[WG-HealthIDAssurance] HIAWG Draft agenda for tomorrow 2/17/22 at 2 PM ET

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Tom (Thomas) Sullivan

Feb 16, 2022, 7:50:36 PM2/16/22
to Kantara WG HealthIDassurance
 on behalf of 
Tom (Thomas) Sullivan
Wed 2/2/2022 7:55 PM

Here is the draft agenda and attachment for tomorrow's call. Jim Kragh has been actively participating with his group and attended the Leadership Council call yesterday.

The attachment was presented to his group as the narrative from which we will create a new charter combining the expertise within both workgroups. 
Kantara Initiative is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Health Identity Assurance WG
Time: February 17, 2022, at 2 PM ET.

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Agenda:  Roll call and start recording

  1. Propose new items for today's agenda
  2. Jim Kragh will go over the attachment.
  3. Next meeting March 3, 2022 at 2 PM ET


Thomas E Sullivan, MD
Chief Medical Strategic Officer

 DrFirst.com, Inc.

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FIRE HIA WG rev 3 rev2 Feb 14 22 jk TS2.docx
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