CPU R error

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Dec 12, 2023, 9:49:29 PM12/12/23
to formr
Hello there,

I was very much hoping to get help with an issue. At the end of my survey (which consists of several surveys, each one consisting of a different personality measures), participants are presented with a feedback page which shows where they scored on teach of the personality questionnaires compared to population averages (e.g. your trait curiosity score is 2.5 compared to a population average of 2.75). The strange thing is this feedback page has been calculating and displaying their scores just fine (we're at 120 participants over the last year) but all of the sudden participants now see an error screen (see attached) instead of the feedback screen. When I log into formR, I see the following error message "openCPU R error. Fix code" (see attached "error code" jpeg). However, the code still seems fine; partial code pasted below (it mainly uses the aggregate function).

Any insights would be greatly appreciated,

options(scipen = 1, digits = 0)

results=formr_aggregate(results = results, item_list = NULL, fallback_max = 4)

##computes standardized scores

results$Play = (results$play - 2.99) / 0.38
results$Seek = (results$seek - 2.81) / 0.29
results$Care = (results$care - 2.97) / 0.41
results$Fear = (results$fear - 2.65) / 0.45
results$Anger = (results$anger - 2.55) / 0.43
results$Sad = (results$sad - 2.47) / 0.37

### Affective Neuroscience Personality Scale (ANPS)

````{r fig.height=5,fig.width=8}

library(ggplot2); library(reshape2)

ANPS = melt(results[,c("Play", "Seek", "Care", "Fear", "Anger", "Sad")])

ggplot(ANPS,aes(x=variable,y=value, fill = variable))+
ylab('Sie Ihre Werte')+
scale_fill_brewer("",palette="Blues", breaks = c("Play", "Seek", "Care", "Fear","Anger", "Sad"), labels = c("Verspieltheit", "Suchend", "Fürsorglich", "Angst","Wut", "Traurigkeit"))+
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-3,3),breaks=c(-2,-1,0,1,2),labels=c('sehr niedrig','niedrig','durchschnittlich','hoch','sehr hoch')) +
scale_x_discrete("", breaks = c("Play", "Seek", "Care", "Fear","Anger", "Sad"), labels = c("Verspieltheit", "Suchend", "Fürsorglich", "Angst","Wut", "Traurigkeit"))
Screenshot 2023-12-12 095929.png
error code.png

Ludwig Ohse

Dec 20, 2023, 11:11:21 AM12/20/23
to formr
Hi Madeleine,

maybe the R packages your are using are not installed yet on the new server that was set up for formr.

You can check that possibility by going through your links as an admin and see the error description.

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