity and drive into creating a hell
            on Earth, for the sole and only reason, that THEY
            ENJOY AND LOVE TO DO SO. ***



How could anyone be lying THAT atrociously about 'Scientology' and
 about l. ron hubbard... but l. ron hubbard himself?

    His own atrocious lies about 'Scientology' and about himself
    (l. ron hubbard), can be found in all his books and all his
    lectures and in all the actions and claims of his organization.

We can here describe HIS "definition" of Truth, too: HIS concept
 of what is actuality, of 'what should be seen and felt as being
 "actually true".'

    It is the Satanic (l. ron hubbard's) "Definition" of Reality:

    Whatever he manages to inflict on you or others to experience as
    if it is real to you now, or was real to you in the past as
    memory.  [YEI]

    And part of what a Sociopath does also, is to inflict that
    "truth," that "reality," onto himself.

        So you find Sociopaths who have become highly paid actors,
        or Sociopaths who became "great" conquerors.

        Other Sociopaths - lacking the mental brutality to
        hypnotize their lies onto the crowd - (other Sociopaths)
        try to maintain their lies, and get these accepted, by
        making truth "relative," *(7)

        and by telling you about "parallel realities or parallel
        Universes," etc.. [YEI]


        Even the Satanic l. ron hubbard manages to do so, in his
        "self-evident truth"-dissertation in which he claims, that
        Life consists of "The Three Universes:"

            "There is 'one's OWN Universe [reality]', and there
             is 'someone else's Universe [reality],' and then
             there is what people [have been overwhelmed to]
             agree to and now accept as 'common reality',"

            in keeping with general Satanic doctrine, where the
            goal is, to overwhelm others into accepting the
            reality (perception, and ideas about or explanations
            of what is perceived, its significance), that is
            enforced on them

            - but you don't know HOW any enforcement of
              Perception and of thought is done to you or to
              anyone, [EDHP]

              because you are kept in the very dark (BY THE
              SOCIOPATHS [YEI]), about what Perception is and
              what Awareness and what Thinking is.  [DPFI]


    It is the "game" of any Criminal Mind (and of l. ron hubbard):

        to make others "see" and "accept as real," whatever the
        Sociopaths makes people overwhelmed enough to accept

            as "truth," as "what is or was going on or what
            will happen:"

    "Life is a game of overwhelming others," is the Satanic Creed

        directly quoted from l. ron hubbard himself, and he - the
        Criminal Mind that he is - also practices it,

    and he is HIDING HOW he overwhelms people


            This is the biggest mystery that caring and
            responsible people keep scratching their head

        How can normal, kind and loving people who are eager to
        help others, or who want to really improve themselves,
        or who want to "restore sanity, prosperity and happiness
        to Earth,"

    how can NORMAL people let themselves be THAT abused and abuse
    others THAT severely, that fanatically, in the name of "the
    greatest good for all?"

    One can however very easily understand such most vital things to
    understand, in Fine Particle Physics {FPP}, the physics of Life


    The Sociopaths support each other, in making people NEVER
    UNDERSTAND Sociopaths and what these do, or in making people
    NEVER ABLE TO PERCEIVE (whether someone is a Sociopath and)
    what these emanate and do,

    and the Sociopaths support each other, in MAKING people NEVER
    UNDERSTAND how Perception, and how Awareness works

        - which however, as said, can very easily be understood
          in Fine Particle Physics {FPP}, the physics of Life


    Unfortunately, the "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths DOMINATE science,
    and in particular these DOMINATE medical science,

        and you only have to open any medical textbook, or merely
        look in Wikipedia,

    and their LIES "about perception" and "about memory" and "about
    awareness," are dripping from the pages wet with their


    Back to our original example of atrocious lying:



It is not possible for normal people - for Non-Sociopaths - easily
 to imagine, that someone could be THAT atrociously lying to people,
 about himself and about his own work:

     His atrocious lies about 'Scientology' and about himself (l. ron
     hubbard). These can be found in all his books and in all his
    lectures. And maybe more accessible to some, these can be found
    in any 'Scientology' promotional pieces - which consist really
    of 'LIES ONLY:'

        (and believe me, it IS atrociously lying that he does **)

     - creating a whole artificial reality about himself, and about
       his nature and his intentions, AND

       ENFORCING those lies onto people so as to create a REVERSE

       in which "he is the good person" ...and where good persons,
       especially the very good ones (factually indeed his enemies)
       are labeled AND treated as "the enemies of Mankind,"

       just as it is in any Totalitarian state or Satanic group.

