Guth Venus / Brad Guth and the hot planet 2.02

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Oct 7, 2010, 10:01:36 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Attention all you supposedly smart K12s, plus anyone else that cares
to see for themselves what our government agencies and their cabal of
insiders would much rather you didn’t see or hear anything about:
Finding Waldo on Venus is actually a task that’s much easier said than
done, but otherwise finding a substantial tarmac/airfield plus
multiple other large scale items of infrastructure that looks
perfectly rational, is really easy unless you are blind and/or mindset
past the point of no return.

You can obviously do your own image enlargement thing, or try one of
these out for resizing/resampling this nifty GIF image format. The
original Magellan resolution was actually 75 meters/pixel, so you can
at the very least go for a 3X enlargement of the GIF 225 m/pixel
image, so as to not feel as though you’re breaking some weird rules of

This "IrfanView" image processing utility is somewhat like being
digital image potty trained, as well as having been 5th grader
approved and thus as good as any LeapFrog pop-up book can deliver.
Not that any number of equal or better digital image methods for
enlarging haven’t existed as is, but here's simply yet another old one
that has been perked up so that not even a 5th grader is necessary to
operate it. If you can click your mouse or one finger type on a
keyboard, that's pretty much all the image processing expertise you'll
ever need.

PhotoZoom Pro (mac and pc)

The original GIF image file:

If you’d care to first crop out and save the most interesting 10%
portion at 1:1, as I've so often instructed (gives roughly a raw 64 k
image file that’s still offering a 100% 1:1 clone of the original
without having all that surrounding image to deal with), whereas the
automated enlargement process runs a good ten fold faster, and perhaps
another ten fold faster yet if using XP instead of Windows 7 (but
that's not my fault). Either way, it’ll work like a charm at giving
you a better look-see that’s not so pixel blocky.

Of course Apple/MAC users are not without every bit as good or better
alternatives than PhotoZoom. However, this radar obtained image is
just offering a basic monochrome file of 651 k, of not all that many
pixels to begin with. So, a 10x enlargement is still going to be
relatively efficient and otherwise simplified, in that not even a 5th
grader is required, and because such software doesn’t care what image
context it is processing, there’s nothing weird or unexpected going to
happen unless you have a faith-based or some other dysfunctional
naysay mindset kind of problem.

Virtually all digital cameras and photo printers of any significance
come packaged with a basic photo zoom resizing/enlarging software
along with their automatic zoom filtering utility for delivering
sufficient image enlargement results that do not modify or otherwise
skew the original image data. Commercially or via government agencies
should have far better zoom/enlarge or image resampling results that
are certainly available to those with either the necessary loot or
having their inside connections for using such.

Start looking for our Venusian Waldo or whatever else looks unusually
of local intelligence somewhere near that large and complex tarmac, or
perhaps he/she is over near that large clover shaped reservoir that’s
clearly connected to that other reservoir, or how about near the
natural fluid arch if not around that impressive bridge or just nearby
any number of other large scale infrastructure (including those very
rectangular rock quarry sites situated just north of that bridge).
There’s at least 5 gold stars plus a million other points to go along
with your name, as well be given full credits for finding Waldo. (K12
team/class efforts are allowed, because there’s lots of
observationology credit to go around)

Do your own image enlargements and post a link, or pretend that you
care by doing absolutely nothing other than asking questions or simply
passing the message along to a friend.

Btw; if our Eden/Earth can be visited or at least remote probed by
ETs of some advanced capability to that of ours, including as of
decades ago, then where's the insurmountable problem with their
obvious expertise accomplishing a full scale logistics base of
operations on the planet Venus?
As of lately, there's also recent Tucson UFOs that are either getting
extremely bold or their stealth aspects are malfunctioning.

Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:31:40 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Venus facts and what-ifs; or perhaps it’s still mostly a top secret
don’t ask and don’t tell kind of unmentionable situation, all because
the voodoo/taboo forbidden planet Venus is in fact acting as though
extremely proto-Earth like, except that it’s a whole lot more complex
as having layers upon layers of a highly composite and even reactive
atmosphere that’s entirely different than anything you can imagine.
Besides all of the usual mainstream published data and eyecandy that
we are always supposed to accept without doubts, fears or remorse,
whereas it seems there’s a few other deductive science interpretations
that might not be quite so downright discouraging or suggesting that
Venus is so technically insurmountable as you might care to think,
because otherwise it’s especially doable to anyone having mastered
basic space travel (such as our NASA and those of their kind having
the right stuff), so I guess that’s why this automatically excludes
the vast majority of us that apparently do not have “the right stuff”.

The interpretation by some as suggesting <1% of those total
atmospheric gases by volumetric density and subsequent terrific mass,
as hosting heavy or acidic water is actually a fairly impressive
notion, whereas even 0.1% of that being pure h2o would represent a
serious amount considering that its atmospheric mass of nearly 5e20 kg
is simply so much greater than Earth’s, especially impressive since
the Venus gravity is 10% less than ours. However, the officially
reported scale height of that Venus atmosphere is specified as only 16
km, whereas this odd and clearly outdated method represents how our
mainstream science manages to exclude whatever evidence and to
otherwise obfuscate by way of their mainstream science using only
whatever selected data falls within that first 16 km, thereby suites
their motives and hidden agenda of their intentionally not looking for
factoids or clues of any life, much less intelligence.

Within this initial scale height of 16 km it is in fact relatively hot
and seemingly crystal dry, though it’s something more comparable to
that of a pressure cooker and/or that of dry steam, and thereby
offering a mostly rocky surface without sufficient h2o laying around
or much less falling out of that sky (outside of seeing whatever
geothermal vapors that are always headed up into those cool clouds),
and therefore without liquid water it’s all pretty much chemically an
inert surface as well as reactively passive, even though there’s also
a great amount of raw S8 vapor along with mostly co2 and always
saturated by some of that unavoidable h2o that’s migrating its way up
(the thermodynamic physics norm of heat seeking cold) forming those
acidic clouds. Even using the second scale height that should take us
up to 24 km is still a relatively hot and dry environment because the
local pressure is still keeping it that way. However, this rather odd
method of using scale height doesn’t seem to work as well as intended,
as for supposedly giving us a good enough picture to work with is
instead offing us a dysfunctional kind of useless science that’s
intentionally misleading.

“atmosphere of Venus are considerably dryer than corresponding
regions on Earth. The water content of the atmosphere is within the
realm of 0.1 to 1 per cent of the total atmospheric gases by volume”.
That 1% of a 115 km atmosphere that has primarily saturated its water
vapor within them thick clouds, above which includes a mist/fog layer
and then we have the upper O2 layer. By using that of the given
atmospheric mass of nearly 5e20 kg represents our water content is
potentially worth something near 5e18 kg of pure h2o (5e3 teratonnes
of mostly water vapor and droplets that never get much below 30 km).
However, even by taking the lower base estimate of 0.1% is still an
amount worth 500 teratonnes of rather easily accessible water that’s
being continually replenished from within that newish acting planet.

*** BTW; in order to add further confusion as investigative insult to
injury, the scale height (15.9 km) that’s used by NASA and by so many
others is roughly the lower 15% portion that’s supposedly worth half
the volumetric pressure, as representing one atmospheric scale height
that obviously excludes that interesting S8 layer and all the vast
bulk of those acidic wet clouds. Therefore, perhaps the actual total
volumetric mass of the Venus atmosphere is more than likely worth
hosting a lot more water than we’ve been systematically informed by
our peers, especially since the lower portion is so hot and nicely <67
kg/m3 buoyant, with so much of what’s above that first scale height
containing all of that acidic water vapor as always 100% cloudy and
otherwise reasonably cool (downright icy and even cryogenic by night
according to those ESA data reports). In other words, the upper
atmospheric layers or second, third, fourth and so on scale heights
are all being nicely floated on top of that extremely buoyant and
geothermally heated first atmospheric height, and so forth as we go
all the way up.

*** Using airships of unlimited mass is like placing a vast fleet of
million tonne battleships in the ocean which does not increase the
pressure below, whereas instead it just displaces atmosphere and makes
that big atmospheric pond a little larger and ever so slightly/
immeasurably deeper. In the case of Venus, there’s really no upper
limits of airship volume and terrific displacement for accommodating
whatever payload capability, and outside of the usual physics of gas
or vapor density, thermodynamics and specific gravity as to how much
larger and deeper or rather higher that atmospheric ocean can get
before the solar winds can manage to blow any of it away seems to be
in the realm of 100+ km, and of course the geothermally heated planet
itself has been doing a perfectly fine job of creating replacement
atmosphere on the fly, so to speak

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

The surface environment of Venus isn’t exactly the kind of
insurmountable hot and nasty hellhole that some might care think it is
(unless you’re sitting on a geothermal vet or something spitting out
lava), and it’s certainly not anything that’s fooling anyone as
geologically dead or dormant like what we’ve been told over and over
by those in charge of our mainstream science and their public media
infomercial mindset, that’s fully moderated and enforced by those few
in charge of whatever gets officially published and otherwise hyped
(including published in K12 textbooks), insisting that Venus is
supposedly every but as old as Earth and every other planet and moon,
as well as insisting that capture is not an oprion. However, the
Venus nighttime season at an altitude of 65<90+ km also isn’t always
so cryogenic, as apparently there are a number of thermodynamic
ribbons or jet stream like up-flows and cross-flows from that
relatively extreme tropical atmospheric environment below. I believe
the following report has merely failed to properly post their “30 to
70 C” as otherwise it should have been correctly stated as being –30
to –70 C, but none the less that’s still downright toasty compared to
the usual –120 C that’s available.

“The Unexpected Temperature Profile Of Venus's Atmosphere”
The only problem being with some of this graphic applied eye-candy
analogy is that in reality so very little solar energy actually
reaches onto the lower (below cloud) atmosphere and directly touches
or interacts with that geothermally heated surface. Perhaps all of
0.5% or 13 w/m2 gets all the way to the surface, which certainly adds
to the 20.5 w/m2 that’s continually radiating from the planet.

“Jean-Loup Bertaux, Service d'Aeronomie du CNRS, France, Ann-Carine
Vandaele, Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique, and colleagues
have now used Venus Express to discover an unexpectedly warm layer of
air on the planet's night-side. It sits between the altitudes of
90-120 km, a region that is generally so cold at night that scientists
often refer to it as Venus's cryosphere. The new measurements show
that the temperature excess ranges from 30 to 70C and peaks at an
altitude of 100 km.” (their graphic depicted scales are correct, by
showing everything above 60 km as -C, however it’s unlikely their
reporting error in their published context will ever be corrected
before getting extensively republished in public science journals and
textbooks), Venus - night-time temperatures in the atmosphere

This following ESA image/graphic of the Venus day/night thermal
profiles should be a little more intriguing to those few of us
interested in the future prospects of our eventually accomplishing
Venus, without getting our initial composite rigid airship probes
unnecessarily fried in the process.

Unfortunately, our future aerial/rigid-airship sustained expedition
cruising altitude may have to be flown below 35 km by day (possibly
below 25 km within the season of nighttime) in order to remain as
fully in the clear of that acidic haze or fog layer, thereby it’ll be
much hotter outside our air-conditioned composite rigid airship in
order to always avoid the bulk of that lower acidic vapor (not that
such warm acid is any technological problem for modern engineered
materials and systems), and as otherwise necessary for escaping the
bulk of those pesky retrograde winds. However, along with having a
positive/constructive mindset, one can do absolute wonders within the
regular laws of physics, especially when using the best available
science, technology and deductive thinking along the way.

In other words, there’s really nothing straight forward and simple or
much less properly understood about the Venus atmosphere, but at least
there’s absolutely no question of where the vast bulk of all that
Venus heat is coming from, and it’s most certainly not by way of the
sun and atmospheric greenhouse that’s merely contributing to a
seriously nasty geothermal driven environment. In other words, if
the sun were to snuff out, the planet Venus would still offer a
reasonably toasty warm planet that would become only somewhat cooler,
and perhaps not even cool enough to allow surface ice to form, and if
anything that robust atmosphere would become even thicker and more
dense to boot as it cools off.

Unfortunately, it’s even those folks of ESA that mixes up their Kelvin
and Centigrade back and forth and leaves off their minus thermal
notation as though it really doesn’t matter because they don’t want
others to realize what the planet Venus has such cold atmospheric
environments to offer, thereby no wonder we have to see those
published errors and misconceptions in their science context that’ll
apparently get to stick with us no matters what.

With the JAXA Planet-C mission on their way and hopefully lots more
yet to come from the final year of ESA's Venus EXPRESS team, of their
investigative wizards offering updates and corrections will eventually
materialize. Just don’t hold your breath, because these things from
ESA always take a great deal of time (such as until previous science
investigators and perhaps their next generation manage to die, or hell
freezes over).

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”


Oct 7, 2010, 10:33:28 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
I’ve asked of our resident all-knowing wizards to tell us how that
relatively large and complex tarmac or whatever you'd care to call
that kind of unusually flat and otherwise rationally geometric shaped
surface got there, and/or otherwise to tell the rest of us village
idiots how the heck nature (purely via local geology and environmental
causes) managed to create such a significantly flat surface over such
a great distance, and with such a rational plan-view layout that’s so
gosh darn landing-strip functional and/or community airfield like, as
well as situated within that otherwise extremely rugged Venus mountain
range, that’s somehow unlike all known mountain ranges which offer
nothing remotely flat for any significant horizontal distance, as this
one clearly implies.

Of course there's a good dozen other nearby and most likely associated
items offering a seemingly rational intelligent kind of community
infrastructure to go along with that Venusian landing surface, that
which mother nature or whatever geology on steroids simply can not
manage to produce, at least not in such an unusually rational
infrastructure kind of logical community layout as to be found
anywhere here on Earth, yet none the less seems to exist plain as day
or night on Venus (radar imaging and the composite image of 36
confirming looks/scans per pixel simply doesn’t care about the visual
spectrum). But then our resident naysayers had asked for just one
specific item that I’d interpreted as being ET or Venusian Waldo
worthy, so I offered to focus on that Venusian airfield/tarmac that
supposedly shouldn’t be there..

Of course our resident wizards of Oz among others helpers, has never
actually accomplished any kind of original photographic deductive
observationology, much less having directly enlarged or PhotoShop
resampled any kind of digital image in their entire faith-based lives,
and as such are entirely incapable of demonstrating any proficiency
level of such observation expertise. In other words, it’s called
being a diehard hypocrite and even a bonafide liar, which is
apparently admired and rewarded by others of their own kind.

As for others reading this topic should try to remember and keep in
perspective, that without local energy it’s nearly impossible for even
highly intelligent other life like us humans to exist/coexist on some
other planet or moon. The planet Venus is however saturated in
surplus energy, and by rights it should have all the same minerals and
raw elements as found here on Earth (except a whole lot easier to come
by). Also keep in mind that I’m not suggesting the planet Venus has
been swarming with intelligent other life, or as having been
accommodating those of any ET status that are advanced enough for
interstellar or even interplanetary travels, although there seems to
be some deductive indications of that possibility being the case.

Magellan thumbnail images, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)

Use most any version of PhotoZoom, PhotoCleaner, Imagener, Adobe
PhotoShop or even an old version of Corel PaintShop is good enough.
You can either work the entire image file at whatever increased/
resampled resolution, or perhaps it's best to crop out 10% of the
following GIF file (cropping out 64 kb of this small portion from
roughly up a third and center) and either convert it to monochrome
(image mode>grayscale) GIF or JPG, and/or save this 1:1 portion as is
in the fully uncompressed (maximum uncompressed file) JPG format.
Your version of PhotoShop may not offer the necessary filers in the
original GIF color format (no problem because there really is no color/
hue involved with radar imaging anyway), so merely drop/exclude the
GIF color attribute and you're perfectly good to go for serious
resample/enlarging (3x < 5x is more than good enough) of this
following GIF image link.

Try to remember that I can always accomplish all of this digital image
enlarging and the appropriate enlarged image filtering for you, but
this should have more truth-worthy impact and subsequent value if you
at least accomplish this basic enlargement process yourself. Remember
that the original GIF image is 225 m/pixel and thus offers us 36
averaged confirming radar looks per pixel to start with, making each
and every monochrome pixel extremely truth-worthy.

The good news is, by way of digital enlarging/resampling and running
the results through a couple of well documented and fully reversible
photographic filters (image sharpening) can’t really add or subtract
anything that isn’t already there to begin with. However, as with
most anything there are realistic limitations as to how much
magnification or zoom-in enlargement resampling and sharpening is
doable. I have found with my versions of such digital photographic
software the upper limit of 8X is about as good as it gets, not that
other newer and better versions couldn’t get away with pushing 10X.
In most trial and error instances, I’ve noticed that 6X is even close
to the practical results that amateurs (5th graders with their little
green laptops) can master without forcing unnecessary blooming or loss
of detail, because no actual detail is ever artificially added anyway
unless the software operator is intent upon showing off by doing such
manually, or by actually adding or subtracting pixels in order to suit
the ulterior motives or ruse of whatever that operator thinks is funny
or weird.

Using a conservative 5X enlargement/resampling gets us to down to
roughly 45 meters/pixel, of which isn’t all that much greater
magnification than the original Magellan radar format of 75 meters/
pixel that was utilized for creating the 225 meter/pixel GIF composite
of 36 confirming looks per pixel that we’re using as our original to
start this observationology process of deductive image interpreting.
Of course anyone in perpetual denial or forever stuck in their
mainstream failsafe naysay/obfuscation mode of excluding whatever is
upsetting to their mindset, that’s usually faith-based and/or job
security w/benefits at risk motivated, will never accept any positive
or constructive results no matter what, because in their
interpretation all planets or places outside of Eden/Earth are purely
offering inert eyecandy regardless of the best available science or
laws of physics suggesting otherwise.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

A little something on behalf of Venus oxygen (O2), and what’s
otherwise so geothermal about such a newish kind of planetology
surface environment, whereas I’ve added a little basic search
information that even a dysfunctional preschool child could probably
accomplish on their little green $100 or free laptop.

Planet C (Venus 2.0) would likely represent a tough crowd for a naked
stand up comedian, although it’s not actually a technically
insurmountable venue unless you had a purely mainstream status-quo
mindset of perpetual denial and otherwise of naysay and evidence
exclusion (scientific obfuscation form of their taking the fifth
whenever there’s any possible revision is in sight). I mean there’s
certainly a naked goldilocks zone that’s somewhat limited, and then
there’s also the fully clothed and intelligently outfitted goldilocks
zone that’s greatly extended.

Try a LeapFrog Search: Venus oxygen or Venus volcanoes, and you’ll get
lost of interesting stuff, including bondage and other nudity. Even
ETs remotely looking at Earth might be surprised to actually find
intelligent life.
Venus Express Searches For Life On Earth
“We see water and molecular oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere, but Venus
also shows these signatures.”

Venus Express: Zoom-in on Venus’ oxygen airglow.

“The X-rays from Venus are produced by fluorescent radiation from
oxygen and other atoms in the atmosphere between 120 and 140
kilometers above the surface of the planet.”
“Despite the low concentration of water on Venus, so fetch and
colleagues found that the day side of the planet loses water molecules
2e24 hydrogen nuclei (one of the two atoms of H2O ) per second.”

The solar wind that creates an electrostatic kind of artificial
magnetosphere, is also most likely capable of extracting at the very
least 4e27 hydrogen nuclei/sec, plus another 2e27 oxygen nuclei/sec
along with some as yet unspecified amounts of helium and a few other
low mass elements that simply have to go along with that windy solar
charged ride, so to speak. I’ll even go so far as to suggest an all-
inclusive average atmospheric loss via solar wind at 5<10 kg/sec,
which means that toasty surface could easily be venting <1e9 kg/year
(plus unspecified solids).

“The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen losses is around 2 (i.e. almost
stoichometric) indicating the ongoing loss of water.”

"We can keep the water escape from the night side of Venus. But the
question remains: How much of this water is in the past have lost
because of this phenomenon?" Says Stas Barabash, the Swedish Institute
of Space Physics in Kiruna and Principal Investigator (PI) of ASPERA's
observation that worked on the night side of Venus.”
“These results from Venus Express demonstrate that the heavier water
containing deuterium has not been able to escape Venus’s gravity as
easily as normal H2O. This enrichment of heavy water provides strong
evidence that water loss is occurring in the upper atmosphere and that
Venus was probably more humid and Earth-like in the distant past,”
said Dr Emmanuel Marcq of the LATMOS laboratory in France.”

The free h2o within the lower atmosphere that isn’t directly locked up
as thick clouds or haze of sulphuric acid is only worth 25<50 ppm as
situated just below that lower cloud layer of haze or fog. However,
that volume and subsequent tonnage of acidic water vapor still isn’t
exactly insignificant when you consider that it’s being continually
replenished. Of course sulphuric and carbonic acids can always be
easily enough vacuum distilled in order to separate and extract the
h2o portion.

Btw; at 94 bar, how much O2 does one really need? (I bet it’s less
than 1%)

Carbon dioxide (co2) is soluble in water = H2CO3 (carbonic acid), and
if there’s water vapor (even if it’s hot and highly acidic), by rights
shouldn’t there be oxygen, as well as h2 and even h2o2?

