[WG-HealthIDAssurance] Draft agenda for tomorrow, 1/20/22 at 2:00PM ET

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Tom (Thomas) Sullivan

Jan 19, 2022, 10:00:27 PM1/19/22
to Kantara WG HealthIDassurance

HIAWG participants,

As most of you know we are in the process of re-organizing our two Kantara workgroups led by Jim Kragh and myself.

Jim's group met on January 18th, and we will  review their discussion and our thoughts about "sunsetting" both workgroups Thursday at 2 PM ET on January 20th

We have a new URL "Zoom Room" assigned (below), to avoid our recent problems with another group meeting on Zoom, running late on Thursdays. 

Kantara Initiative is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Health Identity Assurance WG
Time: This is a recurring meeting, starting January 20, 2022, at 2 PM ET.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 929 3121 0695
Passcode: 526764

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Meeting ID: 929 3121 0695
Passcode: 526764
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aymQ5ozBV


  1.  We will discuss the proposed creation of a new group and charter comprising Jim's FIRE group and our Healthcare ID Assurance WG.  We will concentrate on implementation of our ideas proposed over our past history in each group. Among other topics re-aligning with the original NSTIC/IDESG principles, we will focus on secure mobile IDs and the attributes that would likely be necessary, particularly in the federation of Trusted Identities.  We will look at closer ties to other likeminded groups with similar goals in healthcare and borrow freely from the other giant, regulated industry - Banking and Finance - where appropriate.  I have attached four older documents as reminders of some of the work we did around Principles of Online Identity Design.  One of the documents dates back to the origin in 2010 of the NSTIC program.

  2. Any other relevant topics.
Please suggest any other topics, ASAP.



Thomas E Sullivan, MD
Chief Medical Strategic Officer

 DrFirst.com, Inc.

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NSTIC 2010 (2021_05_16 20_17_37 UTC TES).pdf
Copy of NSTIC and Healthcare ID design compared v6a (2021_05_16 20_17_37 UTC).xlsx
HIAWG - NSTIC Alignment matrix v6b Edited (2021_05_16 20_17_37 UTC) TES.docx
Identity Online Design Principles (2021_05_16 20_17_37 UTC) TES.docx
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