        And his atrocious LYING - about himself and his work - has
        the purpose to get followers, to manipulate and deceive
        these, and to extract their Admiration and Compliance with
        his every word,

            as Romania's defected Intelligence Chief, Pacepa,
            describes the "very successful and beloved" dictator
            of Romania, Ceausescu, *(4)

            the dictator who is lavishly celebrated and received
            in the West too, for "caring for his people...."

            And the same applies to China's Mao - as described
            brilliantly by Jung Chang, in her biography 'Mao -
            The Unknown Story,' *(5)

            and to Russia's Stalin - described with equal
            precision and compassion by Harrison Salisbury, in
            his '900 Days - The Siege of Leningrad' (the town is
            called St. Petersburg again, nowadays).  *(6)

    These three books *(4)(5)(6), by the way, are mandatory reading
    for the 'Peace Course - Establishing And Maintaining Peace In
    Any Area' (to be issued).



    Studying l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology,' gives many insights
    not only in the Criminal Mind of l. ron hubbard,

    but also gives insight in the mind - the thinking - of the most
    dangerous Sociopaths in general, (insights) that are very hard
    to come by:

            He does lie THAT atrociously, about himself and
            about his purposes and intentions, and about the
            "vital necessity** of his current work, (that means,
            of 'Scientology')," that

            it is worth studying for the purpose of fathoming
            the Sociopath in general.

    And after all, there are some hundred million Sociopaths living
    - often as "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths - on Earth, not counting
    those now deceased,

        and it is ONLY THEY - ("Well-Adjusted") Sociopaths - WHO


    They are lying ATROCIOUSLY.

    The "Well-Adjusted" Sociopath l. ron hubbard himself, in his
    book 'Fundamentals of Thought,' lists "the four basic thought
    activities of life," centered around what he claims to be the
    most basic thought-activity in life:

        "ONLY when you lie about something, will it persist."

    And he would no doubt have added - because that is what he and
    his ardent followers practice:

"The MORE ATROCIOUSLY you lie about something, the better and longer
 it persists,"

    including of course atrociously lying "about himself and his
    abilities," and "about his intentions for Mankind" and "about
    his current work."


            Again: Studying the utterances of that individual,
            of l. ron hubbard

                - whom I would call (and that not entirely
                  without reason* - I would call him) the
                  "father of all Sociopaths" (and studying
                  him, thus) -

            would give a lot more insight in the Criminal Mind
            and into the mind (the soul, really) of ANY "Well-
            Adjusted" Sociopath in general.


Wholly their opposite

    - me being arguably the most Beautiful, most Loving and Caring,
      and the most Truthful and Intelligent spirit on Earth and well
      beyond -

 I do remain yours faithfully, etc., etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

                                       'Solomon's wisdom was greater
                                                  than the wisdom of
                                             all the men of the East,
                                                         and greater
                                        than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

                                                        1 Kings 4:30


(*)    'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)'
     (incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
     {HRO 20081017-V3.3}  [HRO]
      (17 October 2008 - Version 3.3 on 30 Sep 2012)


(**)    The lies of the Sociopath (of l. ron hubbard) are getting into
    a Sociopathic, manic 'overdrive'

    with two of his most Ugly and really inconceivably Malicious
    "statements of 'his truth'," quoted here below, to illustrate

        These atrocious and to them most basic lies of Scientology
        - about what they do and intend - form really a REVERSED
        STATEMENT of what is actually going on, with and in
        'Scientology' and l. ron hubbard.