The published topics of old and new research goes on and on, though
probably not offered in any sufficient LeapFrog popup eye-candy format
for the mentally disadvantaged or otherwise in braille format for the
sight impaired likes of our resident rusemasters and countless others
suffering from a genetic disorder of incurable blindness caused by
denial and perpetual nayism. I believe the Venus O2 science goes way
back nearly a couple of decades, as credited to those having used
narrow bandpass optical filters, but having never got anything
mainstream published until more recently. Even though this Venus O2
layer is situated well above those acidic clouds, at least this means
that it’s the element of oxygen that is emerging from the planet to
start off with. Btw, not to discount those robust and fairly acidic
clouds that would easily provide 500 teratonnes of pure h2o, as well
as subsequently offering nearly unlimited amounts of o2, h2 and of all
things nifty would have to include their making of h2o2. Any good 5th
grade science class effort would likely prove sufficient for this kind
of a science project, because observationology is not faith-based nor
is it politically correct, it’s just pure science w/o strings or
conditional physics attached.
“There are some 55,000 volcanoes larger than 1 km across identified
on Venus, spread over 646 volcano fields.”
“Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet in the solar
system.” Over 1600 major volcanoes or volcanic features are known
(see map), and there are so many other smaller volcanoes. (“No one has
yet counted them all, but the total number may be over 100,000 or even
over 1,000,000”).
Geothermal CO2+S8 gas vents, as interpreted within “An Alternate View
of Venus” by John Ackerman, and by rights this interpretation alone
should have given enough cause to those interested in learning the
truth. Would any of you folks like to review and offer your best swag
(scientific wild ass guess) as to my Guth Venus "fluid arch", or is
this perfectly natural geological item still too closely associated
with my Guth Venus township or ET outpost of all those fairly large
and complex looking structures and their major tarmac, as situated
within their perfectly rational community that’s clearly observable to
those few of us that might actually care to look?

I’ll try to have a little more to share about this nighttime
temperature, as the extremely need-to-know or nondisclosure voodoo
science that’s public funded and so often delayed and encrypted or
none-disclosure rated eventually leaks its way out of their mainstream
cabal of perpetual denials, evidence exclusions and carefully
orchestrated deceptions, not that I don’t trust our government to
always do the right thing at least once in a while However, as you
can readily see by the sorts of topic/author stalking and systematic
bashings taking place (extensively in alt.astronomy), so it’s still
not easy being green or honest.

In the mean time, would any of you folks care to review and offer your
best swag as to what sort of weird geology is creating my Guth Venus
"fluid arch", or is this seemingly natural item still too closely
associated with the Guth Venus township or whatever ET outpost having
all those fairly large and complex structures along with that fairly
major and complex shaped tarmac, as an intelligent infrastructure
situated within a fairly mountainous terrain, yet offering a perfectly
rational looking community.

At least the relatively inexpensive JAXA Planet-C mission is off to a
good start, so in the very near future there is going to be more
science and a subsequent better understanding as to that composite
atmosphere and its thermodynamics that’s mostly geology thermodynamic
driven. Our DARPA and NASA has actually had SAR imaging capability of
meter resolution, but apparently there's still no motivation for
utilizing our existing bought and paid for technology on exploring the
planet Venus, so for the moment we simply have to continue doing
without better resolution because supposedly they have other more
important things to be doing with our hard earned loot, rather than
wasted on surveying whatever those visiting ETs or local inhabitants
of Venus have been doing in plain sight.
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:33:51 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Though intelligent other life that has likely existed and may even
still exist/coexist on the nearest planet (Venus), none the less, for
many of us it remains as a rather taboo/nondisclosure rated planet, as
forbidden by our NASA and their devout army of brown-nosed minions
that are mostly public funded and allowed to practice their usual
mainstream status-quo voodoo on us. None the less again, you and
others can still see for yourself as to what is so unexpected.

"Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1"

Thumbnail images, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)

If you simply can’t manage to do the most basic zoom-in, image crop
and if need be turning off or excluding the color format because there
is no actual color within any SAR obtained image to begin with, much
less doing the most basic PhotoShop or whatever digital enlargements w/
(unsharp mask) and other suitable filters, don’t bother to worry
yourself because, it seems 99.9% of Usenet contributors still can’t
tie their own shoelaces or much less perform the most basic digital
photographic tasks either. If need be, I'll gladly provide those
fresh digital enlargements that can always be peer replicated to
whatever extent makes you a happy camper.

Many here in Usenet/newsgroups have obviously gotten themselves caught
with their mainstream status quo pants all the way down and even
having broke wind with their usual intellectual failsafe spew of
scientific bigotry that’s showing us its ugly closed mindset of
perpetual naysay, denial and policy of evidence exclusion (aka
obfuscation). Though in spite of such an apparent lack of perfectly
deductive common sense based knowledge and logical observationology
interpretations, along with their usual obfuscation and seeming
inability to accomplish a basic web search for much of anything
without benefit of their LeapFrog and faith-based filtered browser
that’s also kept tightly filtered as politically correct, how about
the rest of us start sharing a positive/constructive technological and
what-if applied thought or two, such as on behalf of our deductively
considering intelligent ETs (meaning us humans if you like)
accomplishing Venus, perhaps even towards sharing a little something
like our William Mook (aka willie.moo) recently contributed within
another topic “Is it this easy to live on Earth?” that’s closely
related to intelligent life surviving on Venus.

Atmospheric diatoms or simply flighty microbes and spores from Venus,
are not exactly impossible.

Every 19 months our world tends to receive another panspermia surprise
or two, therefore a discovery of Venus atmospheric microbes, spores or
diatoms would certainly be nice to confirm, however, you really do not
require surface and/or any upper atmosphere accommodated realm of
diatoms, or for that matter any viable microbes or spores of complex
local DNA for a given other planet or moon environment to accommodate
intelligent other life, even if it’s only as marginally intelligent
and/or as totally snookered and dumbfounded past the point of no
return, plus so often colorblind and in denial as many humans have

Supposedly our physically dark moon that’s supposedly naked to the
tune of the 3e-15 bar, that represents a lunar environment continually
surrounded by a highly charged atmosphere of hot sodium and a few
other lofty elements, plus most everything else about our moon/Selene
being highly electrostatic charged and otherwise fully reactive as
that perfectly raw exposed surface of complex mineral density actually
is, of which by day or night is also saturated in cosmic plus local
recoil gamma, and otherwise by day getting its IR roasted surface
extra saturated in those solar soft to hard X-rays, plus always
receiving loads of CME plasma and thereby representing itself as every
bit as bad environment if not at times somewhat worse off than any
nasty portion of what our Van Allan magnetosphere badlands has to
offer. Yet in spite of such daunting negative and potentially lethal
odds, it supposedly had intelligent life walking and driving about on
its nicely clumping and monochromatic dust covered surface (namely by
Apollo astronauts that supposedly had all “the right stuff” but
shortly afterwards having lost track of most everything that we paid
dearly for), as though it was exactly like a certain terrestrial
monochromatic guano island that was reacting as though entirely inert/
passive, extensively offering an albedo of 0.65 < 0.75 as though it
were merely a xenon arc-lamp spectrum of UV deficient illumination and
otherwise that of a relatively UV inert surroundings (meaning that
nothing natural or artificial gave off any of those expected secondary/
recoil photons that their unfiltered Kodak film by rights should have

What this proves to some of us is that apparently those regular laws
of physics do not necessarily apply to off-world applications. So,
exactly how technically hard or otherwise insurmountable could Venus
really be, especially if the regular laws of physics do not have to
apply, as they obviously didn’t apply on behalf of those having “the
right stuff” that supposedly accomplished our Selene/moon without
their having traumatized hardly a single frail strand of their DNA, or
having spoiled any square mm of all that unfiltered and not even not
all that well shielded Kodak film (I mean, isn’t that the best ever
dumb beginners luck, or what).
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:34:35 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Just because you and most others can not breath underwater, much less
in a vacuum, or as packed deep underground or otherwise survive where
it’s always too cold, too dry, too wet or of having too little
atmospheric pressure or simply where it’s too hot and too much
pressure doesn’t mean that all other complex forms of evolution and
even intelligent life can not manage, especially if whatever local or
imported intelligence applied physics and the necessary technology
plus their having established good logistics in the form of an outpost
or encampment.

Try real hard to listen up folks;
ETs that are likely smarter than your average 5th grader most likely
do exist, because the odds against other complex and even superior
intelligent life not existing/coexisting somewhere off-world is simply
too great, and otherwise with newer and better astronomy plus mission
probes are making those pro-ET odds as having been looking better all
the time, as well as there’s every good enough reason(s) to believe
that some species of complex life as ETs to us have already been here
and/or at least nearby all along, while others have merely come and
gone as of thousands or millions of years ago, as well as there being
something intelligent as having been recently utilizing the planet
Venus for all it’s worth. This is not to say that such ETs are
necessarily somehow above or beyond the regular laws of physics or
having extremely advanced biological capabilities all that exceed
those of ours. However, their having space travel capability of <0.1c
seems perfectly reasonable enough, and perhaps even as great as <0.5c
for accommodating those robotic probes or transponders accomplishing
extended interstellar probe treks may also have been technically
doable, but I’d say that’s about it for galactic trekking locals that
have established their base of operations on the planet Venus.

Since the human species has supposedly only existed on Earth as of the
last few million years (disregarding Ed Conrad’s “man of coal”), and
only having been seriously intelligent about it as of the last few
thousand, means that even from a relatively newish planet that had
been associated with a star as having only materialized as of 260 some
odd million years ago would have to be considered as good enough.
Obviously rogue planets and those w/moon(s) have to exist, because
it’s said that 6% of all them stars are white dwarfs, and there’s no
possible way that any solar system that has its sun burn through so
much mass that it becomes a white dwarf, as such can’t possibly hold
onto its surviving planets. That’s <30e9 stars as having become white
dwarfs, and if only 10% of those had any planets is still worth at
least 1e10 rogue planets looking for a new home.

If it were not for the substantial SEC fiasco(s) plus multiple other
related failures world wide (as of before, during and after as though
nothing has changed for the better), plus 9/11 and the subsequent
global spendy wars and increased security because of only a few other
humans (mostly disgruntled Muslims) that we have always taken
advantage of and then trying to get rid of before they manage to
return the favor, whereas instead we’d be all set up on remote off-
world places like our moon and Mars, as well as having those zero
delta-V outpost/gateways and most likely having the capability of
accomplishing Venus by now. Instead we got less than zilch, plus
we’re deeply in debt to nations we supposedly don’t like and still at
odds with many other nations that we really can’t afford to do
anything positive/constructive about.

Even at the ET maximum trek velocity of 0.1c, the local interstellar
distances involved are often staggering, not to mention intergalactic
stuff that’s highly unlikely unless riding on or within a rogue planet
or moon of a sufficiently large planet, because otherwise with only a
few blue-shifted expectations most other naked goldilocks zones of
worthy exoplanets and their moons that exist outside of our local
galaxy realm have been getting further away (with the exception of
those trillion some odd stars of Andromeda that we’re closing that gap
at 300+ km/sec), a nearby galaxy that’s every bit as likely populated
if not a whole lot not more so goldilocks worthy seems rather likely
to host other intelligent life, thereby we have an entire galaxy
that’s mutually in blue-shift with us and most likely has them ETs
scared to death, that they might eventually run into a heathen/infidel
planet like Eden/Earth that’s forever stuck in a dysfunctional faith-
based voodoo mode.

However, within the near future it seems we’re also headed back
towards the local Sirius star/solar system. In the not so distant
past of perhaps only a few hundred million years ago (>260e6), it
seems at least part of a smaller galaxy had gradually merged or
encountered our Milky Way, as having contributed all sorts of stellar
companions along with contributing and causing loads of rogue stuff,
plus offering a few of those terrific molecular/nebula clouds that
gave birth to the likes of our impressive and nearby Sirius star/solar
system that we’re closing in on and could conceivably get within a
light year of.

In the greater interpretation of all this, I certainly would not
intentionally exclude other evolutionary methods of ETs morphing and
achieving an equal or better level of physiological expertise within
their own intelligent design efforts, of creating custom DNA/RNA on
behalf of refining their own complex forms of life (exactly as
Monsanto and many others have been secretly doing all along),
including a few highly specialized and intelligent forms as something
equal or better than our human species that would have also developed
and incorporated sufficient technology in order to better accomplish
and extend their survival, especially on behalf of surviving upon
other planets or moons as having extremes and/or whatever lack or
excess in local and renewable energy to work with, or simply using
their technology on behalf of whatever environments believed too harsh/
extreme for their naked species.

For this deductive analogy of planetary energy usage, you simply have
to rethink with an open mindset as to the all-inclusive energy cycle,
of which the extremely nearby planet Venus seems to have far more than
its fair share of raw and renewable energy to work with, and with
having such local energy is why almost anything becomes doable.

Compared to the mostly CO2 icy and seemingly much older and
geologically defunct planet of Mars, Venus by rights should offer at
least a good million fold better treasure-trove of raw elements and
usable energy per cubic meter of its own active geothermal and
atmospheric forms to draw upon, as well as in many ways more than a
hundred fold better off than anything Eden/Earth has to offer. Trying
to suggest otherwise is simply proof positive of the orchestrated
intent and naysay mindset imposed by those in control of our
dysfunctional K12 education and mainstream media, as well as cloaked
those of our Google Groups (aka Usenet/newsgroups) that systematically
topic/author stalk, as these brown-nose clowns of their mainstream
status quo minions always attempt to banish or disqualify outsiders,
as well as otherwise they systematically obfuscate, as always meant to
exclude whatever deductive observationology as well as to continually
banish or exclude the planetology of any real physics and the best
available science that just so happens to rock their faith-based and/
or politically correct boat.

If you don’t think I’m sufficiently correct, please feel free to prove

Those of you as perhaps not quite 5th graders, and/or if otherwise
still having trouble locating or accessing the unmoderated portions of
these public Usenet/newsgroups (such as "alt.astronomy"), as such may
have to get connected to an outside server that's not having been
stealth moderated or filtered to death by those in charge of your

Deductive observational science isn't for everyone, much the same as
logical dot connecting of mostly public funded evidence isn't for
everyone because most folks want to be told what to believe. The
Magellan SAR image that I'm working from is exactly what it is, and if
you'd care to think perfectly natural hot rock should look exactly
like a fairly substantial and complex tarmac, alongside a complex and
rational community plan of substantial structures, along with having
multiple nearby reservoirs, that bridge and its nearby rock quarry
sites, plus whatever else seems perfectly rigid airship worthy, than
so be it because I certainly can’t do everything for you.
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:35:23 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Believe it or not; It seems that our government as a whole, and that
must include dozens of public-funded agencies and special interest
groups, many of those having stealth/mystery black ops running rogue
at most any time, whereas it seems that it doesn't always tell us the
whole truth and nothing but the truth, whereas instead we have all
been to some formal and informal extent systematically mainstream
snookered, indoctrinated and/or manipulated by our beloved peers as to
what supposedly makes everything tick, including about that extremely
nearby planet Venus that has made itself so unusually hot and nasty.
But oddly we’ve not been informed of all the alternatives or having
been given access to the remainders of what should have also been
considered and realized about this nearest planet, that’s also by far
the most similar to early Earth.

To start with, most of you have little or no technical expertise (much
less first hand) or any other educated idea as to what a radar
obtained (SAR) image represents, much less capable of interpreting as
anything but yet another one of NASA’s colorblind examples where the
best of us can’t possibly interpret a diamond from a chunk of coal,
gold from whatever’s mud or most any other surface visible element
color/hue from any other. In fact minerals or deposits of most any
sort simply can not be deductively extrapolated from looking at a
conventional monochrome image (especially where the lighting and
shadows are always such variables), whereas a radar obtained image you
can at least interpret the surface density and/or the likely composite
substance that’s represented by each pixel, which in the case of Venus
can be offered to us as a monochrome GIF pixel of 36 confirming looks
or scans, which provides by far the least distorted as well as the
most trustworthy and thus truthworthy values for any given resolution.

Unfortunately, here in Google Groups and throughout Usenet/newsgroups
are mostly public-funded clowns as our brown-nosed peers, offering
only a gauntlet of what their faith-based and politically correct
parrots (including the most devout Semites cloaked as pretend-
Atheists) care to interpret, as well as we always have the usual
secondary gauntlet of their brown-nosed minions as civilian parrots,
clowns and special interest cabals of insiders looking for intelligent
other life or essentially any form of other life in pretty much all
the wrong places, as though only the most wet Eden like planets that
are naked goldilocks approved and extremely far away should ever
qualify. As of lately these devout mainstream parrots and their
fellowship of minions, spooks and moles seem to like promoting their
most distant inert eyecandy best of all, and the further away from us
the better, because that's not representing or imposing any social/
political or faith-based threats to their mainstream past, present or
future mindset of tactical obfuscation that so often has to resort to
topic/author stalking and posting their replies as mostly limited to a
few Google Usenet newsgroups, systematically bashing away as though
alt.astronomy and many other public unmoderated newsgroups shouldn’t
have existed in the first place.

Imagine if an exoplanet exactly like Venus were just discovered, and
then to further consider what biological evolution possibilities
should exist, such as knowing something of how complex robust life can
manage to evolve and/or adapt to extreme environments that would
otherwise kill off a typical human species within seconds if not
sooner, and yet with applied physics and given a moderate level of
good logistics and applied technology, it’s worth noting that we too
could easily explore and even eventually adapt to surviving within
such potentially lethal environments (similar to those on Earth where
it takes a good deal of applied physics and our best technology in
order that we survive and function, or even upon our physically dark
moon as supposedly accomplished by all those Apollo missions having
supposedly demonstrated that level of accomplishment without hardly a
hitch or a scratch).

Further imagine what a truly advanced species of ET humanoids or
whatever intelligent complex lizard species of goldilocks could manage
to accomplish, especially if they didn't have bogus wars and faith-
based voodoo or those special interest cabals of such corporate and
political greed, hording and corruption holding them back. Can you
imagine how retarded such ETs of whatever exoplanet would be if their
mostly public funded patent infringements were always strictly
enforced and thus any use of most other public funded R&D forbidden.
(perhaps anything receiving more than 33% public funding should be
made available [free of charge] to anyone that’s a valid taxpayer or
even a consumer, and of those taking less than 33% should be prorated
because it’s pretty much near impossible for anyone to accomplish a
better technology or science advancement without their having involved
some degree of public infrastructure and thus public investment, but
then such a policy would only have advanced us by at least a thousand
years and having few if any nations in debt because most of our global
problems would have long been resolved).

Wherever good robotics can manage to survive (from environments of
extreme pressures, temperatures and that of lethal toxins or radiation
and of course absolute vacuum), it's entirely possible for those same
levels of advanced technology and applied expertise to accommodate us
humans, thereby whatever ET intelligent other life really shouldn’t be
all that insurmountable, and it's always going to be a whole lot
easier if there's an unlimited local cache of energy to draw upon, as
well as ample supplies of local minerals plus water, of which this
extremely nearby planet Venus offers more than a sufficient amount of
raw minerals plus loads of h2o to spare as long as we’re allowed to
consider the acidic water that’s contained within them thick clouds
plus whatever is being geothermally forced out of the planet as

ESA’s Venus EXPRESS and the latest JAXA “PLANET C” are each missions
intended to better explain why such a nearby (100x LD) planet that’s
supposedly as old as Earth is still so geologically active and
otherwise full of mineral and chemical surprises, that includes a
great deal of those interior vapors along with water and otherwise
unlimited local renewable energy that isn’t based on burning
hydrocarbons or those usual forms of combustion.

This isn’t my saying that each and every hot or cold planet and/or
whatever moon is going to become humanly accessible and livable, much
less in the buff as the case with Eden/Earth once that last ice age
had taken place and of course those pesky and always hungry dinosaurs
had previously all became extinct for reasons yet unknown. Before
this Eden of ours became human populated, there was an extremely nifty
composite of a life thriving and sustaining planet with a rather heavy
amount of dense atmosphere, sustaining an environment that was
saturated with complex and often larger forms of life (mostly other
than anything humanoid) that at the time we few if any humans may have
amounted to a mass of something less than 1 ppb, whereas today our
global biodiversity mass amounts to roughly 1 ppm, and otherwise back
then w/o moon and having only limited seasons along with those rather
substantial ice ages and those subsequent tropical periods plus loads
of nasty weather extremes and always those terrific horrific floods in
between each of those pesky cycles, as most likely there was no such
spectacular moon and no significant seasonal tilt, because otherwise
us frail humans that were rather poorly evolved for surviving this
planet would have likely needed to seasonally migrate along with other
species, as well as further complicated because there were only so
many caves and some of those would have been inhabited by mean and
hungry animals that wouldn’t have taken kindly to sharing their cozy
habitats with such primitive humans.

This simply means, that even for an evolving planet or moon that’s
either too cold or too hot and nasty can manage to sustain certain
complex other forms of life, and perhaps even evolved enough to create
substantial infrastructure that we can easily interpret from our
remote SAR imaging of their planet or moon. If ETs had perfected a
form of directed panspermia, there’s simply no telling how many
planets and moons were given a better than random happenstance shot at
hosting complex life (including Eden/Earth where we humans currently
represent 1 ppm, though it used to be only 1 ppb up until we sort of
recently got the hang of it, and proceeded to consume, destroy and
kill off most everything we could muster).

If you should care to honestly look and contemplate the enlarged area
of the NASA/Magellan image that I’m working with, perhaps you might
independently come to a similar interpretation, as to what the planet
Venus has to offer.
??? recheck
This topic is still all about our having focus, focus, focus:
It’s not that we have to stop exploring further out and looking as far
away as possible, that is as long as we can afford to do so, and to
continually divert such talent, expertise and resources. However,
when something as obvious and as important as what the planet Venus
has to offer is continually ignored or rather systematically banished,
as though it were somehow voodoo/taboo, is when there needs to be a
fresh look-see at our existing and proposed priorities, as well as for
best utilizing the limited resources at hand.

