godoc and 1.19 "Doc links"

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non lue,
25 juin 2022, 15:54:3125/06/2022
à golang-nuts
Using go1.19beta1 I installed godoc using "go1.19beta1 install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest". Then I tried to create a "Doc link" as per https://tip.golang.org/doc/comment, section heading "Doc link", running a godoc server on localhost:6060.

In package documentation for github.com/thediveo/whalewatcher I want to reference the Watcher interface in package github.com/thediveo/whalewatcher/watcher.

At first, I tried "[watcher.Watcher]": this gets rendered as non-linked text "[watcher.Watcher]". On a side note, the modules root package does not import the watcher package, if that might be somehow of importance?

Then I tried "[github.com/thediveo/whalewatcher/watcher.Watcher]": this now gets renderes as a link to http://localhost:6060/github.com/thediveo/whalewatcher/watcher#Watcher -- but this link is invalid, the correct link should instead should include "/pkg" ... http://localhost:6060/pkg/github.com/thediveo/whalewatcher/watcher#Watcher.

What am I doing wrong? Besides using godoc, that is...

Sean Liao

non lue,
25 juin 2022, 16:22:4725/06/2022
à golang-nuts
I believe the answer is using godoc
That would be a correct link if you used pkgsite

- sean

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non lue,
25 juin 2022, 19:13:0125/06/2022
à golang-nuts
But without godoc there's still to sensible way to check the documentation before committing and pushing the commits. And running pkgdev yourself is a complete mess, not least due to it enforcing the use of an additional proxy, TLS woes, et cetera.


non lue,
27 juin 2022, 13:25:3827/06/2022
à golang-nuts
How do I make gopkg hot reload modules in local mode?
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