        It is a REVERSAL, that is typical for all Sociopaths,
        that all Criminal Minds exhibit. It is ATROCIOUSLY LYING.

        Hold your breath, while I quote one of or the most
        horrible, debilitating lies coming from the mentioned
        individual, and which form "the basis of Scientology:"

    <quote begin>
    "The whole agonized future of this planet, every man, woman
     and child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless
     trillions of years, depend on what you do here and now with
     and in 'Scientology.'
     This is a deadly serious activity. And if we miss getting out
     of the [spiritual] trap now, we may never again have another
     Remember, this is our first chance to do so in all the endless
     trillions of years of the past. Don't muff it now because it
     seems unpleasant or unsocial to [enforce l. ron hubbard's, i.e.
     his Satanic and Totalitarian ideas and anti-social practices
     with insidious hiding and lying, on everyone on Earth]."


    "We will NOT speculate ... how I [that is l. ron .hubbard] 'came
     to rise above the "bank"'." [the 'bank' is explained below, and
     means 'any and all aberrations and irrationality']
    <quote end>

    l. ron hubbard - the most Criminal* spirit known to Earth and
     beyond - in his 'Own Universe,' in his 'Own Truth'

         - in which he simply 'postulates' anything to be "true"
           that it is 'postulated' with the Satanic, Total
           Certainty that typifies the Sociopath,

           and indeed, he claims in his own writing, that such
           "truth" when accompanied by creating the feeling of
           'Certainty,' "IS the truth" and IS "SENIOR TO DATA"

          (which is a Satanic concept and practice, that he offers
           in 'Scientology' as one of his many "Self-Evident
           Truths" or "Axioms," about life) -

     he "came to rise above" all aberrations, so he says of himself:

    'Scientology and Dianetics' (even though he did not apply it to
     himself at all, but "applying 'Scientology and Dianetics')

    "makes anyone sane and rational" and thus it was plausible for
     his followers to assume, that

    "he applied the 'Scientology and Dianetics' practices to himself
     and thereby he made himself wholly sane and wholly rational" or

        as he very FALSELY claims such to be realized by "erasing
        all reactive or stimulus-response behavior" - by means of
        a technique and a meter, that he stole from Volney
        Mathison. *(8)

        Aberrations are called by l. ron hubbard, 'the reactive
        "bank",' a reactive responding such as a stimulus-response
        reaction - a hypnotized piece of mind, he means, but he is
        very carefully omitting to explain to his followers, how
        hypnotism actually is inflicted and what the mechanism of
        it is - [DPFI]

            while he is DELIBERATELY OMITTING any person's
            VERY OWN INTENTIONS as well as one's CORE NATURE

                - very much in contrast to his OWN, to
                  l. ron hubbard's most repulsive and most
                  malicious core nature,*

                  harboring the most violent and the most
                  hateful intentions for Mankind -

        and 'the bank' is a concept in his basic book titled
        'Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health' (which
        is, like 'Scientology' too, "about Life and about the
        manipulation of people," as seen and as "understood" by
        the Criminal Mind, by the intelligent and "Well-Adjusted"
        Sociopath l. ron hubbard).

        And the Sociopath claims this 'about himself:'

    He (l. ron hubbard - the biggest Sociopath of all* - he) "came
    to rise 'above all aberrations' or, in his terminology, 'above
    the bank'."

        The above-quoted texts by him, are taken from the
        'Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter' or 'HCOPL,'
        titled 'Keeping Scientology Working' (1966) by l. ron

        All 'Scientologists' are required to know AND are forced
        to "understand" that piece of writing by him.

        And his followers, or "Scientology students," have to read
        it again and again, "till they understand it fully"

            - meaning, till they feel no disagreement anymore
              with it -

        by means of the persistent and diligent application of
        l. ron hubbard's very own

            'Scientology "STUDY TECH".'