At least I still know what's affordably worth doing, and obviously
most of you folks don't hardly know squat and probably don’t really
care or want to know, and/or you are simply too deathly afraid of peer
authority and your own shadow, to so much as not making any move or
have actual independent thought on your own. Most of you still think
our moon is somehow inert, as a monochromatic terrain of passive light
grays and otherwise not the least bit radioactive nor even all that
electrostatic charged, nor even hardly the least bit UV reactive, but
otherwise you really like all those media hyped eyecandy pictures of
most everything else that’s far away to go right along with your
Corexit Happy Meals that only Monsanto knows exactly what they’re
really made of anyway. I mean, so what if there’s a few hundred
square miles of ocean floor covered in that BP oily sulfur muck that’s
molecular modified by Corexit, because that’s only <1e6 barrels of
nasty oily composite stuff per hundred square miles that’ll pretty
much kill off anything for years to come, as well as having given us
atmospheric dispersed hydrocarbon vapors as also Corexit modified,
plus including those volumes of hydrogen, helium and methane lost, and
there’s always good old radioactive elements plus radon and a few
other heavy elements such as mercury that’ll stay mostly in the
ocean. Gee whiz, what could possibly go wrong or reflect as a
consequence of anything spendy as hell that we consumers always have
to pay for?

I mean, if we can afford to be so openly careless and totally clueless
about our own planet and it frail biodiversity environment, then why
not go for trashing the nearest planet that’s the easiest to get
ourselves to/from, as having the most accessible elements plus local
energy to utilize as is? I mean, we obviously don’t even care about
the resources or local environments that belong to others here on
Earth, especially if they have something/anything we want.

My version of observationology is a perfectly deductive kind of
science that's easily replicated and peer verified, and yet so few of
us have obtained sufficient expertise outside of having supposedly
spotted all of those Muslim WMD. I guess if there’s a population of
global inflation caused starvation and abject poverty compared to us,
and otherwise having a perpetual caste system of faith-based voodoo
and thereby individuals qualified as Islamic/Muslim WMD, then lots of
those existed, as they still do if not somewhat worse than ever
because we insisted in changing everything to suit our needs. So far
this has only cost the global economy a few trillion dollars, set
everyone back a few decades and there’s still no end in sight, but
what hell, it was certainly fun while it lasted.

For a fraction of the mutually perpetrated cold-war investments that
actually created 9/11 and its subsequent global anti-terrorism war
with terrific logistics and government expansion cost and multiple
collateral damage in the first place, that obviously isn’t over until
long after the GOP fat lady sings, we could easily have been to Venus
and back multiple times by now. But then lots of other science,
physics and badly needed biotechnology advancements could also have
been accomplished within the same amount of time and loot we had to
spare, including that of our having accomplished a perfectly terrific
infrastructure of clean/renewable energy independence, along with
accomplishing a two fold energy grid capacity improvement and
expansion to boot, right along with our accomplishing the planet Venus
just for a little extra fun. But no, that sort of public-funded focus
was never on the table, nor allowed anywhere near that table.
As far as we know there’s no two planets, moons or stars exactly
alike, meaning that our universe and local galaxy is infinitely
diverse and perhaps incapable of ever exactly replicating itself, plus
our galaxy is also made up of much older stuff and perhaps something
newer from other galaxies that merged with ours. So why bother
looking for another exact Eden wet like planet for accommodating our
naked goldilocks, when the local and cosmic diversity has so much
other to offer, as even within our solar system.

Even though there's an extremely thick and acidic layer of those dense
clouds surrounding 100% of Venus (containing loads of water
extensively in the form of sulphuric acid), whereas far enough under
those wet acidic clouds there's a relatively clear and calm atmosphere
giving a good view of a geothermally active planet with a relatively
dry but always toasty surface of various exposed minerals as easily
depicted by those sulphur-yellowish filtered photons.

Unlike Venus and most every other planet or moon, apparently our NASA/
Apollo approved moon is uniquely monochromatic and otherwise entirely
inert, even by their spendy LRO mission seems mineral colorblind. Go
figure how we got stuck with such a worthless light gray kind of
useless monochromatic moon (just kidding, because it’s nearly dark as
coal and absolutely loaded or saturated with nifty minerals), whereas
always I have located multiple color/hue saturated and contrasty
images of our physically dark moon/Selene that'll make anyone with
half a brain wonder why our NASA and their Apollo wizards with all
that “right stuff” were always so mineralogy colorblind.

A little extra side storyline about our moon:
White (the visible color we see or perceive as our moon) is supposedly
a composite of all primary colors combined, and so why is our NASA and
their peers still so color/hue blinded by all that physically dark
minerals of reflected white light off our unavoidably UV reactive moon/
Lo and behold, it seems there are dozens if not hundreds of others as
offering their equally color/hue saturated images, telling us what
kinds of raw minerals are to be found on that naked, dusty and
electrostatic charged surface that’s also relatively eroded and
radioactive as well as unavoidably cosmic and solar particle
saturated, pretty much exactly like the worse of whatever environment
our nasty magnetosphere has to offer, that which our ISS orbit must
avoid the SAA contour at all cost because it’s so nasty.

Imagine how much better quality and of sufficient color/hue saturation
when obtained from a close orbit and using spendy optics as well as
the best camera technology that offers loads of better than human
spectrum and dynamic range to spare. Here again our NASA images are
without other stars and even without other planets in each of their
FOVs, and yet amateurs with inferior cameras, using less quality
optics and stuck with having the atmosphere of Earth in the way, seem
to have recorded a few other stars and especially other planets along
with our physically dark moon that’s actually quite colorful. The
planet Venus isn’t exactly dim nor all that far away, especially every
19 months when it gets to within 100 LD.

Back to Venus, where almost anything becomes doable.
With JAXA's Planet-C mission well on it's way towards Venus as
outfitted with better observation instruments, whereas their local
team of expertise should uncover important data that our NASA and
those Magellan mission wizards just couldn't figure out to save their
souls. Even the existing ESA Venus Express mission seems unable to
interpret or share much of anything that might upset the mainstream
old guard status-quo, that'll keep insisting that Venus is every bit
as old as Earth and otherwise only greenhouse heated because Venus is
supposed to be as solidified as Mercury, Earth and Mars, as well as
having been without a moon.

I on the other hand tend to believe there are perfectly good
geological reasons for that robust atmosphere and those acidic clouds
that represent at the very least 500 teratonnes of easily accessible
water, plus it’s rather nicely insulating the 20.5 w/m2 that’s
continually radiating from its geothermally heated surface, as well as
reasons for that specific image of “Guth Venus” having those highly
unusual pixel patterns of what easily interprets as suggesting a
considerable level of intelligent infrastructure that’s safely far
below those highly reflective clouds. True that Venus receives
roughly 1.9 fold as much solar energy upon them acidic clouds, but
then it also reflects more than twice as much as Earth, as well as
having that extended season of nighttime by which to radiate all of
that solar plus geothermal contributed energy, and then some because
that planet is cooling.
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:35:56 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Sorry folks, but those are not dry dusty clouds of sulfur and other
waterless crystals surrounding Venus.

If our moon is supposedly loaded with <37e12 tonnes of water (as based
upon their estimate of <50 ppm), then by all means a super terrific
nearby planet like Venus is not going to be the least bit h2o
deficient, or much less short of most any other prime elements. Those
acidic layers of unusually thick clouds and upper/lower haze (roughly
30 km worth, or 1.4e19 m3) might easily contain anywhere from 500e12
<5000e12 tonnes of water, and always remember that most if not
essentially all of that water came from within the planet that’s still
geologically alive and geothermally venting as otherwise radiating its
core energy at the average flux of 20.5 w/m2.

Below those thick clouds may be something less than another 50
teratonnes of free h2o existing above that hot surface and below the
lower haze zone of them clouds, which in that toasty and/or always
vapor hot environment is next to nothing.

Just a notion of mine: Perhaps Venus (? Sirius C or possibly at least
once a planet of Sirius B?) is only 260 some odd million years old.
At least that subjective estimate would account for why it’s acting so
proto-Earth like.

Stars like those of Sirius tend to fire-up in a relative flash mode of
terrific fusion and settle into their main sequence of consuming and
CME tossing their mass right off the bat (Sirius B losing <2.5e12
tonnes/sec), as well as likely forming their planets within no more
than a few million years. We're looking at roughly a million years
worth at most for that sort of emerging stellar start-up or fusion
flare-up process of Sirius(B) that may have taken place <264 million
years ago, as perhaps more than likely a few thousand or conceivably
even a few hundred years might have been the sufficient initial
gravity sequence for such a massive molecular cloud to collapse and
spawn such stars, especially capable if there were a sufficient
gravity seed to begin with.

In other words, for pretty much the same reason Sirius(A) is so
freaking bright (as well as Sirius(B) having previously gone through
its red supergiant phase and helium flashover or soft-nova to boot),
there simply was no passive dim sun of our solar system for any
billion some odd initial years so that our Venus could have been a wet
Eden like environment. If anything, for at least a while our sun had
likely been extra big (<2.6e30 kg and tossing <5e9 t/sec at first) and
subsequently active enough to help keep Mars thawed out, if not
reasonably tropical.

Once that proto-stellar gravity takes hold and starts to compress all
of those molecular hydrogen and helium atoms into becoming a bonafide
star, it is not likely to offer as slow or any soft fusion ignition
sequence as you might think, and especially not if there was ever a
gravity seed to start with when that terrific molecular cloud showed

Our own original molecular cloud may have been worth 2.5e33<2.5e36 kg,
and most of it (<99.9999%) has to be still out there because, 0.1 c is
about as fast as such molecular clouds can move or expand away from a
slow-nova or stellar fusion start-up. This means its outer most shell
or furthest shockwave radius is only at most 450 million years out,
although I might also tend to believe it has only managed as little
expansion as 45 million years out because, 1% c is also a reasonably
good velocity for dispersing such molecular mass.

For this same deductive reasoning, that Sirius molecular/nebula cloud
of considerably greater initial mass (<3e37 kg) should still be within
as little as a few million light years out, a fraction of the distance
modern telescopes record molecular cloud details and cosmic molecular
interactions on a regular basis. So, I believe can we safely suggest
that a good portion of our mainstream accepted physics on behalf of
stellar creation is at least somewhat bogus, if not dysfunctional.

How much of the CMBR is actually offering that same expanding noise of
whatever created the nearby Sirius star system?

Other strange food for thought: Isn’t it the least bit conceivable
that our sun was once Sirius(C)? (otherwise, why are we headed back
towards Sirius?)

Pardon this little Sirius diversion. I’ll try to focus this topic
back onto the planet Venus, but I just thought that Sirius is just as
important to Venus as Venus is to us.

~ BG

On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:36:21 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Is not cloud water the same as planet water?
According to the ESA Herschel infrared space observatory and NASA’s
SWAS, there’s even a icy/water saturated disk surrounding certain
massive red giant carbon stars like IRC+10216, that somehow manage to
use their carbon buckyballs to help create and hold ice/water.
“The star is surrounded by a huge cloud of dust and gas, and
astronomers say ultraviolet light from surrounding stars is reaching
deep into the dust cloud and breaking up molecules such as carbon
monoxide and silicon monoxide. This releases oxygen atoms that then
attach themselves to hydrogen molecules, forming water.”

"This is the only mechanism that explains the full range of the
water's temperature," Leen Decin of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Belgium, said.
“The closer to the star the water is formed, the hotter it will be, he
said. This is a good example of how better instruments can change our
picture completely," Decin said.

Speaking of better instruments changing everything we once thought we
knew, whereas surrounding Venus from roughly 35 km to 65 km or 40 to
70 km is the considerable 30 km deep band and subsequent volume worth
of dense acidic clouds and their upper/lower haze, that together
represents a rather significant volume (1.4e19 m3), and thereby a wet
acidic mass that's surrounding the planet Venus. Where exactly did
that unusual mass of water come from, and why hasn’t it been simply
boiled off and/or blown away by those solar winds?

How much of our planet Venus is made of carbon, or giving off carbon?

Even at a conservative average density of 1 kg/m3 = 1.4e16 tonnes of
ideal gasses or something (including S8/sulfur) plus water that is
always held within them reflective clouds, is not exactly

Within a toasty atmosphere that’s mostly CO2 and working with 90%
gravity, if those acidic molecules of which water saturation were just
33% of those other ideal gasses/vapors, perhaps that portion of h2o
becomes worth 4.62e15 tonnes, and even 10% of that is still 462
teratonnes, which seems terribly conservative as to how much water
that atmospheric volume easily represents.

Earth’s wussy atmosphere that’s roughly 1% as dense, much colder and
having 10% greater gravity than Venus, still manages to hold 50<100
teratonnes of water. As our global warming trend continues to thaw
our remaining glacial ice and otherwise evaporates surface water at an
ever increasing rate, that ideal gas/vapor density of water saturation
should eventually exceed 100 teratonnes, as perhaps representing 2+%
of the atmospheric mass and becoming not a very nice place to live
unless you are sufficiently rich and powerful.

On Earth “A useful rule of thumb is that the maximum absolute humidity
doubles for every 20 °F (11.1 °C) increase in temperature.” and “Water
vapor is a lighter gas than air at the same temperature, so humid air
will tend to rise by natural convection.” So perhaps that atmosphere
of Venus must be similar.

The atmosphere of Venus in Earth tonnes is supposedly worth 5.3e20 kg,
or roughly a little over a hundred times greater than what we on Earth
have to work with. So, it’s not terribly mind-blowing to consider
that a Venus atmosphere can offer a great deal of atmospheric water as
well as hosting any number of heavier elements, but none the less
weird is that our best teams of wizards still can’t figure it out.

In order to keep us village idiots confused and/or dumbfounded and
thus easily snookered, they (NASA and our peers) have used the limited
scale height method instead of taking the whole atmosphere into
account, and thereby extensively ignoring or excluding anything that’s
above 16 km.

Scale height defines the distance over which the pressure drops by
37%, which kinda excludes the other 63% that holds most of the water.
In the case of Venus, that scale height of 96 –35.5 bar is 60.5, bar
which is situated well below them clouds. Below the clouds there’s
perhaps only 25<100 ppm water depending on altitude as well as
somewhat skewed by day or night. In other words, atmospheric “scale
height” usage is nearly meaningless or rather intentionally misleading
when applied to Venus.

In that dense and complex molecular atmosphere and having 10% less
gravity, warm/hot acidic water vapor is actually quite buoyant,
especially if it’s still warm enough to remain as a vapor as it floats
above a robust atmospheric layer of S8(sulfur buckyballs). In other
words, the lower and nearly crystal dry and much hotter atmosphere of
what’s near that geothermally heated Venus surface is considerably
compressed, as much denser than the water saturation of that moist
upper atmosphere that’s much cooler, even going cryogenic by their
season of nighttime.
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:37:10 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Is Venus a forbidden planet?
Perhaps it might as well be. Outside of K12 textbook gibberish plus
all the usual eyecandy and public media infomercial hype that’s
mainstream touted and peer flatulated as though it’s the one and only
interpretation that matters, it seems Venus actually isn’t all that
technically insurmountable, and it most certainly isn’t the least bit
mineral, water or energy resource deficient, so therefore it must be
NASA and DARPA taboo or voodoo forbidden.

Up until I’d informed our NASA as of December 2000, as to what looked
entirely out of place within that terrific radar obtained image data
from one of our spendy public funded missions, namely our Magellan
mission as having SAR obtained quality surface images and subsequently
those having been offered to the public as a composite GIF format of
36 confirming looks/scans per pixel, whereas ever since the systematic
denials, applied obfuscation, banishment and topic/author stalking
became their tactical damage-control policy norm, of this and most
every other science/astronomy related forum, and our NASA was
perfectly good with that.

How did the natural geology and surface morphing or erosion evolution
of such nifty mountainous, plus lava and mud erosion formed terrain
for such an actively hot planet that’s getting rid of 20.5 w/m2 (Earth
losing <128 mw/m2), ever manage to accomplish those seemingly
intelligent looking logistics and structural like attributes, that
look as though offering a perfectly rational community like

Is mother nature capable of looking that intelligent?
Is natural geology capable of looking that intelligent?
Is there anything similar on Earth or that of some other planet that’s
perfectly natural offering that same or larger scale and complexity?

Should the best interpreted geology that’s peer accepted most
everywhere else you’d care to look, along with those regular laws of
physics and the best other available science simply not apply to the
planet Venus?

Should I get LeapFrog to publish this investigative research along
with my deductive observationology as a glossy and colorful pop-up
book of similar eyecandy, so that our mainstream needy and often
public funded dysfunctionals of less than 5th grade mindsets can
scratch and sniff for themselves?

NASA Magellan:
For all we know, our all-inclusive NASA and their various cabals of
special interest and insider groups (including DARPA) doesn't actually
know squat, just like they don't seem to know or much less share all
the public-funded science data about our physically dark moon/Selene,
nor are they into sharing as to why their interpretation of Newtonian
laws say that we supposedly are not unavoidably associated with the
still massive Sirius star/solar system, or even why the planet Venus
has been losing its 20.5 w/m2 and otherwise hosting what looks as
though it were populated by something rather intelligent and quite
rational about a planet with local water and sufficient renewable
local energy, whereas almost any such planet or moon (hot or cold)
becomes humanly survivable, as long as our doing such in the buff
isn’t considered an option.

Not only is there 500<5000 teratonnes of easily accessible water (with
always more on the way), Venus should also have loads of renewable
energy to burn (so to speak), extensively in the form of easily
induced vertical isothermal-dynamic wind that can just as easily be
routed so as to exit though a radial turbine.

Solar updraft towers of as little as 200 meters on Earth can with good
design obtain an unobstructed up-draft of <15 m/s.
“Natural draft, which utilizes buoyancy via a tall chimney. Warm,
moist air naturally rises due to the density differential to the dry,
cooler outside air. Warm moist air is less dense than drier air at the
same pressure. This moist air buoyancy produces a current of air
through the tower.”

This next link is still pertaining to our wussy terrestrial
atmospheric applications.
“Australia power company Enviro-mission ltd. hopes to build a 1,000
meter (3,300 feet) solar tower in south west new South Wales state, a
structure that would be more than twice the height of Malaysia's
Petron's Towers, the world's tallest building. The plant having seven
kilometer roof diameter and 1 km chimney height, and a 3 meter
distance at outer periphery and 25 m distance at inner periphery of
solar collector roof. And which it allows to sucked hot air through 32
turbines which generate power 24 hrs a day having output expected to
650 GW/yrs.” (that’s only an average of 74.2 MW/hr because that sun
keeps going up and down and otherwise remains effectively kaput for
nearly 60% of the time)

Of course on Venus there’s hardly any significant solar influx
reaching the surface, therefore no need of having to bother with any
surrounding glass roofed solar collector, because just collecting
surface thermal energy off the ground itself (day or night) that’s
perpetually heated from within at 20.5 w/m2 (plus given whatever
geothermal vents with their added [z] worth of compressibility should
have to offer) applied along with its vertical 10 K/km and 4.1 bar/km
differentials should literally blow our renewable energy socks off.

As long as the compressible gas flow of that extremely high density
and surface heated medium is kept routed within the vertical up-draft
chimney, there’s simply no way for it to equalize until it exits out
the top, such as venting out through a very large diameter radial
turbine as it suddenly cools and expands. In other words, this kind
of natural resource is not an insignificant amount of renewable energy
that can be easily scaled to suit.

Add a good geothermal surface vent as providing a serious increase of
thermal differential, as well as having a terrific gas density volume
that should include the S8 vapor worth 300 kg/m3, plus whatever
initial surface exit velocity as the ultimate kicker, whereas lo and
behold you’ve got as much renewable energy (by day or night) as you
could possibly want. Remember that a km tall updraft tower on Venus
is surrounded by a toasty surface that’s offering 20.5 w/m2 of
geothermal energy in addition to whatever gaseous vent(s) that
shouldn’t be hard to find on such a geologically active planet like
Venus, could represent more substantial energy than anyone is prepared
to deal with..

Imagine what a dysfunctional BP wellhead BOP on Venus could be putting
out, as a geothermally hot and fast geyser discharge of toxic oily
sulfur and extremely dense gasses (radioactive to boot) at <12 Venus
tonnes/sec (13 Earth tonnes/sec) and just as likely more than
scorching hot at <400 K above those surface ambient temperatures of
735 K. A medium geothermal gaseous vent on Venus could easily spew <4
m3/sec at 1024 kg (3,686 t/hr) and <1035 K that’s exiting at <200 bar,
and no way would you want to be caught downwind from any of that power
turbine discharge. Is there any reason(s) to think Venus doesn’t have
such geothermal vents?

In order for that planet to sustain its heavy atmosphere that’s least
dense on top and otherwise unprotected from those terrific solar
winds, by rights this should demand venting perhaps 100 tonnes/sec,
because most of whatever composites of mineral and water vapors that
comes out (just like right here on Earth) doesn’t leave the planet.
Perhaps at most 10% gets lost to space, as opposed to Earth losing
only a tonne/sec (mostly helium and hydrogen).
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:37:37 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Has Venus got intelligent other life? (compared to Earth, how hard
could that possibly be?)

Intelligent other life need not be as socially dysfunctional, as faith-
based voodoo or as radio/microwave capable as us in order to count,
such as 99.9% of Earth’s human intelligence that took place as of
prior to our having radio, and perhaps even including before having
airships of various kinds would be more than sufficient. Such other
life can simply be evolved differently (intellectually ahead or
technically far behind us), as well as those created via directed
panspermia or as having been directly deployed by whatever visiting
ETs (exactly as we’d be doing), except along with instructions as to
avoid Earth interactions at all cost, as having pretty much exactly
the same precautionary policy as if we had mastered similar
interplanetary/interstellar travel capability, would suggest while
remaining nearby as stealth or otherwise hidden from whatever weird
species shouldn’t be all that difficult, especially if the other
nearby populated planet were as dumbfounded heathen, voodoo satanic
and otherwise socially/politically dysfunctional as Earth, might seem
rather obvious to not interact with such screwed up and thus
irrational creatures.

This cloaked form of neighborly deception would be the easiest to
enforce if a few of our trained spooks/moles could be established on
that heathen populated planet(Earth), as infiltrated into positions of
authority just in case certain public perception damage-controls
needed to be implemented, as well as for keeping those silly and
highly superstitious heathens as preoccupied with matters of their
religions intolerance of one another, plus if need be causing bogus
and/or false flagged wars, greed and hording and especially focused
upon near anything other than accomplishing off-world matters that
could interfere with our own operations.

