Re: [FredLUG] Digest for - 7 Messages in 1 Topic

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Timothy Jones

Oct 28, 2010, 4:25:00 PM10/28/10
To all, they appear to be moving away from the groups as we know it, to an online cms/website thingi. I realize I am not the most active non meeting attender. I do think alfresco does warrant some looking at. Wordpress may not offer all of the functionality that we may be seeking and plone appears to be very cumbersome. Drupal and Joomla/Mambo are kind of Ok. Not really impressed with Drupal. Now that kiddie sports seasons have wound down, I will try and make a couple more meetings.

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 6:50 AM, <> wrote:


    Peter Larsen <> Oct 27 10:23AM -0400 ^
    On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 18:10 -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
    > was recovering from a disaster and it wasn't clear
    > they'd have supportible hardware in the near future. That's all been
    > cleared up AIUI.
    > Since we *do* have access to our full archives right now, can we
    > import, say, a Maildir store into mailman so our full archives are
    > available at the new location?
    That I'm not sure how can be done. It's very different formats. But it
    sounds like a great project for someone :)
    I now have the list open:
    Go there and sign up. Or hold on until after Saturday's meeting. I think
    it's a great thing to discuss and decide on that meeting.
    Best Regards
    Peter Larsen
    Wise words of the day:
    Dijkstra probably hates me.
    -- Linus Torvalds, in kernel/sched.c


    Peter Larsen <> Oct 27 10:30AM -0400 ^
    On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 21:10 -0400, Mark Walker wrote:
    > ~> Mail and Files Archives migration
    > ~> Email list hosting and management
    > ~> Compare with other alternatives, such as
    In ONLY two hours :)
    Sounds like we have a plan for Saturday. See you all there.
    > Question for the rest of this week is: What further research is needed
    > before this Saturday to help us with a more informed discussion?
    Look at CMS (Content Management Systems) out there in the open source
    world. Joomla and Drupal are good examples. Look at ways to export the
    existing mailing lists from Google Groups out. I'll chat up some of the
    mailman experts I know to see what options we have to import archives.
    Best Regards
    Peter Larsen
    Wise words of the day:
    The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.
    -- Bruce Ediger,, on X interfaces


    "Chris O'Donnell" <> Oct 27 01:23PM -0400 ^
    I won't there on Saturday - sports parent duty. Mark has my proxy if we vote
    on anything :)


    Peter Larsen <> Oct 27 01:48PM -0400 ^
    On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 18:10 -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
    > Since we *do* have access to our full archives right now, can we
    > import, say, a Maildir store into mailman so our full archives are
    > available at the new location?
    All done. I've imported my fredlug local archives to calypso. Worked
    perfectly! Now, if I can just get fredlug to show up on the main page :)
    Best Regards
    Peter Larsen
    Wise words of the day:
    Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?
    -- Steven Wright


    Mark Walker <> Oct 27 08:46PM -0400 ^
    Hash: SHA1
    Regarding possible CMS alternatives, I recommend looking at plone
    It's built on Zope, and thus Python.
    Another possibility is alfresco
    although we probably don't need something designed for the enterprise level.
    If the CMS we choose doesn't provide a wiki capability, mediawiki
    is a tried and proven open source wiki package.
    There are many many others too.
    On 10/27/10 10:30 AM, Peter Larsen wrote:
    > world. Joomla and Drupal are good examples. Look at ways to export the
    > existing mailing lists from Google Groups out. I'll chat up some of the
    > mailman experts I know to see what options we have to import archives.
    - --
    Mark Caldwell Walker
    Contact info at
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    "Chris O'Donnell" <> Oct 27 09:44PM -0400 ^
    That all seems a little overkill for what we need. Isn't Wordpress more than


    Peter Larsen <> Oct 27 11:48PM -0400 ^
    On Wed, 2010-10-27 at 21:44 -0400, Chris O'Donnell wrote:
    > That all seems a little overkill for what we need. Isn't Wordpress
    > more than enough?
    Why not start with defining what we need/want in the first place? What
    would the purpose of the Fredlug website be driving the decision about
    what features we need. Also, should the needs of today limit us in
    regards to the need of tomorrow?
    Here's a couple of the features I think we need to have at a very
    * Blogs
    * Calendar
    * FAQ
    * Pictures / media upload and sharing
    * IRC "plug" for #Fredlug - maybe even a http proxy to the group
    * Mailing List intro
    * Linux Use in the Real World
    * Open Source
    * Open source tools/apps for different business types
    The Site must provide:
    * Template based
    * Pure HTML (no proparitary plugins needed - read Flash)
    * Wiki type content provisioning. Content must and should be added
    Well, that's just what I could think about right now. Before we can
    decide on the tools to use, we should first agree to a list like the one
    Best Regards
    Peter Larsen
    Wise words of the day:
    Thank goodness modern convenience is a thing of the remote future.
    -- Pogo, by Walt Kelly


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