(***)    'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
    {HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}  [ODE]
     (10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

(4)    book: 'Red Horizons' by Ion Mihai Pacepa (1987, USA)

    Also by Pacepa - further revealing the Russian-bred 'science of
    disinformation' to undermine the freedom of the West -

        (meaning, to undermine freedom ANYWHERE it exists,
         IN ORDER to be able to keep Sociopaths in charge of
         sovereign states, employing disinformation-techniques

         to create and maintain "pacifism," and "non-interference"
         in other countries - [DOP])

    book: 'Disinformation' by Ion Mihai Pacepa (2013, USA)
        (subtitle: 'Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for
         Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting

(5)    'Mao: The Unknown Story' by Jung Chang and ‎Jon Halliday
    - (various editions, London 2007, etc.)

(6)    book:    'The 900 Days: The Siege Of Leningrad'
    by Harrison E. Salisbury (1969, USA, and later editions)

(7)    Making truth "relative," as for instance in 'Non-Duality:' To
    HIDE Criminal Minds (Sociopaths) and to make these "equal to
    normal people," by pretending, or enforcing on you, that "you
    can not Perceive their nature." [ODE] (see (***)

(8)    'Main But Missing History Of 'Scientology:' The Grand Theft'
    {HRI note 20090121-V3.1}  [MHSGT]
     (21 Jan 2009 - Version 3.1 on 22 June 2009)



    (see also under 'Footnotes,' above)

[CSTC]    'Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths
     by easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' '
     {HRI 20120815-1-V4.2}  [CSTC]
      (15 August 2012 - Version 4.2 on 6 Sept 2012)

[ASRJS-S]'Short Summary of: 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually
    REPLACING Jesus Christ with Satan (Source of Evil)'
    (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ, Definition of Satan, and
    'Fuzzytheism') [ASRJS-S]
    with LINK to {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
     (6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[ASRJS]'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
    Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
    Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')'
    {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}  [ASRJS]
     (6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

[ASRJS-RU]'Удивительно: Сайентологи, фактически ЗАМЕНЯЮЩИЕ Иисуса
     Христа Сатаной (вкл. определение Иисуса Христа, определение
    {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1-RU-V1.0}  [ASRJS-RU]
     (20 April 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010
      - V6.1-RU-V1.0 published 20 Aug 2010)

[LEUMPM]'l. ron hubbard IS Extreme Ugliness and Hate - but
     hidden with a MASK, of pretending 'to be me' '
     {HRI 20130411-V2.1-t}  [LEUMPM]
      (11 April 2013 - Version 2.1-t on 16 Apr 2013)

[RDFDS]    'Hiding as 'Skeptics' and 'Atheists,' Sociopaths Destroy
      Society: Richard Dawkins Foundation for DESTROYING Reason and
      Science - "people have no legs" '
    {HRI 20120127-V4.3}  [RDFDS]
     (27 January 2012 - Version 4.3 on 19 Jul 2012)

[DOP]    'Natural Definition of Peace'
    (First workable Definition of Peace)
    {HRI 20070520-V3.9-t}  [DOP]
     (20 May 2007 - Version 3.9-t on 24 Dec 2011)
     (reposted with subject 'Natural Definition of Peace' on 20110811)
     'Definition of Peace'  (DOP)

[DPFI]    'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
    {HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1}  [DPFI]
     (3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
     (Version 4.2)
{FPP}    Fine Particle Physics

[YEI]'Your Educational Intelligence: "How come, neurons are mis-firing
    in your brain?" and "Why was Einstein immune to it?" plus "The
    After-shocks of the Big Bang"'
    {HRI 20130112-V1.0}  [YEI] (Version 1.0 is a draft version)
     (12 January 2013 - published on 17 Jan 2013)
https://docs.google.com/file/ ...
... d/0Bz-dkWr5HR36LXI5VW1qYmMxVkk/edit?usp=sharing&pli=1

[EDHP]    'Harmfully Altered Life Energy and its infliction on others -
     How Extreme Evil-doing is hidden and protected by the Sociopaths'
     {HRI 20130228-V1.0-t}  [EDHP]
      (28 February 2013 - published 3 March 2013)


Copyright 2013 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
 and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
 anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
 who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
 to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
 specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
 of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
 or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
 and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
 about any organizations or individuals.
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