Ask yourself and of others that usually claim knowing everything;
Compared to Earth, what sort of essential and/or raw elements and
energy doesn’t the planet Venus have to offer? (best available science
can’t seem to exclude anything, so perhaps Venus is within reason
offering similar elements and even those somewhat chemically and
geologically similar to early Earth in more ways than any other planet
or moon)

With a crust thickness of perhaps 5<20 km that’s roughly as little as
half that of Earth (5 km in deep ocean basins <70 km under mountains),
and Venus being somewhat more geologically active, as well as having a
higher percentage of mantel plus more than its fair share of iron than
Earth, and if there’s anything solid under its thin lithosphere/crust,
are such raw elements going to be harder or easier to come by?

Since most terrestrial hydrocarbons are extensively not made from once
living fossils, then why shouldn’t Venus have its fair share of those

Radioactive elements starting with Thorium (Th232) are certainly not
unique to Earth. In fact they are relatively common place, and thus
should also exist on Venus to the same or logically greater extent.

From what can be seen and easily enough interpreted, it seems the
planet Venus has been at least in one mountainous terrain location
utilized by others (if not by its own intelligent kind), and I’m still
not having to deductively interpret anything into those SAR obtained
images of 36 confirming looks or radar scans per composite pixel, that
isn’t of some real part of whatever’s actually there to behold.

There’s never any argument from myself that Venus is seriously too hot
and nasty for us as naked humans, but that doesn’t exclude whatever
reasonably intelligent individuals could accomplish in spite of all
that pressure, toxic atmosphere and geothermal heat. For all we know
there could actually be a Venusian human species that’s on average
smarter than Einstein, though not that most any 5th grader wouldn’t be
smart enough to survive Venus, because surviving upon such a planet
with suitable technology and unlimited local resources simply isn’t
rocket science.

If a planet nearly the size of Earth and most likely as loaded with
similar elements, plus having loads of its own renewable energy to
burn (so to speak), and even hosting at least 500 teratonnes of easily
accessible water, if it were discovered as parked within a nearby
orbit that was merely 100 fold lunar distant from us, seems most of
our mainstream silly naysay kind of parrot mindsets still wouldn't
bother to interpret a damn thing, no matters how proof-positive or
otherwise SAR pixel trustworthy those surface images were made of
(just like all of our ARPA/DARPA and NASA/Apollo missions never once
noticed or much less had accomplished any one of their unfiltered
Kodak moments from orbit or from its physically dark surface that ever
included the nearby planet Venus, and yet try to go figure this
because, supposedly they all saw those Muslim WMD as though clear and
plain as day).

In spite of all the usual mainstream gauntlet of systematic
obfuscation, naysay and denial as their flack, here’s some of my
further refinements or investigative polishing of those Venus airship
numbers, as to what a composite rigid airship has to offer, along with
some weird fun stuff that makes our doing Venus even more interesting
for those few of us with “the right stuff”.

The local sport of Extreme Sky Diving on Venus; Starting from 75 km
you can safely body-surf your way to the ground without a parachute.
(WARNING) this extreme sport is not an approved activity for naked or
otherwise dumbfounded humans, however, include a suitably protective
suit and if need be inflate a small balloon instead of a parachute,
whereas lo and behold you can float yourself above that toasty surface
indefinitely. Given a suitable combination or hybrid inflated
parachute and you’ve got the best threesome of sky-diving, hang
gliding and ballooning worlds.

Obviously our human physiology can’t so quickly adjust to that extent
of pressure change within any few hours or possibly days worth of any
sky-diving form of atmospheric buoyancy, density and reduced gravity
controlled descent, although it’s just given as an example of the
practical aspects of peer accepted physics that are available to
benefit most anything else you’d care to accomplish without having to
directly expose your frail body to such sudden pressure/temperature
extremes, not to mention you’d need assistance getting enough O2 w/o
ingesting too much CO2 or S8 (physiology wise the frail human body can
adjust to almost any pressure environment, although there are certain
other considerations of extremes that’ll require applied physics and
our best technology in order to master what the Venus environment has
to offer)

However, given a few months to gradually adjust our physiology to
accepting the average 94~96 bar pressure seems more than doable, at
least manageable enough to start off with, whereas shifting +/- 1 km
is by itself a +/- 4.1 bar variation that could remain problematic
unless the extensive use of breathing 99% hydrogen and 1% O2 is what
makes that transition easier to cope with. (should be little if any
need for nitrogen)

“Any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by
a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.” –
Archimedes of Syracuse

Of course China probably knew of this nifty buoyancy physics as of at
least 12,000 BP, or roughly as of when out of nowhere those rather
unusual little Dropa/Dzopa wizards showed up. However, it seems that
most of our devoted mainstreamers still haven’t got a clue.

This buoyancy usage thing about Venus is truly something extra special
to appreciate, considering its unusually thick atmosphere that yields
65 kg/m3, plus its 0.905 gravity puts a whole new spin or
interpretation as to those geothermal upwelling vents that can spew
various mineral saturated vapors, as well as brines and those
superheated gasses almost like a fire hose or water cannon shoots its
stream of water here on Earth. This could make for some interesting
fluid arch like displays that would boggle the average parrot mindset
that normally can’t think outside their terrestrial K-12 mainstream
box. In other words, of what comes out of a Venus geyser doesn’t have
to be solids of mud or lava in order to become visible to radar
imaging that has given us the most truth-worthy pixels thus far, as to
indicating what Venus has to offer.

Try hard to also remember that for every –1 km below the given average
elevation picks up another 4.1 bar (roughly 60 psi and at least 2.2
extra kg/m3 buoyancy) plus there’s another thermal increase of 10+ K
worth of upwelling geothermal heat that’s continually radiated at 20.5
w/m2 from the toasty ground up, and because the pressure is not only
greater but also the density of that mostly CO2 atmosphere further
compresses towards becoming a supercritical fluid, unlike the density
of ocean water that hardly compresses or changes its liquid density by
more than 0.466% at 96 bar (less affected at higher temperatures
unless it’s pressure phase shifting to/from vapor).

There’s roughly a 14 km difference between the highest and lowest
surface elevations of +10.8 and –3.2 km. This makes the likely
maximum surface bottom pressure of 106 bar (+/- a few percent
depending on day or night), and perhaps worth <74 kg/m3 buoyancy
within all that hot CO2 plus elements of S8/sulfur vapor taken into
account. Of course the per kg adjusted mass of anything inert,
reactive or living as us humans from Earth is only worth 0.905 kg on
Venus, so that’s another one that’s better (not worse).

For those unfamiliar with composite rigid airships (none of which
exist on Earth) is common place hubris (as a traditional mix of
arrogance, stupidity and belligerency that are each Ig Nobel Prize
worthy), because most faith-based naysayers as well as pretend-
Atheists are technically bogus as well as expertise dysfunctionals
that simply can’t think outside of their K-12 indoctrinated mindset.

The notions of composite rigid airship usage is actually providing a
seriously darn good form of Venus transportation for locals, ETs or
us, that’s perfectly energy efficient and substantial payload hauling
capable. Even potentially cruising above them thick acidic clouds
isn’t technically insurmountable, although extremely bumpy and testy
getting there and safely back down again may be pushing that modified
airship envelope. As the airship ascends it gets tonnes lighter
because of less H2 pressure required and the amount of its propulsion
fuel consumed could easily drop 100<1000 tonnes (depending on mass and
drag) before reaching 75 km.

There are a number of observationology indications of large airships
(at least a couple seem parked on that complex tarmac), although it’s
fair to be calling it a highly subjective interpretation unless you’d
care to otherwise explain away all those other items that seem as
though perfectly unnatural, as instead interpreting those of merely
unusual geology formations that exist nowhere else seems even more
subjective. As otherwise it makes for perfectly logical as well as
common/rational sense for Venusians or whatever ETs (including us) to
have such rigid composite airships for most any application, because
technically it’s quite doable and it’s not even rocket science.

Do the airship buoyancy math yourself, and see how much you can manage
to safely float in that toasty atmospheric soup (except avoiding those
upper nighttime clouds where it gets seriously windy and cryogenic).
With some work remaining, here’s my latest shot at it, along with
revisions because I’ve made a few of those pesky mistakes, such as by
not having accounted for the 537 tonne mass of hydrogen at the
necessary pressure and temperature. Being conservative, I’ve also
given this composite rigid airship the inert/dry mass of 190 Venus
tonnes (210 Earth tonnes which is 62% heavier than LZ129, though I’d
doubt we’d need to add more than 33% to its inert mass once everything
is taken into account).
A million m3 = 65,000,000 kg (65,000 tonnes) that you can push around
by hand, however LZ129 (Hindenburg at 130 Earth tonnes of dry/inert
mass) held <211,890 m3 of hydrogen which gave a gross terrestrial
payload of 112.1 tonnes to work with, and if that same volume of gas
were utilized on Venus using a substantially robust (roughly 162%
inert heavier) composite rigid airship would provide <13,050 Venus
tonnes of payload (at 0.905 gravity is the same as hauling 14,420
Earth tonnes), and that’s like hauling 62 fully loaded 787-8s at 210
Venus tonnes each, and using perhaps as little as 1024 KW to move that
Venus Hindenburg of 727 tonnes plus its 13,050 tonne payload (13,777
Venus gross tonnage) along at 25 m/sec (90 km/hr), because the
friction isn’t going to be all that great. Even if it took four times
as much energy (4096 KW), that’s no big deal.

Also consider that Venus aerodynamics is going to act as though it
were nearly hydrodynamic, thus making for a great deal of improved
airfoil and/or propulsion control from using relatively small area
control surfaces and ducted thrusters. My advice is that you be a
good topic contributing sport and see if you can find those same Venus
airships as I have (at least one of them I’ve interpreted as easily
packing well over 1e6 m3 of hydrogen), or offer some airship research
that could be applied to that toasty Venus environment.
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:38:14 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Those pesky volcanic gasses are perking out volumes of scorching got
solids and gasses just about everywhere on Venus, and many of those
active geothermal vents don’t stop migrating their vertical discharge
until those thermodynamics and buoyancy factors equalize within those
cool acidic clouds.

The hot rock (presumably as mostly basalt) and the much hotter
interior of Venus that is comprised extensively of hydrogen and always
some if not a lot of O2, plus there’s likely helium plus most any
other known gas or element vapors you’d care to name, except that each
of those stored at something far greater than 100 bar.

The crust/outer-lithosphere of Venus is still in places thin and
actively forming and thereby keeping the flow of complex gasses and
those raw elements active, whereas under the right conditions those
elements bind and subsequently emerge as various mineral, brines,
salts or acidic forms of H2O packing along any number of complex
vapors and near solid compositions of various elements, such as
including CO, CO2 and of course always a few nifty metallic elements
plus always loads of good old sulfuric acid (h2so4), as well as just
contributing H2O2 plus always those raw vapors of S8, and of course as
H2S. Exiting the surface at >100 bar and <300 K above the local
atmospheric temperature, whereas there could be at least 25,000 ppm h2
and <250,000 ppm O2 trapped within such basalt, geode pockets and
layers of all that geothermally made hot basalt, and then of course
there’s actual lava that should offer a scorching treasure trove of
wonderful stuff.

Most of every conceivable element that Earth and our moon/Selene has
to offer should be easily available and in terrific volumes from
Venus. This is not to say that raw ore should ever be shipped back to
Earth, but instead finished products and/or 100% pure alloys that are
becoming harder or too spendy to obtain here on Earth should also be
the case.

Is there any critical element that a planet like Venus does not have?
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:38:36 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
The notion of keeping secrets is perhaps one of the best ways of
gaining mainstream attention, because everyone loves being that first
messenger of secretive news that no one else has. It’s a form of
intellectual greed, hording and bragging rights that’s worth more than

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act.” / George Orwell
"Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary
act..” / George Orwell

and always these zingers:
"Pacifism is objectively pro-fascist. This is elementary common
sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically
help out that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining
outside such a war as the present one. In practice, 'he that is not
with me is against me." / George Orwell

“If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research, would
it?” / Einstein

While you’re at it, check out the July/August Discover published topic
of "The Streetlight Effect" by David H. Freedman. It points out how
dead wrong mainstream can actually be most of the time, and why it's
likely to stay that way.

In the case of our resident redneck Hagar and his father rabbi Saul
Levy that speaks loud and clear for all Jews, whereas Hagar being the
warm and fuzzy redneck wizard of his Section-8 trailer park, there are
no such streetlights because all the bulbs have been busted out, and
their wiring plus even the poles taken for scrap or firewood.

btw; like Einstein and a few other peers we commonly admire have been
known to be wrong, although I’ve never stooped to having beaten my
wife, so perhaps I’ll never be quite as good as Einstein.

There's always these two classics:
”Whoever controls the past, controls the future” / George Orwell

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents
and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents
eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with
it." / Max Planck

It seems there’s always a lot of very smart dead people, whereas
apparently if you’re still alive, whatever you might have to say or
offer isn’t worth squat. And btw; there’s still a very deep dark
secret about those intelligent ETs existing/coexisting on the planet
Venus (at least technically there’s ample logistics and applied
technology of something intelligent as having been surviving within
that geothermally toasty environment, which is obviously not the least
bit insurmountable for the average 5th grader, but naturally that too
is another dark and scary secret that we can’t tell anyone about).

At least I can still say with perfectly honest convictions, there's
multiple deductive and perfectly logical reasons as to interpret that
Venus has had some kind of intelligent other life, and subsequently
you and most faith-based mindset others must proceed to do everything
possible in order to disqualify and/or to banish that thought.

Humans of Earth are worth roughly 1 ppm of this complex global
biodiversity, and the other 99.9999% of Earth’s biodiversity still
does not have the slightest capability of radio, even though their
existence is far more important and/or essential than us humans,
because they were all doing just perfectly fine and dandy until we
came along. Perhaps 99.9% of modern human genetics and its supposed
intelligence took place long before we had mastered radio that was
sufficiently capable of being off-world detected, so having radio/
microwave or especially laser capability is hardly an argument on
behalf of any benchmark requirement for off-world intelligence.

On Venus and besides that rather interesting fluid arch that shouldn’t
exist (but it does exist because there’s simply no other viable
explanation), along with multiple other nearby considerations that
still interpret as looking entirely unnatural, and you should know
what else is seriously darn interesting; there's most likely acidic
hydrocarbons on Venus (similar to BP’s oily sulfur), and as you should
know as a 5th grader that it's quite easy to process out whatever
sulfurs and most anything else (including h2o), especially easy when
there’s always an unlimited local supply of renewable energy to work

Take another closer look-see at what those fairly enormous reservoirs
contain, as offering something that’s very SAR signal absorbing. Can
those 36 confirming radar signals or scans per composite pixel so
easily lie to us? (I seriously don’t think so)

At any rate, this ongoing research and shared information about the
planet Venus is all a very dark and scary secret, as well as having
been officially taboo/nondisclosure rated stuff, so whatever you do,
don’t tell anyone because they’ll only have to kill you.
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:39:07 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
At least technically speaking, most items out there as having been
fending for themselves in space, as such either have water/ice or at
least manage to contain the molecular makings of water/ice, such as
even our naked and seemingly crystal dry moon that's so physically
dark supposedly has <50 ppm, which is 37e12 tonnes of h2o within its
mass, plus whatever billions of raw ice tonnage that's supposedly
hidden within its polar craters of supposedly having been kept at less
than 25 K temperature because the moon itself is nearly without
residual core energy.

Those acidic clouds and hazy portions of the of Venus atmosphere
(roughly situated between 40 to 70 km) offers a 30 km thickness and
terrific volume of worthy h2o saturation to work with, as whatever's
being held as acidic water within 1.4e19 m3. So it's not terribly
hard to deductively interpret as to how much h2o should be available,
along with obviously more of the same on the way.

If the average cloud and haze density were accepted as a conservative .
6 kg/m3, and if only 25% of that density were h2o is worth 2100e12
tonnes, or even half that amount is still 1050e12 tonnes. More likely
the average density is actually closer to .75 kg/m3, and the water
saturation closer to 33%, but either way you should get the gist of
this message loud and clear that Venus has always had loads of water
to burn (so to speak).

Try to remember that the local gravity and at such altitude is only
worth 0.9, so that a molecular kg of water is only worth 900 Venus
grams, as well as most everything else has to float a whole lot better
due to the physics of buoyancy and of course thermodynamics.

Besides the easily accessible 512<4096 teratonnes of water within them
acidic clouds of Venus, there's also a good many signs of complex
intelligent life to be found, as well as there’s life on/within Earth
that’s even primitive enough to be a billion years older than any of
our unrelated humanoid genetics can muster, as well as still surviving
as they always have where there's extremely high pressure and hot as
hell (much greater then Venus), surviving within their surrounding
habitats of extremely low to nearly zilch amounts of O2 plus even
managing where it's seriously damn hot, and that’s complex life
without any direct benefit of solar photons.

At least while on Venus your frail DNA/RNA of complex genetics are
given a hundred fold better shield from local, solar and cosmic
radiation of the bad kind, as well as always at the very least ten
fold better protected from being whacked by meteors or asteroid rocks
that would hardly make a dent in that geothermally made roaster

Brad Guth / Blog and Google document pages:

On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:39:37 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Venus got nuclear elements, minerals and hydrocarbons: (sure thing, as
why the hell shouldn’t an Earth like planet that’s so nearby offer
similar elements)

Mining operations and whatever logistics on Venus becomes a breeze
when you’ve got heavy lift composite rigid airships to work with, plus
having unlimited kinds of local energy at your disposal isn’t none too
shabby. Unlike Earth, Venus isn’t running out of hardly anything that
matters, nor is its environment artificially polluted.

A rigid composite airship for Venus would certainly be more complex
than anything we’ve put to work here on Earth, although the simplicity
of a composite shell that’s made as tough and nicely insulated and
otherwise as acid proof as need be, really isn’t all that hard to
master, at least it’s not an issue in Airship Engineering–101. Not
that an arc-jet that burn CO2 isn’t viable, but otherwise using
renewable h2o2 plus whatever hydrocarbon synfuel along with the HTP
also isn’t any great secret nor all that hard to accidentally stumble
upon via random trial and error, although their having a nuclear
powered craft might be a somewhat unexpected discovery. Therefore
giving the 1e6 m3 of an H2 displaced buoyancy capable airship as much
ducted fan thrust as needed isn’t an insurmountable problem, and
especially if we’re using an 8:1 L/W ratio means that practical
cruising speeds of 50 m/sec shouldn’t be all that hard to muster, as
well as obtaining <75 m/sec cruising speed, or that of a greater power
assisted <100 m/sec. There’s certainly no fuel payload limitations
for safely operating below them nasty clouds, whereas flying below 25
km should remain relatively clear and calm.

A composite rigid airship that’s properly configured at a somewhat
reduced mass and given greater speed for cruising above those
nighttime cryogenic clouds at <200 m/sec at maximum altitude (65+ km)
seems entirely doable. This airship application would obviously be a
somewhat payload limited and perhaps even as a mostly robotic flown
craft using remote operators, but it certainly could be accomplished
for operating at <75 km (possibly a little higher by day) and
otherwise flown as low as 60 km in order to remain well enough above
the atmospheric vortex of either pole.

Btw; it’s almost as though the toasty surface geology of Venus that’s
orbiting past us within 100 LD every 19 months, has long been
considered by worthy geologists as roughly having the same evolved
250<300e6 year age as Sirius(B), so by rights there should be lots of
newish elements to easily pick from. Not to worry that our Earth is
running itself more than a little hydrocarbon short, as well as a few
too many other nifty elements that are either in short supply or
measurably depleted as well as much of everything getting spendy,
polluted and more thawed out by the year. So perhaps exploring and
occupying Venus for all its worth can wait another century, as similar
to ignoring whatever our unusually naked moon/Selene has to offer
(inside, outside or even that of utilizing its nifty L1), because we
wouldn’t want to upset the mostly GOP Semitic approved mainstream
status quo of their local greed, hording and profiteering w/o remorse
that some of us lucky ones have going for ourselves, as well as
regardless of how extra polluted, stormier and hotter it gets Earth
isn’t their problem.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:40:00 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Notice how after 10+ years and counting, there's still not one equal
or better digital enlargement of this very interesting site. It's
exactly as though the mostly Semite peers and their brown-nosed
minions that have always been in charge of most everything, are
absolutely dumbfounded as well as scared to death of what this SAR
obtained image depicts.

If you simply can not bring yourself to accomplish a basic image
enlargement, or much less interpret any part of it for yourself, then
perhaps you need not bother looking at any other astronomy or NASA
science published eyecandy, because if an SAR obtained image of 36
confirming scans per composite pixel isn't trustworthy enough, then
perhaps nothing else is worth squat because it's simply not 10% as
objectively pixel truth-worthy to begin with.

Just because Venus water is mostly to be found as having been
saturated within them acidic clouds and their upper/lower layers of
haze is not really a logistical mission problem, for the same reason
our atmosphere is not a logistical problem for fish surviving in our
extremely O2 depleted and otherwise artificially polluted oceans,
rivers and lakes here on Earth.

On the surface of Venus, as little as 0.5% O2 is biologically
manageable as is, and that’s without special technology applied for
other than easily displacing the CO2 with H2, and even as little as
0.05% (500 ppm) could rather easily become sufficient O2 with applied

Replacing that toasty dry and thus inert CO2 and somewhat sulfur
saturated atmosphere with good old H2 that’s inert at such a low
percentage of O2, isn't hardly rocket science, nor is Venus the least
bit H2 depleted or for that matter the least bit h2o deficient
because, the vast bulk of those clouds simply are not made of crystal
dry dust.
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:40:47 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
What planet(s) in our solar system would visiting ETs select? (try to
remember that they already nailed interstellar travel and thus have
something a whole lot better than our terrestrial expertise)

It’s true, that to us Venus is nothing but an absolute hellhole
planet, especially if we're to be going there in the buff (naked), and
otherwise as technically snookered and thus easily dumbfounded
(meaning unprepared and otherwise w/o involving proper technology),
would certainly be a 100% correct assessment. So, I can fully
appreciate the persistent mainstream mindset of naysay and denial, or
their insurmountable dilemma that’s forever stuck in the obfuscation
approved past.

However, with a composite rigid airship (buoyant shuttle) that could
cruise efficiently and otherwise coast nearly effortlessly at the
altitudes of 25 to 35 km for 19+ months at a time, or if otherwise
situated as safely parked within a large complex of surface structures
that can be rather easily created from local materials and insulated
<R1024/m if need be, along with unlimited local energy and easily
obtained raw elements (including pure water extracted from multiple
geothermal vents or via those cool acidic clouds), as such I honestly
don't see any of the insurmountable problems that most others
obviously do.

Technology assisted life greatly extends the range and scope of off-
world environments sustaining complex human life, that can safely
exist/coexist well beyond our surface terrestrial limitations of what
we as naked humans are most familiar with.

Too bad that so many of us are not quite smart enough for Venus, or
even for creating a cool sort of Poof City as our next outpost/gateway
at Venus L2, whereas otherwise I could always use a few good wizards
like William Mook in order to figure out the many complex issues that
makes Venus such a challenge to those of us kept intentionally below
the level of our vast expertise potential. Perhaps Russia, China,
ISRO or JAXA can provide what I'm looking for.

1% of the total atmospheric volume as water is actually fairly
impressive, though even 0.1% would be capable of drowning most
everything in sight, considering that it’s atmospheric volume and mass
of 5e20 kg is so much greater than Earth’s. Using the scale height of
the Venus atmosphere that’s supposedly 15.9 km, is how our mainstream
science wizards manage to exclude such evidence of water and to
otherwise cheat by way of their sneaky mainstream science using only
whatever data suites their motives and hidden agenda. Below the scale
height of 16 km it is in fact extremely hot and relatively crystal
dry, and thus chemically passive, even though there’s a great amount
of humanly lethal S8 and water vapor on its way up.
“atmosphere of Venus are considerably dryer than corresponding
regions on Earth. The water content of the atmosphere is in the region
of 0.1 to 1 per cent of the total atmospheric gases by volume”

That 1% of the 5e20 kg of atmospheric mass is worth 5e18 kg of h2o, or
5e3 teratonnes of pure h2o. Even the lower estimate of 0.1% is still
worthy of 500 teratonnes in easily accessible water.

The surface environment of Venus simply isn’t the kind of
insurmountable hot you might think it is, and it’s certainly not
anything like what we’ve been told over and over by those in charge of
our mainstream science and public media that’s fully moderated by
those few in charge of telling us only what little data they care to

Venus nighttime at the altitude of 80~90 km isn’t always so cryogenic,
as apparently there are thermal dynamic ribbons of a toasty stream
like flows of a relatively tropical atmospheric environment to
behold. I believe the following report has merely failed to properly
post their “30 to 70 C” as otherwise correctly stated as being –30 to –
70 C, but none the less that’s still downright toasty compared to the
usual –120 C.

“The Unexpected Temperature Profile Of Venus's Atmosphere”
“Jean-Loup Bertaux, Service d'Aeronomie du CNRS, France, Ann-Carine
Vandaele, Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique, and colleagues
have now used Venus Express to discover an unexpectedly warm layer of
air on the planet's night-side. It sits between the altitudes of
90-120 km, a region that is generally so cold at night that scientists
often refer to it as Venus's cryosphere. The new measurements show
that the temperature excess ranges from 30 to 70C and peaks at an
altitude of 100 km.” (it’s unlikely their reporting error will be
corrected before getting extensively published in public science
journals and textbooks as is)
This following image/graphic of the Venus day/night thermal profiles
is even a little more intriguing to those of us interested in the
future prospects of our accomplishing Venus without getting our
composite rigid airship unnecessarily fried in the process.

Unfortunately, our future rigid airship sustained expedition cruising
altitude may have to be kept below 35 km (possibly as low as 25 km) by
season of nighttime, and thereby much hotter outside our composite
rigid airship in order to avoid the lower acidic cloud haze or fog,
and otherwise for escaping the bulk of those pesky retrograde winds.
However, along with a positive/constructive mindset, one can do
wonders within the regular laws of physics, especially when allowed to
use the best available science and deductive thinking along the way.

In other words, there’s nothing simple about the Venus atmosphere, but
at least there’s absolutely no question of where the vast bulk of
Venus heat is coming from, and it’s most certainly not by way of the
atmospheric greenhouse that’s merely contributing to a seriously
geothermal driven environment. Unfortunately, it’s ESA that mixes up
their Kelvin and Centigrade back and forth as though it really doesn’t
matter, thereby no wonder the errors in their science context that’ll
apparently get to stick no matters what.


On behalf of Venus oxygen (O2) and what’s otherwise so geothermal of
such a newish kind of planetology environment, I’ve added a little
basic search information that even a smart preschool child could
probably accomplish on their little green laptop.

Planet 2 (Venus) would likely represent a tough crowd for a stand up
comedian, although it’s not technically insurmountable unless you had
a mainstream status quo mindset of perpetual denial and otherwise of
evidence exclusion (scientific intellectual form of their taking the

Try using a LeapFrog Search: Venus oxygen or Venus volcanoes
“We see water and molecular oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere, but Venus
also shows these signatures.”
Zoom-in on Venus’ oxygen airglow

The published topics of old and new research goes on and on, though
probably not in sufficient LeapFrog eye-candy format for the mentally
disadvantaged, or in braille format for the sight impaired likes of
rusemasters and countless others suffering from a genetic disorder of
incurable denial and perpetual nayism. I believe the Venus O2 science
goes back nearly a couple of decades, to those having used narrow
bandpass optical filters, but never got anything mainstream published
until more recently. Even though this Venus O2 layer is well above
those acidic clouds, at least this means that it’s the oxygen that is
emerging from the planet to start off with.

Btw, not to discount those robust and fairly acidic clouds that would
easily provide 500 teratonnes of pure h2o, as well as subsequently
offering nearly unlimited amounts of o2, h2 and of all things nifty
would have to include the making of h2o2. Any good 5th grade science
class project would likely prove sufficient.
“There are some 55,000 volcanoes larger than 1 km across identified
on Venus, spread over 646 volcano fields.”
“Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet in the solar system.
Over 1600 major volcanoes or volcanic features are known (see map),
and there are many, many more smaller volcanoes. (No one has yet
counted them all, but the total number may be over 100,000 or even
over 1,000,000).”
Geothermal CO2+S8 gas vents, as interpreted within “An Alternate View
of Venus” by John Ackerman, and by rights this should have given
enough cause to those interested in learning the truth.

Would any of you good folks like to review and offer your best swag
(scientific wild ass guess) as to my Guth Venus "fluid arch", or is
this perfectly natural geological item still too closely associated
with my Guth Venus township or ET outpost of those fairly large and
complex looking structures and their major tarmac, as situated within
their rational community that’s clearly observable to those few of us
that might actually care?

I’ll try to have a little more to share about this nighttime
temperature, as the extremely need-to-know or nondisclosure science
eventually leaks its way out of their usual mainstream cloak of need-
to-know, perpetual denial, evidence exclusions and carefully
orchestrated deceptions. As you can readily see by the sorts of topic/
author stalking and systematic bashings taking place, it’s not easy
being honest or green.

~ Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:41:19 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Why wouldn’t those ETs working Venus for those easily accessible
minerals and raw elements, if worth half their salt have not also
intentionally planted or infiltrated themselves as a few spooks and
moles right here on Earth? (if I were such an ET that was smart enough
to tie my own shoelaces, at least that’s exactly what I’d be doing)

If I were the Big Kahuna ET in charge of mining Venus for all it's
worth, I'd certainly have established my trusty army of brown-nosed
clowns doing as much topic/author stalking and otherwise media
diversion via infowar tactics, and otherwise accomplishing as much
damage-control as necessary, especially if the nearby planet to Venus
was populated by the worse sorts of the most dumbfounded, arrogant as
hell, bigoted and faith-based voodoo as all get out and otherwise
downright nasty folks, exactly like some of us greedy and immoral
humans really are.

Good grief, for the most part you silly folks are not only colorblind
but you don’t even believe in radar imaging. Is that downright
pathetic or what. Obviously the radar imaging of Venus was not about
color/hue saturation, but about obtaining the most highly reliable and
nearly 3D imaging of its terrain, plus detecting of most anything (day
or night, clouds or not) of any density makes no difference.

Notice how the usual Rothschild and Sean cabal along with their army
of devout Zionist/Nazis minions (aka pretend-Atheists like our rabbi
clones such as Saul Levy, Art Deco and perhaps even William Mook
that’s on his very own private set of tracks) get themselves all upset
and into such a silly brown-nosed huff over utilizing our physically
dark moon or the extremely nearby planet Venus. Their topic/author
stalking and perpetual bashings on behalf of mirror polishing their
mainstream status quo that’s always focused against using our moon or
Venus, are acting every bit exactly as though they have something of
value to hide, and otherwise having a great deal at risk.
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:41:48 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Carl Sagan on planet Venus:
Even though we’ve identified no two identical moons or planets thus
far, yet everything out there is pretty much made of the exact same
fundamental kinds of star stuff that produced our sun, moon/Selene,
Eden/Earth, Venus plus all those other nifty planets along with their
moons and of course eventually responsible somewhere for having
created the complex genetic DNA/RNA that we call life.

However, it seems Carl and most others have so often systematically
excluded forms of alternative planetology and their often weird
geological formations in extreme environments that are likely
incompatible with us naked humans, as well as their having excluded
alternative forms of subsequent Darwinism and/or whatever natural or
intelligent design forms of creation via random happenstance and
directed panspermia taking place, along with subsequent evolution and/
or tinkering as always having been limited as to mostly those natural
kinds of random happenstance and natural selection as of long before
whatever intelligent design got smart enough.

It seems Carl Sagan and most others have been especially ET naysay, by
systematically rejecting and/or obfuscating as to perfectly viable
means of their surviving, such as by having excluded intelligent
design (that’s similar to ignoring Monsanto and many other active
forms of advanced biotechnology and genetic engineering that’s
nowadays relatively common place, especially going strong behind
closed doors), and otherwise the vast majority of folks right here in
Google Usenet/newsgroups that tend to automatically topic/author stalk
in order to banish, exclude and/or systematically obfuscate as to any
possible use whatsoever of technological applications for sustaining
off-world life as we know it, such as on behalf of even sustaining us
humans that could eventually manage to survive within our moon/Selene
or even manage to survive Venus a whole lot easier than our having to
survive Mars unless 99.9% of everything necessary was brought along
from Earth.

Like all other planets and moons discovered thus far, Venus isn’t
directly suitable for accommodating any human nudist populated kind of
Eden. The last time I’d checked, it seems even those Zubrin and Mook
suggested Mars missions are also physiologically restricted or
impaired by the extreme conditions demanding 100% spacesuit
applications, along with requiring a fairly extensive to/from
transport, a rather considerable fly-by-rocket lander and their well
shielded local habitats, plus having loads of essential supplies of
just about everything imaginable as 99.9% derived from Earth in order
to sustain even the most robust kinds of life while situated on Mars,
and of course accommodating their extensive to/from trek is no simple
task. Not so oddly, the same rules of protecting our frail human body
applies for the extremely nearby planet Venus that’s known as a hot
pressure cooker instead of offering an extremely cold vacuum, with the
exception that for accomplishing Venus there’s darn little if any
energy, water or minerals that need be imported from Earth. However,
in either case of doing Mars or Venus in person, life as we know it
could be accommodated via applied physics and using technology,
perhaps along with a little intelligent design for extra protection
and/or having a somewhat better adapted physiology in order to suit
either the hot and pressure id Venus or the cold and vacuum
environment of Mars.

Since the universe and our own local galactic realm is supposedly ten+
billions of years old, and it seems many galaxies have essentially
come and gone from the vicinity of our own Milky Way (with more
encounters on their way), along with local star/solar systems having
evolved and their powerful gravity interacting with one another,
whereas it seems unlikely that other kinds of sufficiently intelligent
life could not have emerged and having managed to evolve well enough
to get themselves from one planet or moon to another, and possibly
even from one solar system to another that apparently isn’t going to
happen for us, though otherwise exactly as we’d be doing if we only
had the proper incentives and obviously the knowledge and talent that
wasn’t being so often diverted and wasted on terrestrial matters of
greed and corruption of power and authority imposed over others.

JAXA / PLANET-C: Venus Climate Orbiter mission of Japan
“There aren't many space experts that can answer the question as to
why studying Venus was placed on hold. Evidence collected throughout
its mission by the Venus Express spacecraft, built and operated by the
European Space Agency (ESA), suggests that the planet may have once
been covered in oceans. It would also appear that its density is very
similar to Earth's, and also that the cores of the two planets are
very similar in composition. Given these data, why does our neighbor
look and feel so inhospitable to life. Discovering the changes that
led to this transformation is among the top objectives for the Venus
Climate Orbiter spacecraft.”

At least JAXA has the right idea.

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents
and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents
eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with
it." / Max Planck

Brad Guth / Blog and my Google Document info on Venus:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:42:19 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
It's a wonder Usenet/newsgroups is even still alive and kicking as a
free press or public forum of global topic discussions, investigative
research and publishing, especially when there are so many here intent
upon topic/author stalking along with their primary objective or
intent being that of disrupting and/or shutting this wild thing down,
in that it’s truly amazing the Google Groups and their version of
Usenet/newsgroups has gotten this far without being moderated to
death. I’m absolutely certain that Hitler and his Zionist puppet-
masters would never have allowed such a public global accessible
Usenet of newsgroups in the first place.

Usenet/newsgroups plus many of the private Google Groups being so
mainstream steadfast in denial of their naysay and/or obfuscating
about the planet Venus is simply worse than any dysfunctional childish
behavior I can think of, and otherwise proof that I’ve been more right
than not for more than a decade. Just because yourself or others have
been telling you exactly what, how and when to think, and you can’t be
bothered to personally interpret images of whatever Venus has to
offer, nor having put any laws of physics to good use, or having
managed to connect any of our public funded research dots of our best
available science, is no reason to insist that others outside of your
failsafe status-quo box can’t appreciate what total slackers and/or
retards our NASA and their vast army of public funded parrots and
brown-nosed clowns is all about.

The planet Venus is seemingly a very newish kind of geology that’s
made of hot and nasty terrain that’s kinda lethal to us (at least
lethal to naked humans that are too snookered and dumbfounded to
figure anything out beforehand), which also seems that it’s a planet
that’s not older than Sirius(B). As naked humans that have only
somewhat recently adapted ourselves to a very wet and stormy as well
as so often too hot, too cold or too flooded kind of a planet that’s
still thawing out from the last ice-age this planet w/moon will ever
see, as for accommodating the 1 ppm worth of our global biodiversity
that we represent hasn’t been all that easy. However, with basic
survival instincts and minimal intelligence (in most cases 5th grade
being sufficient), along with some of our best applied technology and
a few minor physiological adaptations, surviving most anything that’s
hot and nasty is technically possible. It gets even a whole lot
better when there’s unlimited local energy and no apparent shortages
of minerals or even any lack of water to work with.

Adjusting to that local atmospheric pressure and the surrounding heat
is not something entirely insurmountable, although some physiological
compromises will likely persist, such as represented by a one km
change in elevation represents a 60 psi differential that needs to be
managed so that your ears, eyes and private parts don’t pop in or
out. However, there really shouldn’t be anything that would forbid
our getting used to that extremely thick and toasty atmosphere that’s
mostly geothermally heated from the bottom up, just like here on Earth
where those onsite doing active lava inspections require a thermally
protective suit and some common sense breathing assistance. On Venus
you’d also require personal suit cooling, but there’s existing
technology and/or methods for that as well.

However, it seems we have all the usual naysayers that are suggesting
only the very worse on behalf of their mainstream status quo
interpretation, such as insisting that any 225 meter resolution image
of Earth (using that exact same radar imaging) simply couldn't be
interpreted as to suggest intelligent life ever existed on Earth. I
find this pretentious mindset of systematic denial and naysay as odd
and incredibly bogus at the same time, although it’s mainstream
accepted policy to always reject any notions of other intelligent
life, other than discovered here on Earth where fewer than 0.1% of us
humans are actually intelligent enough to tie our own shoelaces.
Apparently ETs (regardless of their evolution and many other possible
considerations) always have to be of something worse off than nasty
heathens on Earth, whereas I think it’s more than likely the other way

It seems the perpetual naysayers (usually represented as pretend-
Atheists and stealth bible thumpers of their politically correct and
Semitic ZNR kind) fail to get the greater gist of this and similar
topics, at least not nearly as proficiently as they systematically
topic/author stalk and proceed with all their collective might to
naysay, traumatize and/or terminate the creditability of others,
especially as pertaining to any suggestion of ETs or truth/revision
risky topics (perhaps because Eden/Earth is still representing the one
and only center of their inert eye-candy universe that their white/
albino Zionist God approves of).

As to whatever ETs that are already here, as such are not likely going
to stand out from the rest of us. Contemplate upon this; If we
eventually get our space travel act together (about the time we’ve run
ourselves out of affordable hydrocarbon fuel and a few other essential
elements) and subsequently came upon and otherwise snuck up on a
populated planet or whatever moon of sufficiently complex
biodiversity, and say that you were onboard this mission where these
relatively primitive as well as weird inhabitants were subsequently
discovered as acting strangely voodoo superstitious and/or religious
cult/satanic heathen like, as well as openly blood-thirsty and
otherwise at various real and false perpetrated wars with one another
(including putting those of their own dark-skinned kind on a stick for
whatever faith-based PR stunt), as such would you allow yourself or
any part of your mission from Earth to become directly noticed by or
much less captured and systematically dissected? (I think not, at
least not on my watch)

If for whatever reasons you had been unfortunate to being captured by
such heathen ETs as the inhabitants of another world or moon ,
wouldn't you expect your fellow crew and their advanced technology to
do whatever it takes for getting yourself back away from those
heathens that clearly do not have your best interest at heart, as well
as performing subsequent damage-control in order to discredit whatever
evidence of our ever bring there? (why of course we would)

On the other hand, if actual ETs have their interstellar travel
capability nailed and we don’t, then it stands to perfectly good
reason that keeping their technology and themselves pretty much out of
our grip would be a rather basic failsafe policy, as a logistics
formality that shouldn’t be all that insurmountable, especially
considering the likely vast amount of disparity in technology and
their better than Einstein like smarts ahead of us would simply
represent too much advanced technology overload for our terrestrial
limited capability.

However, as those having evolved or having been intentionally placed
on Venus could be well below our level of intelligence, and not that
their adapted physiology and intellect would have to be all that
smarter than a 5th grader in order to manage. So why don’t we have
ourselves a good look-see at whatever that hot planet has to offer,
before Japan or Russia gets there first and takes all the credit?

Brad Guth / Blog and my Google Document info on Venus:

On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:42:54 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
I'm not talking about interpreting those items of less than 225 meters
resolution to begin with. Everything I've suggested that isn't
perfectly natural has at least one or more of its dimensions at 225+
meters, and otherwise I’ll always accept that 99.9% of that selected
image area is in fact depicting what’s perfectly natural of the hot
terrain and erosion (just like here on Earth, because 99.9% of Earth
when viewed at that same resolution is also going to be interpreted as
looking perfectly natural).

However, Hagar’s intentionally spoof image contributions do at least
manage to prove beyond any doubt that he and those of his fellow
redneck bikers has always had the necessary image viewing and
enlargement expertise for quite some time.
Hagar has even pointed everything out that's funny about the planet
Venus, except for locating my Venusian Waldo or any of his nifty stuff
that’s actually fairly obvious, even to a dysfunctional 5th grader.

How the hell did our redneck certified Hagar that supposedly knows as
much or more than Einstein, manage to entirely miss that rather large
and complex Waldo tarmac that’s situated right next to the Waldo
community/township that’s offering all those rational sorts of
considerable infrastructure, plus having missed that rather nifty
Waldo bridge and them multiple rectangular rock quarry sites, as well
as those substantial Waldo reservoirs (some of which clearly complex
shaped, interconnected and containing something of a fluid, brine or
even conceivably hydrocarbons).

Most of us have no honest training and thereby no idea as to
interpreting terrain contour mapping, much less from an aerial 2D
format. However, you folks do need to realize that the Magellan SAR
imaging was looking down at roughly 43 degrees, thus making for
interpreting items as nearly 3D worthy, as well as offering this
terrific GFI composite image of 36 confirming looks per pixel (means
there were few if any false pixels).

If only .0001% of any off-world obtained image of another planet or
moon were agreed upon as offering something other than perfectly
natural content (like those small rover tracks on Mars that lead to/
from the little robotic rover itself); what the hell does that mean
to our ZNR approved redneck naysayers like Hagar? (apparently it still
means there’s nothing on Mars that isn’t perfectly natural, because
those pixels of our rover tracks, the rovers themselves and other
deployed items don’t count when using the same interpretation basis as
looking at the planet Venus)

There’s actually lots more to deductively interpret as being
potentially artificial and thus intelligent worthy about the planet
Venus, but unlike most others I don’t have to take 100% credit for
everything because, unlike the other 99.9% of Usenet/newsgroup
contributors, I’m willing to share and share alike as long as it
continually benefits the group effort.
However, to the bogus likes of our perpetual naysay contributors like
Art Deco, “buzz”, HVAC and especially our resident rabbi Saul Levy and
always Hagar that wouldn’t get caught dead seriously looking at my
NASA/Magellan image of Guth Venus, whereas otherwise 10+ years and
apparently there’s simply no amount of proof positive nor sufficient
physics, not even if an ET from Venus was stuffed up each of their
naysay spewing butts simply wouldn’t count.

Eden (such as Earth supposedly started out as an idealistic
environment for us humanoids that otherwise lost most of those nifty
and extremely valuable genetic codes from our original aquatic life
form) is pretty much viable anywhere there's a sufficient local supply
of renewable energy, along with all the usual and necessary raw
elements to go along for the evolution ride that somehow got fast-
tracked way past everything else. Therefore the planet Venus should
more than qualify for those of us smarter than your average 5th
grader, but then that apparently excludes 99.9999% of humanity to
start off with, because mainstream K-12s or even higher educated
parrots (especially of our faith-based indoctrinated parrots and brown-
nosed clowns) are pretty much a lost cause and/or useless outside of
their naked mainstream approved Eden environment box, which they can’t
even seem to take care of without causing more collateral damage than

Brad Guth / Blog and my Google Document info on Venus:

On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:43:16 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
As per our usual mainstream status quo of parrots and brown-nosed
clowns in perpetual denial and flatulating their obfuscation as to
anything that rocks their mindset boat, whereas apparently my stealthy
Venusian Waldo has been hiding in plain sight, and likely flipping us
off just like OBL as he stands net to all of those Muslim WMD that
used to belong to Saddam.

Apparently this Venusian Waldo and others of his sneaky kind are so
gosh darn Muslim smart that they too can hide their WMD in plain sight
and never fear being detected, because it seems our crack
investigative wizards of NASA, DARPA and most every other national
security and DoD rated spy expertise in observationology can't seem to
discover why their own beds are always wet and yellowish in the
morning, much less having noticed any of those terrific Venus
reservoirs, as well as that rather terrific bridge with nearby quarry
sites, numerous structured accommodations that are actually quite
large and rather rationally configured so as to go right along with
that large and complex configured tarmac, plus a whole bunch of other
nifty intelligent community considerations that mother nature couldn't
possibly have accomplished unless the planet Venus is where the
regular laws of physics and known geology simply do not apply.

Always invisible to the investigative eye:
Stealth geology as to everything except SAR imaging must be the only
reason why there seems to be that rather impressive fluid arch, plus
any number of other perfectly natural geology and erosion attributes
that are at the very least highly unusual and unique to Venus.
However, it seems our K12s and higher educated parrots can’t actually
think or interpret anything for themselves, although their brown-nosed
clown expertise and those mainstream parrot skills have gotten far
Brad Guth / Blog and Google document pages:

On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:43:46 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
My asking as to “where’s Waldo” was just another silly way of pointing
out that it takes a keen open eye and a positive/constructive
willingness or open mindset in order to deductively explore whatever a
given composite image has to offer. Problem is, most folks here are
either always so squinty naysay eyed, or scared to death of any
reflections upon their profession, so much so that most couldn’t
possibly find themselves while looking into a mirror.

Unfortunately, the mainstream of peer review that’s in charge of
enforcing their very own cover-thy-butt and status-quo or bust mindset
isn’t buying into any of it, regardless of consequences. I suspect
that the majority of peer review individuals can not master the Rubik
Cube or much less identify Waldo out of any crowded or cluttered
composite of images unless that Waldo figure were published as a
glossy and color vibrant eyecandy pop-up by LeapFrog, as well as Waldo
made to say “here I am”. Apparently deductive observationology is
officially taboo, as is connecting dots of mostly public funded
research that might suggest interpretations other than mainstream
published results that K12s and even higher educated parrots must
accept as the one and only mainstream voodoo interpretation.

As I’ve pointed out for more than the last decade, with honest
convictions and my perfectly reasonable observationology science
that’s in most instances peer accepted elsewhere as NASA approved
eyecandy images and obviously those supposedly interpreted within the
regular laws of physics (though usually as false color saturated and
stacked images that look nothing like the real thing), as well as my
having published this context of my Venus interpretations a good
thousand times before, whereas it seems our nearest planet is acting
exactly as though it’s relatively newish, or if you prefer to suggest
that it’s somehow getting renewed and remains rather geothermally
active like no other planet in our solar system.

“Spacecraft Spots Active Volcanoes on Venus”
This isn’t even by any means the first such discovery of recent
volcanic activity. However, notice the ESA Venus Express team
continually fails to publish hard numbers as to those actual
temperatures represented by whatever their IR images of false colors
suggest, and otherwise their primary instrument being the PFS is still
off-line, as supposedly inoperative or most likely nondisclosure
rated, so instead we get these extremely poor resolution images that
exclude the vast bulk of data by averaging out anything under several

“Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet in the solar system.
Over 1600 major volcanoes or volcanic features are known”

There’s actually a number of public and private funded research
interpretations that reaffirm this active geothermal and volcanic
nature of Venus. Perhaps I might suggest that Venus is simply loaded
with more than it’s fair share of thorium, because it sure as hell
isn’t being tidal heated by it’s extremely slow retro-grade rotation
and lack of any moon, or even all that much solar roasted with such a
highly reflective and complex cloud cover that reflects and/or filters
out the vast majority of solar energy so that less than a few percent
reaches the surface. At any rate, the primary source of all that
thermodynamic energy that’s keeping its surface and lower atmospheric
environment hot as hell and on average radiating 20.5 w/m2, is clearly
coming from within. “An Alternate View of Venus” published by John
Ackerman, had an entirely similar interpretation to that of mine, but
I still can’t agree with everything he had to offer.

Venus energy plus VAC (ventilation and air conditioning)
In order for us frail and so often easily snookered and typically
mainstream dumbfounded humans to survive Venus takes energy, and
perhaps the more energy the better. For that we have nothing but good
news folks, whereas apparently I alone have deductively interpreted
the best available science and applied technology, as having
subsequently discovered and objectively quantified that Venus actually
has considerable loads of renewable energy to burn, so to speak.

Robert Stirling as having figured out, as well as nicely documented
and further demonstrated how to properly harvest such thermodynamic
differentials, as well as many others having since mastered the
Stirling closed cycle method, as well as their having applied this to
all sorts of worthy contraptions capable of converting thermal
differentials into torque that you can do pretty much whatever you
like with.

A commonly used example of geothermal or waste heat differentials
offering just 100°F to work with is more than good enough, and this
energy is always best extracted from compressed gasses, but it can
also apply to liquids (especially nifty if those liquid/vapor phase
shifts can be tapped into) as long as the methods applied have taken
into account the proper management of each thermal medium and it’s
method of transfer plus whatever volumetric mass or density and of
course velocity. For example the element of mercury in a closed cycle
might actually prove rather handy, although most solar Stirling
applications use hydrogen, and a few other research proven examples
have incorporated sodium.

+/- 100 F isn’t all that hard to obtain from the planet Venus.
679 K = 763 F
735 K = 863 F
790 K = 963 K

Depending on the conversion scale and its associated volume, as little
as 10 K or even 1 K thermal differential is technically doable,
especially when the mostly CO2 medium is virtually unlimited to start
with and subsequently doesn’t have to function as having to be
restricted within any closed Stirling cycle, and it gets a whole lot
better yet if you reconsider what having 4.1 bar/km differential to
work along with the 10 K/km of thermal differential that’s going
through a radial turbine as a method of extracting energy from the
local atmosphere, whereas this tube or stack/chimney creates its own
vertical wind. This method is sometimes referred to as the “chimney
affect” or “stack affect” that you’d think should be pretty hard for
our typical diehard physics wizards to ignore.

Of course those active geothermal vents of mostly CO2 plus a little S8
and multiple other elements that most certainly do exist within Venus,
likely purge at <100 bar above ambient and conceivably vent <50 m/sec,
as such could easily represent <1135 K (1583 F), and that’s 400 K
above the local average environment of 735 K. There’s even a very
good SAR imaged representation of a fluid arch depicted within the
area of Guth Venus (situated NW of those three rather predominate
rocks), whereas this could very well represent just such a composite
vent and/or stream-flow of CO2+S8+SO2+H2O+N2+CH4+NA and likely a few
other heavy elements (including basalt as lava solids which includes
O2) that should exit the surface as serious fast, hot and heavy, that
of course fall back to the surface after having formed an impressive
fountain arch that’s similar to what a fire hose or cannon stream of
water might look like, except suggesting way more than a thousand fold
greater volume.

Lava/magma (liquid basalt) arch example:

So, in order to hold our next Winter Olympics on Venus (we’re talking
indoors of course) is going to require considerable logistics plus a
great deal of local energy and applied physics. Lucky as hell for us
that such energy that’s perfectly local and renewable is not in short
supply. In other words, the unlimited local energy and resources
needed for proper ventilation and air conditioning a given volume of
well insulated (R1024/m) interior space is not the least bit
deficient, because there’s always those vertical atmospheric offset
differentials of 10 K/km plus offering 4.1 bar/km that I suppose could
be ignored wherever there’s a nearby geothermal resource to easily

In such a truly sweltering hot but otherwise considered as worse than
toasty crystal dry surface environment, whereas insulating that local
habitat facility with <R1024/m (a thermal coefficient of .0009765) is
simply a no-brainer, unless you only intend to prove beyond any doubt
that your mental dysfunction has always been a deep seeded family
genetic disorder via inbreeding, and thereby not your fault.
Brad Guth / Blog and Google document pages:

On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:44:08 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
I’ve added a few words of somewhat better context to this very typical
naysay parrot reply:
On Jun 17, 10:02 am, Jeff Findley <> wrote:
: Irrelevant. Humans can't operate at the sort of pressures *and*
: temperatures found on the surface of Venus. It's hot enough to melt
: lead. Human DNA would literally cook.
99% H2 and 1% O2 is good to breath (way better for us than N2/O2).
Getting rid of heat within that thick atmospheric soup is a no-
brainer, and whatever the pressure is another non issue as long as it
not a rapidly changing pressure.

: If this were true, we'd have people on the sea floor dealing with
: current disaster in the Gulf. At best, you're talking about
: that's not been perfected yet. At worst, you're talking science
: fiction.
Humans surviving deep sea at 150 bar via 99.5% hydrogen and 0.5% O2 is
technically doable, as long as you don't make those sudden pressure
changes. Proof of survivability is actually swimming all around at
those depths, and much greater. DNA and human cells do not care about
pressure, as well as temperature that's too hot or too cold is easy
enough to manage.

Existing technology can easily deal with temperature.
: B.S. Where do you get the power? And before you say Venus is hot,
: we'll use the energy from the heat, you've got to remember your
: thermodynamics. You can only get energy out of heat if there is a
: significant temperature gradient. Where are you going to find that
: Venus? The fracking atmosphere is so dense temperatures don't vary
: on the surface.

For just one example of easily accessible local energy; haven’t you
ever heard of the chimney or stack effect. On Venus you get an
unlimited as well as fully renewable pressure differential of 4.1 bar/
km, as well as a thermal differential of 10 K/km. Do the math on what
each m3/sec of 65 kg/m3 moving vertical, as having a pressure
differential of 60 psi and a 10 K thermal differential per vertical km
has to work with.

Thermal insulation of R-1024/meter really isn't hard to accomplish, so
how much applied energy is really required for cooling when having a
thermal coefficient of .0009765 ?

: The temperature gradient from the outside to the inside would be so
: that it will find paths to leak heat. This is similar to trying to
: LH2 cold in LEO. We're close, but in that case we've got a
: hard vacuum that makes MLI work very well. Absent that hard vacuum,
: doesn't work worth squat when the temperature gradient is high.

The toasty dry CO2 of Venus actually makes for an extremely leak-proof
consideration, especially since there really doesn't have to be a
pressure or vacuum differential to speak of. Ever heard of basalt
gibers and microballoons, or a composite of milliballoons and
microballoons between layers of oven-wrap?

Only the most incompetent or stupid/dysfunctional sorts of electronics
and/or their dumbfounded applied sorts of electromechanical stuff
melts. Why would anyone want to take WalMart(made in China) crap to

: You might as well be talking how many fairies you can stick on the
: of a pin. No one has yet to design and build an entire ship which
: work on Venus and keep the inside of it at pressures and
: which won't kill a human. It's the *systems engineering* that's
: hard thing here.
I've never suggested it would be easy. Are you up for the challenge?

A composite rigid airship can easily accommodate as many thousand
tonnes of working payload as you like, plus haul and accommodate as
much crew that’s housed within a well insulated and as nicely air
conditioned cabin space as technology and its interior permits.

Venus offers unlimited renewable energy, as well as unlimited raw
elements and yes there’s even water (easily 500+ teratonnes in them
acidic clouds). In other words, we need to ask ourselves, what
exactly is Venus missing?
: Again, I call b.s. on this. How are you going to generate the
: amounts of electricity on Venus that would allow you to run the
: refrigeration systems you're going to need?

For an example of local energy on Venus; On average the surface is
upwelling 20.5 watts/m2, and that’s only worth 73,800 joules/m2, so
for the moment you can simply disregard that consideration if that
going to make you a happy camper.

Each m3 of that mostly CO2 that's heated from the bottom up (always
migrates from hot to cold) represents enormous energy as it migrates
upwards though a vertical tube, chimney or cooling tower if you like.
By way of scaling to suit, move as many m3/sec as you like by creating
as large of intake diameter and as tall of cooling tower as the local
energy demand requires. Simply specify how many megawatts or
gigawatts per unit that you’d like to start off with?

This available energy I speak of doesn't even involve utilizing any of
those fairly common geothermal vents that'll provide considerable
added volumes of increased density as well as at good pressure, plus
its initial velocity of perhaps <50 m/sec and always the terrific
thermal differential considerations (<300 K above surface atmospheric
ambient), though I suppose all of that natural energy that’s
essentially renewable can be ignored.

Perhaps if contributor Jeff Findley were any more naysay and/or
obfuscating, he’d either turn into a black hole or just a molecular
glob of antimatter.
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:44:28 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
There is nothing subtle or uninteresting about the planet Venus,
whereas instead it’s downright scary and outrageous to say the least,
because the planet Venus is a truly wild thing.

Venus’ Polar Vortex Is Surprisingly Wild

Venus is alive – geologically speaking
Though JAXA’s extremely low budget mission in behalf of Venus/Planet-C
isn’t configured for SAR imaging, at least its deeper and more
methodical atmospheric research should greatly extend what the ESA
Venus EXPRESS mission started.
“2-micron camera (IR2): peers through semitransparent windows in
Venus' atmosphere to see heat radiation emitted from the lower reaches
of the atmosphere (1.65 to 2.32 microns)”

Our easily upgradeable SIR-C/X-SAR capability of delivering as good as
one meter resolution imaging of Venus is just sitting in a spendy
warehouse collecting spendy dust, and otherwise for some reason the
German team was always able to extract ten fold better resolution than
our NASA team that was limited to 30 meters for national and
international security reasons.
Shuttle bay SAR imaging has been an existing technology that could
have easily been sent to orbit Venus, at as low of altitude as 125 km,
though obviously without need of any shuttle crew or even the shuttle
itself. The image data is so revealing and so much data is contained
that considerable image processing is required, but none the less it
will see directly through them acidic clouds like they weren’t even
there, as well as day or night makes no difference.

A smaller and less massive version of this instrument could have been
configured and set to Venus as of a decade ago, that should have
offered us a ten fold better resolution than our Magellan mission of
75 m/pixel, but as per usual there was no motivation or interest by
those of our public funded individuals in charge of our public owned
technology to ever accomplish any such thing. Perhaps the JAXA team
could likely do a whole lot better radar imaging for us at not half
the cost, but apparently that too is not in the cards.

Of course by using a relatively small robotic flown rigid airship that
would cruise extensively in the clear and calm at an altitude as low
as 25 km is at least technically also doable, but then why bother with
obtaining better than one meter resolution images via visible light,
IR and SAR when there are other planets and moons incapable of
sustaining life as we know it. (I bet you didn’t get that one as a

Apparently, just because we the public have bought and paid for
everything at least ten fold over, doesn’t mean that we’ll ever get to
use it or even direct as to where it should be utilized. And our NASA/
DARPA folks wonder why we don’t trust them any more than we have to.
On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:44:53 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Venus truly has water (more than enough to drown yourself in):
Though most of it is terribly acidic, although at least our Venusian
5th grade educated Waldo can always manage to get a drink of water,
because there’s loads of water that’s existing within that dense upper
clouded atmosphere of Venus, such as also including what’s existing
below them clouds, as obtained from ESA’s high-resolution spectra of
the night side:
“A constant water vapor mixing ratio of 30±15 ppm below the clouds
can fit the observations.”

That below-cloud atmospheric thick soup which includes its undeniable
water vapor and terrific pressure actually extends that atmospheric
water vapor consideration somewhat above them acidic clouds
(detectable <95 km), whereas nearby or just above that point of
detectable water vapor seems to exist a rather pesky nightglow layer
of O2 (“peak altitude of the volume emission rate occurs typically
between 95 and 100 km, with a mean of 97.4 ± 2.5 km”) that gets <15 km
higher when blown away by solar winds.

However, this kind of water vapor that’s suggesting <45 ppm as
situated below 45 km (laws of physics and thermodynamics would have to
further suggest an increasing vapor saturation as you head towards
that toasty surface and pressures <96 bar), whereas this 2e19 m3
volume that’s below them acidic clouds is being geothermally heated
and yes it’s even a little greenhouse kept warm and otherwise we have
a mostly exposed rock surface that’s kept relatively dry by way of all
that pressure and radiative heat or geothermal up-welling (on average
<21 w/m2), that isn’t hardly an insignificant factor.

45 ppm or .0045% isn’t all that much h2o unless we’re taking into
account the available mass of dense atmosphere below 45 km that we’re
actually talking about. The Venus all-inclusive atmosphere is worth
<5e20 kg, and of what’s situated and compressed below 45 km is
representing close to 90% of that total mass, whereas this 4.5e20 kg
that includes their 45 ppm of h2o becomes worth roughly 20 teratonnes
without ever tapping directly into geothermal vents or even dipping
into whatever those extremely wet, acidic and even cryogenic nighttime
clouds that could easily be packing <30,000 ppm(<3% of their mass
being h2o). That 20 teratonnes existing below 45 km is simply by
itself greater than a third of what our atmosphere currently holds, so
we can not possibly say that Venus is without water, and there’s
likely h2o concentrations of <5000 ppm or 0.5% right near that toasty
surface, and obviously greater yet over any active geothermal vent
which the planet Venus has lots of those.

However, going conservatively for suggesting as little as 0.3% as
representing the average h2o content of all that atmospheric mass
(including them clouds), of which that dense atmosphere offers
terrific buoyancy and obviously includes those heavier elements of
what is saturated into those robust and acidic clouds = 1.5e18 kg
(more likely it’s worth at least twice that amount).

By season of day or night would likely involve shifting this cloud
water mining zone by +/- 5 km as to suit the best elevation of this
h2o saturated layer, but other than that it would involve at most K12
physics and otherwise apply as little as 5th grader science
proficiency for efficiently extracting this water on demand. Even
William Mook would have to admit how technically simple and energy
efficient this h2o extraction process would be.

This is still not offering nearly as much h2o as from all the
terrestrial oceans and other water, snow packs, glacial ice and
atmospheric water vapor as Eden/Earth has to work with (<1.5e21 kg),
but in a reasonable and technically manageable off-world pinch is
where this 1.5e15 tonnes should come in real handy, whereas it’ll
certainly do a whole lot better good than the near zilch amount of
mostly inaccessible h2o that Mars and our moon combined have to offer.

Of course the usual mainstream gauntlet of perpetual naysayers and
their usual transference tactics plus obfuscation and denial groups of
their formidable mainstream damage-control, that’s usually public and/
or faith-based funded that’ll always insist upon any other viable
planet or moon has to be suitable for their skinny-dipping and nudist
camps, as such are never going to become happy campers or much less
buy into this Venus thing regardless of whatever physics and the best
available science has to tell. On the other hand, who needs them?

~ BG

On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:45:10 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
The planet Venus is certainly a live one:
As I’ve nicely pointed out and having shared with NASA and many others
of authority for the last decade and counting, with honest conviction
and reasonable science that’s peer accepted elsewhere and obviously
within the regular laws of physics, as well as my having published
this observationology interpretation a good thousand times before,
whereas it seems the extremely odd planet Venus is in fact acting
exactly as though it’s relatively newish, and geothermally active and/
or dynamic like no other studied planet or moon in our solar system.

“Spacecraft Spots Active Volcanoes on Venus”

Perhaps our Venus is simply loaded with more than it’s fair share of
thorium, because it sure as hell isn’t being tidal heated, or for that
matter even all that much solar roasted. At any rate, the primary
source of all that thermodynamic energy that’s keeping its surface
environment hot as hell, and on average radiating 20+ w/m2, is from
within. “An Alternate View of Venus” by John Ackerman, had an
entirely similar interpretation to that of mine.

Have we been looking for those pesky ETs in all the wrong places?
How about instead of those tough to impossibly survivable planets and
moons that are each worst than unbearably testy, how about instead we
seriously reconsider what the planet Venus has to offer anyone smart
enough to get themselves to/from that sort of planet.

Venus is simply what it is, as seemingly newish and mostly offering a
thin lithosphere of extremely hot rocks that's continually getting
geothermally heated from below, whereas there’s most likely only the
sorts of tough Venusian survival intelligence that's smarter than your
average hot rock which prevails. If and when we ever manage to get
ourselves or robotics to survive Venus, I’m thinking we’ll instantly
become the local underdogs and otherwise at the mercy of those in
charge of that toasty planet that literally has so much surplus energy
to burn, and perhaps it’ll only get worse, especially if they’re
Muslim is when we’re seriously screwed (especially once they learn of
our history towards terrestrial Muslims hasn’t been exactly

If any of you'd care to get downright specific as to discussing and/
or investigative researching into something that truly matters, such
as how to adapt our frail genetics and physiology in order to best
survive that toasty Venus environment, or perhaps as how to otherwise
intelligently protect ourselves from those other inhabitants as well
as obtaining whatever else your heart desired without starting our
first war of the worlds, then by all means let us get with it.

You may need to be further reminded, as to realizing that every 19
months the planet Venus gets nearly to within 100 LD(lunar distance),
and that each time it pretty much shows the exact same face to us as
it passes so nearby (as though it’s at least somewhat tidal/phase
locked to Earth, whereas the odds of that happening anywhere else in
the universe of solar systems is truly astronomical unless we’re
talking of binary planets or some having kind of physical interaction
that’s at least connected to sharing something moon related).

BradGuth Blog and Google document pages:

On Oct 7, 7:01 am, BradGuth <> wrote:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:45:33 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Don’t look, don’t tell anyone what Venus has to offer. At least
that’s the best policy of what our peers would insist upon.

Peer-Review Goes Under Review
"When peer review reinforces orthodoxy rather than quality"

The accepted mainstream policy of obfuscation (excluding or the
omission of evidence) is apparently not considered as lying, along
with multiple other liability or risk avoidance failsafe limitations
and nondisclosure policy enforcement that makes truth seeking and
truth telling even worse. Perhaps science journals should be renamed
as either Butt-Covering or Brown-Nose journals, because the vast
majority (99.9%) of what little gets accepted is simply never
constructively acted upon. In other words, the science journals
themselves become an intellectual graveyard and/or the final tomb of
our best talent, that was in most cases sufficiently brown-nosed and
even pro-Semitic to begin with.

It’s true that anyone can submit a research report, but that’s about
the end for the vast majority that’ll get no further because of peer
review, social/political and even faith-based agendas as firewalls in
place and always enforced for keeping their existing fleet of boats
from rocking, no matters what.

Any chance of seeing an honest cooperative research effort is pretty
much nonexistent, because the system has been set up to fail all but
the upper and inner most connected individuals. I’m not sure if
Einstein as using a bogus name and no way of knowing his true identity
would ever get anywhere within this group of spooks, moles and
rusemasters, especially if his smart wife wasn’t willing to help out.
What policy or standard sets or rather limits the constructed scale of
whatever items as being less than 550 meters per any given dimension?

Are we saying that artificial items of any rational infrastructure
look can't be large?

What and/or how exactly should a very large scale tarmac
infrastructure look like?

What should very large and perfectly geometric shaped reservoirs look

What should a very large fluid arch look like when it’s taking place
on Venus?

At the 43 degree angle of view that makes the image nearly 3D worthy,
what exactly should a very long and substantial bridge over a rather
large and deep rocky canyon look like?

What should three rather large and obviously rectangular rock quarry
sites look like?

What should a rational looking community of very large and
sufficiently tall infrastructure buildings for that 225 m/pixel
limited resolution look like?

Can I assume that you've done your very own image enlargement as I’ve
previously instructed (yes/no?)

Can you offer us any example of mountainous terrain on Earth that's
imaged similar, or have we something from any other planet or moon as
having been SAR imaged, that interprets as though looking as having
artificial attributes, but actually having proven as only offering
natural shapes that just so happen to look perfectly artificial? (I
didn't think so, because it such existed they would have been used
against me)

Do you even know what SAR imaging is and what it has to offer that
visual spectrum imaging can not possibly offer?

How many seconds if any did you actually spend methodically looking
throughout all those other Magellan images, in order to get a
reasonable perspective grip on what that sort of toasted natural
terrain should most always look like?


Oct 7, 2010, 10:46:00 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
From Sirius(B), with love: The Venus Moon
Planet Selene as our moon, along with its remaining cache of
supposedly cryogenic crater stored ice, of perhaps having hidden
<1.6e9 tonnes worth, whereas I believe once having been icy to the
tune of being collectively worth at least 8e22 kg (conceivably worth
<8.35e22 kg), as well as having encountered Earth roughly 12,900 BP,
and it seems a good many things about our Eden/Earth just haven't been
right ever since.

If Selene at the icy mass of <8.35e22 kg had once belonged to Venus as
it migrated its rogue way towards our solar system, whereas Selene as
the binary planet like orbit of Venus at the distance of perhaps
300,000 km and 1.05 km/sec is most likely what kept the relatively
thin lithosphere of that newish planet so extra modulated and thus
geologically active, as otherwise pretty much throughout making it
unavoidably extra hot from all of that rotational slow-down and
considerable tidal induced modulation from its icy moon.

When we get right down to it, there's simply nothing quite like having
an icy asteroid/planetoid of substantial mass that's parked in a
sufficiently nearby orbit, as for keeping stuff within and under your
planet lithosphere as rather nicely modulated and otherwise extra
toasty hot from the inside out. This is actually a highly desirable
consequence if your planet w/moon had to became a rogue interstellar
team effort, such as when your red supergiant sun(Sirius B) did its
sudden helium flashover as it finished off its red supergiant phase
and having tossed considerable mass as it converted itself down into
thar nifty white dwarf of roughly less than an eight the original
mass, and subsequently having lost its tidal radii grip on such a
newish planet as Venus w/moon (that’ll subsequently have to become a
rather icy moon while on it’s way moving as a team effort towards us)

Within the 260 some odd million year evolution of the vibrant and
nearby Sirius Star system (some alternative research might care to
push that stellar beginning as of <350 million years BP, while most
others seem to like specifying less than 250 million years, and
otherwise assuming that everything emerged from a somewhat recent
galactic merger and otherwise having materialized from a rather
substantial molecular/nebula cloud of <3e37 kg to begin with), whereas
by rights this random cosmic happenstance process of a nearby stellar
birth should have also by rights spawn a few of its own planets and
worthy moons shortly after the stellar main sequence ignition or
fusion flare-up that proceeded to blow the remainders of that
molecular/nebula cloud. Unfortunately, a few hundred million years is
not likely going to offer a worthy enough timeline for spawning
complex original forms of intelligent life, unless it was all somehow
being intelligent assisted, but at least it should represent one heck
of a raw element resource for having received directed panspermia and/
or whatever capable interstellar ETs or Gods to us, that might care to
mess around with pillaging and plundering (frankly it’s certainly what
we’d do if we had that same capability). For all we know, Venus used
to be Sirius(C) or perhaps merely as a planet or moon of Sirius(C),
though I still tend to favor Sirius(B) as its home solar system,
mostly because that would have been seriously impressive.

Nowadays, those always thick and acidic clouds of Venus are being
continually water, sulphur and a little sodium saturated from the
interior of what that geothermally active and seemingly newish planet
which still has lots of atmospheric worthy volatiles to offer. As is
there's perhaps at least 5e14 tonnes worth of easily accessible h2o
that’s held mostly within them acidic clouds, with lots more of the
same always on the way. In other words, there's absolutely no
shortage of water on Venus as long as we include its robust atmosphere
as its reservoir, and perhaps there’s more likely <5e15 tonnes that’s
easily available (especially when including any direct extractions as
should be obtainable from those geothermal gas vents and mud flows or
from specifically drilling for tapping into mineral brines and even
hydrocarbons that by rights should also exist).

The same atmospheric water saturation thing applies here on Earth,
except that our wussy atmosphere that’s only at best partially clouded
and of minimal cloud thickness, plus our greater amount of gravity
holds perhaps 10% of that amount held by those robust Venus clouds,
though more than likely our atmospheric saturation of h2o is
technically worth as little as 1%(50e12 tonnes) of what those Venusian
clouds and of its heavy atmospheric density is offering <5000
teratonnes of easily accessible water. This interpretation still
represents a relatively crystal dry and otherwise sweltering hot
surface environment to contend with, although that perception is
somewhat media and textbook distorted by the extent of all that
compressed CO2 that’s doing such a terrific job of masking the whole
situation so that it’s continually misunderstood, plus otherwise
further distorted by whatever our faith-based government permits of
our public mainstream media and their textbook indoctrination process,
which has long been saturated with loads of perfect nonsense for our
K12 parrot brains.

Btw, if you simply can’t make out any of those extremely large and
complex surface reservoirs, plus a few rather unusual other impressive
items that do not exactly look all that natural, then perhaps you need
your eyes rechecked and that dysfunctional brain of yours rebooted.
Remember to always count those raw pixels, worth 225 meters each at
the 1:1 image scale, in order to keep your observationology
perspectives in order. Of course the entire image of the Venus
surface could be an illusion, because everyone that’s of any
sufficient brown-nosed clown status, and/or a good redneck parrot
knows that it’s quite impossible for us to see anything through those
thick acidic clouds.

If you still can’t manage to safely explore these SAR obtained images
without blowing out another mainstream status quo gasket, or further
disrupting your Semitic/Orthodox whatever policy of mainstream
approved obfuscation and denial, then perhaps it’s best that you
shouldn’t read or contemplate anything else I have to say, because
it’ll only further ruin your day, week, month, year and decades to
come. Sorry about that.
Brad Guth / Blog and Google document pages:


Oct 7, 2010, 10:46:51 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
The Guth Venus Transit Biohazard (interplanetary DNA):
Microbe and spore panspermia is 100% proof positive that other than
terrestrial forms of complex life exist. In other words, the upper
atmospheric detections of microbial panspermia is essentially
providing 100% proof positive on behalf of other than terrestrial
life, and the planet Venus is by far the best example of where this
influx of ET microbes, spores and the very foundation of complex other
life has been existing/coexisting, exactly as suggested by Barber in
1963, and by others before his time.

However, with a little artificial intelligent redesign, pretty much
anything of terrestrial formulated or panspermia contributed flu like
microbial potency and the subsequent evolved enhancements are
possible, especially if "they" wanted to depopulate Eden/Earth in
order to suit their own ET microbial New World Order. Every 19 months
we get another shot or dosage of those pesky Venus microbes, and at
least so far they haven’t managed to kill us off. On the other hand,
it’s just as likely they don’t even realize that we exist.

Obviously the existing rich and powerful are not as likely to suffer
nor much less their having to prematurely die from whatever this H1N1
morphs itself into as representing the next microbial super-bug that
our existing genetics simply can’t effectively fight off. However,
using directed panspermia as an effective option for remote long-range
deploying of toxic and otherwise fatal germ warfare that offers the
desired consequences, as such actually isn’t so far fetched, in order
to effectively depopulate a desirable planet or moon for your own
species that’s not affected by such nasty microbial bugs. The cost of
waging this interstellar kind of remote war would only be time
consuming, but otherwise extremely minimal investment on the part of
those seeking to occupy Earth or any other desired planet or moon that
already had whatever undesirable species that needed to get

Would our puppet leaders and of those actually in charge of such
matters of insuring their own survival and wealth, even consider doing
the same thing to some other world or moon that we could takeover and
populate? (I sure as hell wouldn’t exclude that possibility,
especially if there were also valuable resources that our wealthy and
powerful wizards insisted upon hording)

On May 24, 10:56 am, (G=EMC^2 Glazier) wrote:
“So many life types on Earth. "Animal vegetable or even mineral Hmmmm
Venus surface and lower dense atmosphere made up of mostly CO(96%) has
no life. Its just plain to hot. Life can hardly exist in boiling
water for long. Its at lower levels a heat trap, or pressure cooker.
However I want to take you way up high in this atmosphere it is 78F.
Where gas pressure is 14lb psi Call it the top layer of its
atmosphere(OK) Here is where a life form can make it. Here is the
right stuff. Here is a bubble type cell can nourish its core nucleus.
It could be more advanced life form than an earth's bacteria, for a
bacteria has no distinct nucleus. These bubbles have a strong surface
tension. They latterly roll along and are kept at the right level of
this layer by buoyancy. They get their chemical mineral food that
comes up to them from the volcanoes of Venus. Lots of iron Lots of CO
lots of sulfur etc. It is reality that life can be created by simple
chemicals. I am thinking of chemicals like ammonia, methane, water
vapor(steam), and of course "hydrogen" These can create that important
"amino acid" Venus could have the building blocks for life. life that
sustains itself. Live molecules “ / Trebert

Any preconceived notions of Venus not having and/or not accommodating
life is purely negative or naysay speculative conjecture, imposed by
those that most fear any such thought.

By rights, those Venus atmospheric microbial life forms should exist
as floating somewhat just above the robust S8 layer, and otherwise
extending near those cloud tops or even slightly above those acidic
clouds and into the O2 <115 km zone where solar winds can manage to
blow them away, just as microbes have been confirmed as having existed
at 41 km up in the extremely thin and cold atmosphere of Eden/Earth.
However, as for going below the S8 saturation or crystal forming layer
of 48 km, whereas the atmospheric pressure and increasing heat really
has nothing to do with prohibiting DNA and subsequent complex genetic
forms of life, other than pressure allowing the much greater
temperature to safely accommodate such other life that has either
evolved or having been imported via natural or directed panspermia,
and/or as having been directly assisted via whatever ET intelligent
design (their version of Monsanto) in order to best suit that toasty

Of course, physics and applied technology is what gives that
geothermally heated and subsequent pressure-cooker surface environment
of Venus as accessible to most anyone vaguely smarter than a hot
rock. Even the most devout naysay kind of dysfunctional pretend-
Atheist and Old Testament thumping denial mindset could in spite of
their faith become technically outfitted to survive, even though
they’d each much rather die than admit they’ve ever been wrong about
anything. Therefore, even the most snookered and easily dumbfounded
humans having been adapted for surviving upon that Venus surface with
its hellish hot environment is technically doable. However, by having
a rigid airship as their mobile habitat is even so much better,
because of the cabin air conditioning and many other familiar
attributes that we consider essential (such as having cold beer, pizza
and working toilets).

Actually our technology assisted goldilocks zone extends the range or
scope of intelligent life from Mercury to Saturn, and with better
evolution or intelligent design could make our technology assisted
physiology perform as goldilocks approved much further out, even
interstellar worthy (especially if we had any rogue icy proto-moon as
our mother-ship/spacecraft, isn’t the least bit inconceivable).

~ BG


Oct 7, 2010, 10:47:14 AM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
The Secret Radar Pixels of Venus / by Brad Guth

This topic is all about other intelligent life as having been existing/
coexisting on the planet Venus. As to how they ever got there or
having evolved is not understood. If these unusually large items are
vacated because all have died, who knows?

However, it seems there’s not an honest soul within Usenet/newsgroups
or much less within our NASA or DARPA, as well as other government
agencies such as our NIMA, NGA/NGIA, DMAAC or forbid anything of our
public funded JPL or best other college/university alternatives
that’ll give an observationology inch as to applied digital technology
for reinterpreting a few old radar obtained images.

On the other hand, these same NASA/DARPA folks (including those of our
CIA, NSA and DHS) not only allow extensive composite image stacking,
apply extreme enlarging of <16 fold resampling (adding 255 pixels per
original), as well as using full blown artificial colorizing in order
to suit their interpretive and infomercial tactics for hyping
whatever’s on their agenda. Obviously this selective kind of
banishment and obfuscation applied to Venus goes far beyond any double
standard, in that whatever is good enough for their digital images and
publishing eyecandy for the public record is oddly never acceptable
for any other images that we might think are important.

I’m still open to sharing and at the same time trying to toot my own
horn, so don’t get in my way or try to block that sound of my horn,
because I’ll gladly return the warm and fuzzy favor with all the love
and affection that I can muster. What this topic is sharing and
otherwise looking for are the best of digital image processing
expertise, and the kinds of physics and science interpretive expertise
that are most compatible with a better understanding of the complex
Venus environment. Because, as hot as Venus is, it is not nearly as
insurmountable as you and most others might think.

These public funded radar obtained images that I’ve utilized are not
the least bit bogus or eligible for the kinds of sloppy/conditional
CCD pixels that are dynamic range limited and so easily over/under-
saturated, as well as lens or atmospheric distorted and/or
subsequently misinterpreted when obtained via their optics and limited
by whatever the atmospherics and the angle of whatever visible
spectrum can offer. If you don’t understand or appreciate this
fundamental difference between optical and radar imaging, then perhaps
there’s no further need of your contributions unless you can still
manage to offer an obvious basis of positive and thus constructive
intent to behold on behalf of interpreting the planet Venus. Being
negative or obfuscating in order to suit the mainstream status quo of
your naysay mindset is not actually any part of this topic, because if
I wanted to be continually misinformed or directly lied to, I’d be
only directing this informative topic at those of our federal and
civil service administrations that claim to be in charge of such
matters, as supposedly identifying all those Muslim WMD that justified
our bogus war with Muslims that just wanted to be left alone and
otherwise treated with a little respect (such as their being paid and/
or protected for a job well done on behalf of our mutually perpetrated
cold war against Russians.


Perhaps we should have had our SEC approved Ponzi Madoff put in
charge of funding our NASA and DARPA, as well as our crack Ponzi
certified SEC placed in charge of fondling our GAO accounting, in as
much as there certainly wouldn't have been any shortage of private and
public loot to blow on Venus or most any other spendy exploratory
mission. Possibly even along with having our resident do-everything
and all-knowing wizard of Oz, William Mook, put in charge of running
our NASA, whereas we'd have those multiple spendy missions going off
in most every imaginable which way but lose (so to speak), perhaps
even including our Selene/moon and for utilizing its L1, as well as
having the planet Venus and its cool L2 fully under our command.
Unfortunately, the informative folks like Mook only believe in each
and every word as published by any government agency, as though each
bit of information being the one and only word of God, and therefore
the past record of 24 or more hours simply can’t ever be revised (this
is called the 24HSL [24 hour statute of limitations] that we all get
to live with)


At the time and shortly thereafter this impressive Magellan mission of
extensively mapping Venus in such verified detail, unfortunately there
was however no specific funding or mandate/directive for their
identifying anything the least bit artificial or ET worthy. Instead,
just the natural terrain and atmospheric issues were getting all the
attention and rights as to publishing those kinds of interpretations
and only from the selected few as having been given this authority,
and of course public funding covered all of it.

Thumbnail images, including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)

PhotoZoom, PhotoCleaner, Imagener, IrfanView or even Adobe PhotoShop
is good enough. You can either work the entire image at increased
resolution, or it's best to crop out 10% of the following GIF file
(crop from roughly up a third and center) and either use exactly as is
or convert this much smaller file to monochrome (image mode>grayscale)
GIF, and/or save this 1:1 portion in the uncompressed (maximum
uncompressed) JPG format. Your version of PhotoShop may not offer the
necessary filers in the original GIF color format (no problem because
there really is no color in radar imaging anyway), so drop the GIF
color attribute and you're good to go for serious enlarging (<5x is
more than good enough) of this following image link.

You’ll need to enlarge that little monochrome GIF or JPEG 1:1 portion
(roughly 10%) of this original 225 m/pixel image, by merely resampling/
enlarging at perhaps not greater than 5x (by changing the 72 dpi to
360 dpi) will do the trick. Go for a 10x (720 dpi) enlargement if you
like, but no further information is going to materialize or get
reveled much above 6x. If this effort is simply too much bother, I’ll
provide the enlarged versions without any of those having modified one
original pixel.

If using PhotoShop, be certain to also apply the primary image
sharpening filter "unsharp mask" (150, 3, 0 or trial and error this
option until you get whatever results seems clear but not so
intentionally over-done that everything gets weird or distorted). If
you like, a little added contrast doesn’t hurt, but again don’t over
do it because you can start losing more detail than you gain.

After the basic enlargement, please take your sweet time looking this
extremely interesting area over, by way of zooming in and out and then
perhaps you should tell me, out of all the expected surface of hot
rock and perfectly natural looking terrain that’s supposed to be so
entirely unlivable by any form of intelligent life, what else in weird
or unexpected pixel patterns do you interpret?

That's my wee bit simplified process of basic digital image enlarging,
and only the start of my observationology process, as it might take
some hours, days weeks and even months of practice in order to master
some of the PhotoShop finer points of enlarging and filtering in order
to get the best undistorted enlargement results, all of which can of
course be reversed and/or restored/redone as often as you like,
because the original 225 m/pixel composite image of 36 radar looks or
confirming scans per pixel is always available.

The really good news, in my deductive observationology interpretation,
there has been some kind of other intelligent life existing/coexisting
on Venus. This existence may in fact be much easier said than done,
however, perhaps the bad news is even more interesting, as this
operation could be that of an imported ET team effort that’s a whole
lot better evolved and even smarter than either of us combined. Who

The other point I’m so often making, is that the planet Venus is
likely a very hot geological and mineralogy easy pick, or simply on
the short list if you we an intelligent ET that’s out and about
looking for the best and easiest source of raw elements. With some
limited 5th grade or better imagination, and sticking within the
regular laws of physics, you can actually accomplish quite a lot from
such a newish planet, such as Venus.

Brad Guth / Blog and Google document pages:
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


Oct 7, 2010, 4:10:57 PM10/7/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Did I just break our Google Groups version of Usenet/newsgroups?

Google Groups version of Usenet seems rather broken or dead, as having
been accepting our contributions but then it’s not updating itself in
order to display our replies, as though it has turned into a somewhat
dysfunctional Usenet/newsgroup black hole.

Since my “Guth Usenet” account is still up and working like a charm
and public accessible for anyone to contribute and read whatever
updates, must represent that those individuals or special interest
groups (usually faith-based and redneck ZNR/GOP types) in charge of
whatever the general public and media get to read of Google Usenet/
newsgroups, is being intentionally terminated or simply as having been
diverted or hacked to death in order to accomplish the task of
mainstream damage-control.

Obviously it’s not any local problem with my computer or that of its
DSL provider, and obviously it’s not any Google Groups glitch if my
personal stuff and “Guth Usenet” is still working while all of other
public and moderated newsgroup stuff isn’t. Clearly Google Groups
version of Usenet/newsgroups has been compromised and/or is being
intentionally hacked to death.

I had only recently replaced the “” newsgroup with
“sci.astro.ccd-imaging”, so perhaps that’s where things got all
screwed up, because that newsgroup has summarily died with my topic
being stuck at the top of its newsgroup page. Otherwise it’s not my
fault that my Google Groups account has been at times showing 37000+
views of my topics and replies per week should be causing such
problems, unless my topics and replies were causing too much drain on
the local server bandwidth. Apparently we’ve gotten too close to the
Google Usenet event horizon, because we’re sucked into its black hole
where our stuff goes in, but then noting comes back out.

alt.planets.venus, alt.journalism
alt.astronomy, sci.astro.ccd-imaging,,
alt.planets.venus, alt.journalism

“Guth Venus / Brad Guth and the hot planet 2.02”

I know that other Usenet/newsgroup servers are able to read and
display my stuff, because Google Groups reports those extra views/week
that keeps going up every time I post or reply to anything, even
though Google Groups version of Usenet is clearly not functioning.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”


Oct 8, 2010, 8:53:02 AM10/8/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Venus Facts:
Venus is pretty much exactly what it is, meaning that it’s mostly a
very big hot rock or at least an extremely thin crusted globe of hot
rock that's mostly geothermally stoked and perhaps thorium heated from
the inside out (plus there’s certainly a little factor of secondary
greenhouse heating), whereas apparently only Venusian intelligence
that's smarter than any hot rock prevails. If and whenever we manage
to get ourselves to Venus, we’ll instantly become the survival
underdogs and otherwise at the mercy of those in charge of that toasty
planet that literally has so much of its minerals and surplus energy
to burn (so to speak).

The images of Venus are extremely real, as are provided by the 36
confirming radar looks or scans per pixel of SAR imaging that’s making
them very truthworthy pixels, and otherwise most (<99.9%) of what's
depicted seems perfectly natural.

Nothing has been artificially added or intentionally distorted in
order to make or force anything to look different from those original
SAR obtained images. However, viewing anything in 2D format gets a
whole lot better when you also know more about the image and camera
specifications, including its angle of view is when 2D items become
nearly 3D and only more real, plus otherwise deductive logic tells us
a whole lot more of what we're looking at while using PhotoShop or
whatever image management software makes you a happy camper.
It seems whenever there’s an actual public-funded mainstream image as
having recorded anything off-world, which simply can not be
systematically banished or its authenticity disputed, such as for this
image containing whatever easily interprets as perfectly clear enough
including a good number of unnatural items (as though having been
constructed and/or modified to suit by intelligent others), and
especially for those considerations of such good enough dimensional
size and otherwise their rational community like infrastructure that’s
also viewed as well above those SAR image resolution minimums, is when
all the usual brown-nosed clowns and their trustworthy army of damage-
control spooks and moles come out to play, along with their loyal
civilian minions of mainstream status quo parrots and public-funded
minions that’ll continually topic/author stalk as they manage to
always saturate themselves throughout these public Usenet/newsgroups,
but otherwise can’t possibly think for themselves.

Perhaps this failsafe method or tactical policy of perpetual naysay
and denial is as good as our public-funded NASA and DARPA get, because
otherwise those Zionists and most other faith-based groups sure as
hell are not buying into any speck of whatever I’ve uncovered.

If you need more K12 LeapFrog certified pointers and otherwise clues
about utilizing those regular laws of physics, that seem to play right
along with my interpretations, I sure as hell can do that as well.

Now that I've provided even easier methods of public viewing as to
what the planet Venus has to offer, it seems only the brown-nosed
clowns and their devout Semite army of mainstream damage-control
spooks and moles are coming out to play.

There's probably nothing entirely artificial about that extremely
large and complex clover shaped reservoir and of that other plain one
it's connected to, that which clearly contains something fluid, and of
that other item I've called the "fluid arch" which seems perfectly
natural as do those three large protruding rocks situated just to the
South East. In fact, 99.9% of everything within that selected/
enlarged area seems as though of perfectly natural geology to me.
However, it's the other 0.1% that rather sticks out like a sore thumb,
as being most likely artificial.

For those of us that passed our K12 parrot-101 graduate degree:
Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein (take your pick)

Imagination is more important than knowledge... /E
It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education… /E
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources… /E
To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority
myself… /E

Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its
creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain
too little falls into lazy habits of thinking… /E

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own
reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he
contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous
structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a
little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity… /E

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents
and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents
eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with
it." / Max Planck

”Whoever controls the past, controls the future” / George Orwell

Perhaps that’s what we all need, is more dead people telling us
exactly how everything is and what to expect and to do next. At least
the redneck ZNRs and GOPs of Usenet/newsgroups would much rather that
nothing ever gets updated or revised, much less published so that it’s
all very public.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”


Oct 8, 2010, 11:44:25 AM10/8/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Apparently it's perfectly okay for a public funded mainstream
hypothesis/speculation to insist there's objective proof of water/ice
that’s perpetually hidden on our moon, and thus getting everything
they desire as public funded (including keeping their jobs along with
their very own media hype via fancy infomercials that they alone get
to publish as is and even slipped into our K12 textbooks at public
expense), but to otherwise offer and/or allow any outsider hypothesis
or alternative interpretations as to other possible intelligent life
existing/coexisting on Venus isn't allowed, or much less given any
research support regardless of the far greater importance to
humanity. In other words, if I’d uncovered the actual holy grail
along with DNA samples of Jesus Christ, I might as well trash it and
anything else associated because I’m not one of their Rothschild
approved insiders.

In spite of all the naysay and denial gauntlet, even though the planet
Venus and its surrounding dense acidic atmosphere offers those
hundreds of teratonnes worth of water, along with the planet
continually venting more of the same, whereas it seems even the most
recent National Geographic issue of “WATER, our thirsty world” that
focused upon such global plus that of “SPACE” and those pesky off-
world factors of other worlds and moons hosting water/ice, have
managed once again to entirely exclude Venus that offers perhaps a
million times as much as our moon supposedly keeps as frozen solid
within all of that new found polar ice that’s hidden not only from
view but also having been relatively immune from those regular laws of
physics. In other words, our moon/Selene must have been icier as well
as internally cooler and more inert than we’d thought.

Of course we’re not allowed to call this systematic avoidance or
obfuscation of anything related to the planet Venus a conspiracy,
because that would only suggest that our warm and fuzzy government
along with its brown-nosed army of mostly faith-based puppets and
rusemasters, plus their strong following of so many other devout
public-funded minions that are always sucking up to the nearest butt
of whatever public loot, job security and those nifty benefits that
the rest of us village idiots get to do without, as such haven’t
exactly been into sharing the whole truth and nothing but the truth,
however they spare nothing whenever it comes down to their topic/
author stalking and bashing. In other words, it’s always naysay,
denial and obfuscation until those NASA/Apollo cows come home, or at
the very least status quo or bust until some time after their mutually
perpetrated cold-war fat lady sings.

There’s actually no argument from me that Venus is worse than toasty
hot and otherwise humanly nasty, though it’s primarily via the
extensive upwelling of geothermal heat from within, and of course it’s
especially nasty if Goldilocks is planning on going there in the buff
(aka naked) and without suitable equipment, as well as only allowing
the most snookered and dumbfounded souls to accomplish this mission
would only further prove how right I’ve been all along.

However, not everything about our existing technology and even
ourselves surviving that geothermally toasty environment of Venus is
technically insurmountable, in fact most aspects of surviving Venus
are not the least bit insurmountable unless common sense isn’t allowed
to function. For those unable or too mainstream dysfunctional to
interpret simplistic monochrome images and otherwise unable to connect
whatever pixels or research dots of any kind, it seems their own
insurmountable naysay and/or status quo or bust mindset of using
obfuscation and denial is perhaps the least of their mindset problems.

Obviously if your talent has mastered the necessary technology for
getting yourself safely to/from the planet Venus (even if that’s only
for getting into Low Venus Orbit that keeps you just 50 km above those
robust clouds), as such you should also have the necessary talent,
expertise and suitable technology for dealing with surviving upon the
surface of that toasty world (though better yet is having a composite
rigid airship that’ll offer <67 kg/m3 buoyancy), such as obtaining
sufficient O2, H2, h2o plus loads of renewable local energy is
certainly not a problem of what well known physics and replicated
science that most 5th graders could understand.

Internal combustion or rather plasma fuel is pretty much everywhere,
not to mention what terrific elements (including h2o and perhaps eve a
little h2o2) are continually venting and/or oozing out of that
extensively geothermal heated ground. There’s even a good enough
image of what seems like an extremely large fluid arch that has got to
be worth a rather substantial number of joules.

Carbon Dioxide ArcJet
(CO2 lightning <300,000 km/sec = <150,000 km/sec exhaust)
Arcjets can burn extremely hot and thereby obtain thermal dynamic and
ionic exhaust thrust from almost anything, including CO2 offering a
conservative 4.5<7.5 km/s (depending on the gas, such ion/plasma
exhaust velocity can easily reach 150 km/sec, or even magnetic forced
<150,000 km/s in a serious laser cannon or EMDrive format). A mixture
of gasses, such as h2o2 with co2 or perhaps just h2 and co2, but also
the vaporizing of only h2o as supercritical steam and otherwise just
ionizing plain old co2 all by itself would be good examples of how to
utilize and convert that heavy atmosphere into a viable resource of
thermodynamic energy that would generate an extremely fast exhaust
from as much CO2 volume and subsequent mass as you can manage to cram
into the intake, leaving us with a harmless remainder of pure carbon,
of which this carbon could then be safely ejected as spent exhaust,
conceivably stored and/or directly utilized by way of recombining into
all sorts of carbon based commercial products, including the
industrial makings of a carbonado/diamond product that could easily
include continuous tether fibers worth 490 GPa as a secondary

If you simply do not like to fool around or bother with utilizing CO2,
There’s also nitrogen fueled thrusters to suit our fancy.
“The exhaust velocity (ISP) from the new rocket is some 10 times
higher than the velocity from the average chemical rocket.”
According to Carney, Lynnette M.; Bailey, Allan B.
“The exhaust of an engineering model resistojet has been investigated
using rotary pitot probes and a rotary quartz crystal microbalance.
The resistojet operated on CO2 propellant at a mass flow rate of 0.29
g/sec in both heated and unheated flows. Measurements of local flow
angles in the near field of a conical plume shield indicated that the
shield was not wholly effective in confining the flow to the region
upstream of its exit plane. However, the absolute levels of the
measured mass flux into the backflow region were very low, on the
order of 7 x 10 to the -7 power g/sqcm/sec or less. The use of a
circular disk at the exit plane of the existing conical shield showed
some benefit in decreasing the amount of backflow by a factor of two.
Lastly, a detached shield placed upstream of the resistojet exit plane
demonstrated a small degree of local shielding for the region directly
behind it.”

Essentially, almost anything becomes vapor/ion/plasma thrust worthy if
you apply enough reactive element or electron energy for obtaining
<30000 K at say 28,302 GHz and <100 km/sec of plasma/ion exhaust flow,
and best to think of such local energy is by no means in short supply
while on the planet Venus. Stationary (surface based) obtained energy
can be easily extracted from just those vertical atmospheric pressure
and thermal differentials, not to mention what any geodynamic fluid
flows or from whatever those many geothermal gas vents have to offer.

Unfortunately, almost everything else pertaining to the direct arcjet
combustion or the ionization/plasma worth of utilizing CO2 has
remained somewhat need-to-know and thus taboo/nondisclosure rated, and
few here in this Usenet/newsgroup wasteland of mostly brown-nosed
minions and their mainstream status quo civilian army of naysay
parrots are not about to help because it’s not their job. Basically
the artificially sustained electrical arc or plasma laser cannon is
increasing the thermal kinetic energy and thus rapid expansion and
subsequent exhaust velocity of whatever amounts of CO2 are being
converted into a super-heated plasma, meaning that the raw atmosphere
of Venus is more than good enough as a suitable ion/plasma rocket,
turbine engine or whatever basic internal combustion fuel as is, that
is as long as ceramics and magnetic containments are taking care of
the hot plasma business end of such arcjet applications.

EMDrive research:
“The heart of the Emdrive is a resonant, tapered cavity filled with
microwaves. According to Shawyer, a relativistic effect generates a
net thrust, an effect confirmed by various Emdrives he has built as
demonstrations. Critics say that any thrust from the drive must come
from another source. Shawyer is adamant that the measured thrust is
not caused by other factors.”
“Maximum temperature in the center depends on gas and pressure and
typically is 15,000-20,000 K. Typical electron densities in plasma are
1e17-1e18 cm-3, depending on gas pressure.”

Obviously the ambient Venus atmosphere of mostly CO2 at the pressure
of 93 bar (13670 psi) would increase that available plasma electron
density factor by nearly 100 fold, giving us <1e20 electrons/
cm-3(milli-cubic centimeter) and probably a plasma core that’s
thermally sustainable at >25,000 K, and there sure as hell isn’t any
shortage of CO2 that’s already nicely preheated to boot.

Once again, with locally derived energy and applied physics, almost
anything can offer better results and even directly generate thrust or
cause a good deal of kinetic reactions to suit most every conceivable
energy need, including torque. On the other hand, without a local
cache of energy and reactive elements you’re pretty much screwed, such
as the nearly inert and otherwise extremely cold and lifeless realm of
Mars is relatively energy deficient and otherwise pathetic if you
don’t bring most of whatever you need from Earth to begin with.

The good news about Venus is that it offers absolute loads of
renewable energy to burn, so to speak, plus otherwise considerable
loads of easily accessible raw elements that can become as reactive as
anything once suitable reactants and/or electrons and magnetic fields
are applied. The bad news is that our mainstream “no parrot left
behind” policy has our K12s and most of us adults as snookered and
dumbfounded past the point of no return, and therefore willing to
accept only those mainstream published interpretations or whatever
naysay and taboo/nondisclosure policy against the rest of us they have
to offer.

If you can’t safely bring yourself to explore these nifty radar
obtained images without blowing another mainstream status quo and/or
faith-based gasket, then perhaps you shouldn’t read anything else I
have had to say for the past decade and counting.
BradGuth Usenet, Blog and Google document pages:
Message has been deleted


Oct 8, 2010, 1:17:21 PM10/8/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
On Apr 3, 9:58 am, JeffRelf.F-M.FM @. wrote:
: I don't know about “ intelligent life on Venus ”,
: as you ( Brad Guth ) put it.
: If they exist, they haven't sent anything our way, it seems.

Obviously if they exist as an original/unique evolution via their
locally evolved biodiversity, and as otherwise having been as
snookered and dumbfounded past the point of no return by their own
cult/cabal of Semites that are in charge of most everything that
counts (just like here on Earth), and otherwise most certainly because
of their having those extremely thick clouds is why they'd likely have
no direct idea as to what the sun actually looks like, much less ever
having seen Earth with our physically dark moon.

Our radio astronomy and radar imaging ability, or that of its SAR
imaging technology is actually fairly recent in human evolution (say
if given 64 million years worth of human evolution, it's only worth at
best .0001% of that timeline), so I'd rather doubt such Venusian
heathens have gotten that far, unless visited by ETs or those ‘seans’
willing to share modern technology. Besides, whatever they don't know
about our sun or Earth is not going to hurt them, at least not until
we show up and proceed to blow those Venusian Avatars off the map
because they’re sitting on something we want (again similar to Iraq),
and if need be we accuse them of having WMD. Another perfectly valid
thought; is why do these Venusians even need to be all that smart,
other than smart enough in order to survive where everything is always
stinky hot, whereas instead why can’t they just be like our

As far as we know, the only plausible items we've received from Venus
are limited to those pesky panspermia microbes (aka panspermia flu,
such as H1N1), and perhaps some other common elements such as oxygen,
hydrogen, sodium ions and perhaps even a little sulfur blown our way
by the solar wind at times of sufficient alignments that happen every
19 months.

As to interpreting those most interesting looking pixel patterns, of
their subjective assembly that’s seemingly depicting as offering
something intelligent and/or rational community worthy, as reliably
obtained via SAR imaging having stacked 36 confirming looks or scans
per composite pixel, it seems hard to imagine nature creating such
geometric worthy patterns without our having some replicated
geological or divine providence of anything similar that can be
identified as existing on Earth or on some other planet or moon as
being perfectly natural, and yet thus far I haven’t found anything
that comes remotely close to having created such unusually large and
complex geometrical accomplishments without involving some intentional
application of intelligence and rational community infrastructure.

“Someday, somehow, the Internet might give poor folk a greater
voice” / JeffRelf

It looks like Google Groups version of Usenet/newsgroups has just made
that option a little harder.


Oct 8, 2010, 3:15:52 PM10/8/10
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
The original composite GIF file of 651 kb is offering 36 averaged/
confirming radar scans per 225 meter pixel. How much better pixel
truth than that does anyone else have to offer?
Try cropping out a small 10% portion from the above image, such as
from roughly up a third and center, or resample/enlarge the entire GIF
file to suit whatever you consider good enough.

For a little digital image enlarging practice, here's lots more you
can polish your digital image processing skills upon. Magellan
thumbnail images, including the mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)
The laws of physics simply can not exclude or voodoo banish the
planet Venus simply because the mainstream mindset has been so faith-
based insistent that all planets evolved from our local stellar
environment at essentially the exact same time, and shortly thereafter
all moons emerged as utilizing the leftovers which pretty much became
exactly as we see them today (apparently the force of gravity was way
better in the beginning), and all such items except Earth have been
without any trace of intelligent or other life as we might know it.
However, if one can manage interplanetary space travel, whereas then
whatever’s too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry or too toxic of an
environment is simply not a show stopper.

For a little further Venus confidence building; Lets go back to those
Russian missions and the ongoing ESA mission before looking at the
Magellan mission that in many ways still hasn’t been surpassed, and
take into account several other US missions to Venus, whereas all of
which reported that the planet itself was simply much hotter than the
surrounding atmosphere that’s actually rather solar reflective and
even nighttime cryogenic at sufficient altitude >65 km, and of those
mid latitudes being by far the coldest. This doesn’t mean there’s
ever any drop of acidic rain or much less snow within the nighttime
season, other than taking place within those robust clouds.

“Venus is a big planet, being heated by radioactive elements in its
interior. It should have as much volcanic activity as Earth,” If any
planet should have more than its fair share of radioactive elements
that are most easily accessible, it’ll be Venus.

How many thousand active geothermal vents and/or volcanic gas/lava/mud
hot spots are still actively spewing and venting, and at how many
superheated cubic meters or tonnes per second are we talking about?
(remember that CO2 at such geothermal venting pressure and humidity or
water saturation is easily worth <256 kg/m3, and then there’s
certainly loads of S8 worth <2e3 kg/m3 in its fluid form, as equally
laced with water and carbonic acid that’s obviously providing an
acidic molecular composite vapor combination that’s sufficiently
buoyant within that toasty Venusian atmosphere)
“The volcanic activity on Venus is thought to be similar to the pre-
history geologic activity on Earth 2.5 billion years ago”
“The diminutive domes of Venus: they look volcanic and may number in
the millions.”

“The domes are more than mere curiosities. If in fact they are still
active and releasing magma, they will confirm a belief of many
planetary scientists, including what Arvidson calls a majority of the
Magellan team: that volcanic Venus did not cool down in a
"geologically recent" past millions of years ago, but continues to
erupt to this day.”

With any substantial planet that’s similar enough to Earth, shouldn't
this nearly objective consideration be well in excess of offering at
least a thousand geothermal tonnes per second, if not an average as
great as easily spewing and venting up to an all-inclusive million of
those hot tonnes per second, or at the very least per hour?

By several independent accounts, Venus has been losing roughly an
average of 20.5 w/m2, and that's only 9.43e15 watts (9430
terawatts.h). Obviously this represents that Venus is gradually
cooling off, and it’s not that its thick layers of acidic clouds are
not insulating and thus restricting that thermodynamic transfer
process, or that the 2650 w/m2 of available solar energy by day (~5%
of which gets down to the surface) isn’t a significant contributing

I found a terrestrial measurement of sufficient solar and atmospheric
isolation, as taken of solid bedrock (~35 km thick, or 2.3 times the
global average of 15 km) that was situated under and otherwise
surrounded by a thick Antarctic layer of glacier ice, suggesting that
Earth is upon average losing <128 mw/m2, or entirely amounting to 64
terawatts, and that’s roughly 160 times less global heat loss than
Venus that’s smaller and without any tidal geothermal benefit of
having a moon, as well as not 1% as much solar tidal flexing. For our
planet, adding in the average volcanic and geothermal vented heat of
upwelling energy flux (mostly contributed underwater) might suggest an
all-inclusive terrestrial heat out-flux of 64 TW.h. Of course if we
only had that essential science platform at Selene L1, in which case
we’d have the whole Earth thermodynamic out-flux per hour as always
known to within +/- 0.1 TW.h, nailed as of decades ago.

Without benefit of the OCO mission there’s still no quantified analogy
of any reasonably calibrated remote thermal instrumentation data of
sufficient resolution to go by, and so often it seems other Earth
science via satellite obtained data are to such an extent incompatible
with one another, so much so specialized or uniquely specialized that
combining their science isn’t going to be nearly as conclusive as with
taking direct surface measurements, even though extremely limited or
spotty can at least be easily replicated and thus peer approved as
matter of fact. In other words, much like our dysfunctional national
security (DHS) that can’t manage to connect those pesky dots of their
own agencies and collaborative groups that are supposed to be
protecting us from those Muslim extremists that we keep pissing off,
it seems we still don’t have the necessary terrestrial science data
base as to how much geothermal venting of gasses, fluids and solids
per second is taking place at any given time. In many ways we know
more about the thermodynamics and environments of other planets and
moons than we do about Earth.

There’s still the ongoing ESA Venus EXPRESS with its supposedly
disabled PFS science that’s otherwise being intentionally excluded or
obfuscated as strictly need-to-know, perhaps because it’s simply too
telling as to what that toasty and geologically active surface has to
offer. So, now we have Russia getting their next mission up to speed
and likely to place that capable lander near Guth Venus, if not
deployed directly onto that Venusian tarmac, and before then we’ll
have the small and relatively inexpensive JAXA Planet-C mission.

Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

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